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Looks like JST SH 6 pin series. Take a look for EM-506 sellers, they also often sell a cable with JST socket.

Test Equipment / Re: FNIRSI-1013D "100MHz" tablet oscilloscope
« Last post by tokar on Today at 11:53:32 am »
Device power: DC-DC up - MT3608(SX1308)
Clock (time) DS3231
Voltage source 7.5V - battery + op-amp with input divider (repeater mode).
v0024v. Old autosetup.
DCin 7.5v > autosetup > Vavg - CH1=7.3v CH2=7.3v
DCin 7.5v > set CH1,CH2 DC-AC-DC
Vavg - CH1=7.5v CH2=7.55v
Test Equipment / Re: Siglent SDS3000X HD and upgraded SDS1000X HD
« Last post by markone on Today at 11:52:48 am »

"by mistake" ... good to know.

Test Equipment / Re: Siglent SDS3000X HD and upgraded SDS1000X HD
« Last post by markone on Today at 11:50:50 am »


Up to 5-7,000 euros are not really unaffordable for a more powerful amateur or a very small company.
So an SDS3000X HD would be just the thing.

Dunno in Romania, but I would dare to say that 99% of small companys and 100% of amateurs in Italy do NOT spend 5K, or even more, for a fancy DSO ...
This is also not entirely true:

By convention, current is said to flow from positive to negative.  So this is clockwise for this circuit.

Inside the battery, current flows from the negative terminal to the positive terminal. Current also does not go from one place to the other, current always runs in loops. (Or else you build up static charges with very high voltages really quickly).

And there is of course also:

Test Equipment / Re: SDS800X HD Bug Reports + Firmware
« Last post by eTobey on Today at 11:46:38 am »
Zoom function not working properly after loading mask:
Creating a mask and loading breaks the zoom function. See picture.

Creating a mask does not show the view that was set up for it.

I really would like that this feature "would" work with the zoom.
Test Equipment / Re: Siglent SDS3000X HD and upgraded SDS1000X HD
« Last post by ebastler on Today at 11:45:52 am »
Beginners / Re: Calibration - How to Mathematically
« Last post by Tylerhowarth on Today at 11:43:20 am »
The final accuracy is not very decisive. The NTC calibration can be solved with 100 points and linear interpolation and the other thermostat with 1000 points and linear interpolation.
You could also solve the NTC calibration with 10 points and cubic interpolation and the thermostat calibration with 100 points and cubic interpolation.
The method of chosen index nodes is valid for any interpolation, both linear and cubic.

With temperature (and many other measurements) speed is not important considering how fast any micro calculates today.

One thing is certain: if you are not good at math, the best thing to do is make a LUT. If you're up to the basics, linear interpolation.
If you know first year college math, you can handle cubic interpolation and beyond. if you are an expert in mathematics, you will be able to deal with rational interpolation, the most difficult and capable of approximating all types of curves.
You also have to take into account the time you will spend on understanding and applying methods that are becoming more and more complex.
Thanks for the tip on LUT! I was struggling with linear interpolation before, and it wasn't working out. Could you please share how accurate the results are with LUT and which type of LUT you recommend?
Test Equipment / Re: Multimeter selection for production testing
« Last post by 2N3055 on Today at 11:43:12 am »
Standby and active without reset. The measurement happens on the same cable. Imagine a DMM doing break before make, autoranging and resetting the DUT every time.

That is exactly why I asked.
I don't have meter in question, so I can't test, but I would verify that this is the case.
Maybe Tautech or somebody else with the meter can check this for you.

Otherwise, I agree that meter can easily do the job you specified.
It already has enough accuracy specification reserve.
SCPI part should be easy enough for you.
Well it will work for what you were doing but there are some issues.

The loading on the GPIB bus will be much higher. About 10k plus a fair bit of capacitance instead of 100k and <10pF
The logic thresholds will be incorrect.
It's technically exceeding the input voltage specification of the 'scope. The specification is +_40V at the probe tip. As the probe network is a 10:1 divider that is +_ 4V at the 'scope digital input. Now 5V is unlikely to cause damage but any overshoot, ringing or higher logic levels than TTL could damage the comparators in the 'scope.

Adding a pair of 100k 8 way resistor packages is not too much extra work.

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