Author Topic: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything  (Read 17935 times)

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Offline Psi

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #100 on: April 20, 2018, 10:12:54 am »
Vitamin D is absorbed quite slowly, it takes a few months to build up in your system.
It's more a long term benefit than a short term one.

1000-5000 IU a day seems to be what most people take when trying to get their level of D up to match the research.
I think the recommended daily intake is ~600 IU

5000 a day puts you up into the levels of D found in lifeguards, who are out in the sun all day. 
« Last Edit: April 20, 2018, 10:26:58 am by Psi »
Greek letter 'Psi' (not Pounds per Square Inch)

Offline Distelzombie

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #101 on: April 20, 2018, 10:18:03 am »
Oh interesting! I am also taking D3 since a few weeks. A doctor was recommending it to me. (While two others made fun of her later on) If you want to know more, from a more reputable source than your doctor, look at this:

Offline Red Squirrel

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #102 on: April 20, 2018, 04:44:32 pm »
Also fun thing I learned through all this.  There's two types of stimulation from light that the body needs.  One is white/blue (sunlight) light absorbed through your eyes.    This happens when you are outside, or can be simulated with a SAD light if you work in a windowless office like me, it does not create vitamin D but it still helps stimulate you.   The other type is UVB light, this is absorbed by the skin and is how you get vitamin D.  Gingers like me can absorb it more efficiently, but in winter (which is most of the year here) hardly no UVB actually makes it through the atmosphere due to the steep angle of the sun, so chances are even as a ginger I still need to take vitamin D tablets every day which I was not doing.  In winter your skin is also mostly covered.  Between parka, tuque, gloves etc, and beard, only like half my face is exposed, that's it. 

So long story short you need to take vitamin D supplements and to have daylight enter your eyes and that will help prevent seasonal depression.   At least based on research I've been doing, this is not medical advice.  Chronic depression is probably a whole different beast, not sure if it can be cured by light alone.

Offline GlennSprigg

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #103 on: April 22, 2018, 01:06:38 pm »
FIRSTLY, mate, you REACHED OUT....  That is always the 1st step.
You did however reach out 'here', when you may need 'professional' help.
As obviously stated by most, here, we have all been through that, and especially when???...
Through our YOUTH my friend. Body growth & hormones seem to be out of step with our
brains, and where we 'think' fit into 'society'....   However, I will be a LITTLE harsh here mate :-)
You are in Nepal, but with a relatively, if not more 'comfortable' family/parent/lifestyle as you say?
MANY people are in horrendous situations, either due to poverty and/or abuse, and can't see the
sense in living!  Long ago, after a debilitating accident, I was left feeling VERY low on the 'scale'
of being a 'Man', a 'father', a 'provider'......   My Doctor at the time asked me if I had contemplated
suicide.... I thought a lot, and then answered.... "No... but I have been to a place in my head more
than once, where I can see why people that do it, do it...."
There is a lot of the proverbial water under the bridge since then, however I went on to live a productive
(although physically limited) life since then.  YOU, my friend, have nothing but a talented, prosperous
and loving life ahead of you, that SMACKS of not only knowledge, but Ability !!
And in a matter of a year or two, YOU will look back & think..... "What was I worried about" !!!!!!
So... OFF your BUTT matey.... and marvel at life !!!!!!   :box:
Diagonal of 1x1 square = Root-2. Ok.
Diagonal of 1x1x1 cube = Root-3 !!!  Beautiful !!

