Author Topic: Radio Direction Finding  (Read 128807 times)

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Offline PA3BNXTopic starter

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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #75 on: January 16, 2013, 06:23:42 pm »
Hello EveryBody,

I have now two Doppler's running on 2 separate soundcards on one PC
and these plotted on one Map program.

Of course I have two receivers on 2 meter and 2 Doppler array antenna.
Every SoundDoppler program  has it own color arrow point

I will soon upload the new with these futures in it.




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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #76 on: February 24, 2013, 08:42:47 pm »
Hello EveryBody,

Some news from SoundDoppler direction finding:

I finally got it working with TCPIP so it can
communicate with APRSIS32.exe from  Lynn Deffenbaugh KJ4ERJ

APRSIS can gate it to Igate
if you have a passcode.

So it can be easy real time plotted now also over the APRS servers.

The version is can be found on

Also this version can send the DF report or packet report
through a comport or copy it to clipboard.

Happy foxhunting and monitorring all.

« Last Edit: February 25, 2013, 07:50:58 pm by PA3BNX »



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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #77 on: March 26, 2013, 06:56:54 pm »
Hello EveryBody,

I found our Chineese friends doing also very nice RadioDirectionFinding things

Chinees doppler finding
BG1CNX  lee hocool

16 Led

70cm TDOA

APRS Balloon Hunt China

So happy vieuwing Direction finding movies and the Websites too
« Last Edit: June 08, 2013, 06:34:19 pm by PA3BNX »



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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #78 on: March 30, 2013, 09:13:25 pm »
Hello Every Body

Again some nice Radio Direction Finding Movies

ddf007 rS

Have fun watching

There wil be soon an update SoundDoppler.exe  version from me available
« Last Edit: May 26, 2013, 05:28:24 pm by PA3BNX »



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Offline PE5EDW

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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #79 on: April 09, 2013, 06:20:51 am »
Very interesting topic. I have put your SoundDoppler software on my ARDF Support website (and on my local Raspi server with a refererence to the source. And keeping it up-to-date of course...  :-+

Also on this ARDF Support site you can find numerous schematics and general information that I gathered over the years.

I have stopped using the doppler system for a while and now use the TDOA system, which gives excellent results in the field. What I want to do with this is to transfer the fore/aft and left/right signals that go to the meters into digital form and calculate a vector that can be shown on a peloris. Like the fore/aft signal is Y-axis and left/right is X-axis (or SINE/COSINE values) and together it can make the angle (Agrelo format output (%122/8<cr>)) that can then maybe used also as an input for your mapping software. Also basic integration routines to stabilize the input signal can be applied once the signals are made into digital form. Anyway, I have not much experience in this area, so maybe you can provide me with some advice.

73, Edwin

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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #80 on: April 11, 2013, 07:31:39 pm »
Hello Everybody,

Recent programming done.

I did made an OneFix option in the NewMymapping145.exe
Soon on the sites of PI4WAG and PA8W

So I can see Two last Arrows and all the fixes (where all the in memory bearings do cross)
or Just One Last Arrow and OneFix (as a Yellow Dot in center with a square around it)
where the most fixes are.
The map is divided in 10 by 10 squares.

Yes I see the TDOA PE5EDW
You also must use 4 antenna's hi just like the doppler.

Everybody is free to generate a file like Packet.txt and put that in the
same map where MyMapping.exe resides.
IF all okay it certainly wil plot on the UIV32 maps.

The packet.txt must contain something like:

PA3BNX>APDF01:;BNX.DF912*162814/5157.80N/00534.23E\000/000/224/847 %DF224°/7 1458950 kHz

And it shows on the map.

You can also insert a GPS $GPRMC <cr>s tring with %333/9<cr>mixed
in MyMapping and it plots.

If you have APRSIS32.exe installed you can also plot on APRSIS32 Maps with the TDOA

Just press ctrl-p en you can copy and paste a file like packet.txt  in it and it displays in APRSIS32
Also you can manual plot bearings as objects on APRSIS32.exe

SoundDoppler.exe can send through TCPIP the packet.txt automaticly to an APRSIS32 TEXT port
So it wil plot automaticly on APRIS32 maps and all other vieuwers with APRSIS32 if you have Inet connectivity.

