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Products => Test Equipment => Topic started by: Sparky on January 05, 2014, 10:04:05 pm

Title: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on January 05, 2014, 10:04:05 pm
DP832 - Firmware versions and bugs/issues

Here is a list of Rigol DP832 firmware versions and summary of known firmware bugs and hardware issues.  The formatting is based on that developed by marmad (

Known Firmware Versions
Before firmware 01.09, only "Normal" firmware update was provided.  In 01.09 and later there is additionally a bootloader update.  This list will be updated as new firmware becomes available., bootloader 01.05  (released: 12/13/2012), bootloader 01.05  (released: 01/31/2013), bootloader 01.05  (released: 03/18/2013), bootloader 01.05  (released: 05/23/2013), bootloader 01.05  (released: 06/27/2013), bootloader 01.05  (released: 07/24/2013), bootloader 01.05  (released: 11/06/2013), bootloader 01.06  (released: 01/16/2014), bootloader 01.09  (released: 05/09/2014), bootloader 01.09  (released: 07/08/2014), bootloader 01.09  (released: 11/18/2014), bootloader 01.09  (released: 04/24/2015), bootloader 01.09  (released: ??/??/2019)

Known Firmware Bugs
(strikethrough indicates bug resolved, bold indicates firmware version in which bug is fixed)

1. Ammeter reading is incorrect on channel 1 with no load
Issue mentioned here ('s/msg277158/#msg277158)
[] [] []

2. Some SCPI commands not working
jkw reported ( that commands like ":Cal:Start 2012,CH1" and ":Cal:Clear CH1,ALL" appear to time out.
>> RESOLVED: This appears not to be a bug, but rather unclear/incorrect instructions regarding the calibration procedure causing SCPI commands to fail when attempting calibration.  See this post ( for further details, and the Calibration section below.

3. When in tracking mode and CH1 and CH2 are set to enable/disable their outputs simultaneously, a reboot of the power supply resets the option.
Bug described by Sebastian here ( and here (
>> RESOLVED: Apparently the behavior is "by design" and not a bug. 

4. Trigger option disabled in firmware 01.08 and 01.09
For DP832, the Trigger option is lost when upgrading to 01.08 or 01.09.  This appears to be a firmware bug as the trial for evaluating Trigger is not active on new units.  All options can be enabled in firmwares prior to 01.08.
[] [] [] []

5. Temperature reading incorrect
The temperature value shown on the Test/Cal screen became incorrect in 01.09.  See here ( and here (
[] [] [] [] [] [] []

6. Calibration inaccuracy
For DP832A (and possibly DP832) problems with calibration being inaccurate have been reported (see posts on page 26 of this thread ('s/375/)).  Apparently the issue is resolved in 01.09.
[] []

7. Calibration broken in 01.11
It is reported here ( and discussed in subsequent posts that manual calibration on either V DAC or I DAC is broken.  It is recommended to avoid manual calibration in 01.11.  Manual calibration was reported to work successfully ( in 01.08.  Update: Manual calibration seems fixed in 01.13 (  See Calibration section below.
[] [] [] []

8. CH3 OCP bug in 01.13 (and earlier?)
kjdotts reports here ( of a firmware bug in which Over Current Protection (OCP) fails to work correctly on CH3.  This bug is confirmed later to be fixed ( in 01.14 by vovets.
[] []

9. ManualCal/Key Lock Password bug in 01.13 (and earlier?)
kjdotts reports here ( that power-cycling the DP832 will revert changes to the ManualCal/Key Lock password to the factory default "2012".  That is, password updates are not retained after a power cycle.  This is not necessarily a bug -- it may be the intended behavior.

10. Ethernet IP address assignment / PSU drops off network in 01.14 (and earlier?)
Rare issue reported by a couple of users.  jc101 reports ( that occasionally PSU will drop off the network.  Similar experience reported by ornea here (, with summary by eelliott here (  Issue was reported and acknowledged by Rigol according to rgarito (, Furthermore beta firmware 01.16 fixes the problem (  For unknown reason the firmware 01.16 is not yet officially released.  Contact Rigol or download from link above.

Known Hardware Issues

1. LM317 voltage regulator overheating and causing shutdown
Rigol have "resolved" this issue with a v02.10 board revision as shown in these photos ( by Dave.  Apparently this revised board is shipping in all new units manufactured from roughly Oct/Nov 2013.  For units manufactured before that date, Rigol plans to replace units with older boards for free (
>> DIY: A number of users have posted custom fixes, typically replacing the LM317 for an alternate regulator.  Refer to this post by ted572 ( for a professional looking and inexpensive solution ($1.44), which would probably save time as well.

2. Output voltage spikes when unit is turned on
Currently not believed to be resolved by any firmware update or hardware changes.  To be safe, best practice is probably not to have anything connected to the power supply when you turn it on.

3. Current sense between channels 2 and 3
Issue documented here (!/).  Rigol investigated and responded with the attachment "DP832 Recommended Connections.pdf".  In brief, Rigol recommend a heavy-duty low-resistance wire between the GND terminals of channel 2 and 3 to reduce the measurement error.

4. Banana plugs won't fit positive terminals
There are some reports (see here ('t-fit-in-positive-sockets-rigol-dp832/) and here ( that standard 4mm diameter banana plugs do not fit the positive terminals of some units.  Many people have no problem with many different brand banana plugs so this seems to be an issue of tolerance and quality in manufacturing of those components that affect some units.  McBryce reports on "drilling out" the posts to allow plugs to fit in this post (

5. AC coupling between Earth and output terminal(s)
lunxg reports here ( (YouTube video linked by Owen here ( of ~30 VAC coupling between Earth and the output terminals when the outputs are turned off.  Many users have confirmed the finding.  While the issue exists it is not isolated to Rigol DP800 series power supplies and most users have not reported ill effects.  Our resident expert Dave chimes in with his view (

6. Random reboots
Rare issue reported by a couple of users: random rebooting of the power supply.  See here ( and here (  A summary is compiled by eelliott here (  Currently reason for reboot is not identified.

Important Notes
1. If a firmware update includes a new bootloader, most likely it will prevent downgrading to a previous firmware released based on an earlier bootloader.  For example, it is not possible to downgrade from 01.09 to 01.06.  See here (  Also, it was reported here ( that it is not possible to downgrade from 01.11 to 01.10 (which use the same bootloader).

Firmware Version Information
To get the full firmware version information press Utility, Sys Info, M1, M3, M2 
Note: The soft buttons under the LCD are: M1 (left) to M5 (right).

Firmware Updates and Install Instructions
Official firmware releases: It is recommended to obtain firmware releases directly from Rigol (

Installation instructions: See attached PDF files ("DP800 Firmware Upgrade.pdf" or "DP832 Firmware Upgrade 00.01.13.pdf" for recent firmware releases).  While installation instructions have changed slightly over time (e.g. with reference to specific bootloader or firmware versions) the fundamental procedure has remained the same. 

Voltage and Current can be (re)calibrated if necessary.  See attached PDF file "DP800 Calibration Guide.pdf".  However, there have been reports of calibration failing, possibly because of difficulty with SCPI commands (at least in 01.08); refer to issue 2 of "Known Firmware Bugs".  Furthermore, firmware 01.11 introduced a bug in calibration as described here ( and subsequent posts.

Update 1: TooOldForThis posted a Calibration Guide ( allowing manual calibration with SCPI commands that can be used successfully (and especially to recover from a previously failed calibration).  Furthermore, ted572 posted a Calibration Procedure ( as a summary of the steps described in TooOldForThis's guide.

Update 2: It has been reported ( manual calibration is fixed in firmware 01.13.

DP832 Calibration Script (MATLAB): LaurentR has contributed a MATLAB script ( based on the SCPI commands and calibration process documented by TooOldForThis and ted572.  The script automates calibration of the DP832 using an Agilent 34461A 6.5 digit DMM.

DP832 Calibration Script (Python): bson has ported the DP832 calibration script ( of LaurentR (mentioned above) to Python.  This is great for those who don't have MATLAB.

Other Documents
Series and Parallel connections: Rigol outline correct connections between terminals for series (higher voltage) or parallel (higher current) operation.  See attached PDF "DP800 Outputs in Series and Parallel.pdf".

Performance Verification: Instructions for performing tests to verify the operating performance of DP800 series power supplies is given in the "DP800 Performance Verification Guide.pdf" which can be found in this post (

Rigol Software
Rigol's Ultra Sigma Windows PC software (providing SCPI utility) can be downloaded at no cost from Rigol (

If anyone discovers additional bugs, or has corrections to the summary above, please post in the thread and I'll try to keep this post updated.

Big thanks to ted572, Michael, TooOldForThis, LaurentR and bson for helpful contributions!  Most appreciated!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware updates and bug list
Post by: Lurch on January 05, 2014, 10:05:32 pm
I believe there is something missing from your post.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware updates and bug list
Post by: Sparky on January 05, 2014, 10:17:21 pm
I believe there is something missing from your post.

Yes!  I accidentally hit Tab -> Enter and it posted immediately! :-[  Fixed it now...might add more details... :)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: AndersAnd on January 05, 2014, 10:30:37 pm
Firmware and instructions is available here (  (Note, from the US and using TimeWarnerCable, I had to go through a EU proxy to load the Riglol page...)
Try EEVblog member Avotronics (' mirror site here instead then: (
You can add this info to your original post.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on January 06, 2014, 12:05:33 am
Firmware and instructions is available here (  (Note, from the US and using TimeWarnerCable, I had to go through a EU proxy to load the Riglol page...)
Try EEVblog member Avotronics (' mirror site here instead then: (
You can add this info to your original post.

Thanks!  I have added this and summarized a few of the issues above.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: WVL_KsZeN on January 06, 2014, 11:18:42 am
Are you sure problem #2 wasnt resolved in firmware 1.06 already? I got mine two weeks ago and it came with v1.06 and the new heatsink, but doesn't have issue #2.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on January 06, 2014, 04:46:09 pm
Are you sure problem #2 wasnt resolved in firmware 1.06 already? I got mine two weeks ago and it came with v1.06 and the new heatsink, but doesn't have issue #2.

No, I wasn't sure if this problem was fixed in 01.06, but now that you have clarified it I have updated the first post.  Thanks for your comment!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sebastian on January 07, 2014, 07:13:19 pm
I have discovered an other bug a week or two ago, but I wasn't sure if it actually was a bug. With FW 08 you can turn on a mode where CH1 and CH2 are enabled at the same time in tracking mode, which is pretty handy i think. But the problem was that if you reboot the thing it would reset that option. So I wrote an email to Rigol and got an answer just a few hours later.  :-+ But the guy I was writing with just after Christmas was not in the office until now. Today he wrote back that it is a real bug and they will fix it. So there will be a new Version hopefully. Until then I'm using 06 because of the options and because the tracking feature isn't that useful if I have to turn it on manually every time.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: thmjpr on January 08, 2014, 07:16:52 am
Not sure how the software function varies from A to non-A version but,

Updated DP832A from
Dig: to
An: to

The licenses are unchanged, all still shown as "official".
ADC cal works in that it outputs expected value, did not try saving.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: WVL_KsZeN on January 08, 2014, 08:21:46 am
Not a bug, but maybe nice for people who want to know :

I measured the power the supply needs when all channels are off, and the supply is still using 25W (ofcourse there's a reason they need that big heatsink for the 5V regulator!). Turning on an extra channel (with no load) increases that by about 4-5W. I didnt measure the power needs when everything was fully loaded..

Anyway : turn it off when you're not using it.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: jkw13 on January 09, 2014, 12:37:37 am
Did anyone get the SCPI commands to work as in the "DP800 Calibration Guide"?
Mine don't! (V1.08.00.02)

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on January 09, 2014, 07:35:54 am
I have discovered an other bug a week or two ago, but I wasn't sure if it actually was a bug. With FW 08 you can turn on a mode where CH1 and CH2 are enabled at the same time in tracking mode, which is pretty handy i think. But the problem was that if you reboot the thing it would reset that option...

I just tested this on my unit which is running FW 01.03 and this bug is not present.  It seems this issue has appeared in FW 01.08.  For anyone who tests this, make sure the "Power On" option is set to "Last" and not "Default".

Updated DP832A from
Dig: to
An: to

The licenses are unchanged, all still shown as "official".
ADC cal works in that it outputs expected value, did not try saving.

Since you have the 'A' version, it means you have all factory installed (purchased) options.  It is good to hear that all your options stay functional, and especially the ADC and calibration. 

We have yet to confirm if FW 01.08 update works properly for DP832 (non-A) owners who purchased options separately.  I recall Dave and a few others individually purchased the "Hi-Res" option for their DP832 units.  Would be great to have confirmation from such users.

Did anyone get the SCPI commands to work as in the "DP800 Calibration Guide"?
Mine don't! (V1.08.00.02)

Which SCPI commands did you try?  Does *IDN? return anything?
I tested the following using UltraSigma and they all work fine on FW 01.03

Can anyone test SCPI with FW 01.06 and FW 01.08?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: jkw13 on January 09, 2014, 10:40:56 am
Yes, those commands do work fine, but ":Cal:Start 2012,CH1" and ":Cal:Clear CH1,ALL"
do not, they just time out.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sebastian on January 09, 2014, 02:39:24 pm
I have discovered an other bug a week or two ago, but I wasn't sure if it actually was a bug. With FW 08 you can turn on a mode where CH1 and CH2 are enabled at the same time in tracking mode, which is pretty handy i think. But the problem was that if you reboot the thing it would reset that option...

I just tested this on my unit which is running FW 01.03 and this bug is not present.  It seems this issue has appeared in FW 01.08.  For anyone who tests this, make sure the "Power On" option is set to "Last" and not "Default".

That feature I am talking about shouldn't even exist in 01.03 because they implemented it in 01.08. Just to clarify what I mean: I can't tell the exact menu-names because I have 06 installed at the moment but whatever. There is a option like enable tracking sync or something similar. If you enable it you can press CH1 and it switches on CH1 and CH2 at the same time and the same happens if you press CH2. An there is another option that allows to change the voltage ether on CH1 or CH2 and it sets it for both. Normally it comes up with an error message for the channel that is tracked. I don't know for sure if it forgets that option as well, but I think so.

Edit: And the Power On option was on Last, that was the first question from Rigol too.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on January 18, 2014, 07:43:21 pm
I upgraded my DP832 from FW 06 to 08 with the following results:
I (only) lost the 'Trigger' Option, but everything else is Ok, including the fact that Calibration was NOT altered.  So I call this a big success, with the loss of Trigger considered a secondary or worthy sacrifice for the other benefits.  All other options are still OK!

I tried reinstalling Trigger in FW 08, but I got an 'invalid key' response.  It worked in FW 06, so apparently there is an issue with the Trigger key, the Trigger option changing, or otherwise having been disabled in FW 08(?).
So from what I have experienced the Trigger option is the only issue, and this should probably be reported to Rigol as a bug (by whoever is collecting and reporting the bugs).

The Firmware Installation Instructions are attached below:  Although there is a serious flaw in the form of missing information.
 Change Step 4. as follows:  --> Power on the DP800 "and when you see the RIGOL logo/icon" press the Help key to place the unit into Upgrade Mode.  This is indicated on the display.

  Step 5 not required (info included in Step 4. now), continue to Step 6.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sebastian on January 18, 2014, 08:08:50 pm
I upgraded my DP832 from FW 06 to 08 with the following results:
I (only) lost the 'Trigger' Option, but everything else is Ok, including the fact that Calibration was NOT altered.  So I call this a big success, with the loss of Trigger considered a secondary or worthy sacrifice for the other benefits.  All other options are still OK!

I tried reinstalling Trigger in FW 08, but I got an 'invalid key' response.  It worked in FW 06, so apparently there is an issue with the Trigger key, the Trigger option changing, or otherwise having been disabled in FW 08(?).
So from what I have experienced the Trigger option is the only issue, and this should probably be reported to Rigol as a bug (by whoever is collecting and reporting the bugs).

The Firmware Installation Instructions are attached below:  Although there is a serious flaw in the form of missing information. Change Step 4. as follows:  --> Step 4. Power on the DP800 'and when you see the RIGOL logo (icon) press the Help key to place the unit into Upgrade Mode.  This is indicated on the display.'
  Delete Step 5, and go directly to Step 6.

Do you have the official options or the free ones?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on January 18, 2014, 11:58:37 pm

Do you have the official options or the free ones?

Free optiones!  And BTW others have also told me now about loosing the Trigger option from upgrading to FW 08.  It seems like more people now are charging ahead on the upgrade today.  Go figure. . .
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: jkw13 on January 19, 2014, 12:12:42 am
Did you do a downgrade 1.06 / upgrade 1.08?
mine came with v1.08.
After the downgrade to 1.06, options installed fine, but calibration was off,
and options lost on upgrade to 1.08, calibration still off and ADC doesn't work :(
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on January 19, 2014, 12:17:54 am
Did you do a downgrade 1.06 / upgrade 1.08?
mine came with v1.08.
After the downgrade to 1.06, options installed fine, but calibration was off,
and options lost on upgrade to 1.08, calibration still off and ADC doesn't work :(

Did you follow the calibration procedure?  See first post for instructions in attachment.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: jkw13 on January 19, 2014, 12:31:53 am
Did you do a downgrade 1.06 / upgrade 1.08?
mine came with v1.08.
After the downgrade to 1.06, options installed fine, but calibration was off,
and options lost on upgrade to 1.08, calibration still off and ADC doesn't work :(

Did you follow the calibration procedure?  See first post for instructions in attachment.

Yes I did.
The fact that the scpi  "SYST" "CAL" and "UNINST" commands don't
work doesn't help either!!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on January 19, 2014, 12:43:17 am
Did you do a downgrade 1.06 / upgrade 1.08?
mine came with v1.08.
After the downgrade to 1.06, options installed fine, but calibration was off,
and options lost on upgrade to 1.08, calibration still off and ADC doesn't work :(
I have an older unit that was still at FW 06.  I waited until today to upgrade because of the issues I read about with others upgrading.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on January 19, 2014, 12:56:31 am
Did you do a downgrade 1.06 / upgrade 1.08?
mine came with v1.08.
After the downgrade to 1.06, options installed fine, but calibration was off,
and options lost on upgrade to 1.08, calibration still off and ADC doesn't work :(

Did you follow the calibration procedure?  See first post for instructions in attachment.

I didn't do the the Calibration at all.  Calibration didn't change on my unit after the upgrade from FW 06 to FW 08.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: jkw13 on January 19, 2014, 01:44:59 am
Ok, I have to ask this question.
Did anyone sucessfully DOWNGRADE from v1.08 to v1.06, install options, and retain them (and
calibration) on upgrading back to  to v1.08 (with working ADC) I wonder?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: RRobot on January 19, 2014, 02:17:29 am
Can any one direct me to a list of bugs that were fixed in 1.08? I'd like to determine if its worth the upgrade effort from 1.06 and I can't seem to find firmware revision history on Rigol's website.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on January 19, 2014, 02:47:29 am
Ok, I have to ask this question.
Did anyone sucessfully DOWNGRADE from v1.08 to v1.06, install options, and retain them (and
calibration) on upgrading back to  to v1.08 (with working ADC) I wonder?

What seems strange to me is that the only option that I lost going from FW 06 to 08 was Trigger.  And BTW others that did the upgrade in the past couple of days also only lost Trigger.  Granted I didn't go from 08 back down to 06, install options, and then go back up to 08 again.  But, so many people have said they lost all of their options, that I started to think that those people may simply had not followed the Rigol upgrade instructions precisely.   There are three (3) different installations that must be done in the Firmware installation.  Are you sure that you covered all three (3) situations?
The three situations are as follows:
1. Turn ON DP800, Press Help when RIGOL icon comes up up.  Install USB Flash Drive with the .GEL upgrade file when prompted.
After DP800 installs the file, and the DP800 automatically reboots. Remove the USB Flash Drive with the .GEL file.
2.  Press Help twice.  Press M4, M2, M1 to update Analog Board 1.
3. Press M4, M2, M2 to update Analog Board 2.
Last: Reboot, press Utility > SysInfo > M1, M3, M2 to verify installed FW version.

