EEVblog Electronics Community Forum

Electronics => Metrology => Topic started by: texaspyro on February 23, 2018, 03:53:50 am

Title: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on February 23, 2018, 03:53:50 am
Moderator note I have been asked by someone who seems familiar with the project to update this first post with details available much further along the thread to aid those looking for the code: (

UPDATED:  to version 6.14 Beta. 

I have had a LOT of requests for the Windows version of the latest version  of Lady Heather for Windows.   Unfortunately aggressive blocking of .exe files by ISPs makes it very hard to email the .exe file (even password protected .zip files get blocked).  Also very few Windows users seem to be able to compile the code.

So, attached here, is the latest version .exe file and the documentation in a .txt file.   THIS IS JUST THE .exe  FILE!   TO USE IT WILL NEED TO HAVE v5.0 OR LATER INSTALLED AND WORKNG (install from AND REPLACE THE v5.0 heather.exe FILE WITH THIS ONE (BACKUP YOUR OLD .exe FIRST).

This version supports a few of new devices (including Trimble RT17 format devices such as the NetRS and the Samsung UCCM format GPSDOs) and has some new features including an RPN calculator.  Check the heather.txt file for the command line options for selecting your device type etc.

(BTW, for you TruePosition users the command line option for talking to the TruePosition GPSDO is /rxo)

I'll try to keep this post updated with new revisions.  They will probably all still have the "v6.0" version number, but the compile time info gets automatically updated.

Currently supported devices in v6.08:
      GPS Receivers:
        Ashtech Z12 receiver
        Furuno GT-8031 (uses $PFEC commands)
        Furuno GT-87xx (using eSIP commands)
        GPSD interface (mainly a Linux/macOS/FreeBSD thing - GPSD provides
             a shared read-only interface to numerous GPS devices.
        Jupiter-T  (aka Zodiac)
        Motorola binary
        NVS BINR binary (115200:8:N:1)
        Sirf binary
        Trimble TSIP binary receivers
        Trimble TAIP receivers
        Trimble SV6/SV8/ACE-III
        Trimble Accutime / Palisade receivers
        Trimble RT17 format receivers (like the NetRS)
        TymServe 2000 (not yet tested)
        Ublox UBX binary
        Venus/Navspark (115200:8:N:1)

     GPSDO's (GPS disciplined oscillators):
        Brandywine GPS-4 receiver
        DATUM STARLOC II GPSDO - inferior wannabe Thunderbolt
        Jackson Labs LTE Lite
        Lars simple GPSDO controller (used with any 1PPS output GPS receiver)
        Lucent RFTG-m GPSDO
        Lucent KS24361 REF0/Z3811A  Z3812A
        NEC GPSDO ... STAR-4 compatible at 115,200 baud
        Oscilloquartz STAR-4 GPSDO (management interface)
        Oscilloquartz OSA-453x GPSDO
        SCPI - Nortel telecom GPSDOs like NTWB and NTPX in SCPI mode
        SCPI (Z3801A/Z38015/Z3816/etc style)
        SCPI (HP5xxxx style)
        Spectrum TM4  (not fully tested)
        Trimble TSIP binary GPSDOs (like the Thunderbolt and numerous
          "telecom" GPSDOs.
        TruePosition GPS
        UCCM - small Trimble / Symmetricom / Samsung telecom GPSDOs
          (57600 baud)
        Zyfer Nanosync 380 (19200:8:N:1)

    Atomic frequency references:
       HP 5071A cesium beam oscillator
       Spectratime/Temex LPFRS rubidium
       Spectratime/Temex RMO rubidium  (same as LPFRS)
       Spectratime SRO100/SRO70 rubidium
       SRS PRS-10 rubidium oscillator
       Symmetricom SA22 rubidium (60 Mhz and 58.9824 MHz ref freq)
       Symmetricom X72 rubidium
       Symmetricom X99 rubidium

       Acron Zeit WWVB receiver
       Gravity/solid earth tide clock (uses system clock to display
         solid earth tides and gravity offset,  Requires manual entry
         of latitude/longitude/altitude)
       No receiver, uses system clock.

    Time and frequency counters:
       Generic frequency/time interval counters
       HP531xx counters
       Lars simple GPSDO controller
       PICPET simple timestamping interval counter chip
       TAPR TICC time interval counter

       Simple terminal emulator
       RPN calculator

Here is a link to the source code.  This is the Linux/MacOS/FreeBSD package.  Check the readme.txt file to compile it.  The files heath*.c* also work with Windows (assuming you can compile the v5.0 code from  There is also a pre-compiled version for MacOS (see the readme.txt file for installation information) (

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: metrologist on February 23, 2018, 05:54:28 am
Thank you, texaspyro
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on February 23, 2018, 06:21:56 am
If you are running Linux, Ras PI, macOS, or FreeBSD (or even, gasp!, Windows) PM me your email address and I can send you the source code to compile.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Towger on February 23, 2018, 07:00:20 am
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Ernie on February 23, 2018, 08:45:44 pm
 please send me the file... but I am really not a PC guru... and even the LH application before  had trouble.... because it was running just 15 sec and the disconnected from the GPS receive........ I was unable to correct this problem.....
thanks a lot in advance...
Rgds Ernie.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: janoc on February 23, 2018, 09:25:51 pm
If you are running Linux, Ras PI, macOS, or FreeBSD (or even, gasp!, Windows) PM me your email address and I can send you the source code to compile.

Why don't you put the code e.g. on Github? You can even host the precompiled exe there for people to download. Much better than e-mailing the files - for exactly the reasons you have mentioned.

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on February 24, 2018, 02:28:11 am
Added supported device list to the first post...
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: kj7e on February 24, 2018, 03:59:43 pm
Thanks texaspyro,  got it working with my Mac and 2017-12-16 BG7TBL LCD GPSDO.

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: dr.diesel on February 24, 2018, 04:07:32 pm
Thank you Sir, will PM for Linux.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on February 24, 2018, 07:02:18 pm
Thanks texaspyro,  got it working with my Mac and 2017-12-16 BG7TBL LCD GPSDO.

You can use GZ to turn off the digital clock and get yourself some more plot area.    You can also tweak the satellite table config (SI keyboard command).
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: sarel.wagner on February 25, 2018, 10:38:15 pm
 :-+ :-+ Running V6 Beta in a Virtual Machine, works gr8 ;D
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: SoundTech-LG on March 02, 2018, 05:38:47 pm
I noticed emailing this .zip as an attachment was rejected by my email (goDaddy), yet, if I extracted the files, and re-named the .exe to a .txt without zipping it, it passed through with flying colors. Changed it back to .exe on the other end, runs, no problems. So just the file type extension seems to be the issue.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on March 02, 2018, 06:21:03 pm
I noticed emailing this .zip as an attachment was rejected by my email (goDaddy), yet, if I extracted the files, and re-named the .exe to a .txt without zipping it, it passed through with flying colors. Changed it back to .exe on the other end, runs, no problems. So just the file type extension seems to be the issue.

That seldom works with most ISPs.   I've tried changing extensions, ZIPing, password protected ZIPs, renaming and passoword protecting, etc.   Some work with a few ISPs, most don't.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: BravoV on April 17, 2018, 10:37:25 am
Currently supported devices in v6.0:

     GPS Receivers:
        Furuno GT-8031 ($PFEC commands ... not yet tested)

Texaspyro, just curious about the $PFEC commands, are there any advantages if implemented ?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on April 17, 2018, 04:59:35 pm
Furuno had receivers that speak (at least) four different types of commands:  NMEA, PFEC,  eSIP, and Motorola binary (there is also an undocumented Furuno binary... if you manage to get it into that mode you will never get it out unless you can do a firmware upgrade).

NMEA just lets you monitor the basic GPS stuff like any generic receiver.

The others let you monitor and config the receiver to a much greater degree.   The GT87xx devices can switch between ESIP and Motorola binary.   ESIP seems to be better.  The GT87 docs say they also support PFEC, but that puts it into the dreaded Furuno binary mode...  Heather blocks attempts to set PFEC mode on the GT87xx.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: BravoV on April 17, 2018, 05:29:03 pm
So on TruePosition board which uses Furuno GT-8031, at the force receiver option -> "/rxo", is that NMEA or binary mode for this particular Furuno receiver ?

As you mentioned in the manual, quote -> "Binary mode offers the user full control of the receiver and better monitoring options." , what exactly the better options are those compared to non binary ?

Did I miss this detail somewhere in the manual ?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: HighVoltage on April 17, 2018, 05:37:09 pm
Thank you for the files

I found that .ZIP file renamed to .TXT will not always work, even is password protected.

But, if you use WinRAR and ...
- make a .RAR file that is password protected
- Select to hide the filename
- Choose highest compression
- Then rename it to .TXT
has always worked for me with any ISP.

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: HighPrecision on April 18, 2018, 11:45:50 am
thanks for your work, I've sent PM with my mail for linux version.
Also tested my ISP sending the plain v5 X11 zip file to my mail, received without problems.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on April 18, 2018, 03:16:46 pm
I've sent PM with my mail for linux version.

I've had several requests for the latest code lately, but I've been out of town quite a bit lately and have a lot of catching up to do.  Also, I have some debug code in the current version for the environmental sensor.   I hope to get the code out in the next few days.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: NivagSwerdna on May 19, 2018, 10:41:55 am
Is there a Windows 10 friendly version of Lady Heather that would work with my Symmetricom UCCM?

When I run it I get...

w32sal.dll missing
winvfx16.dll missing

I have Windows 10 Version 1079 (OS Build 16299.15), 64 bit.

Thanks in advance
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: kj7e on May 19, 2018, 02:03:24 pm
Is there a Windows 10 friendly version of Lady Heather that would work with my Symmetricom UCCM?

When I run it I get...

w32sal.dll missing
winvfx16.dll missing

I have Windows 10 Version 1079 (OS Build 16299.15), 64 bit.