Some of the code from DrawOneFix in MyMapping.exe

This shows the Yellow dot and Square box and amounth of fixes in that square box.
All the fixes are in arrFixedPixel already in pixel coordinates of the map.

Code: [Select]

Public Sub DrawOneFix()
        ''Not ready yet
        ''Only Call this sub after Sub CalcFixes
        ''Something Like DDF007 R&S
        ''Divide map in 10 by 10 also 100 squares
        ''Check Each fix to see if it's on the map
        ''Then count how many fixes are in each square
        ''Then draw one dot at the center of the square where the most fixes are

        ''Const integer
        Const t As Integer = 10  ''X and Y division squares
        Dim arrSquare((t * t) - 1) As Integer ''This array has 100 elements
        Dim c As Integer
        Dim c1 As Integer
        Dim x As Integer
        Dim v As Integer
        Dim yRow As Integer
        Dim xRow As Integer
        Dim m As Integer
        Dim Xpixel As Single
        Dim Ypixel As Single
        Dim xs As Single
        Dim ys As Single

        Dim myval As String

        ''Divide map in 10 x 10 squares

        ''Example squares of map
        ''Use this one
        ''00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 -xRows
        ''10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
        ''20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
        ''30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
        ''40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
        ''50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
        ''60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
        ''70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
        ''80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
        ''90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99

        ''Count the dots in a squares
        ''Format arrFixedPixel X and Y fix

        xs = CSng(Pict1Width / t)
        ys = CSng(Pict1Height / t)

        For x = 0 To MaxFixes
            If CheckFixOnMap(arrFixedPixel(x, 0), arrFixedPixel(x, 1)) Then ''No fix on map
                ''Do not round but take integer values
                ''Find yRow 
                yRow = CInt((CSng(arrFixedPixel(x, 1)) / ys) + 0.5) ''Value between 0 and 10
                yRow = yRow - 1
                If yRow < 0 Then yRow = 0 ''Value between 0 and 9
                ''Find xrow
                xRow = CInt((CSng(arrFixedPixel(x, 0)) / xs) + 0.5) ''Value between 0 and 10
                xRow = xRow - 1
                If xRow < 0 Then xRow = 0 ''Value between 0 and 9

                ''Create the index here  0 > 99
                c = (yRow * t) + xRow
                If c <= UBound(arrSquare) Then
                    ''Count here
                    arrSquare(c) += 1
                    Debug.Print("Sub DrawOneFix error=" & xRow & "*" & yRow & " = " & c)
                End If
            End If
        Next x

        ''Find the index count square with most fixes
        ''What if there is 2 or more the maximums ?

        c = 0 ''Must reset c here because it's used
        For x = LBound(arrSquare) To UBound(arrSquare)
            If arrSquare(x) > c Then
                c = x  ''Index number where max value is
                v = arrSquare(x) ''Max value
            End If
        Next x

        ''Nothing found No fixes on map
        If c = 0 Then Exit Sub

        ''Backup Index for drawing amount off fixes in rectangle x
        c1 = c

        ''Search for more then 1 maximum
        ''Dot is color coral if more then 2 and > 2 color dark red the same maximums.
        For x = LBound(arrSquare) To UBound(arrSquare) Step 1
            If v > 0 Then
                If v = arrSquare(x) Then
                    m += 1
                End If
            End If
        Next x

        ''c is the index number of arrSquare
        ''Extract xRow and yRow from c

        myval = c.ToString

        If myval.Length < 3 Then
            myval = "0" & myval
        End If

        yRow = CInt(Val((myval.Substring(0, myval.Length - 1))))
        xRow = CInt(Val((myval.Substring(myval.Length - 1, 1))))

        ''Because it goes from 0 to 9
        ''Make it go from 1 to 10
        xRow += 1
        yRow += 1

        ''Take center x and y coordinate of c
        ''ReCalc xRow and yRow in pixels
        Xpixel = CSng((xRow * xs) - (0.5 * xs))
        Ypixel = CSng((yRow * ys) - (0.5 * ys))