Did you do all of this?  This is MUCH more than your typical Rigol FW update requires.  If after reading this, if you have any doubt about it, don't understand something, etc, please let me know and I will try to help.   
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on January 19, 2014, 03:05:18 am
Can any one direct me to a list of bugs that were fixed in 1.08? I'd like to determine if its worth the upgrade effort from 1.06 and I can't seem to find firmware revision history on Rigol's website.
That is a very good question, and I would also like to know what has been changed.  My primary concern was to know that I could update the FW to 08 without loosing the options.  As it turned out I (and recently a few others) have only lost the Triggering option.  Hey that's Ok.  Now at least I can feel relatively confident that my DP800 won't be dead in the water the next time a FW update comes out of Rigol.
So you may want to do it also, if not only for getting over that hurdle(?).  I know that I feel better now after hearing all the stories about people loosing all their installed options.  I think the secret is following the installation procedure exactly as intended.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: jkw13 on January 19, 2014, 11:21:35 am
"After DP800 installs the file, and the DP800 automatically reboots. Remove the USB Flash Drive with the .GEL file."

No automatic reboot with mine!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on January 19, 2014, 01:00:32 pm
"After DP800 installs the file, and the DP800 automatically reboots. Remove the USB Flash Drive with the .GEL file."

No automatic reboot with mine!
Automatically reboots was my description in the simplified process I listed for you, to give you an idea what the steps are involved.  Perhaps this was wrong, it may actually be simply a quick restart without going through the normal boot screen, etc.
When it settles down to the normal DP800 screen, and is no longer changing, it is done and you are set to continue with the next step.  Sorry if I misled you.
This is the actual procedure's description:  ->  'Step 6. The instrument will restart when the upgrade is complete.'
Please look at the procedure's text that I PM'ed to you to see if that helps explain the whole process better.  I can email the full edited procedure and/or the GEL file I used if you like.  Who knows, perhaps there is a minor glitch in your GEL file, or a miner update missing that is now in Rigols 08 FW.  Unlikely, but a possibility. Its something to try anyway.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: AndersAnd on January 20, 2014, 08:50:00 am
3. Current sense between channels 2 and 3
Issue documented here (!/) and see Dave's post here ( for the Rigol response: DIY fix with heavy duty wire between GND terminals of channel 2 and 3!
I think you should attach this document:

Recommended Connections: DP832 CH2 and CH3 COM Terminals (

This PDF document was found under FAQs here: (

This document has been updated compared to the one attached by Dave here (, because there was something wrong with the formatting of the formulas in that document.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on January 20, 2014, 09:14:15 am
I think you should attach this document:
Recommended Connections: DP832 CH2 and CH3 COM Terminals (

Thanks! I have attached this new version document.  The formulas still look messed up for me, but perhaps I don't have a necessary font installed...  Oh well, hopefully it will work for others!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: AndersAnd on January 20, 2014, 11:39:10 am
Thanks! I have attached this new version document.  The formulas still look messed up for me, but perhaps I don't have a necessary font installed...  Oh well, hopefully it will work for others!
Yes you are right, the formulas are actually messed up in both version, I didn't pay attention to what the formulas actually said, just noticed the symbols are not overlapping each other anymore. But instead it's now wrong math symbols.
See attached screenshots.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on January 20, 2014, 07:40:25 pm
Thanks! I have attached this new version document.  The formulas still look messed up for me, but perhaps I don't have a necessary font installed...  Oh well, hopefully it will work for others!
Yes you are right, the formulas are actually messed up in both version, I didn't pay attention to what the formulas actually said, just noticed the symbols are not overlapping each other anymore. But instead it's now wrong math symbols.
See attached screenshots.

Thanks for the follow-up.  I think it is even worse now...not legible at all what the intended formulas are.  I will put back the original version of the PDF, and also update information on the new v01.09 firmware and install instructions.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: function on January 24, 2014, 08:04:59 am
Ok, I have to ask this question.
Did anyone sucessfully DOWNGRADE from v1.08 to v1.06, install options, and retain them (and
calibration) on upgrading back to  to v1.08 (with working ADC) I wonder?

What seems strange to me is that the only option that I lost going from FW 06 to 08 was Trigger.  And BTW others that did the upgrade in the past couple of days also only lost Trigger.  Granted I didn't go from 08 back down to 06, install options, and then go back up to 08 again.  But, so many people have said they lost all of their options, that I started to think that those people may simply had not followed the Rigol upgrade instructions precisely.   There are three (3) different installations that must be done in the Firmware installation.  Are you sure that you covered all three (3) situations?
The three situations are as follows:
1. Turn ON DP800, Press Help when RIGOL icon comes up up.  Install USB Flash Drive with the .GEL upgrade file when prompted.
After DP800 installs the file, and the DP800 automatically reboots. Remove the USB Flash Drive with the .GEL file.
2.  Press Help twice.  Press M4, M2, M1 to update Analog Board 1.
3. Press M4, M2, M2 to update Analog Board 2.
Last: Reboot, press Utility > SysInfo > M1, M3, M2 to verify installed FW version.

Did you do all of this?  This is MUCH more than your typical Rigol FW update requires.  If after reading this, if you have any doubt about it, don't understand something, etc, please let me know and I will try to help.

I followed the procedure exactly and my options also got removed with the update to 1.0.8, going back to 1.0.6 restored the options.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Wall-E on January 26, 2014, 02:57:52 am
Use the following DP800 firmware instructions:
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: carpelux on January 29, 2014, 06:41:53 pm
Today I received a newly bought DP832 after nearly a months wait. Luckily it came with 1.08 firmware, I was a bit afraid it should be delivered with 1.09, preventing me from generating a key.

As far as I have understood there isn't really any improvements between 1.06 and 1.08, so I'm planning for a downgrade making it ready for a key the day I need it.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on January 29, 2014, 11:23:19 pm
Today I received a newly bought DP832 after nearly a months wait. Luckily it came with 1.08 firmware, I was a bit afraid it should be delivered with 1.09, preventing me from generating a key.

As far as I have understood there isn't really any improvements between 1.06 and 1.08, so I'm planning for a downgrade making it ready for a key the day I need it.
Thank you,  it is nice to have 'Trigger' verified as being a Bug in version .08.

A few days ago I went back to .06 to recover 'Trigger' because I couldn't find any improvement in .08 over .06 anyway.  I can't imagine at this time using the 'Trigger' function, but I do appreciate how it could be useful.  Although it does seem that there must be something in .08 that they wanted to (or did) correct.

A possibly exists: To eliminate the 'Trigger' function until they get it working correctly(?), if it doesn't now.  Has anyone here fully tested the 'Trigger' function?

So was the removal of 'Trigger' a Bug in .08, or was it Buggy in .06?  Have we been Rigolized?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on January 29, 2014, 11:41:48 pm
Today I received a newly bought DP832 after nearly a months wait. Luckily it came with 1.08 firmware, I was a bit afraid it should be delivered with 1.09, preventing me from generating a key.

As far as I have understood there isn't really any improvements between 1.06 and 1.08, so I'm planning for a downgrade making it ready for a key the day I need it.
Thank you,  it is nice to have 'Trigger' verified as being a Bug in version .08.

@ted572 How did you determine this: "Trigger verified as being a Bug in version 01.08" ?

I realize the option is removed upon upgrading to 01.08 for units using the keygen, but legit owners (e.g. DP832A owners) have all options (incl. Trigger) enabled after upgrading to 01.08 (see here ( where is this "verified as being a bug" coming from?

Or, are you proposing that the removal of Trigger is an "error" that should not happen due to the upgrade in any unit?  If this were so, even owners of purchased options for DP832 would experience loss of options when doing the upgrade.  But, I haven't heard one owner of DP832 that has purchased options and lost any of them when updating to 01.08.  This makes me think loss of Trigger could in fact be intentional by Rigol (for units using keygen), and thus not a "bug" (in the traditional sense).
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on January 30, 2014, 01:01:15 pm
I think that you probably meant to ask  'carpelux' this question. > Edited 1/30/2014:  Maybe Not, because I now see he later edited his comments (Ref. * below). <
Please read carpelux's report again that I partially copied below.  He purchased a brand new DP832 that came with .08 firmware and the Trial options of course, but 'Trigger'* was inactive already (the same as our units that we upgraded from .06 to .08).  Apparently Rigol didn't notice this, or don't care (possibly because this is the desirable result for them at this time(?)).

Note: * He initially said that: that the 'Trigger' "Trial" was inactive already', but now I see that he has edited this comment out, although this was the key comment that my response was based on.

carpelux: Would you please explain why you later removed this information from you comments?  This is critical information for us to understand what is going on with Rigol's FW .08.  Thank you in advance for your assistance.

Today I received a newly bought DP832 after nearly a months wait. Luckily it came with 1.08 firmware, I was a bit afraid it should be delivered with 1.09, preventing me from generating a key.

We don't, and won't normally hear from people that buy their options on this forum, because they would only be here because the options can be had for free here by the use of a keygen.  If your going to be fully up front with Rigol then you don't have to read all these threads to learn how to beat the system with a keygen, or be concerned about what firmware updates are safe.  If your not hacking, then life is much easier, but then you won't be getting any free options.  So it will be difficult to find out how things are for those who buy their options and then upgrade the firmware.

Thank you very much Sparky for providing this subject listing (DP832 - Firmware list and bugs) for all of us!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on January 30, 2014, 05:17:06 pm
Thanks for explaining the issue clearly.  Now I understand that carpelux had originally stated Trigger (as a trial) was inactive from the beginning.

In this case, I would have concluded the same as you --- that indeed there is a bug in 01.08 firmware that disables the Trigger option, and it is not related to use of option codes generated by the keygen.

It would be excellent if carpelux could write back and explain why he changed his post.  As you say, it is quite important for us in terms of understanding what is going on with the firmware.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: carpelux on January 30, 2014, 05:41:32 pm
Hey guys, sorry if I caused confusion with my post and editing yesterday.

The reason I did edit it was that I realized that I was potentially wrong in my conclusion that all options except trigger was enabled as time trials. The reason I thought so was because when i looked at the sys info menu all options on that screen had TRIAL on them, except the trigger option that was marked disabled. But when I later looked at the option menu I realized that there was more options available than what was displayed at the sys info page, and at that page there was more options besides trigger that was marked as disabled.

In order to not make people to jump to conclusions based on what could be false information, and based on the fact that there wasn't any responses to my post i just deleted the sentence I wasn't sure about. I should have written a explanation to why, but it was kind of late and I had to get up early because of work, so it was bedtime.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on January 30, 2014, 08:31:22 pm
Partial quote: The reason I did edit it was that I realized that I was potentially wrong in my conclusion that all options except trigger was enabled as time trials. The reason I thought so was because when i looked at the sys info menu all options on that screen had TRIAL on them, except the trigger option that was marked disabled. But when I later looked at the option menu I realized that there was more options available than what was displayed at the sys info page, and at that page there was more options besides trigger that was marked as disabled.
Thank you for you explanation, as your feedback is very important for us to understand what is going on with the new DP832s supplied with .08 firmware.
It would also be very helpful if you could list all of the Trial options that are currently available to you, and also all those that marked as disabled.  It sounds like it is possible that you may have something different from what we have observed to date.

Thank you for your assistance, ted572
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: carpelux on January 30, 2014, 09:50:09 pm
Sorry to say, but before reading this I did downgrade my PSU to version 1.06, which caused all trial options to be reset. Happy to say that all keys worked so now all options are official :-)

My memory is short and the interface was new to me so I can't for sure remember the exact names of the options that was on trial on the "Sys Info" page but everyone listed there except the trigger option was on Trial.

To put it in another way, the Trigger Option was the only one listed that was not on Trial.

I hope this make it a little bit clearer...

Edit: fixed some spelling mistakes.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: carpelux on January 30, 2014, 10:04:30 pm
Just remembered one more thing.

The accuracy option wasn't listed at all on the "Sys info" page from the beginning, neither as Trial or disabled.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on January 30, 2014, 10:46:47 pm
Just remembered one more thing.

The accuracy option wasn't listed at all on the "Sys info" page from the beginning, neither as Trial or disabled.
Re. carpelux's Reply #41:  So from your experience this verifies that there is a Bug in firmware .08 that disables the 'Trigger' option of the Digital I/O.  Nothing else new that we know of at this time anyway.

Re. carpelux's Reply #42:  You are correct, Accuracy doesn't show up as an option.  This initially concerned me also, but if you have three decimal places,  i.e. display shows 1mV/1mA resolution, then you have it.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on February 19, 2014, 06:25:49 pm
My DP832 has been to Rigol NA for the heatsink replacement.  I have received it back and it has the tall silver heatsink as expected.  Also, it was updated to firmware versions: (digital) 00.01.09, (analog) 01.02.00 and (boot) 01.06. 

I noticed on the "Test/Cal" screen that the temperature is showing ~12 (degC), which seems particularly low (compared to ambient).  I do not recall this temperature reading ever being so low before the heatsink replacement, so I wonder if there has been some changes in the temperature measurement on latest firmware.

Has anyone noticed significant differences in the temperature value on different firmwares (with the DP832 operating under similar conditions, of course)?

Edit: Further discussion of temperature issue here (

Also, for people who are following this thread, I have recently updated the first post with additional and corrected information.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: stuartk on February 20, 2014, 02:26:06 am
I have just received my DP832A with the shiny silver heat sink. It shipped with 1.08

I upgraded to,  as I wanted the classic color screen.

Analog board:
Boot 1.06

before the upgrade my temp on startup was 29.6, now its at 10.26   :-//

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on February 20, 2014, 02:52:26 am
I have just received my DP832A with the shiny silver heat sink. It shipped with 1.08

I upgraded to,  as I wanted the classic color screen.

Analog board:
Boot 1.06

before the upgrade my temp on startup was 29.6, now its at 10.26   :-//

Aha!  There is obviously something wrong with the temperature reading in 01.09! 

I've added this to the bug list in post #1.

Thanks for checking the temperature value before/after upgrading and posting your finding!  It's not good to have the bug, but at least we know about it now!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: centon1 on February 21, 2014, 12:35:42 am
I have a DP832 which I updated to 01.08 following the three step instructions and everything went well but I now see that "Sparky's" complete list of firmware and bugs recommends having 01.06 on a DP832.

My question is when going back to 01.06 from 01.08 will I have to update the analogue boards as when going from .06 to .08 the same way or just load the firmware?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on February 21, 2014, 12:51:30 am
I have a DP832 which I updated to 01.08 following the three step instructions and everything went well but I now see that "Sparky's" complete list of firmware and bugs recommends having 01.06 on a DP832.

My question is when going back to 01.06 from 01.08 will I have to update the analogue boards as when going from .06 to .08 the same way or just load the firmware?

@centron1: I can't answer your question about the analog board update (because I've never tried it, and currently I'm on 01.09).  However a comment on my recommendation: I recommend 01.06 simply because 01.08 does not fix existing bugs, and you will loose one or more options you may have activated.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: centon1 on February 21, 2014, 01:05:19 am
As there doesn't seem to be any difference between 01.06 and 01.08, other than I lost the 'Trigger', I will stay at 01.08
Thank you for your response, all your efforts and your guidance.
It is greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: zejulios on March 29, 2014, 10:39:41 pm

I don't know if anyone has already referred this, but I was getting some trouble communicating with my DP832A with RS-232.
If I send *IDN? several times, some did not get the replay, others got an error bip on the PSU, and next I would receive the answer twice, or not the complete string.
My version was, analog, then I updated to analog, and now it seams a lot better on answer.
I used the update in the forum.
Looks stable so far, and I think the new classic layout is way better than the pie one.

I hope this helps others.


Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: solarbot on April 12, 2014, 11:45:14 am

Sorry to post what is certainly a daft question.... I just cannot find the answer anywhere!  I see lots of reference to keys or hacks to unlock features on the DP832 but can't find any info explaining how etc - it also looks like the latest firmware closes these advantages but wondering if someone has found a way round this yet?.... any pointers appreciated :-)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: AndersAnd on April 13, 2014, 08:04:56 am
I see lots of reference to keys or hacks to unlock features on the DP832 but can't find any info explaining how etc
It's all in this very long topic: (

- it also looks like the latest firmware closes these advantages but wondering if someone has found a way round this yet?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: megik on April 22, 2014, 11:01:38 am
I have a problem with dp832 calibration the matter is that in an insertion 1.6 there is a problem of such character aren't visible a number of lines in the calibration vadc menu right at the end, and keys don't work at an insertion 1.8 to the chtena allows to make exact calibration of the last figure
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: jimjam on May 31, 2014, 02:50:57 am
What is the latest on Rigol DP832?

I noticed the first post: Last Edit: March 15, 2014, 08:59:02 AM by Sparky
Have there been any further fixes by Rigol, or if I go and get a new one now, will I still come across these issues?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on May 31, 2014, 02:55:55 am
What is the latest on Rigol DP832?

I noticed the first post: Last Edit: March 15, 2014, 08:59:02 AM by Sparky
Have there been any further fixes by Rigol, or if I go and get a new one now, will I still come across these issues?

First post is still up-to-date (current).  There has been no new firmware beyond 01.09 that I am aware of, so no further bugs or features to list. :)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: jimjam on June 14, 2014, 10:08:11 pm
I contacted Emona in Australia about DP832(A). They have one DP832A in stock, but no DP832. They said that a new shipment is coming in July. I am wondering if they will come with a fixed board (rev3 / Rev4) and with no power on spike (dreaming).

I wouldn't mind getting the DP832A but it might/would be an old one with all these problems.

Has anyone else bought a DP832 recently and checked for their board revision / firmware / spike issue?

One would think that as a power supply, the power on spike is one of the things they'd be testing for during the initial design/testing process, and in fact should've been a design criteria.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Rigby on June 14, 2014, 11:13:24 pm
The only difference between a DP832 and any other piece of test gear you own, is that you know all the problems the DP832 has. 

I definitely consider that a good thing.  Knowing all the nuances and limitations of a piece of test gear is a requirement if you are going to use it seriously.

The spike only happens when the physical rocker switch is moved from the 'off' position to the 'on' position.  NOT when the individual channel power soft buttons are used.  That is just something that i keep in mind when I power it on.  It is essentially fixed, for me, because I know about the limitation and I account for it.

Knowing this is as much of a fix as you'll ever get, most likely.  For the price of this power supply, I would say it is still a HUGE value, and worth every penny.

If you don't agree, spend $1000 on a new Agilent supply and be happy.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on June 15, 2014, 08:47:08 am
The spike only happens when the physical rocker switch is moved from the 'off' position to the 'on' position.  NOT when the individual channel power soft buttons are used.  That is just something that i keep in mind when I power it on.  It is essentially fixed, for me, because I know about the limitation and I account for it.

Well, the same thing happens on other PSUs: I've a TTi PL303 and it gives a big spike at power on...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on July 11, 2014, 01:35:38 am
Apparently FW 00.01.10 is now available for the DP832.  It will be interesting to see what the implications are with this, good or bad.  Someone currently stuck with may benefit greatly with this new version(?).

See this post: (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: aurel on July 17, 2014, 06:56:19 pm
A license generator is now available for firmware 1.09.

Short version: download new riglol version (!KM9mXBiT!0EwuvQY7hOcZyTOQx53wDiWKwg4PkVT8D7oqDcCRbA8)

For more details, see this post: (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Rigby on July 18, 2014, 12:39:38 am
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: AndersAnd on July 31, 2014, 10:36:43 pm  (installed at manufacture)  (installed at manufacture; possibly DP832A only)  (date 07/09/2013)  << recommended for DP832  (date 10/30/2013)  (date 12/27/2013) and bootloader 01.06 (date 12/27/2013)  << recommended for DP832A: see here ( and here ( and here ('s/msg405860/#msg405860)
00.01.10.xx.xx  (reportedly released, but no details yet available)
Why do you only recommend for DP832, when is recommended for DP832A?
Is it because couldn't be hacked with a keygen? Because it can now thanks to aurel's post above.
studio25's ( has also been updated from ver. 1.03c to ver. 1.03d to include aurel's hack for DP832 FW v1.09
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on August 01, 2014, 06:14:03 am  (installed at manufacture)  (installed at manufacture; possibly DP832A only)  (date 07/09/2013)  << recommended for DP832  (date 10/30/2013)  (date 12/27/2013) and bootloader 01.06 (date 12/27/2013)  << recommended for DP832A: see here ( and here ( and here ('s/msg405860/#msg405860)
00.01.10.xx.xx  (reportedly released, but no details yet available)
Why do you only recommend for DP832, when is recommended for DP832A?
Is it because couldn't be hacked with a keygen? Because it can now thanks to aurel's post above.
studio25's ( has also been updated from ver. 1.03c to ver. 1.03d to include aurel's hack for DP832 FW v1.09

Hi AndersAnd,

Yes, it was originally that 01.06 was still hackable for those with DP832, and those with DP832A have all options so they might as well use the latest firmware available.  I will update the post with the new info following aurel's work.  Thanks for the reminder to do this!