Thanks in advance

Sounds like you tried running v6 exe before installing v5.  The v6 .exe is just the exe file and is missing the rest of the program, install v5 from here; (

Then copy the v6 .exe to the install directory to upgrade to v6.  See the instructions on the first post above.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Dr. Frank on May 19, 2018, 10:34:44 pm
I have had a LOT of requests for the Windows version of the latest version (v6.0 Beta) of Lady Heather for Windows.   Unfortunately aggressive blocking of .exe files by ISPs makes it very hard to email the .exe file (even password protected .zip files get blocked).  Also very few Windows users seem to be able to compile the code.

So, attached here, is the latest version .exe file and the documentation in a .txt file.   This is just the .exe  To use it you will need to have v5.0 installed and working (from and replace the v5.0 heather.exe file with this one (backup your old .exe first).

This version supports LOTs of new devices (including TruePosition, PRS10, X72, and SA22.c devices) and has a lot of new features.  Check the heather.txt file for the command line options for selecting your device type.

(BTW, for you TruePosition users the command line option for talking to the TruePosition GPSDO is /rxo)

I'll try to keep this post updated with new revisions.  They will probably all still have the "v6.0" version number, but the compile time info gets automatically updated.

Hello Mark,

is there a particular reason, or did I miss something on time-nuts, that you don't publish LH on John Miles pages, KEF5FX, anymore?

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on May 20, 2018, 12:22:43 am

Hello Mark,

is there a particular reason, or did I miss something on time-nuts, that you don't publish LH on John Miles pages, KEF5FX, anymore?


It's still in Beta development / testing.    I don't want to release a potentially buggy program on the official site,   I am getting close to updating the first post with v6.03 Beta.   It adds a couple of new receiver types and some new feaatures (like support for environmental sensors and the ability to write RINEX files that can be post-processed into precise location values if the receiver supports outputting RAW satellite measurement observations).

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on June 30, 2018, 06:37:55 pm
The first post has been updated to version 6.05 Beta.

V6.05 adds support for a few new devices (like the Venus RTK receivers, Ashtech Z12, and Lars GPSDO).  There are several cosmetic tweaks. 

A major new feature is the ability to write RINEX files for receivers that can output satellite RAW observation data.    RINEX files can be processed to produce very accurate positions (typically 150-250mm for L1 only receivers,  10mm for L1/L2 receivers).   The recommended online processor is CSRS-PPP from Natural Resources of Canada (NARCAN)... they seem to be the only service that supports L1 only data.   
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on June 30, 2018, 07:08:06 pm
Forgot to mention... v6.05 also adds support for environmental (temperature/humidity/pressue) sensors.  Currently sensors from and LookingForSolutions are supported.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on July 02, 2018, 03:14:52 am
If you downloaded the v6.05 .exe before 2 Jul 2018 and are using Jupiter/Zodiac receivers please download it again.   I fixed an issue that could crash the program... it's been in there for quite a while so I assume not many people use those receivers.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: metrologist on July 09, 2018, 03:39:33 pm
I have one of those receivers so should give it a shot. Thanks for the continued efforts  :-+
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: peteruk on July 13, 2018, 02:31:41 pm
I've downloaded v6.05 (latest), but get a com error: 'COM: None'.  Used the same cfg file as with vers5, manual gives same result.  Any pointers?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on July 13, 2018, 04:01:46 pm
Make sure no other programs are using the com port.   Also, maybe re-boot the system...  some com drivers are known to not properly free the serial port when a program shuts down.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: peteruk on July 13, 2018, 05:16:20 pm
Thanks for getting back.   I have checked for com port release, etc. Is it a 64 bit problem?  The version I'm running is Windows 10 Pro, 64 bit version 1803 build 17134.165.  There has never been any problem with previous versions of Lady Heather, but with vers 6.05 I don't seem to be able to open a com port, even /0 fails.  With vers 5 I can switch between various serial port monitors and Heather without errors.  Reason for 6.05 is to check out a True Position board.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on July 13, 2018, 05:36:47 pm
There are lots of people running it on Win-10 wihout any problems.   Also, the com port code has not changed since v3.0   I have no idea what's going on.   

/0 says to not use the com port, so that is expected to not work.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: metrologist on July 13, 2018, 08:27:10 pm
w32sal.dll is missing on install.

3rd google hit:
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on July 14, 2018, 12:25:14 am
w32sal.dll is missing on install.

3rd google hit:

Read the BOLD FACED text in the second paragraph of the first post in this thread...
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: mark03 on July 16, 2018, 04:43:18 pm
Lady Heather v6.05 defaults to three plots for my trueposition GPSDO:  temperature, # of satellites, and EVAL.  What is EVAL?  It's a dimensionless quantity, so no hints.  The LH manual doesn't mention it.  (Plot type 8 was reserved for future use, so maybe this is new in the beta?)

I'm also wondering if there is a way to tell which features of the program are supported on a given device.  E.g. when I try to plot PPS or OSC data, I get a flat line, so, presumably not supported?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: richnormand on July 24, 2018, 09:44:07 pm
Just to add thanks to texaspyro for the new version of Lady Heather.

I have upgraded with your instructions in the original post and it works great on a dedicated Dell laptop running XP.

I have a unit that is recognized as a UCCM receiver (Trimble) and it outputs a 2 second signal on the RS232.
As you mentioned, way back, you did implement a 1 sec interpolation that does make the interface much more "intuitive" now.

Thanks and keep up the good work.
Cheers  :)

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: PA0KTF on July 28, 2018, 04:26:00 pm
I have the GPSDO as seen here. It is similar to a Trimble board, but with Ublox LEA-6T receiver and Samsung TCXO.
It locks to GPS, frequency output ok.
Via RS232 connected to LH. Via /rx connection made: 57600:8:N:1.
Satellites detected, but error message "NO DATA SEEN ON COM DEVICE" alternating with "UTC time ok Receiver data". See images.
It looks like LH cannot detect all data from this board.
How can I connect this board to LH ?
Or, if this board is not listed, can this board be added to LH ?
Thanks and keep up the good work.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on July 28, 2018, 06:57:21 pm
These receivers don't automatically send most data so Heather must poll for each message and the process the response.  This happens once a second.   If the board does not respond to a message request, the the com port will time out and you get the "no data seen...",  then Heather restarts the polling loop.

It looks like the board does not support one of the messages being requested.   Try writing a debug file for a couple of minutes (WX keyboard command) and post the results.

Where did you get the board from?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: PA0KTF on July 29, 2018, 08:22:26 am
texaspyro, thanks for the quick reply, here is the debug file.
I got the board from a source in China in Shenzhen via my family in law.
Thanks for looking into my problem.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on July 30, 2018, 02:27:21 am
Hmmm... still not sure what is going on.   It looks like the receiver may have some non-standard spacing issues with some of its' output messages.  Try creating a raw data capture file (WY keyboard command).  This will capture every byte that the device sends.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: PA0KTF on July 30, 2018, 08:17:35 am
Here is the raw data file.
I hope you can make something out of this.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on July 30, 2018, 07:07:12 pm
Here is the raw data file.
I hope you can make something out of this.

Wow!  That's one messed up receiver.   It ends a lot of lines with 0x0D 0x0A 0x0D  which really confuses Heather.  All the other models use 0x0D 0x0A.   Also the formatting of the "UCCM >" prompt is different.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: metrologist on July 30, 2018, 07:17:22 pm
That's a very early firmware, I  think newer than one of mine, which also does not seem to report all things properly.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: PA0KTF on July 30, 2018, 08:03:37 pm
Here is the raw data file.
I hope you can make something out of this.

Wow!  That's one messed up receiver.   It ends a lot of lines with 0x0D 0x0A 0x0D  which really confuses Heather.  All the other models use 0x0D 0x0A.   Also the formatting of the "UCCM >" prompt is different.

Not the answer I wanted to hear.
This unit is from 2014, so I would think that the firmware would be the same or of later date than the Trimble units.
Is there a way to adapt LH for this unit type ? In the debug file I can see that the info is there.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on July 30, 2018, 09:31:29 pm

Not the answer I wanted to hear.
This unit is from 2014, so I would think that the firmware would be the same or of later date than the Trimble units.
Is there a way to adapt LH for this unit type ? In the debug file I can see that the info is there.

The info may be there but it is in a format that Lady Heather does not understand.  I may be able to adapt it, but without a unit to test with I have no way of figuring out exactly what needs to be done or test the code.

Check your PM's...  I sent you a message.  If you can compile the code, we can probably work it out... sending Windows .EXE files is usually blocked by ISPs and email services.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on August 01, 2018, 09:55:03 pm
Updated the code attached to the first post to v6.08.   Main difference is added support for a couple of new devices and possibly fixed the program to work with the UCCM GPSDOs with the Ublox receiver and Samsung OCXO.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: BetoSaba on August 06, 2018, 04:26:49 pm

If possible, I want the source code in order to compile for Linux/Raspberry Pi...
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: linux_user on October 06, 2018, 12:32:38 am
I just sent a PM with my email address so I can get the V6 linux code.

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on October 06, 2018, 03:20:52 am
I'm in the middle of doing some edits... hopefully will be available next week.

I also apologize to the other people that have requested it... I've been out of town quite a bit this summer.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: linux_user on October 07, 2018, 04:50:44 pm
No problem  :-+  Thanks for all your hard work!
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: frankmhowell on October 29, 2018, 03:30:13 pm
You might get a free Dropbox account if you don’t have one to stage the *.exe download. A lot of free software authors are going this route to deal with ISP blocks...

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: linux_user on November 03, 2018, 01:58:16 pm
I suggest using github. Seems odd that we have to wait for mods. Just let me download the current master branch. I'll grab the updates when those are tested and merged...  :-//
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on January 18, 2019, 03:39:18 am
Updated attachment and links in the first post to v6.14 Beta.   There is also a link to download the source code.

This version has a few fixes and cosmetic changes,  support for very small (480x320 screens),  support for the Samsung UCCM type GPSDOs, and support for Trimble RT17 format survey receivers like the NetRS.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: softfoot on January 19, 2019, 12:31:28 am
I just upgraded from Version 6.08 Beta - Aug  1 2018 16:31:34 to the latest and it doesnt initialize my ublox 4 anymore.
I do use some commands that rely on the previous beta :-

# Kludge to force GPS module to use 115200 and LH from the default 9600

# Kludge to set TP5
@PA 10e6 0.5
@PA 10e6 0.5
# End of kludge

Have you disabled anything that may affect this ?