Offline Distelzombie

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #104 on: April 22, 2018, 04:22:57 pm »
FIRSTLY, mate, you REACHED OUT....  That is always the 1st step.
You did however reach out 'here', when you may need 'professional' help.
As obviously stated by most, here, we have all been through that, and especially when???...
Through our YOUTH my friend. Body growth & hormones seem to be out of step with our
brains, and where we 'think' fit into 'society'....   However, I will be a LITTLE harsh here mate :-)
You are in Nepal, but with a relatively, if not more 'comfortable' family/parent/lifestyle as you say?
MANY people are in horrendous situations, either due to poverty and/or abuse, and can't see the
sense in living!  Long ago, after a debilitating accident, I was left feeling VERY low on the 'scale'
of being a 'Man', a 'father', a 'provider'......   My Doctor at the time asked me if I had contemplated
suicide.... I thought a lot, and then answered.... "No... but I have been to a place in my head more
than once, where I can see why people that do it, do it...."
There is a lot of the proverbial water under the bridge since then, however I went on to live a productive
(although physically limited) life since then.  YOU, my friend, have nothing but a talented, prosperous
and loving life ahead of you, that SMACKS of not only knowledge, but Ability !!
And in a matter of a year or two, YOU will look back & think..... "What was I worried about" !!!!!!
So... OFF your BUTT matey.... and marvel at life !!!!!!   :box:
I don't want to be rude, but you are ignorant. You seem to be unaware that the organic reasons for such feelings may leave one feeling even worse than you could. Those are not "Body growth and hormones", btw. These organic reasons don't care if you are poor or rich, can walk or not. They are there irregardless. If you have them, whatever they are FFS, you don't even know why you are feeling depressed. You have nothing to start! Don't make people down because they do not appear to have a good reason for feeling down all the time - and that is what I am reading here!
Accidents are bad, don't get me wrong. At least you know why your shit hit the fan. That's calming or reassuring.

I'm now already "a year or two" later, for example. I don't feel better, for example. Don't say such useless things! You have no idea who he is or what his problem is. This is an identical statement to "Well, why don't you just smile a little more?", aggravating!
Actually I am about 10 years later - or five, if you discount the years without help. So, five years, huh? What changed? I feel worse. Right now I actually, genuinely hate everyone that is not family. Everyone and everything. (That's actually why "I don't want to be rude" was a lie, as you've probably figured out) It's a fucking disgusting feeling and I can't even do anything about it! Why? It's a side effect of getting rid of those fucking antidepressants. They didn't help me. I tried many different. But still I get them from my docs all the time: "Hm... maybe try these again, ok?" fucking clueless idiots! And no! I'm not in your third-world-USA. I am supposed to get good medical help!
Only thing they do is make me dumb. I definitely feel a big boost after coming down from all the month of serotonin reuptake inhibitors. I'm not the only one who feels that way. There are many who describe this.

BTW, ever thought about stem-cell implants? They repair even broken spinal cords. Partially.

Offline Red Squirrel

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #105 on: April 24, 2018, 04:27:40 pm »
Yep I can confirm when you have actual depression it does not necessarily need to be caused by a life factor.   I'm happy with everything in my life yet I got it anyway.  When you are actively undergoing depression you start to think more negatively but even then in my case I just did not understand why.  I'm on meds now and getting psychiatric help and still fighting it.  It's really messed up when it hits you.    It comes and goes.  Some days are good some are bad.  I thought I was ok at first then got a relapse twice.  It's a mix of depression and anxiety now. Anxiety because of anxiety. It's a snowball effect. 

Of course if anything in your life is not going well (death in the family, poverty, health, etc...) then I imagine it would amplify it even more, but I've gone through many deaths in the family before this started, and copped ok with it.      Often it also runs in the family, and in my case that's what I've been told.  Did not realize it till now.  Thankfully now days there is starting to be more awareness and research on the subject and more help available. Anyone who feels this way needs to seek help asap, you can't let it build up inside and it's near impossible to fight alone.   
« Last Edit: April 24, 2018, 04:31:58 pm by Red Squirrel »