I would like to try the 01.10 firmware and see if it fixes some remaining issues, but I don't have that firmware yet.  Is anyone running 01.10 on their DP832(A)?  Any comments on the existing bugs or can the firmware be shared here?


Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: andrewwong2000 on August 01, 2014, 09:46:28 am
I just got a DP832 and it came with 1.10 installed. Riglol 1.09 keys worked great for LAN, analysis, precision and monitoring. Will have to figure out triggering.

Thanks to all for your shared knowledge and awesome skills !
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: shailesh3t on August 02, 2014, 12:28:58 pm
Hi Andrew kindly confirm if you have been able to hack the DP 832 version 1.10 if so how did you do it as i tried but it did not work or may be i did something wrong
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: andrewwong2000 on August 02, 2014, 12:32:18 pm
I just followed the usual instructions:

1. Switched it on for the first time, got the serial number. Went to the riglol website..
2. Chose each option.. got the key..
3. Entered it.. and the DP832 confirmed it as official..
4. Rebooted and it was all there.

I got all the options configured and running on 1.10 just like that.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: shailesh3t on August 02, 2014, 12:39:52 pm
Hi Andrew
thanks for info
will try it again when am home
regards and have  a nice day
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: AndersAnd on August 02, 2014, 01:03:57 pm
Hi Andrew kindly confirm if you have been able to hack the DP 832 version 1.10 if so how did you do it as i tried but it did not work or may be i did something wrong
Remember to use the new option keys for versions >= 1.09, they are different form the option keys for earlier versions: (
DP832 starting from v1.09 device options:
first character: F = official, B = trial
F3PT - Accuracy
F6PT - Analyzer and Monitor
FALT - RS232
FLLT - Trigger

DP832 up to v1.06 device options:
first character: M = official, 5 = trial
MWSS - Trigger
MWTB - Accuracy
MWTC - LAN and RS232
MWTE - Analyzer and Monitor - Analyzer and Monitor
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: shailesh3t on August 02, 2014, 03:44:42 pm
HI Andersand,
 i have tried the code again with the new codes only  the f3pt worked that is high resolution , the rest did not work
hm i will try with the old code - m series
my firmware is 00.01.10
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 Upgrading Keygen Hack and Warranty?
Post by: Michael Weston on August 08, 2014, 08:28:04 am
Potentially stupid question:
What happens if one upgrades the features of their DS832 using the keygen (http://"") then later sends their unit with unauthorized upgrades to Rigol for warranty repair?
Is it possible to restore one's DS832 to factory state without Rigol ever knowing the unit had unauthorized upgrades?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on August 08, 2014, 11:25:42 am
someone reported that in the past months units illegally unlocked were repaired without any problems, while I've heard that in this months who sent a unit illegally unlocked gets his warranty void. It's only a comment that I've read here on EEVBlog.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sebastian on August 08, 2014, 04:01:50 pm
Whether or not Rigol cares, you can remove the options using Ultra Sigma (The PC Software from Rigol). Connect the Instrument via USB / Serial / LAN, right click on it in Ultra Sigma and got to Console (or something similar, I cant check it right now). Then send ":SYSTem:OPTion:UNINSTall" and the options should be gone.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on August 08, 2014, 09:03:26 pm
Unfortunately there were reported cases where UNINSTALL via ultrasigma didn't work  :-// don't know where exactly but it's in the big "sniffing the I2C bus ("
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: clivew on August 19, 2014, 11:56:47 pm
Fantastic work aurel!
Thanks so much ;D

A license generator is now available for firmware 1.09.

Short version: download new riglol version (!KM9mXBiT!0EwuvQY7hOcZyTOQx53wDiWKwg4PkVT8D7oqDcCRbA8)

For more details, see this post: (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Perry on August 21, 2014, 06:51:40 pm
Another thanks.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TooOldForThis on August 24, 2014, 02:41:26 pm
Rigol's FW update request page,, (,) says that rev 00.01.11 is available for the DP832.   Has anyone received 1.11 (or 1.10) as an update from Rigol?    I asked for an update saying I was currently at 1.09 and they sent me 1.09  :(
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on August 24, 2014, 04:23:02 pm
Rigol's FW update request page,, (,) says that rev 00.01.11 is available for the DP832.   Has anyone received 1.11 (or 1.10) as an update from Rigol?    I asked for an update saying I was currently at 1.09 and they sent me 1.09  :(

Thanks for the info!  It would be nice to get these firmwares: 01.10 and 01.11 for evaluation and see what has been changed/fixed.  I put in a request for 01.10 a couple of weeks ago (before 01.11 mentioned publicly) but did not get a reply.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TooOldForThis on August 24, 2014, 08:32:41 pm
Thanks for the info!  It would be nice to get these firmwares: 01.10 and 01.11 for evaluation and see what has been changed/fixed.  I put in a request for 01.10 a couple of weeks ago (before 01.11 mentioned publicly) but did not get a reply.

I suspect that Rigol's FW request form is only processed by a script - if you want any response at all, you have to  enter the data EXACTLY as they specify it.   For example, the text box at the bottom of the form should be filled with a single line such as:
   "DG832, DP8C1611234, 00.01.09"
Don't put anything else in that text box or Rigol's script will toss the whole request into the bit bucket.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on August 24, 2014, 09:21:55 pm
I suspect that Rigol's FW request form is only processed by a script - if you want any response at all, you have to  enter the data EXACTLY as they specify it...
Don't put anything else in that text box or Rigol's script will toss the whole request into the bit bucket.

I don't think this is the case.  I've generally specified all the required items, often not in the exact format requested, yet I've received email responses from actual people with firmware updates...  Unfortunately not the last time, however...

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: gel0es on August 25, 2014, 02:13:22 pm
Today, I have just busy with my DP832-on version (bootloader 01.09 ) turned up, but not a single key from Riglol 1.03d fit. What am I doing wrong? |O
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on August 25, 2014, 09:43:39 pm
I suspect that Rigol's FW request form is only processed by a script - if you want any response at all, you have to  enter the data EXACTLY as they specify it...
Don't put anything else in that text box or Rigol's script will toss the whole request into the bit bucket.

I don't think this is the case.  I've generally specified all the required items, often not in the exact format requested, yet I've received email responses from actual people with firmware updates...  Unfortunately not the last time, however...
Yes, I specified the requested fields on seperate lines and left a little note to ensure I got 1.11 and not 1.09 as some people seem to be getting.

I got it today. I think the confusion is that all the documentation and bootloader are for 1.09 while the firmware is 1.11

Quote from: gel0es
Today, I have just busy with my DP832-on version (bootloader 01.09 ) turned up, but not a single key from Riglol 1.03d fit. What am I doing wrong? |O

Did you have all the options installed on 1.09 and then upgraded to 1.11 and lost them all? or did you only try putting the keys into 1.11?

I think I will hold off my upgrade for now :(
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on August 26, 2014, 06:22:26 am
Yes, I specified the requested fields on seperate lines and left a little note to ensure I got 1.11 and not 1.09 as some people seem to be getting.

I got it today. I think the confusion is that all the documentation and bootloader are for 1.09 while the firmware is 1.11

@Macbeth: Could you please upload the 01.11 firmware to a filehost (e.g. for others?  I would like to try it out, check against the bug list, and update the post. 

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: thn788 on August 26, 2014, 06:44:07 am
There doesn't seem to be much information floating around this thread regarding changes in the recent DP800-firmwares. As Rigol unfortunately quite often doesn't seem to provide release notes with firmware updates, maybe some excerpts from the most recent v1.11 release notes will help others to decide, whether to upgrade or not:

Version:   Date:2014-7-8

Version:   Date:2014-5-09

Version:   Date:2014-01-16

Version:   Date:2013-11-06

Version:   Date:2013-07-24

We're using DP832A-models so I can't tell anything about working/non-working codes in v1.11.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on August 26, 2014, 03:00:29 pm
@thn788: +1  :-+
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on August 26, 2014, 04:06:50 pm
Yes, I specified the requested fields on seperate lines and left a little note to ensure I got 1.11 and not 1.09 as some people seem to be getting.

I got it today. I think the confusion is that all the documentation and bootloader are for 1.09 while the firmware is 1.11

@Macbeth: Could you please upload the 01.11 firmware to a filehost (e.g. for others?  I would like to try it out, check against the bug list, and update the post. 

These are the dropbox links Rigol supplied me with:

Bootloader 1.09: (
Firmware 1.11: (

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: gel0es on August 26, 2014, 04:34:51 pm
Quote from: gel0es
Today, I have just busy with my DP832-on version (bootloader 01.09 ) turned up, but not a single key from Riglol 1.03d fit. What am I doing wrong? |O
Did you have all the options installed on 1.09 and then upgraded to 1.11 and lost them all? or did you only try putting the keys into 1.11?
I think I will hold off my upgrade for now :(

I got DP832 delivered several months ago with version 01.09.
At that time, key generator was in version 1.3.c and spent my keys, which were meaningless with 01.09.
Sure, I've tried this first, :phew: and then read in the forum what it is.
However, yesterday saw -o my God- for 01.09 there is an extra field. :clap:
Ready to try! And what? `Instalation fails`. The same display. :scared:
Got from Rigol up-date and recorded immediately.
Key again to try - and again `fails instalation`. Crap. :wtf:
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on August 27, 2014, 05:44:01 am
There doesn't seem to be much information floating around this thread regarding changes in the recent DP800-firmwares. As Rigol unfortunately quite often doesn't seem to provide release notes with firmware updates, maybe some excerpts from the most recent v1.11 release notes will help others to decide, whether to upgrade or not:

A big thank you thn788! I will add a link to the info you provided from the first post!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on August 27, 2014, 06:12:47 am
These are the dropbox links Rigol supplied me with:
Bootloader 1.09: (
Firmware 1.11: (

Sweet!  Thank you!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: thmjpr on August 28, 2014, 04:18:31 am
These are the dropbox links Rigol supplied me with:

Bootloader 1.09: (
Firmware 1.11: (

Thanks. On 1.09, tried updating firmware first (as their previous guide instructs) but gets stuck on "19.2".
Trying bootloader -> firmware worked.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: lemon on August 29, 2014, 11:51:48 am
Unfortunately, the links are "dead" now!
Can someone to upload them, again?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on August 29, 2014, 01:04:44 pm
Unfortunately, the links are "dead" now!
Can someone to upload them, again?
Just ask for them from Rigol (,)

I got mine by email within 24 hours.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TomThomas on August 29, 2014, 01:08:12 pm
Unfortunately, the links are "dead" now!
Can someone to upload them, again?
Just ask for them from Rigol (,)

I got mine by email within 24 hours.

yes. but choose the right webside... otherwise your request might be issued in China... I started at ( and for me it worked also relativly fast.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on August 29, 2014, 01:08:42 pm
I got mine by email within 24 hours.

Me too.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: thmjpr on August 31, 2014, 02:16:16 am
Unfortunately, the links are "dead" now!
Can someone to upload them, again? ( (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on August 31, 2014, 06:01:19 am

    BTW, does anyone already tried this new FW on a DP832 ? If so, does the keys remain ?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: lemon on August 31, 2014, 08:39:48 am
Unfortunately, the links are "dead" now!
Can someone to upload them, again? ( (

Thanks :-+
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: lemon on August 31, 2014, 09:29:35 am
Just I upgraded the fw from 1.08 to 1.11 with success (and bootloader from 1.08 to 1.09) to my 832.

From the fw 1.06 I had enter the options (High Resolution, Analyzer, Monitor e.t.c) and there isn't need any more new key for this upgrade to 1.11

Thanks for all to help.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on August 31, 2014, 12:48:02 pm

    BTW, does anyone already tried this new FW on a DP832 ? If so, does the keys remain ?


Just to confirm that 1.11 keeps activated options. I didn't have to upgrade the bootloader since it was 1.09 already (as shipped).

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on August 31, 2014, 08:50:48 pm
Great, I updated my bootloader from 1.06 to 1.09 and my firmware from 1.09 to 1.11 and I still have all my Riglol options  :-DD


After... (Bootloader first, Firmware second)

Options... all still there! :)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Uup on September 01, 2014, 08:34:56 am
Great, I updated my bootloader from 1.06 to 1.09 and my firmware from 1.09 to 1.11 and I still have all my Riglol options  :-DD

Looks like you didn't go through the procedure to update your analog 1 & 2 boards.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on September 01, 2014, 11:46:57 am
Great, I updated my bootloader from 1.06 to 1.09 and my firmware from 1.09 to 1.11 and I still have all my Riglol options  :-DD

What's exactly that makes you laugh so loud?

I don't think that using a keygen is funny or cool.

Understanding how to write it and doing it, it's funny and cool.

Looks like you didn't go through the procedure to update your analog 1 & 2 boards.

THIS is funny. :-DD
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Uup on September 01, 2014, 12:21:57 pm
Has anyone tried calibrating their DP832 after updating to 1.11?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on September 01, 2014, 05:26:36 pm
Looks like you didn't go through the procedure to update your analog 1 & 2 boards.

Thanks for pointing this out :)


I hope that's fixed it :)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on September 01, 2014, 05:33:39 pm
What's exactly that makes you laugh so loud?

You humourless assburger. Do you not understand that RigLOL is a funny name for the software? LOL = Laughing Out Loud. I'm happy to be amused by the provider of Riglol 1.3  :palm:

I don't claim to be anything other than someone grateful for his services.

And thanks to UUp for pointing out my fail at updating analog boards. I would have been oblivious if I didn't post.

I hope other DP832 owners now have the confidence to upgrade.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on September 02, 2014, 02:28:53 pm
Quote from: Macbeth link=topic=24919.msg505588#msg505588
You humourless assburger. Do you not understand that RigLOL is a funny name for the software? LOL = Laughing Out Loud. I'm happy to be amused by the provider of Riglol 1.3  :palm:

Generally I do not lack sense of humor, on the other hand, someone is very touchy  :P

It's easy to spot the LOL in the name. I understood that since the 1st release. This is not the point.

I firmly believe that the hacking that led to the writing of this keygen is amazing: it serves a lot of skill and knowledge to do it and there's no doubt about its success.  :-+

Even if I'm not not a user of this software (I paid for the options I have), I admit that its author is a great hacker. I've nothing against the author. He CAN laugh loud!

What bothers me is to see keygen users who enjoy the results of the unlock with loud laughs and pride as if they were somehow part of the hack, as if they themselves were able to outwit Rigol. While they are only consumers. This was my point.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on September 02, 2014, 05:29:32 pm
What bothers me is to see keygen users who enjoy the results of the unlock with loud laughs and pride as if they were somehow part of the hack, as if they themselves were able to outwit Rigol. While they are only consumers. This was my point.
Dude, you are reading far more into this "consumers" posts. It's unfortunate that you wind yourself up over it too so your fantasy of my intentions even *bothers* you. Take a chill pill and relax. You will end up with high blood pressure or something otherwise. I laughed at RigLOL is all, and I have no pride or think I am part of the hack whatsoever.  :phew:
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on September 02, 2014, 06:18:13 pm
As you probably see, english is not my native language, so probably I've abused of the word "bother". However, it's only my opinion :-// Never mind.
p.s. high pressure? I have it, thanks!   ^-^
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on September 02, 2014, 09:02:58 pm
As you probably see, english is not my native language, so probably I've abused of the word "bother". However, it's only my opinion :-// Never mind.
p.s. high pressure? I have it, thanks!   ^-^
Me too, high blood pressure that is :( You have infinitely better English than my Italian that is for sure!  :-+

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on September 04, 2014, 05:12:09 pm

     New problem...
I was using the power supply, fixing a Ham transceiver, turning ON/OFF channer 1 from time to time, and suddenly I got an error messages rolling about overvoltage / overcurrent alarm...  but the channel was OFF :o

The output was sets to 9V - 2A, draining ~200mA.

I tried to change output settings, no way, same problem.
At a moment, I checked with my DSO... errr >43V nice sin wave  :wtf: (sorry, no screenshot)

Well, I've opened today, once again, checking test points.

The 2.5V (next to 2.5 ref) seems wrong. Out of the 1117 regulator, 2.5V is there, but on C31 (22uF) 1.63V. I suspect the erased chip next to this capacitor have a problem...  :-[

I checked C31, it was dead (few pF), replaced, still 1.63V.

Also, I checked peaks when you turn on the power supply, terrific... (on +2.5V, -2.5)

I guess I have to contact Rigol for a new board, I don't have too much hope about fixing this one.


Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Michael Weston on September 05, 2014, 01:23:49 pm
Unfortunately, the links are "dead" now!
Can someone to upload them, again? ( (
Thank you very much for the new firmware link!  :D
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Uup on September 05, 2014, 02:41:43 pm
There is a bug in firmware relating to manual calibration. If you have installed this firmware then don't perform manual calibration on either V DAC or I DAC. Calibration of V ADC and I ADC appears to work properly though.

Calibration via a PC works fine.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Michael Weston on September 05, 2014, 03:26:15 pm
There is a bug in firmware relating to manual calibration. If you have installed this firmware then don't perform manual calibration on either V DAC or I DAC. Calibration of V ADC and I ADC appears to work properly though.

Calibration via a PC works fine.
Are you saying calibration of "V DAC" and "I DAC" via a PC works correctly?  Please clarify and elaborate.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Uup on September 05, 2014, 03:59:30 pm
Are you saying calibration of "V DAC" and "I DAC" via a PC works correctly?  Please clarify and elaborate.

Yes. The bug appears to affect manual calibration via the GUI only. If you try and calibrate V DAC or I DAC via the GUI then the corresponding channel on your DP832/A will not work properly.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TooOldForThis on September 06, 2014, 12:48:22 am
If you try and calibrate V DAC or I DAC via the GUI then the corresponding channel on your DP832/A will not work properly.

That's an understatement.  I tried to calibrate one channel of a DP832 (rev 1.11) and created a total mess.  I've retried half a dozen times.  No luck.  The voltage output now has nothing to do with the value requested.   I re-calibrated this unit successfully when it was running 1.08.   I tried down-grading from 1.11 to 1.09, but that doesn't work.   The other two channels are still OK.

Rigol must calibrate these things automatically using SCPI commands.  It certainly would be good to get info on their undocumented calibration commands.

Fortunately, I have a 2nd DP832 I can use until Rigol comes out with a cal fix in rev 1.12.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TooOldForThis on September 06, 2014, 01:09:15 am
There is a bug in firmware relating to manual calibration. If you have installed this firmware then don't perform manual calibration on either V DAC or I DAC. Calibration of V ADC and I ADC appears to work properly though.

Calibration via a PC works fine.

Uup, Can you provide information on how to calibrate a DP800 by PC?  Are those SCPI commands documented somewhere?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Uup on September 06, 2014, 06:43:12 am
Sorry, I’ve overstepped my bounds. :-[ I was under the impression that the software was available from Rigol by request. Contact your local authorised Rigol distributor and explain your situation. Since your calibration was corrupted due to a bug in the firmware then they may calibrate your DP832 for free and/or with a fast turnaround.

Rigol is apparently aware of the bug so hopefully a fixed firmware will be available soon. In the meantime, hopefully no one else corrupts their calibration...

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Uup on September 06, 2014, 07:35:18 am
If you try and calibrate V DAC or I DAC via the GUI then the corresponding channel on your DP832/A will not work properly.