        ''Plot the OneFix dot
        ''Size of circle
        v = 6
        c = 2 * v
        Dim grp As Graphics
        Dim p As Pen
        Dim newfont As Font

        With My.Forms.Form1
            grp = .PictureBox1.CreateGraphics
            p = New Pen(Color.Black, 2)
            'Debug.Print("Sub DrawOneFix")
            'Debug.Print("c=" & arrSquare(c1) & " Field(0>99)=" & c1)
            'Debug.Print("m=" & m)
            Select Case m
                Case 0, 1
                    grp.FillEllipse(Brushes.Yellow, Xpixel - v, Ypixel - v, c, c)
                Case 2
                    grp.FillEllipse(Brushes.Coral, Xpixel - v, Ypixel - v, c, c)
                Case Else
                    grp.FillEllipse(Brushes.DarkRed, Xpixel - v, Ypixel - v, c, c)
            End Select
            v = v + 1
            c = 2 * v
            grp.DrawEllipse(p, Xpixel - v, Ypixel - v, c, c)
            ''Draw a rectangle around the dot
            v = CInt(0.5 * xs)
            c = CInt(0.5 * ys)
            p = New Pen(Color.Black, 1)
            grp.DrawRectangle(p, Xpixel - v, Ypixel - c, xs, ys)
            newfont = New Font("sans MS", 8, FontStyle.Bold)
            grp.DrawString(arrSquare(c1).ToString & " x", newfont, Brushes.Black, Xpixel - v, Ypixel - c)
        End With


    End Sub

Have fun experimenting.



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Offline PA3BNXTopic starter

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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #81 on: April 21, 2013, 07:42:03 pm »
Hello EveryBody,

I am working on a new function
MaxTopDetector in SoundDoppler.exe

That should it make possible to
use 4 Yagi's or other directivity antenna's

And detect in mode AM or tapping from AGC from a reciever
and get the direction from it.

With almost exact the same supersimplesounddoppler hardware.

Just replace the monopole Antenna's for 4 small yagi's pointing in 4 directions

Some code in visual basic for this kind of detector

Code: [Select]

Public Function MaxTopDetector() As String
''Amplitude peiler
''Find maximum amplitude in SCF
''Try to extract max adjacent max amplitude width
''Average x1 and x2 and recalc to degrees
''Also try to calculate the Q ?

''Not ready yet

''Const Float
Const threshold As Single = 0.3 ''Percentage

Dim x As Integer
Dim x1 As Integer
Dim x2 As Integer

Dim max As Long
Dim min As Long
Dim smax As Long

Dim Max1 As Long
Dim Min1 As Long

Dim arrmax As String
Dim myval As String

''UboundArrSwitchCap1 Used size
''UboundArrSwitchCap Real size

''Find Max and Min
For x = 0 To UboundArrSwitchCap1
      Select Case arrSwitchCap(x)
          Case Is > max
           max = arrSwitchCap(x)
          Case Is < min
           min = arrSwitchCap(x)
      End Select
Next x

''Could be a spike but not likely because of SCF
If max > Math.Abs(min) Then
  smax = 1
 ElseIf Math.Abs(min) > max Then
  smax = 2
  MaxTopDetector = strcEmpty
  Debug.Print "Whoops bad directive antenna's or NoSignal"
  Exit Function
End If

Max1 = max - (threshold * max)
Min1 = min - (threshold * min)

''Fill threshold level adjacent values arrays
For x = 0 To UboundArrSwitchCap
   Select Case arrSwitchCap(x)
    Case max, Is > Max1
      arrmax = arrmax & "1"
    Case min, Is < Min1
      arrmax = arrmax & "2"
    Case Else
      arrmax = arrmax & "0"
    End Select
Next x