Offline GlennSprigg

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #106 on: April 27, 2018, 12:10:14 pm »
FIRSTLY, mate, you REACHED OUT....  That is always the 1st step.
You did however reach out 'here', when you may need 'professional' help.
As obviously stated by most, here, we have all been through that, and especially when???...
Through our YOUTH my friend. Body growth & hormones seem to be out of step with our
brains, and where we 'think' fit into 'society'....   However, I will be a LITTLE harsh here mate :-)
You are in Nepal, but with a relatively, if not more 'comfortable' family/parent/lifestyle as you say?
MANY people are in horrendous situations, either due to poverty and/or abuse, and can't see the
sense in living!  Long ago, after a debilitating accident, I was left feeling VERY low on the 'scale'
of being a 'Man', a 'father', a 'provider'......   My Doctor at the time asked me if I had contemplated
suicide.... I thought a lot, and then answered.... "No... but I have been to a place in my head more
than once, where I can see why people that do it, do it...."
There is a lot of the proverbial water under the bridge since then, however I went on to live a productive
(although physically limited) life since then.  YOU, my friend, have nothing but a talented, prosperous
and loving life ahead of you, that SMACKS of not only knowledge, but Ability !!
And in a matter of a year or two, YOU will look back & think..... "What was I worried about" !!!!!!
So... OFF your BUTT matey.... and marvel at life !!!!!!   :box:
I don't want to be rude, but you are ignorant. You seem to be unaware that the organic reasons for such feelings may leave one feeling even worse than you could. Those are not "Body growth and hormones", btw. These organic reasons don't care if you are poor or rich, can walk or not. They are there irregardless. If you have them, whatever they are FFS, you don't even know why you are feeling depressed. You have nothing to start! Don't make people down because they do not appear to have a good reason for feeling down all the time - and that is what I am reading here!
Accidents are bad, don't get me wrong. At least you know why your shit hit the fan. That's calming or reassuring.

I'm now already "a year or two" later, for example. I don't feel better, for example. Don't say such useless things! You have no idea who he is or what his problem is. This is an identical statement to "Well, why don't you just smile a little more?", aggravating!
Actually I am about 10 years later - or five, if you discount the years without help. So, five years, huh? What changed? I feel worse. Right now I actually, genuinely hate everyone that is not family. Everyone and everything. (That's actually why "I don't want to be rude" was a lie, as you've probably figured out) It's a fucking disgusting feeling and I can't even do anything about it! Why? It's a side effect of getting rid of those fucking antidepressants. They didn't help me. I tried many different. But still I get them from my docs all the time: "Hm... maybe try these again, ok?" fucking clueless idiots! And no! I'm not in your third-world-USA. I am supposed to get good medical help!
Only thing they do is make me dumb. I definitely feel a big boost after coming down from all the month of serotonin reuptake inhibitors. I'm not the only one who feels that way. There are many who describe this.
BTW, ever thought about stem-cell implants? They repair even broken spinal cords. Partially.

Eermmm... So sorry... 'Distelzombie' ??  (I'm slowly walking backwards now xx)
I was not referring to YOU my friend, but the original Poster... And although of course neither 'I', (nor the majority/all?) of other commenters here are 'experts', that apart from explaining 'my' situation, I said nothing derogatory, offensive, or all encompassing, except to speak LIGHT-HEARTEDLY in a friendly manner from someone else who has 'been there'. With the hope that he 'sees' through that & understands. And hopefully DOES (as soon as possible) be at a place in 'his' head, when he can seek/find/have some new rewarding directions.  It is THEN that 'we' are able to look back, and keep the future in perspective.

'I' am also still on Antidepressants and sometimes it is still hard, but I make myself  move on. And move on I have ! xx
I now have a whole new life, in a new State, with a lovely lady, and although forced to Retire, 'I' still love to dabble with Electronics, Photography, Graphic Design, and Web-Dev just for fun & to keep the 'brain' active....  And my Partner & I find great enjoyment in playing music. (Piano/Organ/Guitar/Mandolin). I'm an old 'Folkie' and used to play with many like minded groups & locations.

I hope WE all, (yourself included!) find and live out the peaceful lives we strived for, and now have.....
Diagonal of 1x1 square = Root-2. Ok.
Diagonal of 1x1x1 cube = Root-3 !!!  Beautiful !!


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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #107 on: April 27, 2018, 07:52:02 pm »
I've shied away from this post because of its personal nature and each individual is different.  I won't go into my personal details except to say this issue has been lifelong for me (depression).  I was reluctant to take antidepressants for years.  Finally started them in 1998 and, for me, it has been a miracle drug (still).  I know this isn't a universal solution and there are plenty of folks that don't respond to the meds.  The other advice, which has been mentioned already, is not to keep things bottled up.  Find someone, preferably experienced in mental health issues, to talk about the issue with.  And finally, don't get stuck in a job you don't find satisfaction in.  Making changes can be scary for some (me), but it's best for the psyche ultimately.