That's an understatement.  I tried to calibrate one channel of a DP832 (rev 1.11) and created a total mess.  I've retried half a dozen times.  No luck. 

Sounds like we had a similar experience. I wasted far too much time on this myself. |O

I totally screwed up the calibration to the point where it would output an overvoltage and trip OVP, when the output was turned off! Got it closer once I realised how the values were getting screwed up. All good now fortunately.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on September 06, 2014, 08:17:37 am

If you try and calibrate V DAC or I DAC via the GUI then the corresponding channel on your DP832/A will not work properly.

That's an understatement.  I tried to calibrate one channel of a DP832 (rev 1.11) and created a total mess.  I've retried half a dozen times.  No luck. 

Sounds like we had a similar experience. I wasted far too much time on this myself. |O

I totally screwed up the calibration to the point where it would output an overvoltage and trip OVP, when the output was turned off! Got it closer once I realised how the values were getting screwed up. All good now fortunately.

Like à continuous OVP alarms ? On channel 1 only ?

Have you tried to flash back to 1.10 ?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Michael Weston on September 06, 2014, 08:18:43 am
Are you saying calibration of "V DAC" and "I DAC" via a PC works correctly?  Please clarify and elaborate.

Yes. The bug appears to affect manual calibration via the GUI only. If you try and calibrate V DAC or I DAC via the GUI then the corresponding channel on your DP832/A will not work properly.
Ahhh... I understand now.  Thank you very much for that clarification.  :)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Uup on September 06, 2014, 08:49:34 am
Like à continuous OVP alarms ? On channel 1 only ?

Yes. Turned on DP832A and, after powering-up, an immediate OVP alarm. The control panel buttons were almost unusable due to the constant alarm as well. I could only stop the OVP alarm under software control.

Have you tried to flash back to 1.10 ?

I was unable to reflash to an older firmware version.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on September 06, 2014, 09:07:41 am

Like à continuous OVP alarms ? On channel 1 only ?

Yes. Turned on DP832A and, after powering-up, an immediate OVP alarm. The control panel buttons were almost unusable due to the constant alarm as well. I could only stop the OVP alarm under software control.

Have you tried to flash back to 1.10 ?

I was unable to reflash to an older firmware version.

Exactly what I've experienced, with the 43V sin wave output on Channel 1, and I suspect that's the origin of all of my hardware problem (C31 death, and probably more)... Looks like this 1.11 turns the PSU into suicide mode.

Looks like I'm stuck waiting for a new firmware release before continuing fixing the board (or trying to)...

Damn Rigol's devs...

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Rigby on September 06, 2014, 09:10:54 am
WHY are people upgrading firmware in cases where the existing firmware is not causing issues?

Can anyone explain?  One has a device that works as it is just fine, then chooses to apply firmware right after it is made available?

Tell me I'm missing something.

If it isn't broke...  I'm on 1.06 and I've not had a single issue.  And I don't ever plan on upgrading.  There's no need to, the thing works just fine.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on September 06, 2014, 09:49:15 am
WHY are people upgrading firmware in cases where the existing firmware is not causing issues?

Can anyone explain?  One has a device that works as it is just fine, then chooses to apply firmware right after it is made available?

Tell me I'm missing something.

If it isn't broke...  I'm on 1.06 and I've not had a single issue.  And I don't ever plan on upgrading.  There's no need to, the thing works just fine.

Why ? Maybe you should re-read the OP ;-)

And if none of us try firmware updates, how could we know if bugs are fixed or introduced ? Doesn't the point of this thread ?

So now, we can hardly suggest to NOT FLASH 1.11.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Uup on September 06, 2014, 10:29:13 am
WHY are people upgrading firmware in cases where the existing firmware is not causing issues?

Can anyone explain?  One has a device that works as it is just fine, then chooses to apply firmware right after it is made available?

Tell me I'm missing something.

If it isn't broke...  I'm on 1.06 and I've not had a single issue.  And I don't ever plan on upgrading.  There's no need to, the thing works just fine.

I appreciate the time and the effort that you made to dispense your wisdom here. However, no one is forcing you, or anyone else for that matter, to upgrade. We're just sharing our experiences here.

Did you happened to read the OP or even the subject line?

In any case, this particular issue with 1.11 is really a non-issue unless you intend to calibrate your PSU. The reason I posted here about it was to make others aware of the issue in order to avoid potential problems.

And since you asked... I upgraded my DP832A specifically in order to add the 'Classic' GUI. I don't really like the standard triangle GUI that is on the DP832A. However, I would have upgraded anyhow, unless any major issues were first raised. I like to have the latest firmware, to be on the cutting edge. But that's just me.  :D

Yes, I ended up wasting time with calibration issues, but in the end things worked out better than I expected. The calibration is now perfect, where previously it was out by a couple of mV on both indication and set-point.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Michael Weston on September 06, 2014, 10:29:42 am
Can a DP832 be flashed to become a DP832A?  If yes:
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Uup on September 06, 2014, 10:42:14 am
Can a DP832 be flashed to become a DP832A?  If yes, can the model change be made without sacrificing the ability to enable upgrade options (

Technically yes, but I am not aware of it being done outside of the Rigol factory. Aside from cosmetic differences they are the same hardware.

If you were able to modify the model to a DP832A then you wouldn't be sacrificing any options, since the A model has all options already enabled.  ;D
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Michael Weston on September 06, 2014, 11:35:18 am
Can a DP832 be flashed to become a DP832A?  If yes, can the model change be made without sacrificing the ability to enable upgrade options (

Technically yes, but I am not aware of it being done outside of the Rigol factory. Aside from cosmetic differences they are the same hardware.

If you were able to modify the model to a DP832A then you wouldn't be sacrificing any options, since the A model has all options already enabled.  ;D
Thank you very much for your prompt reply and toleration of my ignorance.

Can the unit then be flashed back to become a DP832 (not DP832A)?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on September 06, 2014, 11:42:35 am

WHY are people upgrading firmware in cases where the existing firmware is not causing issues?

Can anyone explain?  One has a device that works as it is just fine, then chooses to apply firmware right after it is made available?

Tell me I'm missing something.

If it isn't broke...  I'm on 1.06 and I've not had a single issue.  And I don't ever plan on upgrading.  There's no need to, the thing works just fine.

I appreciate the time and the effort that you made to dispense your wisdom here. However, no one is forcing you, or anyone else for that matter, to upgrade. We're just sharing our experiences here.

Did you happened to read the OP or even the subject line?

In any case, this particular issue with 1.11 is really a non-issue unless you intend to calibrate your PSU. The reason I posted here about it was to make others aware of the issue in order to avoid potential problems.

And since you asked... I upgraded my DP832A specifically in order to add the 'Classic' GUI. I don't really like the standard triangle GUI that is on the DP832A. However, I would have upgraded anyhow, unless any major issues were first raised. I like to have the latest firmware, to be on the cutting edge. But that's just me.  :D

Yes, I ended up wasting time with calibration issues, but in the end things worked out better than I expected. The calibration is now perfect, where previously it was out by a couple of mV on both indication and set-point.

Just to tell you that I didn't tried to recalibrate my PSU at all, this OVP alarm came suddenly, regardless the channel was OFF.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Michael Weston on September 06, 2014, 12:01:50 pm
How does one get the private key from their DP832 or DP832A?   :-//

I combed the forum, yet did not find the answer to this question.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on September 06, 2014, 12:11:38 pm
WHY are people upgrading firmware in cases where the existing firmware is not causing issues?

This is ALWAYS been a strict policy to follow in any serious company on every device (servers, phones etc.). See list below.

And if none of us try firmware updates, how could we know if bugs are fixed or introduced ? Doesn't the point of this thread ?

Yes, it's the point of the thread, but IMO it's not a good practice to do firmware "experiments". I mean, if you're not having troubles with a device, it's not a good practice upgrade its firmware. Excluding the 0.001 mA false reading, a 1.06 DP832 it's NOT giving any headache to me.

Maybe I'm using it so simply that I didn't realize there are major bugs.  :-//

However this is my list about firmware upgrades:

1. Keep in mind that any firmware update is a high risk on all the devices that aren't specifically designed to manage downgrades.
2. A firmware update could fix an issue and create a couple of new ones.
2. Read (or ASK for) the changelog and carefully examine what fixes/improvements has been made with the new firmware. Applying the update blindly and possibly fuc*ing up the device IS NOT an option.
4. If you find any real fix/improvement on the changelog list about any trouble you've ever had[/u], take the risk and apply the upgrade, if not, FORGET IT.
5. If you want to apply the update, keep in mind that if it's NOT CRITICAL for your work/hobby, it's better to wait the new firmware is well tested before installing.

EDIT: I mean... between 1.10 and 1.11 there was "ONLY" this fixes/improvements... If I had 1.10, why should I upgrade it?

- Add the traditional language menu. (USELESS)
- Expand the point of recorder to 614400. (ALMOST USELESS FOR ME)
- The display mode will not be changed by setting preset. (MAYBE USEFUL BUT NOT CRITICAL)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TooOldForThis on September 06, 2014, 07:27:13 pm
Read (or ASK for) the changelog and carefully examine what fixes/improvements has been made with the new firmware.

This is making the assumption that change logs are complete and detailed.  Most likely they listed a few of the more important sounding changes, or at least the least embarrassing bugs fixed, and left all the other bug fixes and improvements unmentioned.   

Just because you don't realize that your equipment has bugs that are biting you doesn't mean your not being impacted.  How much time can you waste trying to get some SCPI command to work when you're running into some bug they fixed 3 revs ago.   

We apply updates because we trust the manufacturer to keep making improvements and fix bugs that we know are affecting us (or have yet to realize are affecting us.)  If we didn't trust the manufacturer, we wouldn't have bought and used the equipment to begin with.  Occasionally, that trust is misplaced, but that's part of the joy of buying low cost test equipment - we all get to be unpaid, undocumented, members of Rigol's test team.   
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Rigby on September 07, 2014, 01:07:27 am
I get the point of the thread.

I understand the point of updating firmware.

I don't understand updating firmware when you aren't experiencing issues, or don't know you are. 

If you know you are experiencing issues, that is another matter entirely.

Upgrading firmware because you think you might maybe be having an issue with firmware -- that's reason to investigate and test the firmware, not apply an unknown quantity in the form of a firmware upgrade. 

If you don't know what's wrong, and you don't know that new firmware will fix it, applying new firmware is a move that has an equal chance of making things worse, as they would make things better.

This is kind of the discussion I have with fans of Linux.  If the hobby IS THE EQUIPMENT, then you upgrading firmware blindly makes perfect sense, and I support it.  If your hobby IS THE COMPUTER then screwing with Linux kernel compiles and ALSA drivers is well worth ones time, and I support it. Have fun.

If your hobby is electronics, dinking around with firmware in the middle of a project when you don't have an issue is just irresponsible. If you suspect you have an issue with firmware, you investigate, you test, you make sure; you don't blindly change things.  By "blindly" I mean changing to something unknown.

That's all.  Didn't mean to offend anyone or to attack.  Just don't update firmware in the middle of an important project, or, have a backup you can use in case things get worse.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Michael Weston on September 11, 2014, 01:36:44 am
The following is provided as reference with hopes it helps someone in the future.

On 2014-September-03 I ordered a new Rigol DP832 (not DP832A) digital power supply from ( for USD$450.00 with free UPS Ground shipping.

I decided to order it from because they are an official, authorized Rigol partner (, and I had very good service from Saelig on a past purchase.

My Rigol DP832 came with the TopBoard Version 2.1 (or newer) that includes the upgraded, silver, aluminum heatsink visible through the ventilation holes on the right-hand side of the unit; so, it will not have the overheating problem exhibited by previous versions of the TopBoard.

My Rigol DP832 came with the following firmware versions installed at the factory:
It was calibrated at the factory on 2014-5-13 (2014-May-13), which gives some indication of when it was manufactured.

Attached are some photos of my completely virgin, unmodified unit exactly as it came from the factory.  The first photo is the Utility screen displaying all the firmware version numbers.  The second photo is the Utility screen displaying all the upgrade options' statuses.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on September 13, 2014, 10:01:07 pm
NEW 2014 > DP800 Calibration Guide attached:
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on September 13, 2014, 10:18:35 pm
NEW 2014 > DP800 Calibration Guide attached:

Excellent!  Thank you ted572 -- I hope you don't mind me adding this to the first post.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on September 14, 2014, 12:54:05 am
The new Rigol 2014 DP800 Performance Verification Manual.pdf
is at > (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Michael Weston on September 14, 2014, 01:48:29 am
Quote from: ted572 on Today at 08:01:07 AM (
NEW 2014 > DP800 Calibration Guide attached:
Wow!   ;D
Thank you very much for posting the new DP800 Calibration Guide, ted572!!   ;D
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TooOldForThis on September 14, 2014, 02:01:09 am
NEW 2014 > DP800 Calibration Guide attached:
The main difference between this Jan '14 manual and the previous one is that they no longer tell you to use the SCPI interface to enter the commands  “:Cal:Start 2012,CH1" and "Cal:Clear CH1,ALL" as the first step of calibration.

The 'new' manual still still doesn't tell you to use the On/Off buttons to enable the channel you want to calibrate.  You get a whole lot of nothing if you don't turn on the channel before starting calibration.
It does say that, rather prominently.

And for Pete's sake, don't try calibration if you are running FW 1.11.  Really.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: carpelux on September 14, 2014, 04:35:56 pm
NEW 2014 > DP800 Calibration Guide attached:
The 'new' manual still still doesn't tell you to use the On/Off buttons to enable the channel you want to calibrate.  You get a whole lot of nothing if you don't turn on the channel before starting calibration.
Actually, it does. On page 2-2 it says:

3. Turn on DP800 and press the channel selecting key at the front panel to select
CH1 as the channel to be tested. Set the voltage and current of the channel
under test according to Table 2-1. Then, press the On/Off key corresponding to
the channel under test to enable the output of the channel.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Michael Weston on September 14, 2014, 07:49:16 pm
NEW 2014 > DP800 Calibration Guide attached:
The 'new' manual still still doesn't tell you to use the On/Off buttons to enable the channel you want to calibrate.  You get a whole lot of nothing if you don't turn on the channel before starting calibration.
Actually, it does. On page 2-2 it says:

3. Turn on DP800 and press the channel selecting key at the front panel to select
CH1 as the channel to be tested. Set the voltage and current of the channel
under test according to Table 2-1. Then, press the On/Off key corresponding to
the channel under test to enable the output of the channel.
Carpelux, I think you misunderstood TooOldForThis.

In the quote above, TooOldForThis ( referred to the new DP800 Calibration Guide posted by ted572 (

The text you quote above:
"3. Turn on DP800 and press the channel selecting key at the front panel to select
CH1 as the channel to be tested. Set the voltage and current of the channel
under test according to Table 2-1. Then, press the On/Off key corresponding to
the channel under test to enable the output of the channel.
can not be found anywhere in the new DP800 Calibration Guide (;attach=109150).  That text can only be found in the new Rigol 2014 DP800 Performance Verification Manual (  Also, the text you refer to does not appear on page 2-2, it appears on page 2-4 (PDF page 22) of the DP800 Performance Verification Manual.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: carpelux on September 15, 2014, 04:23:41 am
Yes, You seems to be right. It looks like I messed up the documents.

But if You look in the "new" manual, on page 2-3 (page 11 in the pdf) it says:
2. Press the On/Off softkey corresponding to CH1 at the front panel of DP800 to
enable the channel output
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Michael Weston on September 15, 2014, 05:33:24 am
Yes, You seems to be right. It looks like I messed up the documents.

But if You look in the "new" manual, on page 2-3 (page 11 in the pdf) it says:
2. Press the On/Off softkey corresponding to CH1 at the front panel of DP800 to
enable the channel output
You are correct, carpelux.

I am guessing that when TooOldForThis stated:
"The 'new' manual still still doesn't tell you to use the On/Off buttons to enable the channel you want to calibrate. ("
he had not yet read past page 2-2 (PDF page 10) of the DP800 Calibration Guide (;attach=109150).  Otherwise, he probably would have seen the instructions starting at page 2-3 (PDF page 11), and not made that statement.

I can easily see why TooOldForThis might have made that statement.  As I read the DP800 Calibration Guide for the first time, to me it seemed the calibration instructions began at page 2-1 (PDF page 9), which is incorrect.  The beginning of Chapter 2 describes an overview of the procedure, not the actual calibration instructions.  Had the first section in Chapter 2 been named something like "Procedure Overview of the Calibration Process", there would be much less chance the reader might misinterpret the first section as being the actual calibration instructions.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on September 23, 2014, 09:15:38 am
Dear all,

    Just to let you know I just got a brand new top PCB card from I would tell how wonderful is their support, really.
I will take some pictures because it's a modified design, rev is 02.20 from 2013-11-05, with an IRFP260N.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Michael Weston on September 23, 2014, 10:12:29 am
I just got a brand new top PCB card from I will take some pictures because it's a modified design, rev is 02.20 from 2013-11-05, with an IRFP260N.
I'm very curious to see your top PCB photos.

I very recently bought a new DP832, so I am wondering if my unit also has the version 2.20 TopBoard (top PCB).  Is there any way I can discover the version of the TopBoard in my DP832 without opening the case?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on September 23, 2014, 10:18:58 am
I just got a brand new top PCB card from I will take some pictures because it's a modified design, rev is 02.20 from 2013-11-05, with an IRFP260N.
I'm very curious to see your top PCB photos.

I very recently bought a new DP832, so I am wondering if my new unit also has the version 2.20 TopBoard (top PCB).  Is there any way I can discover the hardware version of the TopBoard in my new DP832 without opening the case?

I took the pictures, and I'll upload that soon.

About identifying the board, not really. The most noticeable changes are one big fat cap, a smaller black heatsink, and the new mosfet. The 2.5V reference has also slightly changed (no more PCB cutoff).

This board also include the previous rotated LM317 with silver heatsink.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on September 23, 2014, 02:20:27 pm
Here are the promised pictures.

BTW, I changed the PCB, updated analog firmware, done to a full calibration of all channels, everything is back to normal.

PS: I have more pictures, if interested.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: frahul on September 24, 2014, 10:26:49 am
How do i fix "analog board self fail" . Please Help
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on September 24, 2014, 10:39:39 am

How do i fix "analog board self fail" . Please Help

Could you give us a bit more informations?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: frahul on September 24, 2014, 11:05:30 am

Could you give us a bit more informations?


Digital version  :
Analog Version :00:00:00:00:00:00
boot Version    :01.06
Keyboard Version :01.01
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on September 24, 2014, 11:09:50 am

Could you give us a bit more informations?


Digital version  :
Analog Version :00:00:00:00:00:00
boot Version    :01.06
Keyboard Version :01.01

Analog version is full of zeros. Depending of where you're living, I can't suggest you to open the box and check the connections as a first step.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: frahul on September 24, 2014, 11:31:03 am
Should I try upgrading the firmware first ?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on September 24, 2014, 11:35:44 am
Should I try upgrading the firmware first ?

I don't think so, but the analog boards, yes.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: frahul on September 24, 2014, 12:03:58 pm
It does not detect the USB stick. Do you have any pictures which connection I sould be looking for
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on September 24, 2014, 12:54:44 pm
It does not detect the USB stick. Do you have any pictures which connection I sould be looking for

You don't need anything for updating analog boards.

First, press "Help, Help, M4, M2, M1" to update the board1.
Then, press this sequence twice: "M4, M2, M2" to update the board2.

But I'm far from sure that will fix your problem.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: frahul on September 24, 2014, 01:51:59 pm

You don't need anything for updating analog boards.

First, press "Help, Help, M4, M2, M1" to update the board1.
Then, press this sequence twice: "M4, M2, M2" to update the board2.

But I'm far from sure that will fix your problem.


Its Fixed. I was just a loose ribbon cable between the analog board and the digital display board.

Thanks for your help Daniel
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on September 24, 2014, 01:55:32 pm

You don't need anything for updating analog boards.

First, press "Help, Help, M4, M2, M1" to update the board1.
Then, press this sequence twice: "M4, M2, M2" to update the board2.