''Search for max value adjacent in arrmax

Select Case smax
 Case 1 ''Pos
   For x = Len(arrmax) To 1 Step -1
     myval = String(x, "1")
     x1 = InStr(1, arrmax, myval)
     If x1 > 0 Then
          ''ArrSwitchCap filter is zero based
          ''The arrmax is 1 based
          x1 = x1 - 1
          x2 = x1 + Len(myval)
        Exit For
     End If
   Next x
   Call CalcAdjacentTopMax(arrmax, smax, x1, x2)
 Case 2 ''Neg
   For x = Len(arrmax) To 1 Step -1
     myval = String(x, "2")
     x1 = InStr(1, arrmax, myval)
     If x1 > 0 Then
        ''ArrSwitchCap filter is zero based
        ''The arrMax is 1 based
        x1 = x1 - 1
        x2 = x1 + Len(myval)
       Exit For
     End If
   Next x
   Call CalcAdjacentTopMax(arrmax, smax, x1, x2)

End Select

''Average maximum
x = Round((x1 + x2) * 0.5)

''It can be negative if changed by CalcAdjacentTopMax
''If negative add x
If x < 0 Then
 x = UboundArrSwitchCap + x
End If

''Calc degrees
MaxTopDetector = Conv3(Str$(x) * ZeroCrossFactor)

End Function

Public Sub CalcAdjacentTopMax(ByVal arrmax As String, ByVal smax As String, ByRef x1 As Integer, ByRef x2 As Integer)
''Calc MaxTop if it is around 0 degrees
''Only Called from Sub MaxTopDetector

Dim x As Integer
Dim x12 As Integer
Dim x22 As Integer
Dim h As Integer

Dim arrmax1 As String
Dim myval As String

''Nothing ToDo
If Left$(arrmax, 1) <> smax And Right$(arrmax, 1) <> smax Then Exit Sub

''Pre add last elements from string arrMax
h = Len(arrmax) \ 4
arrmax1 = Right$(arrmax, h) & Left$(arrmax, h)

For x = Len(arrmax1) To 1 Step -1
   myval = String(x, smax)
   x12 = InStr(1, arrmax1, myval)
   If x12 > 0 Then
      ''ArrSwitchCap filter is zero based
      ''The arrmax is 1 based
       x12 = x12 - 1
       x22 = x12 + Len(myval)
       Exit For
   End If
Next x

''Change x1 and x2
If (x2 - x1) < (x22 - x12) Then
  x1 = x12 - h
  x2 = x22 - h
End If

End Sub

I hope to release the next version of soon on our web sites.

Today 22-04-2013
I did fix some bugs in the above
Code above also fixed

They seem to work okay now.

Today 23-04-2013
Uploaded a picture of extreme situation with 4 Uni directional antennas
I hope MaxTopDector can handle them all.

I am also improving the SinCos detector
So after some test the new version wil be on our sites.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2013, 07:41:22 pm by PA3BNX »



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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #82 on: April 26, 2013, 07:36:29 pm »
Hello everybody,

The new version is on our sites

I have fixed some issues with the SinCosDetector.

It now runs excelent even without the lowpasfilters.
It's even better then the ZerocrossDetector.

I also improved the software squelch routines.

The New SinCosDetector

Code: [Select]

Public Function SinCosDetector() As String
''Runs excellent

Dim x As Integer
Dim Y As Integer
Dim Degrees As Double
Dim SinSum As Double
Dim CosSum As Double
Dim z As Double

''UboundArrSwitchCap Real Size
''UboundArrSwitchCap1 Used Elements

Y =  UboundArrSwitchCap + 1

For x = 0 To UboundArrSwitchCap
 z = twopi * (x / Y)
 SinSum = SinSum + (arrSwitchCap(x) * Math.Sin(z))
 CosSum = CosSum + (arrSwitchCap(x) * Math.Cos(z))
Next x

''Now check kwadrant ambiguity
''Nothing there
If SinSum = 0 And CosSum = 0 Then
 SinCosDetector = strcEmpty
 Exit Function
End If

If CosSum = 0 Then
 z = 1000000 ''Must be large ''No division by zero
 z = SinSum / CosSum
End If

''Debug.Print SinSum, CosSum, Round(Degrees)

If SinSum = 0 Then SinSum = 0.0000001
''Now SinSum <> 0 and CosSum <> 0

''Sin = y axis
''Cos = x axis
''Atn(y/x) * rad1

''Atn gives from -90 to + 90 degrees * pi/180 (Rad1)
Degrees = Math.Atn(z) * rad1

