I wouldn't have weighed in if what had been said was .... the Axxxx scope looked great but if you need deep record lengths you should consider something else.
Ok, seriously already, in a review thread of the Owon SDS7102 - a few posts after a long summary by me in which I
specifically mention I don't like tiny screens - and post a screen size chart to reiterate that point - then end with a price comparison between the Owon and the Hantek, the other scope (with large screen) that I'm considering purchasing - you post a suggestion for a different cheap DSO with a tiny screen and a link to it's purchase. To me this indicates one or more of the following:
a) You didn't read my summary.
b) You are unaware of the basic features of the DSO, such as screen size.
c) You are attempting to hijack the thread to a discussion about it since you are interested in it yourself.
d) You work or are connected to the company or the people that sell it.
In any case, that is the context. So, given that, perhaps you can understand the reactions to your non sequitur post. So PLEASE, in the interest of the thread, stop mentioning this other DSO here which has no bearing, connection, or relevance to anything I've written in my findings or review. Thanks.
I am highly qualified, highly experience and I have never met 'the most knowledgeable guy' who knew what he was talking about all the time.
You'll notice I wrote "
perhaps the most knowledgeable guy" in my original post - indicating that I've read his posts about the innards of cheap Chinese DSOs and, IMO, he has a lot of knowledge about the subject.