But I'm far from sure that will fix your problem.


Its Fixed. I was just a loose ribbon cable between the analog board and the digital display board.

Thanks for your help Daniel

Nice to read that you fixed the problem :-)

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Jekin on September 25, 2014, 08:54:07 am
Hi to all,

Maybe someone has firmware rev. 1.10? Don't want to upgrade to 1.11.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on September 25, 2014, 07:16:34 pm
Why not upgrade to 1.11? It works fine for me.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Jekin on September 25, 2014, 07:21:49 pm
Because of this bug: (

Well, I'm new to the subj. Maybe the manual calibration isn't so important...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on September 25, 2014, 07:47:37 pm
Oh right - I wouldn't dare try and calibrate it anyway - it comes factory calibrated. If it 'aint broke don't fix it!

Maybe in a year or two...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: radiogeek97 on October 09, 2014, 05:58:06 pm
    just unboxed my dp832 it has firmware version 1.10  i tryied using the rigol keygen and it says invalid serial number.  Has any body else have this problem.  i tryied typing in the generated key several times and used the hi res option and the analiser monitor option.  is this version FW locked?  do i need to downgrade?   any advise or further information I can give you folks please chime in.  I will do more research tonight from work    thanks in advance
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Jekin on October 09, 2014, 06:03:19 pm
    just unboxed my dp832 it has firmware version 1.10  i tryied using the rigol keygen and it says invalid serial number.  Has any body else have this problem.  i tryied typing in the generated key several times and used the hi res option and the analiser monitor option.  is this version FW locked?  do i need to downgrade?   any advise or further information I can give you folks please chime in.  I will do more research tonight from work    thanks in advance

Have you tried options with first letter "F" in keygen? You should use new device options starting from v1.09: (

My firmware version was 1.09 and I successfully activated the Hi-Res.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: radiogeek97 on October 09, 2014, 06:20:04 pm
yes used the same link you psted tryied the versions as you suggested starting with F |O

do u think i may have to try to downgrade the FW?  How would one go about that on the dp832?    Hopefully the bootloader will support that :(
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Jekin on October 09, 2014, 06:34:26 pm
yes used the same link you psted tryied the versions as you suggested starting with F |O

do u think i may have to try to downgrade the FW?  How would one go about that on the dp832?    Hopefully the bootloader will support that :(
How many digits in the code which you are trying to type?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on October 09, 2014, 07:11:46 pm
    just unboxed my dp832 it has firmware version 1.10  i tryied using the rigol keygen and it says invalid serial number.  Has any body else have this problem.  i tryied typing in the generated key several times and used the hi res option and the analiser monitor option.  is this version FW locked?  do i need to downgrade?   any advise or further information I can give you folks please chime in.  I will do more research tonight from work    thanks in advance

I've unlocked my DP832, running the same FW, without any troubles (using the Fxxx option codes).
Are you sure about your serial number ?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on October 09, 2014, 07:13:06 pm

yes used the same link you psted tryied the versions as you suggested starting with F |O

do u think i may have to try to downgrade the FW?  How would one go about that on the dp832?    Hopefully the bootloader will support that :(

You cannot downgrade from FW > 1.09

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ulrik on October 09, 2014, 09:15:22 pm
    just unboxed my dp832 it has firmware version 1.10  i tryied using the rigol keygen and it says invalid serial number.  Has any body else have this problem.  i tryied typing in the generated key several times and used the hi res option and the analiser monitor option.  is this version FW locked?  do i need to downgrade?   any advise or further information I can give you folks please chime in.  I will do more research tonight from work    thanks in advance

I have 1.10 also -  and it worked - ensure using correct Riglol - this worked for me: ( - get version data  by pressing <Utility> - <SysInfo> - <M1> - <M3> - <M2> - don't use privatekey in riglol
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: haveissues on October 09, 2014, 09:55:31 pm
I also have 1.10 and was able to unlock it a couple of weeks ago.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: radiogeek97 on October 09, 2014, 11:28:25 pm
   I used the default private key in the key gen software  :palm:  I didn't know   I will try the series of keys you suggested. After I press the series of keys you outlined will that give me a different private key?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Jekin on October 10, 2014, 06:49:04 am
You should use 28 symbols-key (from pop-up window at riglol). Seems you use Privatekey.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: radiogeek97 on October 10, 2014, 07:30:15 am
So when Ulrik made refrence to the version data and pressing sysinfo m1 m3 m2 what do I do with the information there? When I enter the machines serial # and the options I want the private key is automatically filled in.   Then I click generate and it generates a very long alphanumeric string. I type that into the dp832 and it gives me an error.     Am I using the key generator correctly or do I use a different private key then click generate?    I'm just a bit confused.      Sorry
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Jekin on October 10, 2014, 07:36:11 am
Fill "serial", "options" and click "generate". Type 28-symbols key at the rigol's option->install window. That's all.

<Utility> - <SysInfo> - <M1> - <M3> - <M2> just shows the full system information (bootlader version, etc), I don't know why you need it.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: radiogeek97 on October 10, 2014, 02:35:05 pm
I tryied several times with no luck  :wtf:  then I backed out of the keygen program re entered the serial (same as before) generated a new key triple checked (same as before) hit ok expecting "invalid serial #".  And POOF "official version installed".   :clap:    I know everything was entered correctly both times maybee regenerating a new key did it.     I have a sense of accomplishment even though all I did is enter data.  HUGE thanks to all the truely smart helpful folks here that make the real magic happen.    THANK YOU ALL. 
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: radiogeek97 on October 10, 2014, 02:37:50 pm
Attached is the version information of this machine that is to be known as working with the key generator.   
Thanks again
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: cidak on October 31, 2014, 10:41:53 pm
There is a bug in firmware relating to manual calibration. If you have installed this firmware then don't perform manual calibration on either V DAC or I DAC. Calibration of V ADC and I ADC appears to work properly though.

Calibration via a PC works fine.

Hi everyone, I'm the owner of DP811A, I installed the v1.11 firmware.
I made the calibration of the V-DAC and the I-DAC output voltages and now all wrong.   :-BROKE I tried for three days to redo the settings, to no avail. Then I read here on the forums that the 11.1 have a bug.
Now I have an old iron box unusable paid 750 Euros. :palm:

Someone can 'help me to solve this problem?

I contacted RIGOL EU Engineer Mr Thomas told me that I should not touch the calibration and now so I have no warranty and I have to send them by paying the repair.  :-- To me this does not seem fair, I did not do the problem, but they did their damage with a firmware bug.  >:D

 :-/O Someone SCPI commands for calibration, or any other solution to seat the power supply?  :-DMM

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: amor4ti on November 15, 2014, 10:25:03 pm
I just got my DP832, and upon checking the "Sys Info" I was surprised to see only 3 things listed:
- Device Model      DP832
- Serial Number      DP8C......
- Digital Version      00.01.11

I wonder why I don't see "Analog Version", "Boot Version" or "Keyboard version" like others mentioned earlier in the thread! Any clue?

On the other hand, I would like to confirm that I used the new riglol 1.03d on my firmware (01.11) and I got all options activated  :-+

Thanks to those behind this amazing keygen.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TooOldForThis on November 16, 2014, 02:27:58 am
I wonder why I don't see "Analog Version", "Boot Version" or "Keyboard version"

You have to press extra buttons to get extended information.

Press Utility > SysInfo > M1, M3, M2
where "M1" is is the left-most button on the bottom of the display.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: amor4ti on November 16, 2014, 12:40:24 pm
I wonder why I don't see "Analog Version", "Boot Version" or "Keyboard version"

You have to press extra buttons to get extended information.

Press Utility > SysInfo > M1, M3, M2
where "M1" is is the left-most button on the bottom of the display.

Thanks tooOldForThis...

So the extended information I got are:

- Analog Version:
- Boot Version: 01.09
- Keyboard Version: 01.01
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TooOldForThis on November 16, 2014, 04:02:15 pm
- Analog Version:

Did you mean ""?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: awsisme on November 17, 2014, 01:38:38 am
- Analog Version:

Did you mean ""?

I don't think he did. Mine says . as well.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: amor4ti on November 17, 2014, 01:34:10 pm
- Analog Version:

Did you mean ""?

I just re-checked and Analog Version is  . Does that tell anything?
by the way, I bought my DP832 from China.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TooOldForThis on November 18, 2014, 04:11:03 am
I have 1.11 on my DP832's and they have analog version   This doesn't change after running the analog board update process ('Help', 'Help', M4, M2, M1  and  'Help', 'Help', M4, M2, M2)
I get the messages "Being configured the Analog Board" followed by "Code configuration Successful!" but the analog version stays at     I assume that "" means that each analog board has "01.02.02"
I guess reprogramming the analog boards is another thing in 1.11 that Rigol didn't test. 
Has anyone gotten to analog version by SW upgrade from an older release?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TooOldForThis on November 23, 2014, 05:10:23 am
A few months ago I ran Rigol's published instructions for manually calibrating a DP800 and wound up with a broken power supply.   DP832 rev 1.11 has a serious bug in its manual calibration software.  Any channel manually calibrated while running 1.11 becomes unusable.

Rigol obviously doesn't use the manual calibration process on their production line, they must use SCPI commands in an automated process.  Unfortunately, Rigol left the calibration commands out of their DP800 Programming Guide.   I set out to remedy that. 

In the attached document I've documented the remote calibration commands and how to use them.   I was able to fix my broken DP832 using this stuff.   

(edit: added PDF version of the same document)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: f1rmb on November 23, 2014, 09:15:32 am
A few months ago I ran Rigol's published instructions for manually calibrating a DP800 and wound up with a broken power supply.   DP832 rev 1.11 has a serious bug in its manual calibration software.  Any channel manually calibrated while running 1.11 becomes unusable.

Rigol obviously doesn't use the manual calibration process on their production line, they must use SCPI commands in an automated process.  Unfortunately, Rigol left the calibration commands out of their DP800 Programming Guide.   I set out to remedy that. 

In the attached document I've documented the remote calibration commands and how to use them.   I was able to fix my broken DP832 using this stuff.   

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on November 23, 2014, 06:02:47 pm
In the attached document I've documented the remote calibration commands and how to use them.   I was able to fix my broken DP832 using this stuff.   
Wow! Great stuff - very much appreciated.  :-+
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on November 26, 2014, 06:18:46 pm
A few months ago I ran Rigol's published instructions for manually calibrating a DP800 and wound up with a broken power supply.   DP832 rev 1.11 has a serious bug in its manual calibration software.  Any channel manually calibrated while running 1.11 becomes unusable.

Rigol obviously doesn't use the manual calibration process on their production line, they must use SCPI commands in an automated process.  Unfortunately, Rigol left the calibration commands out of their DP800 Programming Guide.   I set out to remedy that. 

In the attached document I've documented the remote calibration commands and how to use them.   I was able to fix my broken DP832 using this stuff.   


  Thank you very much for providing information on how to calibrate the DP832 Power Supplies.  I for one appreciate this very much, and I'm sure everyone else here does also.
  It is sometimes hard for me to keep track of everything required when carrying out an involved alignment/calibration procedure, where a single mistake can result in having to start over again, and sometimes again. . .    If you know what I mean.  So I put together a quick draft summation for my use.  This has proven very helpful to me.  And a friend of mine suggested posting it here in the event someone else could possibly benefit from it.  Please if you, or anyone else, sees something as being incorrect, please let me know and I will correct and re-post if significant.

  Thanks again 'TooOldForThis' (and obviously you are not) for telling us how to calibrate our DP832s.  Please feel free to use, and/or modify this attachment if you choose to.  Without your hard work I wouldn't have been able to assemble it.

Edited 12/16/2014:  Replaced the attached procedure with Rev. B to correct an error in Step 4 (command for turning ON CH1).
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on November 26, 2014, 07:19:45 pm
A few months ago I ran Rigol's published instructions for manually calibrating a DP800 and wound up with a broken power supply.   DP832 rev 1.11 has a serious bug in its manual calibration software.  Any channel manually calibrated while running 1.11 becomes unusable.

Rigol obviously doesn't use the manual calibration process on their production line, they must use SCPI commands in an automated process.  Unfortunately, Rigol left the calibration commands out of their DP800 Programming Guide.   I set out to remedy that. 

In the attached document I've documented the remote calibration commands and how to use them.   I was able to fix my broken DP832 using this stuff.   

  Thank you very much for providing information on how to calibrate the DP832 Power Supplies.  I for one appreciate this very much, and I'm sure everyone else here does also.
  It is sometimes hard for me to keep track of everything required when carrying out an involved alignment/calibration procedure, where a single mistake can result in having to start over again, and sometimes again. . .    If you know what I mean.  So I put together a quick draft summation for my use.  This has proven very helpful to me.  And a friend of mine suggested posting it here in the event someone else could possibly benefit from it.  Please if you, or anyone else, sees something as being incorrect, please let me know and I will correct and re-post if significant.

TooOldForThis and ted572 --- Excellent contributions!  Thank you both for sharing your investigations and very helpful documentations.  I, and many others I suspect, really appreciate it!  I hope you don't mind me updating the first post with links to your posts containing the documents.  If you prefer I did not do it, please let me know.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on December 19, 2014, 05:17:58 pm
I received the Update today. Anyone else too?
Any idea what the update has improved? Do the "naughty" Riglol hacks still work?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on December 21, 2014, 09:11:21 pm
There were firmware versions that require specifics upgrade versions (a bad combination of firmware+upgrade can brick the PSU).
Considering how easy and fast some users apply an upgrade without even notice any bug on their PSUs, posting here the latest firmware (also without knowing exactly what it fixes) expose them to troubles and to some "help! my DP832 has lost its calibration/is bricked!" kind of posts (IMO).
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on December 26, 2014, 08:36:51 am
I installed the 01.13 firmware release onto my DP832 and updated the first post.  Here are some notes:

- All installed options (accuracy, etc.) remain enabled.
- Temperature measurement/display bug is fixed.  In addition, the temperature is displayed on the detailed system info screen (Utility > SysInfo > M1 > M3 > M2), rather than the "Test/Cal" screen.
- Analog board version updated to:
- Keyboard version still at 01.01
- Bootloader version still at 01.09.  If you already have bootloader 01.09 from a prior firmware release (e.g. 01.11) then no need to update the bootloader again. 

I wonder if someone can check if the calibration bug has been resolved??

Firmware: Download here (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TooOldForThis on December 27, 2014, 03:59:19 am
I wonder if someone can check if the calibration bug has been resolved??

I loaded 1.13 and tried manual cal of CH1, DAC-V.  It worked.  It appears that 1.13 fixed the manual cal bug introduced in 1.11.   The manual cal process is so colossally boring that I didn't try the other devices or the other channels.       
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on December 27, 2014, 05:34:12 am
I wonder if someone can check if the calibration bug has been resolved??

I loaded 1.13 and tried manual cal of CH1, DAC-V.  It worked.  It appears that 1.13 fixed the manual cal bug introduced in 1.11.   The manual cal process is so colossally boring that I didn't try the other devices or the other channels.     

Thanks for testing and providing feedback!  It's great news calibration is fixed since it had really messed up some people units (unless they followed your guide!). 

I've updated the first post -- it appears all known bugs are fixed!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: (In)Sanity on December 28, 2014, 12:24:29 am
Ok,  the current calibration (IDAC) on 1.13 is still messed up.  Anything above point 13 or 14 doesn't save.   Just tried it,   SCPI works fine of course.   Also I notice they duped the 3.00 amp cal point twice on #18 and #19.   

Edit:  Channel 2 seams fine with 16 points,  I had 19 on Ch 1.   No clue what's going on with it.  Going to nuke and start over.    Probably a false alarm.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TooOldForThis on December 28, 2014, 05:08:05 am
I just tried IDAC on CH1 and didn't have any problems.  After calibrating, I power-cycled and went back and verified the results at 0.1A intervals.  Everything was reasonably close from 0.1A to 3.2A.

I think they have fixed the bug introduced in 1.11 but there is another bug that was there before.  If you start a calibration and exit out, you have to power-cycle the device before starting again.  If you just go back into calibration, the results will be wrong.  As a test, I started IDAC cal and measured 0.070A for the first step and entered that value.  Then I exited cal and went back in (password 2012, etc.) and reselected IDAC.  This time the first step measured 0.100A.   I think what is happening is that the first time you enter calibration for a channel, they clear out the previous calibration settings so you get the raw hardware response.  If you try to repeat a device calibration with out power-cycling, they don't clear the old cal data and the power supply outputs values that are adjusted by the old cal data.   You could probably fix that by issuing the ":CALibration:Clear" SCPI command.  (that's the command that's no longer mentioned in the latest Rigol calibration document.

Normally, you wouldn't want to exit out of a calibration once you start, but I find it's easy to do accidentally.  When selecting which device to calibrate you have to press the VDAC, IDAC, VADC, or IADC button and then press the back arrow to get back to the main cal menu.   But when entering values and you want to change the +/- sign, if you press the back arrow after selecting +/-, it kicks you completely out of calibration mode.  That has bitten me several times.  If you don't power-cycle before starting again, the results will be wrong.

When in calibration mode, they should never correct the output using the cal data tables.  They try to achieve this by clearing out the tables when you enter calibration for the first time.   That is not good enough.  If you restart calibration or go back and repeat a cal step you've already done, the previous cal data is not blank and it will throw off the results. 

I fear that it's absolutely hopeless trying to explain that to Rigol.         
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: (In)Sanity on December 28, 2014, 06:08:34 am

When in calibration mode, they should never correct the output using the cal data tables.  They try to achieve this by clearing out the tables when you enter calibration for the first time.   That is not good enough.  If you restart calibration or go back and repeat a cal step you've already done, the previous cal data is not blank and it will throw off the results. 

I fear that it's absolutely hopeless trying to explain that to Rigol.       

All of the points you made are valid.  I managed to get everything better than spec by using SCPI ,  clearing the channel with issues and re-creating the calibration points.  The interesting part is once this was all said and done I was actually able to go in to cal,  edit one or two data points,  come back out and everything else is still spot on.   I did this multiple times on more then one channel.   This was all confirmed with the 3457A and for the higher current ranges a precision trimmed current shunt.  I put it in a little box with 4m plugs on each end so I can use it with any meter.   

In any event I'm all back up and running with 1.13 and really good calibration.   


Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on January 08, 2015, 06:45:49 am
Some notes on firmware 01.13 changes:

1. Modification: Change the USB Device library to fix the bug that USB Device Communication unstable.
2. Enhancement: Change the LXI and SCPI library, add the multi-interface communication function, and improve the communication speed.
3. Enhancement: Add Russian menu.
4. Enhancement: Add keyboard lock function.
5. Modification: Optimize the timing accuracy of the Timer, the Delayer and the Recorder.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on January 08, 2015, 04:30:50 pm
New DP832 Firmware 00.01.13 Installation Instructions.;attach=128673 (;attach=128673)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: dsolodov on January 09, 2015, 02:55:50 am
Got my unit today. As per the paperwork calibration was done 15-Sep-14.

The version information is as follows:
Device Model: DP832
Serial: DP8C...
Boot: 01.09
Keyboard: 01.01
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on January 15, 2015, 06:59:21 am
Noticing odd artifacts in the linearity of the DP832 DAC (see this thread (, I decided to write a script to calibrate the DP832 using TooOldForThis and ted572's instructions from this thread.

The script is written in Matlab. Be gentle, this is my first Matlab script  :-[
I decided to use Matlab because a) I had never tried Matlab, b) I wanted easy graphing (not relevant to this script) and c) I wanted to get going quickly with SCPI and Agilent had several nice examples for the 34461A in Matlab.
Porting to C or Python should be reasonably straightforward. This is straight SCPI and there is no weird Matlab-ism except for one-dimensional arrays being multi-dimensional and starting at 1 |O

The script is meant to be used with a DP832 and a 34461A. Other DMMs should be easy to add, but the current measurements require a step at 3.2A which can be challenging for many (like a plain 34401A). The 34461A has a 10A input, which turns out to be handy for this purpose.

Please read the notes carefully before using.