Offline Distelzombie

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #108 on: April 27, 2018, 08:16:37 pm »
I just wanted to steam off, I guess. Sorry. :)

Offline Red Squirrel

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #109 on: April 27, 2018, 11:42:34 pm »
No idea how much this will help but I just ordered UVB bulbs from Amazon.  Will use them to get vitamin D in the winter (which is most of the year here).  I figure a mix of supplements and "natural" way through skin might be best bet.  I don't think I would need more than like 10m of exposure per day.  Basically build an enclosure to focus it in one spot and shield my eyes/objects from it and stick my arm under.   I would do one arm only so I can compare skin colour, if it changes (or in my case if I just get more freckles haha) it means I'm doing it too long. 

This research also got me kinda interested in the whole concept of light spectrum.  Anyone know what kind of tool you need to measure that?   The issue with buying stuff like this off Amazon is you don't really know what you're ACTUALLY getting, so it would be nice to test it.  It needs to be UVB and not A since A actually cancels out the effects.

Offline Distelzombie

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #110 on: April 28, 2018, 01:34:08 am »
I wouldn't trust these bulbs. Who knows if they do emit UVC or not. They are not sold for humans, mind you.
Also, it can damage your eyes if you have UVB shining in them all the time. That's why all the sunglasses, normal glasses and windows block it. So 10 minutes would be fine.
I actually got one of these tanning devices from my grandma. It uses proper Philips fluorescent tubes, but six of them. They're really bright. :/

You need a spectrograph, a spectrometer or a spectroscope. There are very cheap ones that you have to assemble yourself. They work quite good! I have one of these:
It's +/- 5nm. Those plastic-boxes for under 10$ you find on amazon are way worse, due to their big slit.

Offline Red Squirrel

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #111 on: April 28, 2018, 02:10:59 am »
Oh yeah would not want that bulb to hit my eyes.  I would probably build a fixture around it so it it is very directional.  Maybe even wear shades when using it, to be on the safe side.  (diffused light from surfaces? Not sure if UV would bounce too though)  Figure it's worth a shot.  Though it will be kinda hard to know if it's even doing anything, as I'll be taking supplements too.  So it's probably going to be placebo more than anything. 

Might check out those spectrometers, will they do UV too though or just visible light?  Looks like it's basically using a prism inside?

Offline Distelzombie

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #112 on: April 28, 2018, 04:19:14 pm »
If you can see UV light with your eyes, yes they will also do UV. :)
No, you need some sort of image capturing/processing device for that.......... ooh.... I just thought about something: If you coat the surface near the nm-scale with UV-fluorescent paint or use something flourescent, you can see the UV spectrum with it. But the scale doesn't go so far and maybe it isn't linear anymore, so you can't just add to it..
I'll try and put something fluorescent in mine then take a picture. Could be cool! I got a 365nm led that definitely isn't visible usually.

Here are some other photos I took with that spectrometer and my phone:
1. White, cold cathode tube light from a scanner
2. LED-TV Backlight
3. Energy-saving bulb
4. White fluorescence with 405nm laser
5. 365nm UV LED is without fluorescent material, just visible by the camera itself. I think it can't see down to 365nm though, given it looks more like a peak at 380nm, and you can't see it with your eyes either.)
« Last Edit: April 28, 2018, 04:56:33 pm by Distelzombie »

Offline CopperCone

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #113 on: April 28, 2018, 05:34:53 pm »
get rid of chinese electronics around the home to promote a cheerful atmosphere

how a 0.02$ transistor has higher quality then a 30$ laser diode i will never know.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2018, 05:37:16 pm by CopperCone »

Offline james_s

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #114 on: April 28, 2018, 11:47:46 pm »
Those SAD lights are a ripoff, I had a boss who had one of those in her office and I looked at it, it's nothing more than a bog standard $3 Daylight 6500K CFL in a fancy housing.