''Find the right degrees

         If SinSum < 0 And CosSum > 0 Then
            ''0 to 90       = -90 to 0
            ''Debug.Print "1 " & Degrees & strcDegrees
            Degrees = 90 - Math.Abs(Degrees)
            GoTo under
        End If

        If SinSum > 0 And CosSum > 0 Then
            '' 90 to 180    = 0 to 90
            ''Debug.Print "2 " & Degrees & strcDegrees
            Degrees = 90 + Degrees
            GoTo under
        End If

        If SinSum < 0 And CosSum < 0 Then
            ''270 > 360    90 to 0
            ''Debug.Print "3 " & Degrees & strcDegrees
            Degrees = 270 + Degrees
            GoTo under
        End If

        If SinSum > 0 And CosSum < 0 Then
            ''180 to 270    = -90 to 0
            ''Debug.Print "4 " & Degrees & strcDegrees
            Degrees = 270 + Degrees
            GoTo under
        End If

        Debug.Print "Sub SinCosError " & Time$


''It may not be larger then 360 or lower then 0 degrees
Select Case Degrees
 Case Is >= 360
  Degrees = Degrees - 360
 Case Is < 0
  Degrees = 360 - Degrees
End Select

SinCosDetector = Conv3(Str$(Math.Round(Degrees)))

End Function

This detector gives good results
It's like a correlator

It also can be used for an Amplitude Direction Finder

like having 4 yagi's pointing to 4 directions NSEW

Just set the reciever to AM detection

Picture contains a SuperSimpleSoundDoppler softswitcher
ala PA8W generator.

Happy FoxHunting Testing etc.



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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #83 on: May 19, 2013, 05:23:00 pm »
Hello Every Body,

I have a new version with
a possibilty of 4 calibration tables and improved squelch detection
and the sincos detector has now also correlation methode.
It runs very good now

Further are we designing and building a new mobile antenny array

With a flat plate antenna

You must have a reciever with mode AM to use it.

Take a look at this patent.




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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #84 on: May 21, 2013, 06:29:53 pm »
Hello Everybody,

Working on the new am plate antenna for my software

I show you some antenna types that can be used for
automatic radio direction finding that can he made
for radio amateur applications

Further a suggestion how to make the plate am direction finder
working with my software.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2013, 01:17:00 pm by PA3BNX »



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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #85 on: May 26, 2013, 05:26:56 pm »
Hello EveryBody,

Today I did again some work on the new plate antenna.

It works I think but the switcher needs + and - volt control signals
so it needs something like a max232 that has a feed of only +5 volt and generates rs232 + and - voltage

I think I am going to build a small PCB with the max232 that can be connected between
a standard 4017 SuperSimpleSoundDoppler generator.

The circuit of the 4017 in the file above Rommeltje2.png does not work because you need
+ and - control signals.

Today 27-05-2013
Replaced Rommetje2.png in Rommeltje3.png with max232
Today 04-06-2013
Replaced Rommeltje3 with Rommeltje4.png

My antenna plate is now 22 by 22 cm and hight above groundplate about 5 cm

I get an SWR of about 1.6 at 2 meters it looks the antenne is directional and switchable

I dit create the 2 control signals 15 and 20

with my + and - 5 volt supply and two tumblers to test al configuration with the switcher.

Take look at these patents:


Antenna could be called a traveling wave antenna
or even looks like a beverage antenna.

« Last Edit: June 04, 2013, 05:27:44 pm by PA3BNX »



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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #86 on: May 29, 2013, 12:51:14 pm »
Hello Every Body,

Here a is picture of the Traveling Plate Direction find antenna




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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #87 on: May 29, 2013, 05:47:45 pm »
There are a lot of those adorning police cars here, as a part of the Tracker system.

Of course, at the moment the police are on strike over pay, watched the demo today at lunch time as I drove past.

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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #88 on: May 31, 2013, 03:48:45 pm »
Hello EveryBody,

I just did do some drawing of the driver for the plate antenna.