15-Feb-2015: Updated to v1.1 with some cleanup and tentative DM3068 support.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on January 15, 2015, 07:44:52 am
Noticing odd artifacts in the linearity of the DP832 DAC (see (, I decided to write a script to calibrate the DP832 using TooOldForThis and ted572's instructions from this thread.

The script is written in Matlab. Be gentle, this is my first Matlab script  :-[
I decided to use Matlab because a) I had never tried Matlab, b) I wanted easy graphing (not relevant to this script) and c) I wanted to get going quickly with SCPI and Agilent had several nice examples for the 34461A in Matlab.
Porting to C or Python should be reasonably straightforward. This is straight SCPI and there is no weird Matlab-ism except for one-dimensional arrays being multi-dimensional and starting at 1 |O

The script is meant to be used with a DP832 and a 34461A. Other DMMs should be easy to add, but the current measurements require a step at 3.2A which can be challenging for many (like a plain 34401A). The 34461A has a 10A input, which turns out to be handy for this purpose.

Please read the notes carefully before using.

Thanks for your contribution!  This is excellent and is a great example of building on TooOldForThis's and ted572's earlier work.  I had a quick look at the .m file and will give it a run on the weekend; I'll post then with some feedback.  I hope it is okay with you if I add a link to your post from post #1 so people can find your calibration work easy.

Regarding Agilent 34461A and MATLAB scripts, you may be interested in a simple data logging script I posted here (; it is based on some Agilent examples.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on January 15, 2015, 05:54:58 pm
Regarding Agilent 34461A and MATLAB scripts, you may be interested in a simple data logging script I posted here (; it is based on some Agilent examples.

Thanks. I had seen your post, but my first order of business was to characterize the DP832 with the 34461A (as a learning vehicle for both Matlab and SCPI), which itself dragged me into this calibration script. Now I am going to have more time to look at other uses and your high-speed script is on my list.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on January 18, 2015, 01:51:25 am
The script is written in Matlab. Be gentle, this is my first Matlab script  :-[
I decided to use Matlab because a) I had never tried Matlab, b) I wanted easy graphing (not relevant to this script) and c) I wanted to get going quickly with SCPI and Agilent had several nice examples for the 34461A in Matlab.

LaurentR: I tried your calibration script this afternoon (with DP832 and DMM was a 34461A) and it worked great!  I did have to make a couple of changes for my setup, but there were no problems with your script that I found. 

The changes I made are:
1. To use Agilent VISA drivers instead of NI, so I changed 'ni' to 'agilent' where you define the VISA driver name.
2. I am using MATLAB R2012a, which does not have 'datetime' function so I had to change
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Thank you very much, it makes calibration of DP832 a relatively quick and painless task.  My DP832 is now in better agreement with measured values and definitely worth my time to do the calibration.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on January 18, 2015, 06:43:42 am
LaurentR: I tried your calibration script this afternoon (with DP832 and DMM was a 34461A) and it worked great!  I did have to make a couple of changes for my setup, but there were no problems with your script that I found. 

The changes I made are:
1. To use Agilent VISA drivers instead of NI, so I changed 'ni' to 'agilent' where you define the VISA driver name.
2. I am using MATLAB R2012a, which does not have 'datetime' function so I had to change
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
Thank you very much, it makes calibration of DP832 a relatively quick and painless task.  My DP832 is now in better agreement with measured values and definitely worth my time to do the calibration.

I'll modify that and I'll streamline some of the code based on what you did in your datalogging code.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on January 18, 2015, 06:52:03 am
I'll modify that and I'll streamline some of the code based on what you did in your datalogging code.

No problem, and sounds good!  I hope you will post the update :)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on January 18, 2015, 07:01:30 am
No problem, and sounds good!  I hope you will post the update :)

Will do.
As it happens, I just got a used 34401A and I am battling the drivers and Matlab and it's not pretty. I finally got DMM Utility and Benchvue to work with the NI drivers in exactly one serial config (9600/8/no) - nothing else works - and in Matlab, I see the DMM and can talk to it but I have flow control issue. Everything runs fine slowly. But at speed, the first query just times out. Very annoying.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: megik on January 19, 2015, 01:14:18 pm
as a beginner, and who else can write a script for Rigol dm3058 (3068) ??
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on January 19, 2015, 03:53:13 pm
as a beginner, and who else can write a script for Rigol dm3058 (3068) ??

If you actually own a DM30x8 and Matlab, I think it would be a good project to port the script to the Rigol :-) The DMM portion is really not complicated and since the 30x8 and the 34461A are both more or less compatible with the 34401A, you'll find you have nothing or close to nothing to change.

In its current state, the script runs all the steps except for the commit to calibration memory, so there is no risk to do anything bad to the DP832 (just be careful with the max current on your DMM to avoid blowing a fuse).
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: dadler on February 05, 2015, 08:01:41 am
I installed the 01.13 firmware release onto my DP832 and updated the first post.  Here are some notes:

- All installed options (accuracy, etc.) remain enabled.
- Temperature measurement/display bug is fixed.  In addition, the temperature is displayed on the detailed system info screen (Utility > SysInfo > M1 > M3 > M2), rather than the "Test/Cal" screen.
- Analog board version updated to:
- Keyboard version still at 01.01
- Bootloader version still at 01.09.  If you already have bootloader 01.09 from a prior firmware release (e.g. 01.11) then no need to update the bootloader again. 

I wonder if someone can check if the calibration bug has been resolved??

Firmware: Download here (

I just applied the 01.13 update (was on 01.11) to the DP832 I received about a month ago. Was already on 01.09 bootloader, but applied the .13 main update and analog board 1 and board 2.

I now read:

Digital Version:
Analog Version:
Boot Version: 01.09
Keyboard Version: 01.01

The analog version shows .03 segments in it, which seems higher than I've seen anyone else list? Before I applied the update, the analog version was all .02s.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on February 05, 2015, 06:02:17 pm
I installed the 01.13 firmware release onto my DP832 and updated the first post.  Here are some notes:

- All installed options (accuracy, etc.) remain enabled.
- Temperature measurement/display bug is fixed.  In addition, the temperature is displayed on the detailed system info screen (Utility > SysInfo > M1 > M3 > M2), rather than the "Test/Cal" screen.
- Analog board version updated to:
- Keyboard version still at 01.01
- Bootloader version still at 01.09.  If you already have bootloader 01.09 from a prior firmware release (e.g. 01.11) then no need to update the bootloader again. 

I wonder if someone can check if the calibration bug has been resolved??

Firmware: Download here (

I just applied the 01.13 update (was on 01.11) to the DP832 I received about a month ago. Was already on 01.09 bootloader, but applied the .13 main update and analog board 1 and board 2.

I now read:

Digital Version:
Analog Version:
Boot Version: 01.09
Keyboard Version: 01.01

The analog version shows .03 segments in it, which seems higher than I've seen anyone else list? Before I applied the update, the analog version was all .02s.

Sparky's post that you quote shows, so it has the .03 segments (the 01.13 update does update the analog board firmware). I have the same version. I guess you must have a newer analog board v02.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: smgvbest on February 07, 2015, 04:18:40 am
as a beginner, and who else can write a script for Rigol dm3058 (3068) ??

You can actually put the DM30x8 Rigols into Agilent mode and they recognize a good number of the agilent commands
the Programming guide tells you what it does not recognize and from a quick look this script should run on the DM30x8 when put into Agilent mode.   you can find it in the Utilities menu

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on February 07, 2015, 04:59:16 am
as a beginner, and who else can write a script for Rigol dm3058 (3068) ??

If you have Matlab and Visa drivers installed and working and are willing to assist, I can try to update my script according to the Rigol's programming guide to see if there is any incompatibility, but you'll have to try it yourself and report any issue.

You can actually put the DM30x8 Rigols into Agilent mode and they recognize a good number of the agilent commands
the Programming guide tells you what it does not recognize and from a quick look this script should run on the DM30x8 when put into Agilent mode.   you can find it in the Utilities menu

Sounds like a great idea. A quick look at the DM3068 programming manual shows that it should be reasonably easy to just ifdef a bit of the initialization and then everything should work. The Rigol even support the 34401-style CONF:CURR:DC command with the "10A" range (which is required to support the 3.2A during calibration) even though the 34401A itself doesn't have that range, so it looks all good.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on February 16, 2015, 05:49:22 am
LaurentR: I tried your calibration script this afternoon (with DP832 and DMM was a 34461A) and it worked great!  I did have to make a couple of changes for my setup, but there were no problems with your script that I found. 

The changes I made are:
1. To use Agilent VISA drivers instead of NI, so I changed 'ni' to 'agilent' where you define the VISA driver name.
2. I am using MATLAB R2012a, which does not have 'datetime' function so I had to change
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Thank you very much, it makes calibration of DP832 a relatively quick and painless task.  My DP832 is now in better agreement with measured values and definitely worth my time to do the calibration.

You can actually put the DM30x8 Rigols into Agilent mode and they recognize a good number of the agilent commands
the Programming guide tells you what it does not recognize and from a quick look this script should run on the DM30x8 when put into Agilent mode.   you can find it in the Utilities menu

Some cleanup, Sparky's mods added and tentative DM3068 support (untested). See original post:

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: clivew on February 25, 2015, 01:35:42 am
Totally brilliant solution by the looks of it, I have spent lots of hours trying
to calibrate this thing!
All I need now is a dummies guide on how to get matlab going with my
34401a + 34430a shunt.
I know it's a dumb question, and the info is out there somewhere, but I am
really old now!
Thanks for the valued input LaurentR also TooOldForThis and ted572
and Sparky of course!!

LaurentR: I tried your calibration script this afternoon (with DP832 and DMM was a 34461A) and it worked great!  I did have to make a couple of changes for my setup, but there were no problems with your script that I found. 

The changes I made are:
1. To use Agilent VISA drivers instead of NI, so I changed 'ni' to 'agilent' where you define the VISA driver name.
2. I am using MATLAB R2012a, which does not have 'datetime' function so I had to change
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
Thank you very much, it makes calibration of DP832 a relatively quick and painless task.  My DP832 is now in better agreement with measured values and definitely worth my time to do the calibration.

You can actually put the DM30x8 Rigols into Agilent mode and they recognize a good number of the agilent commands
the Programming guide tells you what it does not recognize and from a quick look this script should run on the DM30x8 when put into Agilent mode.   you can find it in the Utilities menu

Some cleanup, Sparky's mods added and tentative DM3068 support (untested). See original post:

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on February 25, 2015, 01:55:53 am
Totally brilliant solution by the looks of it, I have spent lots of hours trying
to calibrate this thing!
All I need now is a dummies guide on how to get matlab going with my
34401a + 34430a shunt.
I know it's a dumb question, and the info is out there somewhere, but I am
really old now!
Thanks for the valued input LaurentR also TooOldForThis and ted572
and Sparky of course!!

I can help. I also have a 34401A at home (no shunt though), so I can update the script and test it before sending it to you.

The biggest issue is connectivity. Are you using serial or GPIB for the 34401A? Serial is a royal pain (see this thread (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: clivew on February 25, 2015, 08:16:22 pm
I was going to try RS232.

Maybe it'll all end in tears!

Many thanks for the help LaurentR
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on February 25, 2015, 08:26:22 pm
I was going to try RS232.

Maybe it'll all end in tears!

No, no. I have already gone through the ordeal, so that other people don't have to.

If you can hack an RS232 cable (like the null modem cable you need to connect the USB>RS232 adapter to the 34401A) or create a small RS232 dongle (get a male and female connectors and wire), then you can get a 100% reliable connection in Matlab, which is much preferred  ;)
If you're willing to go that route, look at the thread and pm me (or respond to this or the other thread) and I'll be glad to help.

BTW, I don't know where you're getting Matlab from, but you'll need the Instrument Control Toolbox option to connect to the instruments.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: clivew on February 26, 2015, 01:14:23 am
Ok, I read both threads and realised I have to swap some connections on
the 9 pin RS232 connectors, I'm happy with that.
Now to try to find the programms!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Zandor on March 01, 2015, 04:55:09 am
I installed the 01.13 firmware release onto my DP832 and updated the first post.  Here are some notes:

- All installed options (accuracy, etc.) remain enabled.
- Temperature measurement/display bug is fixed.  In addition, the temperature is displayed on the detailed system info screen (Utility > SysInfo > M1 > M3 > M2), rather than the "Test/Cal" screen.
- Analog board version updated to:
- Keyboard version still at 01.01
- Bootloader version still at 01.09.  If you already have bootloader 01.09 from a prior firmware release (e.g. 01.11) then no need to update the bootloader again. 

I wonder if someone can check if the calibration bug has been resolved??

Firmware: Download here (

I tried to download the 00.01.13 firmware update from Sparky's link, but it got blocked as malicious.  Is anyone else hosting this?

Can you check it Sparky?

I also went to request it direct from Rigol, but found the form was already filled in with some ones information.  I would prefer to not have the same thing happen to me.

Any help is appreciated.


Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: OldNeurons on March 01, 2015, 10:29:48 am
I installed the 01.13 firmware release onto my DP832 and updated the first post.  Here are some notes:

- All installed options (accuracy, etc.) remain enabled.
- Temperature measurement/display bug is fixed.  In addition, the temperature is displayed on the detailed system info screen (Utility > SysInfo > M1 > M3 > M2), rather than the "Test/Cal" screen.
- Analog board version updated to:
- Keyboard version still at 01.01
- Bootloader version still at 01.09.  If you already have bootloader 01.09 from a prior firmware release (e.g. 01.11) then no need to update the bootloader again. 

I wonder if someone can check if the calibration bug has been resolved??

Firmware: Download here (

I tried to download the 00.01.13 firmware update from Sparky's link, but it got blocked as malicious.  Is anyone else hosting this?

Can you check it Sparky?

I also went to request it direct from Rigol, but found the form was already filled in with some ones information.  I would prefer to not have the same thing happen to me.

Any help is appreciated.


There is nothing malicious in the archive. This is the one I used to upgrade my DP832.
Are you using Chrome?
If it's the case, as soon you get the warning from Chrome click on "Display all downloads" on the bottom right, then "Get the malicious file".
That's all.

P.S.: not sure that my translation is O.K., I'am using a french version of Chrome.
Also, do not forget to update analog boards 1 and 2 after the upgrade (see attached instructions from Rigol).
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Howardlong on March 13, 2015, 01:28:38 pm

I have a weird over current protection problem on ch 1 and ch 2 of my DP832 in that it doesn't always work. It does work consistently on ch 3.

After the first OC trip, turn the channel back on, then try to trip it again. Instead of tripping, it current limits (it doesn't trip) using the OCP setting for current limiting, not the current limit setting.

To get the OCP trip to work again, turn OCP off, make a change to the current limit (yes, the current limit, NOT the OCP current), then turn OCP on again. It will now trip correctly, but you will need to follow the same procedure again to reset the OCP.

Is this behaviour just me????

Boot: 01.09

I don't have an earlier firmware version to try, if someone could point me in the right direction I'd be happy to give it a go (the links on this thread seem to be dead now).

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on March 13, 2015, 01:42:38 pm
    just came across this thread (because it popped back up to the top). I haven't read the entire thread, because I assume all issues are listed in the first post, but you don't mention the rather annoying hardware bug that the positive connection posts are too small for standard 4mm banana connectors.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: (In)Sanity on March 13, 2015, 02:13:12 pm
    just came across this thread (because it popped back up to the top). I haven't read the entire thread, because I assume all issues are listed in the first post, but you don't mention the rather annoying hardware bug that the positive connection posts are too small for standard 4mm banana connectors.


Too small ?   I have multiple brands of 4mm plugs and have no issues with positive or negative posts.   Wonder if you got posts from a bad batch or something.   

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on March 13, 2015, 03:18:55 pm
    just came across this thread (because it popped back up to the top). I haven't read the entire thread, because I assume all issues are listed in the first post, but you don't mention the rather annoying hardware bug that the positive connection posts are too small for standard 4mm banana connectors.


I don't have the issue myself, but I assume you're talking about this:'t-fit-in-positive-sockets-rigol-dp832/ ('t-fit-in-positive-sockets-rigol-dp832/)

Let me quote Sparky below, so that he adds this to the list
DP832 - Firmware versions and bugs/issues
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: (In)Sanity on March 13, 2015, 04:42:28 pm
    just came across this thread (because it popped back up to the top). I haven't read the entire thread, because I assume all issues are listed in the first post, but you don't mention the rather annoying hardware bug that the positive connection posts are too small for standard 4mm banana connectors.


I don't have the issue myself, but I assume you're talking about this:'t-fit-in-positive-sockets-rigol-dp832/ ('t-fit-in-positive-sockets-rigol-dp832/)

Let me quote Sparky below, so that he adds this to the list
DP832 - Firmware versions and bugs/issues

Hmm,  interesting.  My model is from Nov 2014.  I wonder if this is all related to just some bad part runs. 

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on March 13, 2015, 09:33:21 pm
no problem here with the banana plugs, with an April 2014 model .
I will check for the OVC issue.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on March 14, 2015, 05:13:29 pm
I bought my DP832 late last year and I can assure you that any amount of beating won't get a 4mm banana into the positive post. Must be a bad batch.


Gesendet von meinem Motorola DynaTEC 8000X mit Tapatalk 2.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on March 14, 2015, 05:28:29 pm
After the first OC trip, turn the channel back on, then try to trip it again. Instead of tripping, it current limits (it doesn't trip) using the OCP setting for current limiting, not the current limit setting.
Is this behaviour just me????

01.09 here and no OCP issue as you described
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on March 15, 2015, 01:05:50 am
    just came across this thread (because it popped back up to the top). I haven't read the entire thread, because I assume all issues are listed in the first post, but you don't mention the rather annoying hardware bug that the positive connection posts are too small for standard 4mm banana connectors.


I don't have the issue myself, but I assume you're talking about this:'t-fit-in-positive-sockets-rigol-dp832/ ('t-fit-in-positive-sockets-rigol-dp832/)

Let me quote Sparky below, so that he adds this to the list
DP832 - Firmware versions and bugs/issues

Thanks McBryce and LaurentR -- I've added this info to the first post!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Howardlong on March 16, 2015, 08:51:51 pm
After the first OC trip, turn the channel back on, then try to trip it again. Instead of tripping, it current limits (it doesn't trip) using the OCP setting for current limiting, not the current limit setting.
Is this behaviour just me????

01.09 here and no OCP issue as you described

Thank you, is that the boot version, or the digital version?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Owen on March 28, 2015, 07:52:08 am
For your list of bugs and design flaws in the DP832: Youtuber Jason Li investigated that Rigol's DP832 seems not to be isolated to earth. There's an AC coupling between earth and ground (exceed 32 Vac). Here's the video: (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: SimonD on March 28, 2015, 08:26:14 am
If anyone can confirm that, this is a serious bug ! It can realy destroy circuits under test ! So we have to find a quickly  solution.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: bson on March 28, 2015, 08:46:04 am
I see ~3.1V AC.  About 13.3uA DC, ~13.3uA AC (20Hz filter) measured with the Keysight 34465A.  Just noise.  I think the guy in the video has a problem with his earth...

This is with a cold instrument, didn't null it or anything -- it's just noise.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Owen on March 28, 2015, 08:48:20 am
If anyone can confirm that, this is a serious bug ! It can realy destroy circuits under test ! So we have to find a quickly  solution.