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on January 19, 2019, 12:40:28 am

Have you disabled anything that may affect this ?

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: KE5FX on January 19, 2019, 12:49:56 am
Hello Mark,

is there a particular reason, or did I miss something on time-nuts, that you don't publish LH on John Miles pages, KEF5FX, anymore?


The slow update rate on that page is more my fault than Mark's.  Every so often I'll update it when I have time, but I've been utterly swamped lately.  Ultimately it would be best to migrate it to Github or another site where an active development process can be more easily supported.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on January 19, 2019, 01:24:16 am
The slow update rate on that page is more my fault than Mark's.  Every so often I'll update it when I have time, but I've been utterly swamped lately.  Ultimately it would be best to migrate it to Github or another site where an active development process can be more easily supported.

Actually,  I didn't want to put beta level code on your site.   

I have been meaning to put it on Github.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: ArthurDent on January 19, 2019, 02:15:02 am
I initially got the same error messages "w32sal.dll missing" and "winvfx16.dll missing" until I paid more attention and put the new beta file in the same folder with the rest of the Lady Heather files.

I haven't tried it with all my GPSDOs but did first run it with my NTPB15AA unit that I modified to have a display and built-in power supply. My display has a rollover problem as you can see but LH worked well as you can see from the graph. 
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on January 19, 2019, 02:27:35 am
And oh, so sexy hands on Heather's new analog clock display!  Hovering the mouse over a satellite/sun/moon will show info about that satellite/sun/moon.

BTW, the GLP keyboard command will hide the location of your evil-mad-scientist secret volcano lair.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: ArthurDent on January 19, 2019, 02:52:33 am
I forgot to blank the location so I did it in photoshop.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Helix70 on January 27, 2019, 05:55:34 am
Just thought I would report that with a 4K display on a 13 inch laptop, Windows 10 sets the scaling to 300% by default so programs are big enough to see and click buttons on. With Lady Heather v5 and v6beta, Scaling doesn't work well and all of the writing turns into a bit of a mess. I have tried all the different sizes and font sizes, they all look like this.

I have a multi screen setup, a 1920x1200 monitor and the laptop 4K display, and when Heather opens on the 4K display, this is the result, even if you move it to the HD screen. When it starts on the HD screen, it is ok.

I am happy to help test this if the developer wants to correct it. This isn't the only program that faces this issue, but i think as hardware evolves, more of us will have 4K displays.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on January 27, 2019, 07:41:24 pm
In v6 try using the scaled vector fonts.  $q from the keyboard or /vq=# from the command line,  where # is the desired scale factor in percent (50-500).  /vq sets 150%
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Helix70 on January 27, 2019, 10:11:04 pm
Thanks texaspyro, that cleans it up nicely. /vq=0 looks the nicest, still uses the good font. When you use scaled, is there any control over the window size?


Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on January 28, 2019, 01:05:30 am
Thanks texaspyro, that cleans it up nicely. /vq=0 looks the nicest, still uses the good font. When you use scaled, is there any control over the window size?

Strange, /vq=0 just sets the font back to the normal dot matrix font... it should not do anything different.

Scaled vector fonts work with whatever window size you select.   Larger scaled font sizes may cause parts of the image to fall outside of the screen window.

Note the the WINVFX library that Heather uses to draw to the screen will scale the drawn image by dropping lines and/or horizontal pixels if you select an image size larger than the monitor size... that causes rather ugly screen output.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Helix70 on January 28, 2019, 03:57:52 am
This is the result of /vq=0.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: EOC_Jason on January 28, 2019, 05:21:05 pm
I'm trying to get LH to work with an old Axiom Sandpiper (SiRF) GPS module (it supposedly can output raw data, which I'm hoping to eventually write to rinex and do post-processing, that's why I'm messing with it).

Anyhow, LH will detect it as sirf, but then the screen just stays blank (see attached). It initially flashes "NO COM1 SERIAL PORT DATA SEEN" quickly (I had to restart the program several times to catch what it said). I've tried several baud rates, it always auto-detects just fine, but then does nothing. Data is good as I can view it in SIRFDEMO... If I switch to NMEA it displays everything in LH just fine.

Any help would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on January 28, 2019, 09:40:56 pm
It probably uses a early version of the Sirf protocol that Heather know nothing about.  I have found no manual on the Sandpiper.  What I have seen says it speaks NMEA and no mentions of raw data.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: EOC_Jason on January 29, 2019, 03:19:10 am
I managed to find *one* site that had some old PDF manuals & html pages that looks like they archived it from another site (that is no longer up). (

It's not a big deal, just kind of got sidetracked doing one thing, which led to another, and we all know where that rabbit hole leads to...  :scared:
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on January 29, 2019, 06:48:01 am
Ok,  the problem is the Axion outputs the NAV2 message and newer ones output the NAV message that Heather supports.   The NAV messages contain the time and that is used to drive the screen updates.

I tricked up some code to use NAV2 if NAV is not available and it works... except the Axiom does not output the UTC offset value (number of leap seconds difference between UTC and GPS time that the receiver sends).   You would need to manually set that value.

As far as the RAW data...  the documentation does not have enough info to figure out how to it.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on March 04, 2019, 03:07:16 am
This is a result from the latest code (as of today) using Tremble Resolution T.  The clock update happens every 3 seconds and as such, red line appears at the top.  (tick mark?)  Also, saw tooth continues forever.  Latter, I think might be irrelevant as this is just a receiver.  It is not disciplining anything.

Only thing a bit unusual about this setup is COM3 is a USB/serial adapter at TTL level, and TR-T is 3.3V, so there is a level converter in the middle.  TXD and RXD is connected, CTS and RTS is unconnected.  According to Trimble, this receiver does not do any kind of flow control, including Xon Xoff.

I also tried configuration/display software from Trimble.  It updates every second.  I don't know if this is coming from the GPS.  Using terminal, I see data coming every second but it's binary, so I can't tell its content.

Notice run time is short.  But I had this running for 6 hours at one point and result was identical.

I noted format changed.  Display area below digital clock is smaller
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on March 04, 2019, 03:19:10 am
The original model Res-T has a firmware bug.  If certain message requests are sent, it takes the device 3 seconds to respond.   Try starting Heather with the /rxr or /rxr=1 or /rt=1 command line options.  This will tell Heather that the device is the old model and not to issue requests that can hose up the receiver.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on March 04, 2019, 03:39:03 am
Thank you.  I had /rxr=2.  Changed it to /rxr=1 and red ticks went away.  Clock update is timely as well.

What do you make of saw tooth though?  Period is longer but it is still there.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on March 04, 2019, 03:47:47 am
What do you make of saw tooth though?  Period is longer but it is still there.

If you are talking about the magenta trace, that is not sawtooth correction data.  That is the "clock bias" value... I'll leave it to you to figure out exactly what that is...  the docs don't really talk about it.   The sawtooth plot  control command is GD.  It defaults to OFF since it is mostly a noisy looking plot that can obscure other plots.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on March 04, 2019, 03:54:16 am
Thank you.  I spent two days with this new board to get this far.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on March 04, 2019, 04:14:25 am
Everything I read basically says it is a drift of clock and in over-determined mode, this is one of the value to correct 1 pps.  What concerns me is this is very periodic.  I used the word to describe the shape.  It looks more like a graph of periodic function.  Every screen shots I see, including my other receivers, this is more of a noise like graph that drifts up and down randomly.

All of my Prsolution-T is like this, and all of my GPSTM isn't like this.

Does this indicate a problem with my receiver?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on March 04, 2019, 04:25:09 am
What the various plots are used for is determined by the receiver type.   GP is usually a PPS related plot.  GO is usually an oscillator related plot.   Note: usually, but not always...
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on March 04, 2019, 03:04:37 pm

I stayed up late and read everything I could about clock bias.  I know now, there are two, one for satellite itself and one for receiver.  I know I didn't break the satellite.  (phew)  But what remains to be understood is is this good thing or bad?

I found one university lecture material that says it doesn't matter if we are only interested in time.  But I find it hard to believe.  I also read technical article by NIST and US Navy.  They explain it but don't tell me what it actually mean to the user.

Would you mind elaborating a bit on this?  At least tell me if I need to be concerned or not?  1 pps output will be used to discipline PRS-10.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: deepskyridge on March 04, 2019, 06:24:20 pm
Do you know of a command for the UCCM gpsdo's that will output data that is easier to parse ?

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on March 05, 2019, 04:30:37 am
Do you know of a command for the UCCM gpsdo's that will output data that is easier to parse ?

Nope.   You have to poll the device for any info (except the time code message if it is emabled).
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Gerhard_dk4xp on March 07, 2019, 08:16:01 pm

the readme file from tinyupload .zip that I just downloaded says
that it is Version 4. Can I ignore that?

regards, Gerhard

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on March 07, 2019, 08:52:27 pm

the readme file from tinyupload .zip that I just downloaded says
that it is Version 4. Can I ignore that?

Yes... not much has changed that affects the build instructions since then.

I thought of another thing that might be related to what you are seeing.  It could be your serial port driver.  On Windoze with the Prolific USB dongle, their driver seems to start messing up data after several hours.  This can cause lots of problem... for instance with Heather v5.xx with receivers that output binary data, you could get wildly corrupted values.  When Heather tried to print them, a buffer overflow could occur which could crash the program.   Heather v6.xx sanitizes all data values so that does not happen.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on March 08, 2019, 01:28:50 am
<begging mode = on>

I'm at a stage where I'm trying to package a Rb standard and include or not include GPS receiver.  Remember you helped me with this quite a bit?  The receiver bias graph making a saw tooth pattern, exact same shape up and down forever - I really need to know what this means.  If this is expected somehow or it is a bad sign.  Will you please help me out on this?  I read everything I can find.  Still can't reach my own conclusion.