Just a 4060 and a lm358

No voltage regulation needed I think

The opamps should switch between + and -

So I should build this one on breadboard to see if it's working !

Whoops replaced the drawing because the - inputs off the
lm358 has to be on 1/2 positive tension to let them switch between
+ and - voltage

Now it should work.....

Here a nice link about the Wullenweber HF direction finding

« Last Edit: June 02, 2013, 06:29:54 pm by PA3BNX »



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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #89 on: June 04, 2013, 05:34:47 pm »
Hello EveryBody,

Today I finally got the rs232 max232 running on Matrix board.

I had ta place two pulldown resistors in of 4k7 at input of the rs232 driver after the 1n4148 diodes

Finally I could test the new antenna and it worked strange.

I found that the fast control signal must be connected to the center antenna plate control
(connect no 15)

I did replace the drawing in Rommeltje4.png some messages above.

So first the sequence was antenna 1 3 2 4
and now it is 1 2 3 4

Tomorrow I do some more test with the antenna.
On my FT817 in AM mode on 2 meters and with a small fox transmitter.
It looks it works all all right even indoors.




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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #90 on: June 08, 2013, 06:41:19 pm »
Hello EveryBody,

I did some improvements by adding resistors in series with the
rf coils of about 100 ohm so the conducting diodes circuits
are getting  about the same current even if they have different
temps or other differences.

So I know for shure both sections of series diodes are getting about
the same current.

The SWR is much better now about 1.4 on two meters

Also nice is that there is less variation in SWR because of swinging coils because
there is always a 100 ohm series resistor to.

So take a look at my current working PlateAntenna DirectionFinder circuit.

It works quite wel right now.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2013, 07:37:51 pm by PA3BNX »



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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #91 on: July 03, 2013, 07:31:25 pm »
Hello Every Body,

Here I will show 2 pictures of my prototype
AM Plate Antenna + Switcher + Pre_Amp and Generator with the MAX232 driver board.

Just put the reciever in mode AM and use my SoundDoppler Software

It all works.

I did test in on 2 meters

Groundplate is 60 by 60 cm hardboard with alu foil
and the antenna itself is a 22 by 22 cm alu plate




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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #92 on: July 28, 2013, 04:18:54 pm »
Hello EveryBody,

I have a update

It has a new future very handy that shows sharp or wide arrow points according
to the quality factor of the doppler signal option in the new software
See picture below.

I didn''t had much time last 2 weaks for working on the software but still some changes and inprovements.

The new AM plate antenna design  does not allow you to put in the vincinity a resonant antenna.
That antenna kills the forward / back ratio.




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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #93 on: September 19, 2013, 11:31:07 am »
Hello EveryBody

We did have here in the Netherlands 15 september 2013 a nice
balloon-fox-hunt. (PH35BFH)

I had time to test my SoundDoppler doppler direction find software
in conjunction with APRSIS32

It worked great !

The APRSIS32 software from Lynn Deffenbough is excellent for plotting Doppler-Direction-Finding.

It plots automaticly objects through TCP TEXT port
to APRSIS32.

My software sends no data if it doesn't recieve the fox.
So I don't know where I am on the aprsis32 map while driving.

While that is the case I thought it would be nice if it sends
a beacon every 2 minutes so I can see my position on the APRSIS32 map.

So now my software sends a position packet  if it didn't hear anything with
2 minutes time interval.

I can press key-P and then it sends immediately a position packet Like

''Position report without bearing info
PA3BNX-9>APDF01:/094755h5151.00N/00540.00E\135/050<<SoundDoppler I am here!>> /A=000006

''Normal DF Object report
PA3BNX-9>APDF01:;BNX.DF488*095013/5151.00N/00540.00E\135/050/004/835 %DF004°/5 145450kHz Gps On /A=000006

(It can be handy to use ssid-9 like PA3BNX-9 for the doppler-callsign if the APRSIS32-callsign  is PA3BNX)
(Also because you are hunting with in a car so mobile)

The position report can be tracked in APRSIS32  Screen>Tracks
and it deletes older position reports.