My DP832 shows ~5 V AC between earth and ground on Channel 1 and ~17 V AC on Channel 2/3.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: OldNeurons on March 28, 2015, 03:52:30 pm
For your list of bugs and design flaws in the DP832: Youtuber Jason Li investigated that Rigol's DP832 seems not to be isolated to earth. There's an AC coupling between earth and ground (exceed 32 Vac). Here's the video: (

Same here.
DMM: Metrix MTX3293, 10 MOhms impedance

DP832 power ON, CH1, CH2, CH3 OFF:
CH1 to earth: 37 Volts TRMS, 106 Volts PP
CH2, CH3 to earth: 39 Volts TRMS, 110 Volts PP

DP832 power OFF:
CH1 to earth: R>100 MOhms, C = 1.69nF
CH2, CH3 to earth: R>100 MOhms, C = 1.48nF

I don't have any schematic of that PSU, but we know that this PSU is equiped with a 'nice' toroidal transformer.
I would like to have the opinion of specialists, but at this stage, for me, this issue could be related to a bad design/wiring  of the transformer.
Please have a look to these papers. ( (

Not sure to be on the right way, but I don't have any other idea ... Your comments are welcome.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: OldNeurons on March 28, 2015, 04:27:28 pm
For your list of bugs and design flaws in the DP832: Youtuber Jason Li investigated that Rigol's DP832 seems not to be isolated to earth. There's an AC coupling between earth and ground (exceed 32 Vac). Here's the video: (

Thanks Owen for bringing that to our attention. Thanks also to Jason Li.
I now realize and understand what happened to me a week ago ... Spent hours ...
I'am a bit tired spending time to debug my Rigol products (PSU, Gen. and scope)  |O
I will receive monday morning my Keysight 34461A. Hope that I will just spend time to enjoy ...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: dadler on March 28, 2015, 09:13:45 pm
With the DP832 on but all channels off:

I see ~7.5VAC@60Hz between channel1+ and mains earth. The other channels show 7.5-8.5VAC. The current is .022uA according to my 34465a, >20Hz filter mode.

So voltage, but almost nil current. Much ado about nothing?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: economist on March 28, 2015, 09:56:17 pm
On my DP832, on a Keithley DMM I'm seeing 4.4V AC @ 60Hz between CH1 and ground and 6.2 for channels 2 and 3, both at 60Hz. Confirmed (slightly different volts, but all at 60Hz) on a Fluke 289. The 289 is showing a little over 6.6V AC RMS from Ch1 positive to ground). Current is miniscule.

Here it is (CH1 off, power on, positive to ground on the DP832) on the scope.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: OldNeurons on March 28, 2015, 11:16:35 pm
With the DP832 on but all channels off:

I see ~7.5VAC@60Hz between channel1+ and mains earth. The other channels show 7.5-8.5VAC. The current is .022uA according to my 34465a, >20Hz filter mode.

So voltage, but almost nil current. Much ado about nothing?

With such measurements, I agree with you. No need to worry about.
In case of my DP832, I confirmed the measurements with 3 other DMM + my oscilloscope. All show voltage above 30 Volts.
All measurements where made with an input impedance of 10 MOhms. I think that in your case (44465A), and for the Keithley, the AC input impedance is 1MOhms. But that does not explains the big difference between my DP832 and Jason's one.
I also measured the current with 4 DMM. All show over 30µA, which is much much higher than your value, and not negligible. I am not saying that it is a dramatic situation, but just wondering in which case(s) I should take that in account.

So, it seems that we are observing DP832 with different characteristics.
For information, my DP832 shows a calibration certificate dated September 2014.

Could you try to measure the capacitance between earth and output terminals, and return the values?

It is more than midnight here, and we are switching from winter time to summer time this night. So, time to sleep  :=\
I will continue my investigations tomorrow.

P.S.: English is not my native language. Do not hesitate to ask for clarification if needed.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: economist on March 28, 2015, 11:40:40 pm
I see 8 microamps of current from CH1 + to ground. Capacitance between + to ground and - to ground is very very small -- well under 1 nF.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Owen on March 29, 2015, 06:47:49 am
I see ~5 µA on channel 1 and  ~15 µA on channel 2/3.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: lunxg on March 29, 2015, 11:19:54 am
Hi all,
I am Jason Li who posts the video on youtube.
First of all I have to make it clear that all of my instruments including DP832 are properly grounded( the same mearsuring result with DP832 grounding pole and my ESD ring ground)

My friend's DP832( total in 3) also showing this voltage but some show lower coupling voltage about 17Vac

And this voltage really makes a  lot of problems including generating noise into oscillscope and affects other instrument such as sig gen.
I know this voltage is very weak in current ( high impedance source ) I will try to measure the current later. But it really affects my testing and it seems kill some of my mcu already(cannot reprogram them again).

Should you have anything want to know or test on the DP832, please leave it, I will try to make it and post to the forum or youtube.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Howardlong on March 29, 2015, 11:42:45 am
I see 35VAC at 25uA. I am wondering if this is induced current from the toroidal transformer.

If you stick a 0.1uF cap from the black terminal(s) to the green earth terminal, it reduces to 0.5V.

Whether that's a reasonable workaround or not I don't know, but I would be concerned if 25uA stray current was enough to blow up a design.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: lunxg on March 29, 2015, 11:57:00 am
As my point of view, just a voltage(without any current) will be enough to blow up the ICs, as stated in the specification.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Howardlong on March 29, 2015, 12:16:10 pm
As my point of view, just a voltage(without any current) will be enough to blow up the ICs, as stated in the specification.

While I understand your view, the ESD protection diodes should easily deal with that.

The reason I suggested this is that it is often very easy to blame external effects without considering one's own design enough.

I worked on a project where, for quite some time, the embedded computer guys were blaming the 3W of UHF RF radiation of a connected telemetry beacon for blowing up their MCUs. We put in a 30dB attenuator. The MCUs still blew up. We put on a dummy load. The MCUs still blew up. When it came to final check out, we were finally allowed to remove the dummy load to find that the slight mismatch by connecting to the antenna causing the RF PA to go into oscillation, but by then it was all conformally coated. As the unit was being shipped the next day, I had to fix it by using just the right RF electrical length of coaxial feeder to present an acceptable load to the PA. That is in a satellite that is now orbiting the Earth.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Kevin.D on March 29, 2015, 02:05:34 pm
Hi , In some bench power supplies you will find any floating output's (at both +,- sides) are ac coupled to mains earth at the output's by capacitors ~ 47n-100n, the job of these is to provide a low impedance path for any earth referred mains noise back to earth (so they form a Voltage divider with the source impedance and thus attenuate this noise) . From what was said by Howard in earlier post sounds like these are missing/not fitted here. If your not satisfied and you want to reduced this then you could fit some yourself ( 47nF caps would reduce it to ~1V). Maybe ask Rigol first why they did not fit them.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: lunxg on March 29, 2015, 03:44:00 pm
Hi , In some bench power supplies you will find any floating output's (at both +,- sides) are ac coupled to mains earth at the output's by capacitors ~ 47n-100n, the job of these is to provide a low impedance path for any earth referred mains noise back to earth (so they form a Voltage divider with the source impedance and thus attenuate this noise) . From what was said by Howard in earlier post sounds like these are missing/not fitted here. If your not satisfied and you want to reduced this then you could fit some yourself ( 47nF caps would reduce it to ~1V). Maybe ask Rigol first why they did not fit them.

Yeah, I posted in other forum and some suggest the missing of the filter capacitor.
I have a 0.047uF(47nF) 300V  Y-cap which I brought an extra when I fixing my HP8920A.
It seems works and reduce the voltage to ~1.4Vac (But it still over 1V)
I will try to make some comparison for the capacitance measurement on  other lab power supplies tomorrow.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on March 29, 2015, 03:44:14 pm
20VAC 26uA on CH1 and 22VAC 28uA on CH2+3 here. UK mains so I know all my earths are good  :-+
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: lunxg on March 29, 2015, 03:49:35 pm
20VAC 26uA on CH1 and 22VAC 28uA on CH2+3 here. UK mains so I know all my earths are good  :-+
For the video I made in YouTube, I am in Hong Kong and also using British standard plug. The main ground is so damn good and I have always no doubt with that 8)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: dadler on March 30, 2015, 07:43:39 pm
With the DP832 on but all channels off:

I see ~7.5VAC@60Hz between channel1+ and mains earth. The other channels show 7.5-8.5VAC. The current is .022uA according to my 34465a, >20Hz filter mode.

So voltage, but almost nil current. Much ado about nothing?

To correct my above current values, I was measuring current to actual mains with a shoddy alligator clip. With a solid connection, I measure 11uA AC. Voltages measure the same. I am in the USA with 120V@60Hz service.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: lunxg on March 31, 2015, 07:38:18 am
So these days I have to review why all my design prototypes fail. Finally I found  all of my prototypes using DP832 with Oscilloscope and soldering iron  to debug and work made all transistors (8050 in this case) fail.
It spend a couple of days to figure out why and I lost those day (and prototype broads) for my work. Well done. Rigol.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on March 31, 2015, 11:31:25 am
So these days I have to review why all my design prototypes fail.

The DP832 is indeed not a state of the art PSU... but saying that by using that unit every transistors based circuit will fail, probably it's a little bit excessive: we all have seen how much current we're dealing with this issue...

Just my opinion.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: bapou on March 31, 2015, 12:03:13 pm
just to put the DP832 current in relation. My Selektra soldering station (which is great in any other aspect)
has ~120VAC with ~100uA AC measured from the soldering tip to ground, likely induced by the toroidal transformer and I still didn't notice destroyed parts after using it for years (although after noticing it know, I don't feel very comfortable when soldering Mosfets)
Photos (text is in german): (

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: thn788 on March 31, 2015, 12:32:12 pm
I've checked our 4 DP832As and 2 DP832s: all show similar measurements as posted here by others already.

We use these Rigol PSUs on a daily basis for more than one year, now (replacing Agilent E3649A PSUs) to power our own custom designs, as well as off-the-shelf eval-boards; sometimes powering the devices "only" through their on-board regulators, sometimes powering chips directly from the Rigols, e.g. in cases where on-board regulators of the designs are not yet working properly or are not present at all in the first place. This also includes powering 32-bit SoCs or PMICs directly from the Rigol, sometimes.

So far not a single device (of the probably hundreds or thousands we have used) has ever suffered any damage from the Rigol PSUs; no matter if the devices are only connected to the PSU alone or also to Ethernet-Switches, USB-, RS232-, CAN- or other ports of different PCs at the same time or whether somebody uses oscilloscopes or logic analyzers from various different brands on "life" devices.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on March 31, 2015, 10:44:36 pm
This confirm my idea. This "issue" is not an issue. And I bet that similar readings can be found on other brands too. I will check on my Aim-TTi.

Probably you should check your designs, lunxg. They are not failing because of the DP832. This model has its bugs, but it's not a circuit killer.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: lunxg on April 01, 2015, 05:18:43 am
This confirm my idea. This "issue" is not an issue. And I bet that similar readings can be found on other brands too. I will check on my Aim-TTi.

Probably you should check your designs, lunxg. They are not failing because of the DP832. This model has its bugs, but it's not a circuit killer.
Can you explain more about you idea? Better with examples showing other supplies did this reading too.

I have compared the DC output rail to the ground with DP832, HP6632A, HP6642A and KIKUSUI PMC70-1,Xantrex PS,even cheap KORAD PS, ONLY DP832 showing this AC reading to the ground.

Some of my non-grounded SMPSs do showing high AC value to the ground. BUT MOST of my CHEAP SMPSs with ground connection are absent with high AC voltage to the output.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on April 01, 2015, 11:32:49 am
Can you explain more about you idea?
As I stated in a previous post, I'm confident that those small currents are not an issue for a circuit, and this is confirmed also by the last two posts.

And I guess that even if we were dealing with higher current values, we should consider that probably your circuits are not connected to mains ground, so no AC current can flow thru your components. Am I wrong?

Better with examples showing other supplies did this reading too.

I can test only a PL303 by AimTTi, I will do the measurements tomorrow.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on April 01, 2015, 12:23:48 pm
And I guess that even if we were dealing with higher current values, we should consider that probably your circuits are not connected to mains ground, so no AC current can flow thru your components. Am I wrong?

I was wondering the same thing. I mean most circuits are isolated from mains ground or else the grounds are tied. I have a railway track not far from my house with 25,000 VAC on its overhead lines. I daresay if I extended my multimeter leads between any piece of test equipment and that line I will read some kind of voltage. So what, it's not a part of my circuit anyway. Same as the mains ground isn't unless I deliberately connect it to my negative rail in which case there is zero potential difference.  :-//
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: H.O on April 01, 2015, 12:59:46 pm
The possible issue is that when the circuit is connected to the powersupply (which is turned off) and you go in with your soldering iron (which has a soldering tip that is typically connected to mains earth) there's a path for the AC current from the supply output back to mains earth thru the soldering iron.

EDIT: Or you connect your oscilloscope ground clip (which is also connected to main earth).

Personally I've been using my DP832 for 18 months and haven't had any circuit fail on me.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: lunxg on April 01, 2015, 01:52:45 pm
First, I have to make it clear again:

All my circuits fail because I used DP832 with my oscilloscope and  soldering iron.

As I stated in a previous post, I'm confident that those small currents are not an issue for a circuit, and this is confirmed also by the last two posts.

Refer to any specification of semi-conductor, exceeding its maximum voltage will have a chance to damage the component. Regardless how small the current it is.

And I guess that even if we were dealing with higher current values, we should consider that probably your circuits are not connected to mains ground, so no AC current can flow thru your components. Am I wrong?

I think most of the user will use DP832 with oscilloscope(and the clip is connected to main's ground). Who will expect they can't make floating measurement with isolated power supply?
On the other hand, human body is ground referenced object. So you will create a return path for AC current when you are touching the circuit which connected to DP832. Of course, human body is a huge value resistor and dividing most of the AC voltage. making the chance of damage less.

P.S. Yes, the most proper way to do iron work is to disconnect all the power wire first, the on/off channel function of DP832 really make me skip this step.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on April 02, 2015, 09:07:02 pm
hmm... you're damn right. Just connecting any DSO ground clip you're making voltage flow thru the components. :palm:

On the DP832 I measured these values between the ouput (+ or -) and mains ground:

I will do some experiments to see if I can kill intentionally any component with that output.

While on my PL303 by Aim-TTi these ones:

And these are the scope screens while the PSU is ON and OFF (even after shorting the output to discharge the filter cap, I can read some AC voltage on any output  :-//).
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: diyaudio on April 02, 2015, 09:20:33 pm
I've checked our 4 DP832As and 2 DP832s: all show similar measurements as posted here by others already.

We use these Rigol PSUs on a daily basis for more than one year, now (replacing Agilent E3649A PSUs) to power our own custom designs, as well as off-the-shelf eval-boards; sometimes powering the devices "only" through their on-board regulators, sometimes powering chips directly from the Rigols, e.g. in cases where on-board regulators of the designs are not yet working properly or are not present at all in the first place. This also includes powering 32-bit SoCs or PMICs directly from the Rigol, sometimes.

So far not a single device (of the probably hundreds or thousands we have used) has ever suffered any damage from the Rigol PSUs; no matter if the devices are only connected to the PSU alone or also to Ethernet-Switches, USB-, RS232-, CAN- or other ports of different PCs at the same time or whether somebody uses oscilloscopes or logic analyzers from various different brands on "life" devices.

This a great news, I just ordered a DP832 which cost me alot and reading the last few posts made me rather nervous.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: H.O on April 02, 2015, 11:10:34 pm
hmm... you're damn right. Just connecting any DSO ground clip you're making voltage flow thru the components.
Well, no, voltage doesn't flow thru anything but never mind....

On my DP832 Ch2 and Ch3 are the worst ones with 19VAC 50Hz open loop voltage and a "short circuit" current of 13uA measured with a FLUKE189.

If I measure the AC voltage while "loading" the supply with the impedence of my body by placing my left hand index finger on one probe and my right hand index finger on the other probe the 19VAC drops to 5VAC. Measuring the resistance from finger to finger shows around 2M which suggest that the "supply" is pretty weak.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Howardlong on April 02, 2015, 11:45:10 pm
Microchip have an interesting application note here ( where they advocate current limiting 110VAC to 35uA by using a 5Mohm current limiting resistor straight onto a device pin, using the clamping diodes to limit voltage.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Guni on April 03, 2015, 12:23:23 am
I've just found this by case. Small unboxing of DP832 on chines website. Nothing special except... full color display on non-A model. It looks like some early firmware. 
Color display is not a big deal but I'm curious if you know something about this ?


Source: (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: sdufour on April 06, 2015, 04:54:40 pm

I have tried the keygen from multiple source (as the riglol website is now down) and got the same key with every one of them, using the built in private key.

Using Mxxx code is says that the licence is invalid but with Fxxx code the "installation fails".

I think it is an issue with the version 1.11, should i upgrade to 1.13 first?

Digital Version :
Analog Version :
boot version : 01.09

Edit: I have absolutely no voltage (or current when shorting) between the channels and ground. I may have a different board version than yours... maybe it would be interesting to compare the differences.

I had that issue at work where the ground in the power bar plug was sometime unconnected. The EMI filter capacitor in the input of the oscilloscope were acting as a voltage divider and I got 40V ac between the oscilloscope ground and my soldering iron. We lost a week trying to figure out what it was, blowing multiples mosfet in the process, and now the power bar is in the gargbage...

Edit 2: Think I found my issue...
Also note there is a 12 hour (run-time) lock out period if an invalid code is entered too many times. Also, no dashes. Your code doesn't look long enough either, mine on the DP832 were 28 characters long.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: lunxg on April 09, 2015, 04:24:31 am
Two weeks before I have sent email and my video to Rigol and vendor about the AC voltage problem but still seeking for reply. I was expected they can act faster since all I use is their native Chinese language to state the problem.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on April 09, 2015, 08:54:00 pm
I prefer the monochrome look actually. The colours are a bit too "Hallo Kitty" for my liking.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Guni on April 10, 2015, 12:18:11 am
My Chinese is terrible but I think they are saying that they send a command over the LXI interface... Maybe the MON command? They are definitely saying you should be able to replicate it on other units.

Using Google translator, I didn't found anything about hacking. But it is probably field for some experiments.
On this video Rigol demonstrates A-version, and screen composition is not triangle layout. Now there is a update (01.09) for A version with "classic", non-A layout. (

I prefer the monochrome look actually. The colours are a bit too "Hallo Kitty" for my liking.

Depends on color combination. Sometimes colors is just more readable the mono
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on April 10, 2015, 07:41:08 am
Yes, I find the green version best / most readable.

Btw. I've ordered a 3.8mm drill (not a drill size one tends to have lying about) to attempt the positive post repair. As my DP832 has already been hacked / opened etc. I don't have the option of sending it back. I'll report back on how it goes. Worst case (if it goes pear-shaped) I can replace the posts completely.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: bson on April 12, 2015, 09:52:57 pm
I ported over LaurentR's script to Python and thought I'd share it here.

I refactored it a bit, so there's an LxiInstr base class, a KeysightTrueVolDmm class for measurements, and a Dp832PowerSupply to talk to the PSU.  I wanted to move the DMM support into a separate file to make it easier to use it for other purposes, such as data logging, or to implement the same interface for other DMM's.  (I kept LaurentR's DM3068 switch to Agilent mode, but not sure if it works.  It would be better to add a native implementation for it.) is a generic wrapper pretty much, and all of the calibration guts are in Dp832PowerSupply.  They're DP832 specific anyway, and not easily reusable.

I tested this on OS X 10.10, NI-VISA, PyVISA, LAN devices, 34465A DMM.  Python2.7 is required.
But it should work fine with GPIB, USB also.  (<= famous last words!)

The code is somewhat short on comments...  Anyway, it's a first stab at creating a generic Python library for VISA instrument support.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Stupid Beard on April 12, 2015, 10:02:19 pm
The code is somewhat short on comments...  Anyway, it's a first stab at creating a generic Python library for VISA instrument support.

Why don't you just use which already supports the DP832, as well as a bunch of other DMMs, scopes, PSUs, etc?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: bson on April 12, 2015, 10:20:20 pm
Oh cool, had no idea such a thing existed!

Edit: it doesn't seem to know how to calibrate or do much of anything else device specific...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on April 13, 2015, 01:13:49 am
I ported over LaurentR's script to Python and thought I'd share it here.
Thanks for this. I have a Rigol DM3058E but never got around to using LaurentR's code because I don't have Matlab. I don't believe any Rigol owner has tested it yet?

Anyway, I'm using Windows 7 and have never used Python before, but what the hell - lets see what this snakey thing is. It wasn't as simple as just download python and run, there are a few dependencies as well:

Python 2.77
Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler for Python 2.7
pip 6.11

then use pip to download and install

PyVISA 1.6.3
NumPy 1.9.2 (go and make a cup of tea while waiting for this one to compile/install!)