</begging mode = off>
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on March 08, 2019, 01:51:13 am
It's normal...
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Gerhard_dk4xp on March 08, 2019, 02:30:17 am
I thought of another thing that might be related to what you are seeing.  It could be your serial port driver.  On Windoze with the Prolific USB dongle, their driver seems to start messing up data after several hours.  This can cause lots of problem... for instance with Heather v5.xx with receivers that output binary data, you could get wildly corrupted values.  When Heather tried to print them, a buffer overflow could occur which could crash the program.   Heather v6.xx sanitizes all data values so that does not happen.

I do not use Windoze but Linux Mint 18.3, which is mostly Ubuntu. But the data seems to be corrupted with the 5.? version, for example the pps adev goes very quickly to e-11 land and then suddenly drops to e-2.
I'll look into this over the weekend. At least, it seems that I don't have to cut down some trees.  ;D

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: bingo600 on March 14, 2019, 07:35:42 pm

I'm using Debian , and have no problems w. LH 6.x.
Using LH for a Tbolt via TCP->RS232  , and a Z3801 via FTDI USB

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Gerhard_dk4xp on March 14, 2019, 07:50:47 pm
Yes, V6 runs much better than V5.x on Linux Mint 18.3 since last weekend.
No more complaints!

Hama USB <-> V.24 cable with the fake RS-422 connection as someone
proposed some years ago on the time nuts list.

regards, Gerhard
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: ZL1CVD on March 15, 2019, 10:40:10 am
Hello. Is there a version for DOS please. I have UCCM Samsung I want to try and install install in Rohde & Schwarz CMU.

If I need to compile source code, what compiler do you suggest?

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on March 15, 2019, 04:52:42 pm
Hello. Is there a version for DOS please. I have UCCM Samsung I want to try and install install in Rohde & Schwarz CMU.

No,  Heather uses way to much memory to run under DOS.   At one time there was a DOS version that worked with only Thunderbolts.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: dekagon on March 15, 2019, 06:41:37 pm
Hello texaspyro,
is it possible to run heather on a raspberyy pi 3B+ in server mode?
I compiled your sources quickly without any problems.
It is running fine on my raspberry but I want to collect data from two gpsdo's and serve these with the raspi over my home LAN if this will be also possible.
I looked into the heather.txt and the heather.cpp but I was not successful.
Also tried the search function but nothing comes up. Only the windows serve mode.... But this was already known.

Thank you in advance and have a nice weekend.

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on March 15, 2019, 07:04:46 pm

is it possible to run heather on a raspberyy pi 3B+ in server mode?

Easiest way is to connect the GPSDOs via serial to LAN converters.

The Windows server that John Miles wrote really only works well with Trimble TSIP devices.  You could modify it to work with others... the main issue is detecting something like an end-of-message byte to trigger sending / decoding messages.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: dekagon on March 15, 2019, 07:24:48 pm
Thats a pity ... I thought there is an easy way to do that because the raspi is very low power consuming and could in the running time also collect a lot of data...

But thank you for your quick answer :)

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Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: dekagon on March 16, 2019, 06:51:28 pm

is it possible to run heather on a raspberyy pi 3B+ in server mode?

Easiest way is to connect the GPSDOs via serial to LAN converters.

The Windows server that John Miles wrote really only works well with Trimble TSIP devices.  You could modify it to work with others... the main issue is detecting something like an end-of-message byte to trigger sending / decoding messages.

I decided to let the raspi do the job :)
It is the first joice for logging data and if you plug an usb serial adapter with an ftdi chip inside you can plug it in and it is working like a charm...
I used two of them for running two instances of heather one for my gpsdo and the other one for the disciplined rubidium...
I can access the desktop with vncview and the data with ssh...
That seems to be a really practical and low power consuming solution for that purpose.
The raspi 3B‘s do have enough power for these tasks and with the use of such raspi enclosures with fan you are on the secure side. Absolutely no noise ;)

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Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: dwholland on March 21, 2019, 12:34:50 am
Hi... Long time reader/watcher of EEVblog, first time poster...  ;D

I'm trying to use the latest beta from this thread w/ a RPI3, and a Lucent KS-24361 pair.  (via a couple of USB/RS232 adapters).      The end goal is (hopefully) to use LH to talk to the Lucent pair, and suck the GPS stats out, and feed them into a Splunk (or Zabbix) instance, (as well as make a pretty display) so I've been playing with assorted options, probably some of which aren't particularly intelligent, nor valid, to see what else I can get besides the usual log file.

But I did notice that a /ee= option will keep LH from talking to the Lucent pair.    A little strace shows LH gets stuck sending "1819  write(3, "*PTIME:*CLS\n", 12)     = 12" over and over to the GPS, which doesn't appear to be syntactically correct to me...

Poking around in the source code, it appears to me that the sendout() routine really should encapsulate the static "x" offset variable into the COM_INFO structure, since I'm pretty certain the routine is used to send data to both the USB serial port, and the "ee" TCP/IP port, and things get relatively confused when outputing to multiple devices.

And FWIW, doing just that seems to take care of my "hang".  (and it shows the /ee option isn't terribly interesting for what I want to do. C'est La Vie)

Never the less, looks like a bug to me, and I've got a diff if you want it.    (Is there a GitHub/GitLab copy of LH you'd rather I generate a pull request against?)


Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on March 21, 2019, 02:38:48 am
Good catch, David.   It's been ages since I used the /ee feature.   I've fixed it (I think) in the version that I am working on now.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: dekagon on March 21, 2019, 11:55:30 am

But I did notice that a /ee= option will keep LH from talking to the Lucent pair.


Hi David,

thank you for this info :)

Hi texaspyro,
is this the option to switch on the localhost server mode?

kind regards
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on March 23, 2019, 11:09:49 pm
I found a slight cosmetic issue.  The rubidium in my PRS-10 went into nuclear fusion today, and recorded several million degrees C.  When that happened, graph showed an obvious anomaly, and "Temp" under Receiver data overflowed.  Overflowed part was in red and 000C was left behind.  Subsequent normal data did not overwrite this.  Unfortunately, when I took a screen shot, that did not show up but it read 74.0000C(in red) space C.  An obvious overflow and possibly a string conversion issue.  I don't know what this is, but my PRS-10 does this every now and then.  I'd imagine these data are kept in array, so possibly, it can step over the next data. 

Can you filter out an obvious erogenous data or show 9999 or something?  Again, when I took a screen shot, it refreshed the display and THAT portion went away. 
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on March 24, 2019, 12:50:54 am
Can you filter out an obvious erogenous data or show 9999 or something?  Again, when I took a screen shot, it refreshed the display and THAT portion went away.

Nope,  Heather is a garbage-in garbage-out display.  It shows what it got and will not put lipstick on garbage data to make it look pretty.  Altering the data for a pretty display can hide valuable information that might tell you what is going on.

You can do a screen dump without re-drawing the display with the \ keyboard command.  In this mode, it uses a default file name based upon the device type.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on March 26, 2019, 12:40:18 am
I will provide this screen shot for FYI purpose only then.  PRS-10 went wonky and returned extremely high value.  This is what happens after it returns to normal.  This is only a screen corruption.  I can refresh it and it returns to normal.  Another manifestation of this is it will say "C  C" and the last C is in red.

If you don't want to provide all data, as provided, I agree.  It's just that it shouldn't remain on screen like this.  YES, it is a cosmetic issue.  From one developer to another, I understand these are last of priorities.

Otherwise it is working great.  Any release day target?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on March 26, 2019, 01:25:54 am
The red stuff gets left behind because the length of the printed value exceeds the allocated space.  I leave it behind as an indication that something funky happened in the past.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: BravoV on April 09, 2019, 08:17:03 am
Texaspyro, does LH support this GSPDO below ?

I assume connect thru the "GPS Out" connector ?

As you experienced in so many GSPDOs brands/types, any idea of this unit as I can't find any reference on the net.

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on April 09, 2019, 04:16:40 pm
Texaspyro, does LH support this GSPDO below ?

Probably not... I have no idea what it is.   Maybe try connecting Lady Heather to the GPS OUT connector and see if auto-detect comes up with anything.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: dwholland on April 13, 2019, 07:21:01 pm
If anyone should be interested, I hacked up the 6.14Beta a bit, and now have LH feeding data to Splunk.

I stuck the code up on GitHub:

And lets me do things like:

index=main sourcetype="lady_heather:*" | timechart span=1s avg(sat_0001.sig_level), avg(sat_0001.elevation), avg(sat_0001.tracking)

Or send me an email in the event of a critical alarm with:

index=main sourcetype="lady_heather:*" critical_alarms!=0  | table _time, critical_alarm_txt{}

Etc.   The readme is here, no idea if it will work for anyone else:

Hope it helps someone else..

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: k5xl on April 19, 2019, 04:52:43 pm
Thanks so much for this new version of this fantastic application!

I want to point out a minor cosmetic issue that has been in LH since before V5.   The color legend for the signal map seems to be off by 2 DBc.   IE, when a sat signal is averaging 47 DBc, it will be plotted in CYAN instead of DARK GREEN.   The same is true all the way across the range of colors from 30 - 50 DBc.  It looks like the color table is one step off from the actual legend values.

Thanks for your time and efforts!

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: KE5FX on April 20, 2019, 01:36:55 am
If anyone should be interested, I hacked up the 6.14Beta a bit, and now have LH feeding data to Splunk.

This does sound interesting, and they have a very slick website, but I'll be darned if I can tell exactly what Splunk actually is.   Is it some kind of platform for rendering and/or sharing the output from realtime data sources, or is it just a new massively-multiplayer buzzword bingo game?  They desperately need to add more real-world examples.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on April 20, 2019, 01:47:15 am
I want to point out a minor cosmetic issue that has been in LH since before V5.   The color legend for the signal map seems to be off by 2 DBc.

It was mostly due to one set of colors being calculated with floating point numbers and the other using integers.  I have recently fixed it to use the same code for calculating the sig level -> color in all places.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on April 20, 2019, 02:26:01 am
If anyone should be interested, I hacked up the 6.14Beta a bit, and now have LH feeding data to Splunk.

