Electronics > Beginners

Testing a PCI card



Is there such a thing as a PCI test jig, basically a way to power a PCI card so that you can test the card voltages?




--- Quote from: rthorntn on April 22, 2019, 08:53:34 am ---Is there such a thing as a PCI test jig, basically a way to power a PCI card so that you can test the card voltages?

--- End quote ---

PCI Express? Asked this question myself noone was particularly forthcoming on brands that work well but there are PCI risers and extenders, some are on long cables, some are card extenders, some are cable to PCB sockets, this would allow you access to the card externally.

For 32 bit PCI, PCI-X and 64 bit PCI search under those terms with the words riser or extender. You can also salvage angled risers from half height PCs.

There are also a variety of PCI card testers, google images is a quick way to see what is out there.


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