Offline Distelzombie

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #115 on: April 29, 2018, 06:58:55 am »
Those SAD lights are a ripoff, I had a boss who had one of those in her office and I looked at it, it's nothing more than a bog standard $3 Daylight 6500K CFL in a fancy housing.
get rid of chinese electronics around the home to promote a cheerful atmosphere

how a 0.02$ transistor has higher quality then a 30$ laser diode i will never know.
What are you both talking about? Nobody mentioned SAD or transistors.

Offline Red Squirrel

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #116 on: April 29, 2018, 03:18:39 pm »
Those SAD lights are a ripoff, I had a boss who had one of those in her office and I looked at it, it's nothing more than a bog standard $3 Daylight 6500K CFL in a fancy housing.

I ended up ordering one for at work a while back, waiting for it to arrive.  I figure that at very least it uses the proper LEDs from a reliable source and is proven to be right spectrum, but yeah I wonder if simply using daylight bulbs around the house and office would have the same effect?   I work in a NOC, it's very dark in here but when I'm alone I raise all the dimmers to the highest setting, I don't know why everyone likes it so dark.  I can still see my computer monitors fine.  If I can talk them into swapping all the bulbs for "daylight" I wonder if that would help.  There's one equipment aisle in a room over where they installed a bunch of fixtures and they used daylight bulbs.  I sometimes go stare at them for a bit, no idea of it helps or not.  Lighting is more of a long term thing you have to keep up.

At home I also want to add more lighting in my office/lab, right now I just have a lamp with a single CFL.  Will probably install two T8 fixtures and use daylight bulbs. When I'm thinking of going to bed I'll turn it off and keep the lamp on only.

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #117 on: May 03, 2022, 06:14:34 pm »
Many people like to sit on social networks, watch videos, or flip through news feeds when they're not at work. But our brains are not resting at all during this time. They are still working.

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #118 on: May 03, 2022, 07:08:47 pm »
Hey folks, anyone know what the scam is here?

User registers a new account, picks a thread that's years old, and randomly posts something with no real content whatsoever. Who benefits, and how?

Offline BrokenYugo

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #119 on: May 03, 2022, 07:29:12 pm »
My assumption would be getting the post count up a bit for whatever reason before starting with the scam links or whatever.

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #120 on: May 03, 2022, 07:58:33 pm »
Could be a propaganda bot.  I've noticed at least 3-4 new registered users this year necroposting generic opinions, often demoralizing, dividing, or other kinds of negativity.

AI and machine learning are good enough nowadays, chat bots can make generic conversation without anybody noticing.  It is very cheap to train chat bots then release lots of them all across the social media to spread whatever opinion one wishes to spread, and public opinion might eventually lean in that direction.

This is just a hunch, so it might be wrong.

Offline ataradov

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #121 on: May 03, 2022, 08:03:43 pm »
Priming the posts for edit with a spam link for sure. I reported this as soon as it showed up in the notifications.
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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #122 on: May 03, 2022, 08:25:22 pm »
It's noteworthy that the thread is very old.

Either it has been picked randomly out of all threads on the forum (but why? wouldn't it be easier to use any current one?) or the spammer found it by searching for some keywords on the Internet. Maybe the goal is to post ads or propaganda somehow related to motivation / well being / whatever had been discussed here.

I seem to recall similar situation where an old teardown of vaping device had been necrobumped by a spammer advertising vaping stuff ::)

One trick sometimes used is to make an "innocent" post and fill it with spam a few days/weeks later when nobody watches anymore.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2022, 08:27:36 pm by magic »

Offline ataradov

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #123 on: May 03, 2022, 08:28:59 pm »
No, they always pick old threads. Current threads have too many eyes on them. And here he just looks like a clueless person posting something maybe related to the thread. In the past this would be ignored and was ignored many times. But just like extended car warranty calls, it gets too obvious over time.

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Re: Help!! I don't feel like doing anything
« Reply #124 on: May 03, 2022, 08:33:45 pm »
That makes sense.

But I also recall spammers who posted in current threads and in one case there was a guy advertising some Chinese PCB fab and shitting on the others who started several threads of his own and kept asking dumb and self-contradictory questions ::)

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