This does sound interesting, and they have a very slick website, but I'll be darned if I can tell exactly what Splunk actually is

Splunk appears to be in the same category as Analytics Software.  A group of software that takes in massive amount of data and present it to you in some meaningful way.  It doesn't have to be real-time data either as it has to accumulate some.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: k5xl on April 21, 2019, 01:38:22 pm
Thanks,  I'll look for your next windows release!
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: rbm on April 21, 2019, 02:16:18 pm
This does sound interesting, and they have a very slick website, but I'll be darned if I can tell exactly what Splunk actually is.
It's  software, with capabilities to capture data, perform correlation and analysis on that data and present it in meaningful ways.
 It has Security information and Event Management (SIEM) capability or the ability to monitor and alert upon availability events or functional failures or perform web analytics.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: jpb on April 25, 2019, 09:46:30 am
I just got an amusing error message from Lady Heather - at least I hope it is meant to be humourous otherwise we're all in trouble!  :scared:
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on April 25, 2019, 07:43:27 pm
I just got an amusing error message from Lady Heather - at least I hope it is meant to be humourous otherwise we're all in trouble!  :scared:

Damn cucumbers... they're evil, I say...  pure evel...   >:D
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: dwholland on April 25, 2019, 11:08:07 pm
Sorry for not replying sooner, it appears EEVblog doesn't reliably notify me there's new postings in the thread.

I'm partial to Splunk.   I also have the <euphemism here> of doing it professionally.   The other posters have it described pretty well.   

The advantages of Splunk are it permits me to marry up multiple sources of data, and look for correlations.   For example, the Lucent pair I'm using does not have temperature sensors.   The PI does (albeit in the CPU), but I can generate a nice pretty graph of dac_voltage vs temperature.


I can look at a week long graph of the PPS offset.   And if I set the retention period correctly, I can look at the same week long period 6 months from now.   I suppose I could look at a 6 month long graph of the PPS offset, if I wanted to wait for it to render. (My Splunk instance is underpowered, and pretty slow.)


I need to trim the event text down, as it looks like this will exceed (slightly) the limits of the free version of Splunk as is.

I may look at a Zabbix interface as well, as it can generate similar (relatively) simple graphs.

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: URI on May 08, 2019, 12:47:09 am
Thanks texaspyro for this (lady heather) very fine application!    :)

I'm using it flawlessly (version 5 and 6) together with a GPSDO with NMEA (rxn) output and a Trimble UCCM GPSDO (rxc).  :-+

I also have two UCCM GPSDOs made by Samsung that lady heather has her problems with: she doesn't recognize the serial data right. I'm using Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS.

Lady heather recognizes this Samsung UCCM-LP module as an UCCM-receiver -that it is actually, a variant of.

Executed with "./heather -1u -br=57600:8:n:1 -rx" heather flashes a message shortly after giving the result of the auto detection ("UUCM receiver") in red coloured letters saying "NO USB1 SERIAL PORT DATA SEEN".
After that the output display is this:

When I start lady heather using the commandline "./heather -1u -rx" without defining the serial baud rate, it seems it almost works fine at first glance but the output flashes with up to 10 seconds cycle time except for the plot window being steadily shown:
..I haven't masked the position info here and heather reports an unknown mode 63(?)..

Do I have a misconfiguration problem or doesn't heather understand this Samsung UCCM-LP GPSDO right?

I've attached some raw data written by lady heather on startup with br=57600:8:n:1.

Some documentation below:

The respond to the *IDN? command:
Code: [Select]
"Command Complete"

The output after the SYST:STAT? command:
Code: [Select]
UCCM-LP  serial number SE2D608878  firmware ver GPS(or Ext) mode   
Reference Status __________________________   Reference Outputs _______________
  Ext Ref : Unknown[LOS]                                                       
                                              TFOM     1            FFOM      0
                                              UCCM A Status[Master]           
>>GPS :     [phase : +6.352E-9]                                               
ACQUISITION ................................................ [ GPS 1PPS Valid ]
Tracking:  7 ___   Not Tracking:  7 _______   Time ____________________________
PRN  El  AZ  CNO   PRN  El  Az                GPS      23:24:00      7 MAY 2019
  1  31 150  39      3  66  84                GPS      Synchronized to UTC     
  6  30 307  43     11   9 166                ANT DLY  +0.0E+0                 
  9  30 217  34     12   3 335                Position ________________________
 17  33 251  38     14   5  47                MODE     fixed                   
 19  36 275  48     18   5 145                                                 
 23  67 193  52     22  44  95                FIX LAT  N  dd:xx:26.954         
 31  25  50  39     25   4   9                FIX LON  E  dd:xx:00.606         
                                              FIX HGT          +116.43 m       
ELEV MASK  5 deg                              ANT V=5.116V, I=11.120mA         
Temp = 41.500 / NONE
"Command Complete"
(I've masked my position in this code, btw.)

Here's the command set list:
Code: [Select]

 OUTPut:ACTive:HOLDover:DURation:THReshold <seconds>
 DIAGnostic:HOLDover:DELay <seconds>
 SYNChronization:HOLDover:DURation:STATus:THReshold <seconds>
 GPS:POSition N or S,<deg>,<min>,<sec>,E or W,<deg>,<min>,<sec>,<height>
 GPS:REFerence:ADELay <numeric value>
 LINK:REFerence:ADELay <numeric value>
 GPS:SATellite:TRACking:IGNore <PRN>,...,<PRN>
 GPS:SATellite:TRACking:INCLude <PRN>,...,<PRN>
 SYSTem:COMMunication:SERial1:BAUD 9600|19200|38400|57600|115200
 SYSTem:COMMunication:SERial2:BAUD 9600|19200|38400|57600|115200
 OUTPut:STANdby:THReshold <secods>
 SYNChronization:REFerence:ENABLE EXT|GPS
 SYNChronization:REFerence:DISABLE EXT|GPS
 OUTPut:TP:SELection PP1S|PP2S
 GPSystem:SATellite:TRACking:EMANgle <degrees>
 PULLINRANGE 0|1|2|...|254|255
 DIAGnostic:ROSCillator:EFControl:DATA GPS|<value>
 SYNChronization:INPut:PPS:DELay <numeric value>
"Command Complete"
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on May 08, 2019, 01:24:56 am
Are you using the latest version (v6.14)?   Earlier versions had problems with the Samsung units.  The v6.14 code is attached to the first post in this thread.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: URI on May 08, 2019, 05:18:23 am
Are you using the latest version (v6.14)?   Earlier versions had problems with the Samsung units.  The v6.14 code is attached to the first post in this thread.

Oh, I forgot to mention: Yes, I've used version 6.14 for the tests I documented in my last post. Compiled on a Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS Intel machine.

It seems there are different Samsung GPSDOs around (photos linked in from ebay):
Samsung UCCM-L8 (different to mine):

Samsung UCCM-LP (identical to mine):

I thought there were more Samsung variants (especially with a different GPS receiver module) but I haven't found anything like that on the 'net again yet.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: URI on May 17, 2019, 08:52:24 pm
Hi texaspyro,
may I kindly ask if you have any answer for me?

I read the thread and have indeed come across the part where you stated you corrected lady heathers understanding of Samsung GPSDOs.

The problem with the Samsung UCCM-LP still exists here and after extensive tries I don't have any idea left what else I could do to bring lady heather and my Samsung UCCM-LP together..?

If I can help in any way please feel free to ask.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on June 07, 2019, 05:33:44 am
Send me a couple of minutes of raw data capture when you have it almost working...
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: videobelu on June 12, 2019, 12:53:54 pm
Hi this is my log from LH 6.14 with my ZYT GPSDO 2019 ,I don't know if everything is configured correctly and if the program works correctly with this GPSDO, any advice or suggestion is welcome.

Edit:when LH is in operation, from time to time my GPSDO restarts and sometimes completely freezes and it is necessary to disconnect the power supply to restart it.....

Edit2:PSDO restarts and sometimes completely freezes solved disconnect TXDATA from PC to GPSDO in RS232 cable
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: URI on June 15, 2019, 07:03:01 am
Send me a couple of minutes of raw data capture when you have it almost working...

Hi texaspyro,

I attached ~10 minutes of raw data to this message. At first glance the command set looks partly different to the command set used with a trimble uccm-p-module (57963-D) connected.

And Lady Heather puts out a command (:GPS:POS:SURV:STAT?, :GPSystem:POSition:SURVey:STATe?) that's part of the command set of Symmetricon non-UCCM receivers (e.g. 58540A) and that's not part of the UCCM command set of trimble nor samsung uccm modules -and Lady Heather gets an "Undefined Header" reply.

I hope this helps, many thanks in advance!
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on June 15, 2019, 05:10:11 pm
It works fine here.

Something tells me you are not on v6.14.  Press the space bar to verify your version.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: URI on June 15, 2019, 10:49:44 pm
It works fine here.

Something tells me you are not on v6.14.  Press the space bar to verify your version.

Oh man, I feel like a complete idiot.   :palm:
Like someone who states his computer is not working but hasn't checked the power cord..

You are right. I tried version 5.0.  Fail.
I compared time stamps: I downloaded the updated on February 25th and compiled something on March, 7th.
I must have messed up this version with another version in a different directory on my hdd I downloaded earlier. I should have checked the time stamp of that file -it was from 2018..    :palm:

Checked the other ( says it's version 6.14 Beta), unzipped, compiled, started it, it tells me it's indeed version 6.14 Beta  and tada: -it works .   :-+

Thank you for your great work and sorry for any inconvenience.

*slipping away ashamed*
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on June 15, 2019, 11:13:10 pm
Do you have a crappy antenna location?   You have decent signal levels, but are only tracking 4-5 satellites?  I would expcect to see more tracked satellites...
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: URI on June 15, 2019, 11:54:35 pm
Do you have a crappy antenna location?   You have decent signal levels, but are only tracking 4-5 satellites?  I would expcect to see more tracked satellites...

Yep, you're right. My antenna sits outside the window of my ground level apartment and the buildings on the other side of the street block nearly one half of the hemisphere. The building my apartment is in and the buildings around block nearly everything below 25°-30° elevation angle.

I have a slightly better situation at another window but that's too far away to have the UCCM-LP module connected to my pc.
So this crappy position is for basic testing only.
Since I don't own the apartment I'm living in it's a bit delicate to get the antenna up on the roof.. My landlord won't allow it -that's why I don't ask him for it. Putting the antenna in a better position would be kind of ..err.. unauthorized.
But I'm thinking of ways to improve the antenna position discretely.   8)
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: URI on June 17, 2019, 06:00:01 am
Do you have a crappy antenna location?   You have decent signal levels, but are only tracking 4-5 satellites?  I would expect to see more tracked satellites...

