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Current control capacitive load

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I'm making a medical device that must be attached to the patient.
CHANNEL_ISET changes its state to 100kHz.
If I put the resistor that signal is good. But when I connect the way to the body of signjal becomes sawtooth wave.
What can I fix in this scheme? Any ideas you have on this?

Differentiate your signal before applying it to the current source circuit.

The leads will have inductance, the human body will have capacitance, and there will be some resistance and a few other parasitic capacitances, equally some parts of the skin act line non linear resistances,

This circuit at a guess is intended to AC measure the resistance of a person,  instead you may wish to use something like a howland current source, with a dash of compensation so that any inductance in the wires, and capacitance in the person cannot cause ringing or signal degradation.

something like this: http://tinyurl.com/yc2vnt9t

or full link for later readers.

--- Code: ---http://www.falstad.com/circuit/circuitjs.html?cct=$+1+5e-9+45.7144713268909+58+5+50%0Aa+256+160+368+160+0+5+0+1000000+2.499914676267427+0.7934400248063249%0Aw+368+160+368+96+0%0Aw+368+160+368+224+0%0Ar+256+224+368+224+0+10000%0Ar+256+96+368+96+0+10000%0Ar+256+96+144+96+0+10000%0Ar+144+224+256+224+0+10000%0Aw+256+176+256+224+0%0Aw+256+96+256+144+0%0Ar+256+320+256+400+0+47000%0Aw+256+400+304+400+0%0Ag+256+400+256+432+0%0Aw+256+320+304+320+0%0Ax+187+67+217+70+4+24+R1%0Ax+300+67+330+70+4+24+R2%0Ax+185+259+215+262+4+24+R3%0Ax+298+259+328+262+4+24+R4%0AR+144+96+80+96+1+2+100000+2.5+2.5+0+0.5%0Ac+304+320+304+400+0+1.0000000000000001e-7+0.7934299896949569%0AO+368+160+480+160+0%0Al+256+320+256+272+0+0.00009999999999999999+0.000059137027491623215%0Ar+256+272+256+224+0+1%0Ac+256+176+144+176+0+1.0000000000000001e-7+-0.2762715787593846%0Ar+144+224+144+176+0+1000%0Ax+317+333+518+336+4+24+Skin%5CsAprroximation%0Ax+43+145+237+148+4+24+AC%5CsCompensation%0Aa+48+224+144+224+1+15+-15+1000000+1.0629814961692903+1.062992125984252%0Aw+144+224+144+272+0%0Aw+144+272+48+272+0%0Aw+48+272+48+240+0%0Ar+-32+208+-112+208+0+10000%0Ag+-32+272+-32+288+0%0Aw+-32+208+48+208+0%0AR+-112+208+-128+208+0+0+40+5+0+0+0.5%0Ar+-32+208+-32+272+0+2700%0Ax+0+296+46+299+4+24+Bias%0Ao+19+64+0+12290+1.8882847784322407+0.0001+0+1%0A
--- End code ---

To better clarify, the point between R3 and R4 would be your output for your electrode, where it says out would be the measurement output.

The AC compensation values i pulled off the top of my head based on the range of inductance and capacitance I know myself to measure on average.

I'll have to try this in the next version of the board.

May I know the formula for Iout?


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