While the DF object reports stay on map until the objects are killed
(Option in SoundDoppler)

Objects are not tracked in APRSIS32

With the SoundDoppler position beacon report APRSIS32 has no need to have GPS nmea input
on it's port nor has it to send NMEA through the doppler software.

So its great working together with APRSIS32

The new version with the Position report will be soon released on our website's

Aditionally hints and experience with Doppler Direction Finding Balloon Hunt:

The balloon transmitter had two tones alternating sound (alternating about 2 Hz)
The tones where 336 Hz and 538 Hz and a 667 Hz CWID
So they lay around the most used doppler referency frequency of 500 Hz.

The tones were strong modulated so the Switch Capicitor (SCF) Filter circuit has a
hard task to filter just the 500 Hz tone witch is also much less in amplitude.

It's good to have a switchable reference frequency of lets say 500 and 900 Hz.
So you can get away from audio modulated tones.

My SoundDoppler software with high-samplerate (22050Hz) and SinCos detector (Correlation) gives much better results
than harware SCF filter equipment with a zerocross detector.

The sofswitcher DSSSD   DeluxeSuperSimpleSoundDoppler circuit on the site of PA8W gives much better
results then other hardswitched hardware doppler systems.

The softswitching makes you detect much weaker-signals and its less prune to loud signals on neighbour channels.

And its cheap and easy to build !

73's PA3BNX



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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #94 on: September 22, 2013, 05:33:22 pm »
Hello Every Body,

Some new hints and tips for RDF

New Soon on our sites.

Hello Everybody,

Sofisticated Radio Direction Finding

Whats needed for a SoundDoppler Mobile Foxhunt

Go with at least two persons.
One driver and one operator.
Safetey first !

Download the latest version SoundDoppler and APRSIS32

Just buy

1 LapTop with XP/Vista/Win7/8
1 USB Stereo input SoundCard if the PC doesn't have it like UCA202
1 GPS mouse with rs232 or USB with NMEA
1 FM Rx porto or scanner or a FT817 with cat62 cable
1 Maybe you need USB to RS232 cables to

To build assemble yourself

1 SuperSimpleSoundDoppler Generator
1 4x Antenna Array

You can buy the PCB's from PA8W

The best SuperSimpleSoundDoppler generator is the hardware with 4 softswitch
transistors connected to the 4017 chip.
This let the doppler detect weaker signals and it has less influence from
strong neighbourh channels.

1 50 ohm coax cable(rg58) with connectors BNC /SMA
1 Control cable with 5p Din connectors
1 USB or rs232 db9 cable to make the GPSmouse cable longer so it can
  reside on top of the car roof.

1 shielded audio cable with 3.5mm stereo jack to lsp rx and sounddopplergenerator
1 Maybe a Switchable monitor loudspeaker
1 Maybe Needed a simple stereo-preamp for the USB SoundCard with isolation
  1:1 transformers to avoid ground loops.

1 12V board supply volt connector block
1 adapter to feed the Laptop from 12 volts (Home brew?)
(Maybe you need a upconverter many laptops have adapters on 16 Volt)

Try to create a box or assembly where all the hardware resides.
Make shure you can see the laptop screen and try to shield it from sunlight.

If using APRSIS32 then also cache the tiles from the region where the hunt happens.
Play with the software at home so you know how the software and hardware works!

I think anyone can become a profi-hunter with this equipment.

In the mean time I try to make the software as good as it can be !

Happy Mobile (Fox/Balloon) Hunting


Hello Every Body,

Some hints to get SoundDoppler working with APRSIS32 from KJ4ERJ

Under SoundDoppler

Press F11  PacketLog

You must enter a

callsign (Maybe nice to take another SSID then APRSIS uses like -7 or -9)

To send to APRSIS32
If you have a GPS working then the latitude and longitude
are coming from there.