After gathering data I can explain that in a little bit more detail:

In the graph of signal strength vs. az/el you can actuelly see the obstacles if you know them. I know them, so I'll explain it to you.  :)
Line 1 marks the front of the house my apartment is in. It's the front to the street.
Line 3 marks the front of the Buildings on the opposite of the street. You can actually see an outline of a garble at the upper left end of it.
Line 2 and 4 mark the openings of the street I'm living in where the view of the sky isn't blocked by buildings.

In fact 4-5 satellites isn't that bad for this situation.   :)

Lady Heather's working fine with version 6.14 Beta for me now that it's no longer version 5.0.   :-DD
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Electro Fan on June 25, 2019, 02:15:50 am
Just checking to see what the command might be to get the Doppler plot to turn on (for Star 4+)?  Thx
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Ohm_My on June 25, 2019, 02:44:50 am
I don't think it is available with the Star 4+ as a measured parameter. The term is Dilution Of Precision as opposed to Doppler.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Electro Fan on June 25, 2019, 02:47:40 am
Thanks.  Any chance there is a command that displays some info about the status of the 10 MHz ref signal?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: videobelu on July 01, 2019, 01:38:09 pm
UPDATED:  to version 6.14 Beta. 

I try compile it on Raspbian ARMv6 (Raspberry Pi Zero W), all works fine. :-+
Now i can run Lady's on RP and turn off my main PC. 8) RP Zero W have very low power consumption, without any noise!
CPU load with VNC is high 50-90%, but it works stable.

Hi is possible to have a iso of Sd card for use on Raspberry ? I am not be able to compile the the image....
Thank you very much
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on July 01, 2019, 04:34:39 pm
Thanks.  Any chance there is a command that displays some info about the status of the 10 MHz ref signal?

No, unless you have a TICC or counter connected.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on July 06, 2019, 04:23:19 am
I have a really odd situation.  (long story short), LH successfully finds match on serial speed, parity, mode, etc. and successfully talks.  How can I find out what the "match" LH found? 
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on July 06, 2019, 03:35:30 pm
I have a really odd situation.  (long story short), LH successfully finds match on serial speed, parity, mode, etc. and successfully talks.  How can I find out what the "match" LH found?

When the auto-detect is doing its thing,  the setting it tries is at the top of the screen.  Also the !p keyboard command should show it.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on July 06, 2019, 03:54:27 pm
Thank you SIR!  You just saved me tons of time!

Yes, I know it shows the progress but it was too fast for me to read.  !p worked.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on July 08, 2019, 02:50:09 am
Now I have two GPSDO connected to a same PC.  I wonder if you'd entertain an idea that where it says TBOLT-"C:\Program, replace it with a custom string? 

Looking at a graph, it's impossible to tell which GPS unit I'm looking at.  I know I can set a "brand name" on Analog clock, but I'd rather see it up top.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on July 08, 2019, 03:22:50 am
Now I have two GPSDO connected to a same PC.  I wonder if you'd entertain an idea that where it says TBOLT-"C:\Program, replace it with a custom string? 

/pt=string    -  will set a user defined title ('-' chars convert to spaces).
/pt - uses the receiver type and .exe file name as the title.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on July 08, 2019, 06:29:49 pm
Do you have any plan to support Spectracom 8195B?  The protocol seems to be proprietary.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on July 08, 2019, 07:15:08 pm
Do you have any plan to support Spectracom 8195B?  The protocol seems to be proprietary.

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: videobelu on July 09, 2019, 08:41:40 pm
Hi I'm trying to use Lady Heather with my GPSDO ZYT GPSDO 2019, internally it's a Symmetricom with FURUNO GT-8031T receiver.
The program correctly recognizes the UCCM protocol and apparently seems to work correctly, but after a few hours of use the system freezes and I have to turn the GPSDO off and on again and then restart the program.
Does anyone have experience with this?
Can it be a configuration problem ??
Thank you
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Conrad Hoffman on July 14, 2019, 02:28:10 pm
I've been playing with Lady Heather and an old Magellen Explorist 210. I wanted to see how good I could do with elevation, given some averaging. It's not bad, but some other interesting things showed up. The most interesting is that the reported time can be off quite a bit. Apparently, the 210 has some internal quirks where the time isn't updated properly, and it can drift off by many seconds over time. Only a full reset can get it back in sync. I've seen it off by up to 15 seconds in the past. I think the error is also reflected in Lady Heather, but haven't proven it yet. There's also some timing problem, as I get continuous red tics on the chart. Not sure why, but the legend for the chart always gives the elevation in meters, but labels it as feet.

Of all the inexpensive modules on the 'bay, can anyone suggest something troublefree that I can eventually set up as a GPSDO of decent quality? At the moment I'm a bit lost in the woods because there are so many options.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: kj7e on July 14, 2019, 03:22:16 pm

I would recommend this unit.  The 8663 OCXO is top notch and the Star 4 GPS plays well with LH. (

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on July 23, 2019, 04:44:18 am
I'm looking for v6.15 or later for Linux. I have found v5 ( but it doesn't recognize my Samsung UCCM-LP GPSDO.

Check the first post.  V6.14 is the latest public release.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: ZL1CVD on July 23, 2019, 07:24:27 am
Downloaded 16.14 in Xubuntu
unzipped to folder
make clean
Compiled without error and worked great - I already had dependencies installed (readme.txt)
However every time I started it (./heather) is failed opening com port.
Problem was permissions. You have to add user to dialout group with..
sudo adduser <username> dialout
Great job - much more responsive than Windows - not sure why!

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Electro Fan on July 23, 2019, 07:51:47 pm

I would recommend this unit.  The 8663 OCXO is top notch and the Star 4 GPS plays well with LH. (

I have the same model but I haven't been able to figure out what commands would produce the chA ADEV, HDEV, MDEV, and TDEV tables, or the corresponding graphics (as shown in the seller's eBay photo below).  Also, I haven't been able to figure out what command would show anything about the specific frequency the GPSDO is outputting somewhere around 10 MHz.  Any suggestions on how to invoke these features in LH would be appreciated.  Thx
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on July 23, 2019, 11:00:41 pm
I have the same model but I haven't been able to figure out what commands would produce the chA ADEV, HDEV, MDEV, and TDEV tables, or the corresponding graphics (as shown in the seller's eBay photo below). 

That screen dump was from a TAPR TICC time interval counter.   
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: bnz on July 27, 2019, 08:41:01 am
Hello texaspyro

would it be possible to add support for the Tekelec-Systems/Spectracom Epsilon Clock Model EC1S? It is not recognized by the current beta.
Its User manual is found here: (

From its look from the backside, the build in GPS receiver, should be a Motorola M12 Oncore.

Best regards
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on July 27, 2019, 06:26:54 pm
would it be possible to add support for the Tekelec-Systems/Spectracom Epsilon Clock Model EC1S?

Not without having one to develop the software with...
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on August 18, 2019, 05:42:17 pm
That's one weird signal level map... what's to the west?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: JohnPi on August 25, 2019, 06:47:00 pm
I have this and it is running well. However the manual is a bit cryptic.

I want the clock display to show satellite signal strength vs angle -- like this -- but I can't figure out how to do it.

What is the command line and screen options for this ? I have tried things like 'SAS' but that doesn't work.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on August 29, 2019, 02:41:45 am
Try the GB command... it toggles enabling of drawing maps, etc to the right of  the plot area.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Dwaine on September 05, 2019, 06:38:05 am

I would recommend this unit.  The 8663 OCXO is top notch and the Star 4 GPS plays well with LH. (

I had mine for about almost a year now.   No problems with it yet.   I do noticed the sellers picture of the square wave and wonder what magical scope he has.
This is what I see when terminated with 50ohm tapping the square wave pin.

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Andreas on September 05, 2019, 09:25:35 am
  I do noticed the sellers picture of the square wave and wonder what magical scope he has.

you should also reduce the number of samples to 250/s and use the 1Hz output.

with best regards

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on September 05, 2019, 12:04:29 pm
Oscilloquartz 8663 has few versions.  Some output square wave and some do sine.  It also has 5MHz or 10MHz.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Ohm_My on September 27, 2019, 10:00:19 am
I've acquired a SparkFun GPS-RTK2 F9P receiver and am having an issue with LH 6.0b. I've set the receiver type to /rxut but I still can't see any satellites in the table view or signal strength maps, etc?

What is the secret hand shake for this?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on September 27, 2019, 04:15:53 pm
Did Spectracom Ageless Master Oscillator made it into the main code?  You spent so much time helping me but I don't see it in list of supported GPSDO.  It's been working well.  Thank you.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on September 27, 2019, 08:48:12 pm
Few days ago, I bought a stack of Nortel GPSTM.  Apparently, what I bought is different from what I already have.....  I have Trimble OEM version that works well with LH.  What I bought is; however, bears same model number but is made by Symmetricom.  GPS chip is Furuno GT-8031F.  LH's auto-discovery cannot see it.  Trying to connect to it via putty, at 19200,8,n,1, I can get *something* but garbled.  Has anyone successfully interfaced this version with LH or even a terminal emulator?

CORRECTION>  using 19.2K 7,O,1, I got a prompt "E-113>"  I still can't talk to it as anything I type is met with repeat of the prompt.
Specified such in command line to start LH.  It is not finding the receiver.  Behavior is quite different from Trimble version.  Perhaps this is not supported.... (yet)
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: ArthurDent on September 28, 2019, 06:42:18 pm
I've used a terminal emulator to talk to this GPSDO. If you're getting the E-113 message that means you are talking to the unit and it is telling you there is an error message and you can't continue unless the error message is cleared. Get to where you have the E-113 error message displayed and type *CLS <enter key> to clear the error and the prompt should now say SCSI> . Any time you screw up and the unit displays the error message, you must clear it again to continue.

