Author Topic: XMC1302 programming: ERROR: Verification of RAMCode failed @ address 0x20000058.  (Read 4988 times)

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Offline CurbyTopic starter

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  • Posts: 31
  • Country: de
Hi there,

a new core, new problems. I designed a pcb for a new project using the XMC1302 from infineon. P1.2 and P1.3 are TX/RX (Bootloader) and P0.14/P0.15 are for SWD.
I changed the BMI with the memtool to SWD0. Now i could connect to the XMC1302 using the Segger J-Link Lite, provided by an infineon Evalboard.

But i could only programm it one time. After this i can connect to the controller, but erase, programming etc. is not working anymore. Doing an erase i get the following error:
Code: [Select]
Verification of RAMCode failed @ address 0x2000002C.
Write: 0x9D04B5E0 1E7F2700
Read: 0x4E8275F0 1E7F2700
Failed to prepare for programming.
Failed to download RAMCode!

All voltages are correct, Segger can connect but not erase, programm etc. I can read the memory using JLink.
On a second board is the same behaviour. The programm programmed the first time is not running, until i press programm or erase - and not chaged or erased of course, just running.

What is happening? Can anybody help me here?

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