Electronics > Altium Designer

Altium Designer student license worth it?

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I'm currently a student in university looking to try something better than Eagle, and found out Altium offers a student license currently for about $120/year.

While that's definitely a significant discount compared to the normal price of Altium Designer, I don't know if I would benefit enough from it to still warrant the cost, given that it will just be for personal projects and the occasional school project, neither of which should be terribly complex.

Will you still need to be able to open/edit the projects you are doing now when you are no longer a student and the license won't be valid?
Did you have a look at Diptrace or Kicad?

I used Diptrace for a bit and while it was pretty intuitive, it didn't seem to be as powerful. I took a look at KiCad a decently long time ago and didn't like it, but maybe I'll check it again, as I've heard it's gotten better.

I didn't even think about opening projects later on. While I doubt I'd need to, I'm sure it'd be nice. That'll definitely make me hesitate on this.


--- Quote from: yami759 on February 13, 2019, 07:55:50 am ---I used Diptrace for a bit and while it was pretty intuitive, it didn't seem to be as powerful (as Altium).

--- End quote ---

It isn't, but you can learn how to drive 90% of it very quickly versus learning 30% of Altium very slowly.

I have licences for both & prefer DipTrace by a long shot.

Re not being as powerful as Altium - I do some pretty complex boards & could design a PC motherboard with it if required without running into any of its limitations.

Take a look at EasyEda.. also i've heard you can get cracked verisions of altium but im not suggesting you do that.


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