Check TCPIP checked
check Kill  checked (wil grey Older DF Objects)

If you have a GPS-rx  and a recent APRSIS32 then
Check Cse+Hdg  :Unchecked   (It adds GPScourse and DopplerHeading)
This must only checked if using an older APRSIS32


Create a new port called something like Doppler

Adjust in popup screen
Type       :Text
Name       :Doppler

Then press TCP/IP
IP or DNS   :Localport
Port        :1024

Quit Time   :0
Enabled     :checked

Screen>Direction Finding>Enabled
Screen>Direction Finding>Opacity (15)
Screen>Brightness>Dim (Better visability for DF sectors)

If you don't like many DF objects in the scroller then
Screen>Scroller>Not Mine :checked


Sometimes there is no connection to SoundDoppler
Then simply close and reopen the Doppler port
Enables>Port>Doppler :uncheck
en right after that
Enables>Port>Doppler :check

You can also switch SoundDoppler.exe TCP/IP with the checkbox
left from the start/running button in SoundDoppler

If it shows Doppler OK
Just above the scroller then there is a connection

APRSIS32 can send the DF objects to Internet
RF to IS :checked
Of cource you need a passcode to send to IS

I hope this wil help you all to get SoundDoppler.exe running with APRSIS32.exe

73's PA3BNX

Happy Foxhunting



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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #95 on: November 30, 2013, 03:53:35 pm »
Hello Every Body,

I tried to design a new doppler switcher with 4 antenna amplifiers.

Small 4x 2x17cm dipoles and small diagonal distance (About 0.35 * 70cm = 24 cm) 

So the mmic, mar, era or mav is right at the antenna feed.
It's feed through the coax.

The purpose is to have a more sensitive UHF Doppler dipole antenna
witch also can be used for VHF with reduced doppler tone amplitude.

The higher RF level on the coax makes them also less sensible to direct
RF leakage through cables.

The 100 Ohm resistor in the doppler generator should limit the current through the
mmic and diode.

The RF is tapped with a second diode and common resistor witch also forms a load
on the mmic output.

I did not build this yet.

Let me know if somebody out there has comments, hints and or improvements.
Have Fun watching intresting

Anritsu YouTube:

« Last Edit: December 22, 2013, 06:18:34 pm by PA3BNX »



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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #96 on: December 15, 2013, 05:54:25 pm »
Hello Every Body,

I have written a nice tool for calculating the doppler antenna array parameters

It's included in the new SoundDoppler141

I also did create a Minimal GPS screen option in my GPS117.exe program.

This is very handy if your Laptop screen is small hi and very full with programs.

The programs can very soon be found on our sites.

The latest one is

I did fix a stupide error in the Doppler antenna array calculator

And the new one has now a ft817 S-meter  on the left upper of the map in Mymapping148

I did also upload a new attachment with fixed Doppler Antenna Array Calculator in this message.

« Last Edit: December 18, 2013, 08:12:36 pm by PA3BNX »



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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #97 on: December 18, 2013, 08:06:43 pm »
If i want to know the direction of more than one hidden transmitter with the same device?

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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #98 on: December 18, 2013, 08:16:23 pm »
You'll scare all those pirate radio stations ;)
no one would or will tell me how to delete this account

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Re: Radio Direction Finding
« Reply #99 on: December 18, 2013, 08:38:17 pm »
Hello Every Body,

No problem at al to see more hidden devices.

It is even possible to have two SoundDoppler.exe programs running on one PC and Plot the data on one MAP.

You need then 2  FM recievers and the PC must have 2 SoundCards
and two SuperSimpleSoundDopplers de Luxe with two antenna arrays.

If there are more transmitters from different places recieved  on one frequency sequentieel then the MyMapping software
can show you
Clusters of fixes on the map where the transmitters resides.

My software cannot detect 2 transmitters on the frequency simultaniosly

R&S with MUSIC and Super DF can do that.

A very great tool is to have a RTL2832 DVBT stick running with SDR# So you also have a spectrum analyser
running on the same PC and a second all mode detector to to listen monitor other channels to on the same PC.

I did fix some minor bugs today.

The newest version of my software is now
See the PI4WAG site

No I do not scare radio pirates.

It's just fun to design build program and test this kind of equipment

I just like to not only hear the signal strength and audio quality but I also want next to my S-meter a Pelorus hi...

Direction Finding is as old as is radio.
With the PC nowadays it can be done very easy and cheap.




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