Type *IDN? <enter> and the unit should return the ID number and also return to SCSI>, waiting for the next command. Try some of the following commands. 

(lower case letters and first : are optional)
:SYSTem:STATus?  (gives satellite count/tracking, lots of info)

These are like some of the commands for the Lucent KS-24361 GPSDO. some are specific to that unit but if you can find the list, it is a good starting point.   
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on September 28, 2019, 08:03:35 pm
Thank you!

That got me going.  Looks like E-113 was there because I powered it up before connecting antenna.  It is now tracking 8 with valid PPS.  So it's all good.

Do you mind communicating with me via email?  I don't really want to clutter up this thread.  Mine is tkamiya9<at>
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: w9gb on October 03, 2019, 08:55:53 pm
Mark -

Have you added the Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (Pullman, WA)
SEL-2404, Satellite-Synchronized Clock to Lady Heather v6 Beta support ?

Nice unit with a IRIG-B output and six (6) programmable BNC outputs.

These units are primarily used in the public utility industry (rack mounted), and a number are appearing surplus (sometimes for less than $200).  The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) must have performed an upgrade at substations, power plants, and control rooms — since many are in SouthEast USA.

4 page Flyer for SEL-2407

NTP Server usage

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tomeo.gonzales on October 12, 2019, 03:26:15 pm
I have a GPSDO from ebay. (see the attached picture)
Inside is a Trimble 57693-D module.
It is supported by Lady Heather (v6.14) ?
It is not detected automatically.
I'm not able to find the correct command line parameters for Lady Heather.
Please help
Thank you

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: docdailey on October 20, 2019, 08:34:03 am

This tool is fantastic.  How do devices get added.  I see the Jackson Labs Fury GPSDO is not on the list.  I would be interested in helping get it there.  How can I help?

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: akumiszcza on November 14, 2019, 01:05:10 pm
I connected my BG7TBL GPSDO to a PC running FreeBSD as NTP server. I use GPSd and so it's possible to use Lady Heather (6.14) monitoring together with serving time. Unfortunately, I don't see the elevation and azimuth of nearly each satellite.
When I use xgps or gpsmon software at the same time, I can see the data is there.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on December 11, 2019, 04:19:23 am
Would you consider adding an ability to read environmental temperature?  Not the device temp but the lab itself.  That would be very nice, me thinks?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on December 11, 2019, 04:35:52 am
Would you consider adding an ability to read environmental temperature?  Not the device temp but the lab itself.  That would be very nice, me thinks?

Heather already has support for reading a couple of different environmental sensors (temp, humidity, pressure).  The sensor can be either the main input device (receiver) or an auxiliary input device.   I use the USB sensor from (
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on December 11, 2019, 05:19:50 am
I went ahead and purchased USB-PA.  At $30, it's pretty reasonable.  Thanks for the tip!
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: metrologist on December 11, 2019, 03:06:36 pm
I went ahead and purchased USB-PA.  At $30, it's pretty reasonable.  Thanks for the tip!

Does the USB-PA also do temp and humidity? The specs seem to indicate so but the description makes it uncertain.

OT: there is a USB PA Crazy Radio, which I assume is a wireless USB interface but its not clear what you use it for? Coincidentally $30.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on December 11, 2019, 04:18:20 pm
I went ahead and purchased USB-PA.  At $30, it's pretty reasonable.  Thanks for the tip!

Does the USB-PA also do temp and humidity? The specs seem to indicate so but the description makes it uncertain.

It has a BME280 sensor on it.  Does temp, humidity, air pressure.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on January 17, 2020, 12:33:12 am
I have been using LH with PRS10.

Today, I was looking at status flags, ST1 to ST6.  On LH, these values are expressed in 0x00 format.  Can I get this in bit map format?  This is really is not a big deal but those bytes are bit mapped.  It'll be a bit easier if it's in 0000 0000 format.

Title: What is needed to compile LH for Wimdows ??
Post by: softfoot on February 09, 2020, 10:02:04 am

The subject says it all ;-)

IE Toolchain, libraries etc

I'd like to apply a few tweaks for myself.

Best regards
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Helix70 on February 09, 2020, 01:05:37 pm
As per the readme, "Source code is compilable with most versions of Visual Studio including the free Community Edition package." (
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: softfoot on February 09, 2020, 01:16:30 pm

Excellent -- Many thanks
Title: Re: What is needed to compile LH for Wimdows ??
Post by: texaspyro on February 09, 2020, 08:18:00 pm

The subject says it all ;-)

IE Toolchain, libraries etc

I'd like to apply a few tweaks for myself.

Best regards

I use Visual Studio 2005 under Windows XP.

Note that the makefile for Windows (in the intsllation) is different than the Linux version.  The heath*.c* files are the same for all OS versions.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: perdrix on February 25, 2020, 06:27:37 pm

Here's an odd-ball request - any chance you could sweet talk your lady friend into supporting the Meade RCX-400 telescope?

There's no way to send commands directly to the GPS unit (unfortunately), but the telescope will accept a command on the serial port that will redirect the GPS NMEA output to the serial port until the next character is sent to the serial port:

 :gpx#  serial command.. returns continuous GPS sentences until another
         serial character is received. 
    Sentences are prefixed with "$" and postfixed with x0D (return)
       for direct compatibility with VisualGPS and the like.

David Partridge

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: rockwell on March 12, 2020, 02:10:18 pm
Is it possible to use a Trimble 4000 with Lady Heather ?
It has RS232 output.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: notfaded1 on March 15, 2020, 03:43:07 am
Does anyone know how to get the DogRatlan's USB-PA to say work with lady heather and a Trimble Thunderbolt or even another ublox GPSDO?  Is there a command or commandline command you have to add for the additional USB interface the USB-PA is running on?

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: astrosnapper on April 23, 2020, 05:26:19 pm
You need to add "-en=?", where ? is the COM port number of your USB-PA temp sensor, to your Lady Heather command line in the shortcut.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on April 27, 2020, 02:45:01 am
There is also a mode where the temp sensor is the main input device (/??  /rxen  (where ?? is the com port info)).    In this mode you can also use the /en=?? command to access a second temperature sensor.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on April 27, 2020, 06:07:42 pm
I am doing a median survey with LH and T-bolt.  I can't find a command to save to disk or save to device.  HELP! 

I can issue this save command after it's done, right??
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on April 28, 2020, 12:00:51 am
The results should automatically be saved to the Tbolt when the survey completes.   The survey data is also written to a file while it is running.  I am away at the moment and don' remember the file name used... I think it ends with .lla
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on May 02, 2020, 02:47:11 am
There is also a mode where the temp sensor is the main input device (/rxen=?).    In this mode you can also use the /en=?? command to access a second temperature sensor.

This mode does not seem to work.  I had the env sensor working on com15 via USB  (/en=15)  Shut it down and changed the command line to /rxen=15.  Main screen says com1: then says serial port device not found.  It there a limitation I am not aware of?  It shows the system clock but not environmental information.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on May 02, 2020, 02:54:49 am
This mode does not seem to work.  I had the env sensor working on com15 via USB  (/en=15)  Shut it down and changed the command line to /rxen=15.  Main screen says com1: then says serial port device not found.  It there a limitation I am not aware of?  It shows the system clock but not environmental information.

Oops...  try:   /rxen /15

Also, when using an environmental sensor the zoomed digital clock display (ZC) should also show the sensor readings... 
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on May 02, 2020, 03:02:32 am
Now it works.  Thanks!
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on May 02, 2020, 03:09:12 am
My alarm clock is a Ras PI / Touchscreen with GPS module and enviro sensor...
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on May 02, 2020, 03:16:02 am
So you wake up in precise location and time in bed?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on May 02, 2020, 03:19:38 am
So you wake up in precise location and time in bed?

I REALLY hate being woken up a millisecond early.  Or in some place I didn't go to sleep in...
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on May 04, 2020, 06:45:29 am
USB-PA does not seem to be available anymore.  Do you have something similar that you are recommending now?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on May 04, 2020, 07:00:01 am
USB-PA does not seem to be available anymore.  Do you have something similar that you are recommending now?

Currently supported sensors are the USB sensors
//             from  amd the LFS10x devices from
//    (like the LFS104BW)
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on May 04, 2020, 11:14:43 pm
USB-PA does not seem to be available anymore.  Do you have something similar that you are recommending now?

DId you contact him to confirm?  I've seen him run out of stock on his Ebay site fairly regularly...
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: cdev on May 04, 2020, 11:42:19 pm
You can use the cheap STLINK clone dongles (STMF103 in there, I think) for all sorts of other stuff, including a USB temp/humidity sensor. You can also make them into Yubikeys.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: notfaded1 on May 11, 2020, 05:07:59 pm
Oops...  try:   /rxen /15

Also, when using an environmental sensor the zoomed digital clock display (ZC) should also show the sensor readings...

Thanks for this... I was wondering how to get the dogration working!  I didn't see much about it except that it was supposed to work so I bought one.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: cdev on May 11, 2020, 05:14:30 pm
Is the Linux version thats online now one of the newer ones that supports the TruePosition GPSDO?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on May 12, 2020, 12:01:10 am
Is the Linux version thats online now one of the newer ones that supports the TruePosition GPSDO?

The code (v6.14?) on eevblog is the latest version (both Windows and Linux and macOS)

I was getting ready to release a new version that supports some new devices, but my latest source code is at a locked down university.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on May 12, 2020, 12:05:55 am
What is the URL?

Uhhh...  it's linked in the first post of this topic.   :-DD
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: cdev on May 12, 2020, 01:23:26 am
Thank you, Got it!


Looking forward to trying it out!
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on May 12, 2020, 02:28:19 am
When divide by cucumber error happens again, where do I find the reset switch?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on May 12, 2020, 02:33:09 am
When divide by cucumber error happens again, where do I find the reset switch?

Drop trou,  bend over,  it's up there somewhere.    >:D   :-DD
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on May 12, 2020, 02:51:34 am
..... and that will reboot the earth?  I didn't know that....
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: texaspyro on May 12, 2020, 02:53:17 am
..... and that will reboot the earth?  I didn't know that....

Yep, try it!   It does take a while, though.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: FransW on May 12, 2020, 03:10:46 pm
Are you sure?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on May 14, 2020, 07:39:16 pm
Mine now says segmentation fault.  Core dumped.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tomeo.gonzales on June 06, 2020, 07:26:26 pm
I try to use Lady Heather 6.14 with ZED-F9T (ublox GPS module) with the following command line:
HEATHER.EXE /3 /br=115200 /rxu /tz=+2eet/eest /vh
Date/time and position data are correct but no satellite info is displayed.
Please help.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on June 06, 2020, 08:17:26 pm
Texaspyro has said somewhere, a beta code that corrects the problem exists but it's locked up in his secret laboratory at a university.  (under lock down)
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: bg2uvz on June 14, 2020, 02:41:42 am
感谢!thank you!我的三星STP 2878 LF已经可以正常显示了!之前5.0是不能正常显示的。
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: robots on June 17, 2020, 11:33:55 am
thanks for adding Trueposition gpsdo to Heather.  I have made some modification to the source code to make the experience better. I am attaching diff for these changes.

1. initialization. There are 3 cases that need to be addressed:
- GPSDO is started in boot mode. In this case you need to send "$PROCEED" wait 1/2-1second, and then send initialization commands ($PPSDBG, etc)
- GPSDO is already started and tracking, in this case you just need to send initialization commands ($PPSDBG, etc.)
- Heather is started BEFORE GPSDO is powered on, in this case heather will notice BOOT GETVER response - needs proceed and then later initialization commands.

So i have moved the initialization commands to single function that gets called twice. Once for BOOT response and once in receiver initialization.

This function will send PROCEED wait 1000ms and send initialization commands. PROCEED command doesn't exist in main program. If gpsdo was already initialized, it is bacically nop (with wait).

2. Initialization command $PPSDBG needs parameter.
Parameter 1 = enable, parameter 0 = disable. The command parser in this GPSDO is dumb, it will look at fixed place for the character '1', if not enough characters it will just use character from LAST message.

this response contains data copied from NMEA message $GPGGA, number of sats used and DOP (Hdop in 2d fix mode, and PDOP in 3d fix mode) as provided by Furuno module.
temperature is not taken from this message anymore.

Temperature is taken from this response.
This response also contains TRAIM information as provided in Furuno's GPrrm message. I have added parsing/displaying for these stats as well.

5. UPDATE FLASH command doesn't exist.
This is not command but response that GPSDO has written flash. I have commented this out. Not needed. Whenever you update nonvolatile parameters they get saved into Flash memory.

I have reverse engineered the firmware of the MCU used in the GPSDO and i have tried to fix available documentation:
Some commands are still not added: like Jam sync ($JAM, without parameter). There are lot of interesting commands like: $SPIW x - write dac, $FxRxxH - toggle holdover, $F - send command to gps receiver, "$EBG *" - monitor gps messages.

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: NCVARIABLE on July 05, 2020, 12:06:06 am
Trying to track down if Lady Heather can work with a Spectracom 8195A. Is there any plan for these to be added?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on July 06, 2020, 07:29:59 pm
I have two of that...

Beta version works.  Before you ask how to get beta version, look at the very beginning of this thread, please! 

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: gjsmo on September 22, 2020, 01:26:19 pm
@texaspyro The download link in the first post doesn't seem to work, is there another location to get the v6 beta source?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: notfaded1 on September 22, 2020, 05:26:10 pm
@texaspyro The download link in the first post doesn't seem to work, is there another location to get the v6 beta source?

Are you sure it doesn't work?  You need to install the regular version then overwrite the exe with exe from the zip file.

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on September 23, 2020, 03:05:33 am
I've been wondering when LH V6 will go "gold".  I have been using it so long and successfully, I forgot it's a beta.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: gjsmo on September 23, 2020, 02:27:06 pm

Are you sure it doesn't work?  You need to install the regular version then overwrite the exe with exe from the zip file.

I mean that the download link itself is broken. I cannot download v6 at all.

EDIT: It would appear that itself is broken. I cannot access it at all from multiple connections.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: tkamiya on September 24, 2020, 10:07:41 pm
You are right.  That URL is non-responsive. 
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: ve7xen on October 01, 2020, 02:28:46 am
Edit: Was original seeking the source code. A closer read of the thread lead me to @dwholland's github repo ( (thanks!)

I am not interested in his splunk modifications, but was able to roll back to what looks like the originally distributed 6.14 source code in an early commit.

I've posted it at (
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: rockwell on May 24, 2021, 11:04:39 am
I would like to have lady heather in a small compact enclosure with a display, and not in the need of running a windows computer.
Some of you out there have ported lady heather to linux that's running on a raspberry pi.
As I have very little knowledge of programming, is there somewere a good reading on how to setup lady heather on a raspberry pi ?
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: bingo600 on May 24, 2021, 01:34:06 pm
I would like to have lady heather in a small compact enclosure with a display, and not in the need of running a windows computer.
Some of you out there have ported lady heather to linux that's running on a raspberry pi.
As I have very little knowledge of programming, is there somewere a good reading on how to setup lady heather on a raspberry pi ?

On a Raspi w. latest OS , it's really : "Compile" & Go ....
As in :

sudo apt install build-essential
cd "lady heather source dir"

A 10 min job

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: rockwell on May 24, 2021, 02:40:16 pm
Hi Bingo,

I supose I first need to get the lady heather source code and cope this to an directory on my pi ?
Unfortunately the link to source code in the first post on this thread isn't working, are there other ways to find the source code ?

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: alm on May 24, 2021, 02:59:26 pm

ve7xen posted a new link to the 6.14 beta source code that worked for me a week or so ago (I downloaded it, compiled it and successfully ran it):

Edit: Was original seeking the source code. [..] was able to roll back to what looks like the originally distributed 6.14 source code in an early commit.

I've posted it at (
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: rockwell on May 24, 2021, 03:05:45 pm
Hi Alm.

Many thanks for your help, I downloaded the file succesfuly.
Now I start playing on my Pi  :scared:

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: rockwell on May 24, 2021, 03:35:33 pm
Hi Bingo & Alm,

Again many thanks, heather is now running on my Pi  :)

But I don't find anything on how to setup the serial connection to my Thunderbolt.
I have a Lindy USB to RS232 adapter, but don't know how to use it in my Pi.

Figured out works like a charm. Thanks !

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: bingo600 on May 24, 2021, 06:09:07 pm
Hi Bingo & Alm,

Again many thanks, heather is now running on my Pi  :)

Figured out works like a charm. Thanks !


Glad it works for you

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: dr.diesel on August 08, 2021, 02:18:51 pm

I've been absent from here due to an crazy busy past year but I see our friend @texaspyro has also been missing since February 14, 2021.  I hope all is well Sir.

Thanks @ve7xen for posting the 6.14 link. 
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: artag on August 08, 2021, 08:31:13 pm
He's posted to the time-nuts list a lot more recently than that.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: sgi199 on January 28, 2022, 03:36:14 am
Thank you, texaspyro

Adjustment of current area time

  /t08:00:00  Enter

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: BetoSaba on June 29, 2022, 11:15:52 pm
Anyone here has LH6 for MacOSX?
The link in the original post by Texaspyro is not working.
I have an old MacMini and I'm going to give a try with LH6 (I use LH with Linux & RPi4).
I've made my [Frequency Box] with a Samsung GPSDO, a SRS PRS10 rubidium, a Morion MV89A docxo & a distribution amplifier.
I can tie to the amplifier the output of the gpsdo, the PRS10, the PRS10 disciplined by the gpsdo or, if all this fail, I still have the MV89a.
I'll use the MacMini to monitor the gpsdo & prs10.
I'm using a RPi4 but when I open more instances of LH it goes unstable.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: BetoSaba on July 02, 2022, 01:03:35 pm
No need to.
I was able to download Xcode & Xquartz and compile LH6.
Comparing to Linux & Rpi it was SO simple & clean that I thought that something was wrong/missing.
It wasn't. Perfectly working.
So, if anyone needs LH6 for MacOSX and don't want to download almost 7 GB, contact me.
Title: NEO-M9N and Lady Heather
Post by: rrunyan on August 20, 2022, 11:09:17 pm
Newbie here.

Picked up a U-blox NEO-M9N to play with.

Lady Heather (both v5 and v6.14) fail to display any satellite info when I start LH with the /rxu command.

If I start LH with the /rxn command I see the satellite info.

What's going on?


Ron R.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: Helix70 on September 07, 2022, 08:58:44 am
Did you hook up the rx line as well? By default, you get NMEA, if you can't talk back, LH can't switch modes.
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: rrunyan on September 09, 2022, 03:34:55 am
No problems with communication to and from the GPS module.   The U-center software from U-blox works fine. 
As do other software programs such as GPSviewer.

It seems that U-blox must have changed the output strings of the M9N module in such a way that LH no longer
recognizes what it is receiving. (As far as satellite position anyway.  Everything else seems fine.

LH also has problems with running in NMEA mode for long periods of time with the new module.

I have no problems with my older LEA-6T module.  I was hoping to improve my overall accuracy by using
four GNSS for tracking purposes.

Thanks for the reply.

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: cncjerry on October 20, 2022, 05:35:12 pm
Has anyone ever been able to get the x72 discipline loop to work?  This would be command 'b' followed by 'k' or others for slow, medium, fast, very fast, etc.  Funny thing is 'b' isn't working at all right now, have to reload it.

I use the other setting '&' to autotune the x72, that works, but when I tried the PID loop, the x72 just sort of runs away negative frequency.  I sent Mark a note and don't know if he is around.


Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: artag on June 05, 2023, 02:05:49 pm
Is there an update from 6.14 ?
Mine just told me 'Happy Birthday Queenie'

I guess it'll be a year before it shows up again, though :).

Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: SA0BUX on October 02, 2023, 07:49:08 pm
Any newer Lady Heather for Windows ?

I have V6.14 Beta  - 16 Jan 2019 
Title: Re: Lady Heather v6 Beta for Windows .exe
Post by: citizenrich on May 17, 2024, 09:07:38 pm
I'm also curious if others have recompiled for macOS ARM and if source code is available. The HEATHEXE.ZIP file does not unzip and I see no other source code.