Results in next post...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on April 13, 2015, 01:35:42 am
I ported over LaurentR's script to Python and thought I'd share it here.

I refactored it a bit, so there's an LxiInstr base class, a KeysightTrueVolDmm class for measurements, and a Dp832PowerSupply to talk to the PSU.  I wanted to move the DMM support into a separate file to make it easier to use it for other purposes, such as data logging, or to implement the same interface for other DMM's.  (I kept LaurentR's DM3068 switch to Agilent mode, but not sure if it works.  It would be better to add a native implementation for it.) is a generic wrapper pretty much, and all of the calibration guts are in Dp832PowerSupply.  They're DP832 specific anyway, and not easily reusable.

I tested this on OS X 10.10, NI-VISA, PyVISA, LAN devices, 34465A DMM.  Python2.7 is required.
But it should work fine with GPIB, USB also.  (<= famous last words!)

The code is somewhat short on comments...  Anyway, it's a first stab at creating a generic Python library for VISA instrument support.

Got it to work on Win64 and it's great, thanks. I used Matlab out of convenience (and easy drawing/debug), but was always wanting to give pyvisa a try (I am not a Python expert though). Thanks for doing the work.

Unfortunately, as pointed out:
Anyway, I'm using Windows 7 and have never used Python before, but what the hell - lets see what this snakey thing is. It wasn't as simple as just download python and run, there are a few dependencies as well:
The Windows install is not straightforward for us GUI people, but it works  :)

The only issue I had with your code was that early on, you check for the presence of ":" in the device Visa addresses, but Visa supports aliases , which typically don't have ":" in the name. For instance, my 2 devices are aliased (rather imaginatively) "DP832" and "34461A".
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on April 13, 2015, 01:47:07 am
Ok. It didn't work. Pretty obvious on first sight the code only supports the 3068, so some quick hacks to
Line no, before, after:

Code: [Select]
17 known_list = ["34461A", "34465A", "34470A", "DM3068"]
known_list = ["34461A", "34465A", "34470A", "DM3068", "DM3058", "DM3058E"]

18 init_cmds = { 'DM3068' : 'CMDSet AGILENT' }
init_cmds = { 'DM3068' : 'CMDSet AGILENT', 'DM3058' : 'CMDSet AGILENT', 'DM3058E' : 'CMDSet AGILENT' } # (Yuck!)

Now the DM3058E fails the self check. It seems the Keysight/Agilent has a plus sign in its return code? - another change:

Code: [Select]
44 if r != '+0':
if r not in ['+0', '0']:

Oh dear, now it fails on the uptime query. The Rigol doesn't support this along with the internal temperature status. Insert a couple of lines to wrap around it:
Code: [Select]
57 insert if self.model() in self.have_temp_check:
61 insert return [None, None, None, None]

... ahh, now thats better, getting somewhere... things seem to be working :)

or maybe not...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on April 13, 2015, 01:59:12 am
... ahh, now thats better, getting somewhere... things seem to be working :)

or maybe not...

To answer your original question, no the Rigol mode had never been tested on the original Matlab script ;)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on April 13, 2015, 02:27:47 am
The only issue I had with your code was that early on, you check for the presence of ":" in the device Visa addresses, but Visa supports aliases , which typically don't have ":" in the name. For instance, my 2 devices are aliased (rather imaginatively) "DP832" and "34461A".

I wondered why I couldn't use my aliases, as you can see from my last run... My devices are aliased "DP832" and "DM3058E". I'm kinda Bohemian like that ;)

D:\Python27\DP832>python USB0::0x1AB1::0x0E11::DP8C161350000::INSTR USB0::0x1AB1::0x09C4::DM3R161750000::INSTR
  DMM   : Rigol Technologies DM3058E (FW @ USB0::0x1AB1::0x09C4::DM3R161750000::INSTR
  DP832 : RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES DP832 (FW 00.01.13) @ USB0::0x1AB1::0x0E11::DP8C161350000::INSTR

Calibration data will NOT be updated -- this is only a check

Remove all leads to perform self test
Press enter to continue

Running DP832 board self-test...
DP832 self-test passed
DP832 internal temp: 30.98C (87.764F)

Running DM3058E board self-test...
DM3058E self-test passed
DM3058E uptime: 0d 00:00:00

Starting calibration of channel 1

Connect the DM3058E VOLTAGE inputs to the DP832 channel 1
Press enter to continue

Running DAC-V for channel 1
Shutting off PSU outputs
ERROR: could not convert string to float: #9000000016 -7.24861231e-02
Calibration failed. Terminating.

eh? I used the NI MAX test panel, and sure enough the Rigol returns

1: Write Operation (READ?)

Return Count: 5 bytes

2: Read Operation
Return Count: 28 bytes

So much for Rigols supposed Agilent 34401A compatability mode! What is #9000000016\s supposed to be? A timestamp? or a bug?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: bson on April 13, 2015, 04:32:32 am
Ah, neat.  I should just put this on github...

If you run it with -t it'll print a trace of all commands and responses; should make it easier to figure out what's happening and why it fails to parse the measurement... That "#9000000016" looks weird though.  Is that a serial or something?

It should really also issue a SYST:LOC at the end to return the DP832 to local (from remote) use, would eliminate the need to press "back" key.  Probably a reset also, though I'm not sure that's enough - it seems to really need a power cycle to reinstall the calibration tables.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Stupid Beard on April 13, 2015, 01:02:39 pm
Oh cool, had no idea such a thing existed!

Edit: it doesn't seem to know how to calibrate or do much of anything else device specific...

Meh. Sorry, I guess I should have looked at it in more detail.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: EEVblog on April 14, 2015, 12:22:54 am
I get about 30uA and 30V AC between output and earth.
I don't see the issue, you'll get this with almost any supply, capacitive coupling between output and mains earth is quite normal.
My BK Precision 1697 is 30V and 110uA
If for some reason this is an issue with your system, mains output reference your supply, that is what the earth terminal is on the front panel for.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: SimonD on April 14, 2015, 11:05:16 am
Is there anyone who have try this new update ( Version:  -  2015-03-16 ) of software ? (

Works well on DP832 ?
If yes, can anyone post some screenshots ?
Thank you!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kjdotts on April 14, 2015, 12:02:41 pm
I've just found this by case. Small unboxing of DP832 on chines website. Nothing special except... full color display on non-A model. It looks like some early firmware.
Color display is not a big deal but I'm curious if you know something about this ?


Source: (

FYI: No firmware update needed for that multicolor look. The below display settings should reproduce the above colors...

Brightness: 50%
Contrast: 85%
RGB Lum: 45%
Disp Mode: Waveform
Theme: Orange (Transitions to yellow as above settings are input...)

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kjdotts on April 15, 2015, 09:36:06 am

Here is a list of Rigol DP832 firmware versions and summary of known firmware bugs and hardware issues...

If anyone discovers additional bugs, or has corrections to the summary above, please post in the thread and I'll try to keep this post updated.

I've discovered a CH3 OCP firmware related bug. OCP functions as expected on CH1/CH2 and OVP functions as expected on CH1/CH2/CH3.

Particulars for my Rigol DP832 unit:


NOTE: My unit is equipped with TopBoard_V02.20 / BottomBoard_V02.20.

Recreating firmware bug:

( in CC mode set to 100mA. My Fluke 87V confirms output is bang on at 100.1mA. Readback is 2mA low but well within tolerance.

( increase CH3 set current until it exceeds set/enabled OCP limit of 110mA. However, CH3 remains ON. I continue increasing set current to 1A. My Fluke 87V confirms output stops increasing after I pass 110mA on set current and remains at a max of 110.1mA. Readback is again 2mA low but confirms actual output is at the set OCP limit.

( turn CH3 OCP OFF. V/A/W readback remains unchanged and again, my Fluke 87V confirms an actual output of 110.1mA.

( increase CH3 set current by 1mA to 1.001A. My Fluke 87V immediately registers an output current increase to 1.0011A. V/A/W readback immediately updates to correctly reflect the new output level.

( turn CH3 OCP ON. CH3 immediately registers an OCP event, displays a popup warning window and turns CH3 OFF.

( turn CH3 ON. CH3 remains ON regardless of the set current level which exceeds OCP limit. My Fluke 87V confirms an output of 110.1mA. Readback is again 2mA low but confirms actual output is at the set OCP limit.

NOTE: The 110mA CH3 OCP limit I chose to demonstrate this bug at doesn't matter. I've recreated this bug with CH3 OCP limit set to 10mA, 510mA, 1.010A, 1.510A, 2.010A and 2.510A.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kjdotts on April 15, 2015, 10:06:48 am

Here is a list of Rigol DP832 firmware versions and summary of known firmware bugs and hardware issues...

If anyone discovers additional bugs, or has corrections to the summary above, please post in the thread and I'll try to keep this post updated.

I've discovered a ManualCal/Key Lock Password firmware related bug. The factory default password is "2012". If you successfully modify the password, ManualCal recognizes the new password. If you have Key Lock enabled (Utility>>System>>Key Lock) and lock the front panel, the new password is recognized when you unlock the front panel. However, power-cycle the unit and the password reverts back to the factory default "2012".

Particulars for my Rigol DP832 unit:


NOTE: My unit is equipped with TopBoard_V02.20 / BottomBoard_V02.20.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: wertyq on April 15, 2015, 03:32:10 pm
I believe there is something missing from your post.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on April 15, 2015, 07:07:27 pm
So I went to the bother of ordering a 3.8mm drill bit as suggested by Rigol (as far as I know) to repair the positive posts that don't take a standard 4mm banana plug. The bit slides effortlessly into the Earth and GND posts with some play, but it also slides (if somewhat slightly tighter) into the positive posts. So is 3.8mm the wrong size? How big should these holes really be? The positive post holes are definitely 3.8mm, but a banana plug doesn't fit into them. Should they be actually 3.9mm?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: thm_w on April 16, 2015, 12:25:41 am
So I went to the bother of ordering a 3.8mm drill bit as suggested by Rigol (as far as I know) to repair the positive posts that don't take a standard 4mm banana plug. The bit slides effortlessly into the Earth and GND posts with some play, but it also slides (if somewhat slightly tighter) into the positive posts. So is 3.8mm the wrong size? How big should these holes really be? The positive post holes are definitely 3.8mm, but a banana plug doesn't fit into them. Should they be actually 3.9mm?

0.166 inch or 4.22mm
according to these manufacturers: ( (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on April 16, 2015, 12:52:05 am
I've discovered ...

Did you report these to Rigol?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kjdotts on April 16, 2015, 03:30:27 am
I've discovered ...

Did you report these to Rigol?

I plan to in the near future. I was going to give it a few days to see what type of response/insight/confirmation I might receive from my postings.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on April 16, 2015, 05:53:19 am
I've discovered ...

Did you report these to Rigol?

I plan to in the near future. I was going to give it a few days to see what type of response/insight/confirmation I might receive from my postings.


Hi Kris,

Thanks for your contribution regarding bug(s) with DP800 series!  That's just the kind of news relevant to this thread!  The detail and screenshots to illustrate and reproduce the problem are great. 

I'm on travel as of tomorrow so busy right now, but let's see how this plays out (has anyone reproduced the errors?) and I will add it to the bugs list (post #1) when I am back (end of the month).

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kjdotts on April 16, 2015, 06:44:11 am
Hi Kris,

Thanks for your contribution regarding bug(s) with DP800 series!  That's just the kind of news relevant to this thread!  The detail and screenshots to illustrate and reproduce the problem area great.

I'm on travel as of tomorrow so busy right now, but let's see how this plays out (has anyone reproduced the errors?) and I will add it to the bugs list (post #1) when I am back (end of the month).


Thanks for the positive feedback. Your plan for adding the bugs to post #1 at the end of the month sounds good. I'm waiting to report the bugs to Rigol until I get some responses/insight/confirmation with my posts here.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on April 21, 2015, 09:32:56 am
So I went to the bother of ordering a 3.8mm drill bit as suggested by Rigol (as far as I know) to repair the positive posts that don't take a standard 4mm banana plug. The bit slides effortlessly into the Earth and GND posts with some play, but it also slides (if somewhat slightly tighter) into the positive posts. So is 3.8mm the wrong size? How big should these holes really be? The positive post holes are definitely 3.8mm, but a banana plug doesn't fit into them. Should they be actually 3.9mm?

0.166 inch or 4.22mm
according to these manufacturers: ( (

So I went for it and drilled out the positive posts last night. They definitely couldn't be 4.22mm as that would leave no steel at all in the post. A used a 3.8mm drill which allowed me to get banana plugs into the posts, but they were still very tight, so I widened the holes slightly more by "jiggling" the drill a little. Ideally a 3.9mm bit should do the job properly. I used a variable speed drill and used a "snails-pace" speed. The bit cut through the surface quite easily without putting any major strain on the post. So my conclusion, this is something that can be easily done without fear of damaging the device. The end result is about 3.9mm and the banana plugs go in as you would expect them to. I considered using a 4mm drill, but it doesn't fit into the posts that were working properly, so I decided it was too big.
One further point. It seems that the tightness is due to a lip/burr at the very start of the hole. Once the drill had passed the first 1mm into the hole, the rest of the terminal seems to be the correct dimension. Either the plating process was a bit over generous or the stamping machine was a bit too heafty.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Armxnian on April 22, 2015, 12:36:54 am
I can't get the firmware update to work (DP832). I got the files from rigol (1.13). I have boot version 1.09 and firmware version 1.11 . I tried two different flash drives. One is USB 2.0, 2gb, and I formatted it as fat32 using disk part and rufus. The other is a 16gb USB 3. Both are recognized by the unit in normal mode. When I boot it up and press help, it says please insert usb stick with the file on it. I do it but it just stays there.

Any help?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kjdotts on April 22, 2015, 01:28:07 am
I can't get the firmware update to work (DP832). I got the files from rigol (1.13). I have boot version 1.09 and firmware version 1.11 . I tried two different flash drives. One is USB 2.0, 2gb, and I formatted it as fat32 using disk part and rufus. The other is a 16gb USB 3. Both are recognized by the unit in normal mode. When I boot it up and press help, it says please insert usb stick with the file on it. I do it but it just stays there.

Any help?

You're good to go on the bootloader (no need to update) so just place "DP800Update.GEL" from "DP800(Software)Update(Normal)_00.\" on to your FAT32 formatted USB flash drive root directory.

Complete instructions are attached to post #1 of this thread (DP832 Firmware Upgrade 00.01.13.pdf (;attach=128673)).

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kjdotts on April 22, 2015, 01:43:10 am
I can't get the firmware update to work (DP832). I got the files from rigol (1.13). I have boot version 1.09 and firmware version 1.11 . I tried two different flash drives. One is USB 2.0, 2gb, and I formatted it as fat32 using disk part and rufus. The other is a 16gb USB 3. Both are recognized by the unit in normal mode. When I boot it up and press help, it says please insert usb stick with the file on it. I do it but it just stays there.

Any help?

BTW: Don't forget to update analog boards 1 & 2. People sometimes forget this step since it's separate from the main firmware update.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Armxnian on April 22, 2015, 03:16:44 am
I can't get the firmware update to work (DP832). I got the files from rigol (1.13). I have boot version 1.09 and firmware version 1.11 . I tried two different flash drives. One is USB 2.0, 2gb, and I formatted it as fat32 using disk part and rufus. The other is a 16gb USB 3. Both are recognized by the unit in normal mode. When I boot it up and press help, it says please insert usb stick with the file on it. I do it but it just stays there.

Any help?

You're good to go on the bootloader (no need to update) so just place "DP800Update.GEL" from "DP800(Software)Update(Normal)_00.\" on to your FAT32 formatted USB flash drive root directory.

Complete instructions are attached to post #1 of this thread (DP832 Firmware Upgrade 00.01.13.pdf (;attach=128673)).

I can't get the firmware update to work (DP832). I got the files from rigol (1.13). I have boot version 1.09 and firmware version 1.11 . I tried two different flash drives. One is USB 2.0, 2gb, and I formatted it as fat32 using disk part and rufus. The other is a 16gb USB 3. Both are recognized by the unit in normal mode. When I boot it up and press help, it says please insert usb stick with the file on it. I do it but it just stays there.

Any help?

BTW: Don't forget to update analog boards 1 & 2. People sometimes forget this step since it's separate from the main firmware update.


Yup that worked, thanks  :-+. My Analog Version is instead of like on the guide. To anyone wondering, a 16GB USB 3.0 flash drive works for updating the firmware.


Just to add to the discussion, my Pomona banana to alligator cables fit nicely. It was a tight fit at first but they loosened up after a few uses.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kjdotts on April 22, 2015, 06:15:19 am
Yup that worked, thanks  :-+. My Analog Version is instead of like on the guide. To anyone wondering, a 16GB USB 3.0 flash drive works for updating the firmware.
Excellent! More than happy to help. Analog Version: should indicate your unit is equipped with the new TopBoard_V02.20 (as pictured here ( and new BottomBoard_V02.20 (my unit also has both new revisions).

Just to add to the discussion, my Pomona banana to alligator cables fit nicely. It was a tight fit at first but they loosened up after a few uses.
Glad to see your binding posts are trouble free. My red binding posts are a tight fit with banana plug connections but not too tight. The black and green are a looser fit but still form a trustworthy connection.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: broderp on April 22, 2015, 07:03:59 pm
There doesn't seem to be much information floating around this thread regarding changes in the recent DP800-firmwares. As Rigol unfortunately quite often doesn't seem to provide release notes with firmware updates, maybe some excerpts from the most recent v1.11 release notes will help others to decide, whether to upgrade or not:

Version:   Date:2014-7-8
  • Add the traditional language menu.
  • Expand the point of recorder to 614400.
  • The display mode will not be changed by setting preset.

Version:   Date:2014-5-09
  • Fixed the bug of the display of high resolution option.
  • Add internal ovp/ocp function.

Cut short for ease of viewing

What has changed with the update?  Any news on this?  Worth the update from 00.01.11??
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kjdotts on April 23, 2015, 06:29:10 am
What has changed with the update?  Any news on this?  Worth the update from 00.01.11??

I wondered the same thing and my online research yielded nothing. I wish Rigol would provide release notes so one would know if a firmware update was worth the time, effort and risks. I've never bricked anything updating firmware, nothing but positive experiences. I'm very OCD so I like to keep my firmware updated as a general rule. Over time, firmware updates usually offer continual improvements, however, sometimes new issues are introduced. With the Rigol DP832, firmware updates have resolved several bugs and introduced a few. I've actually reported two new firmware bugs here in this thread which I hope are resolved in a future firmware release (I plan to report them to Rigol in the near future).

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Armxnian on April 23, 2015, 06:51:28 am
Anyone else have the bigger display read higher than the smaller display? Mine reads 4mV higher than what is set for many voltages. Even set at 0v, the big displays shows .004. Some voltages like 11v show the same reading. My multimeter shows I'm getting what I set it to. It's quite annoying that the big displays is higher, makes it a bit useless. I'm on the latest version and have the higher resolution enabled.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: H.O on April 23, 2015, 11:02:04 am
What do you mean with "the big and small display"?
On the main user interface the numbers at the bottom displays what you've got it set to and the larger number in the middle of the screen is what the metering circuit in the supply measures the actual voltage at the output terminals to. Try shorting out the supply, the set voltage stays at whatever while the actual voltage goes to zero, or very close to it.

It's quite annoying that the big displays is higher, makes it a bit useless.
If they were to display the exact same value all the time it would either have to actually BE the same value (ie either the set value OR the actual value) and THEN it would be useless and a waste of screen real estate or the internal circuitry would have to be extremely accurate so that the actual output voltage always matched the set output voltage down to the least significant digit. A 4mV difference between the set value and the readback value is well within its specifications (which is 0.05%+20mV on the set voltage and 0.05%+10mV on the readback).

Oh, and the high resoultion option means you can set the output voltage in 1mV increments (instead of 10mV increments). It doesn't mean that the absolute accuracy of the actual output voltage OR of readback circuitry is increased.

If you still think it's useless, put a piece of electrical tape over it....  ;)

Then again, perhaps I completely misunderstodd what you meant by bigger and smaller display in which case you can simply disregard the above.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Armxnian on April 23, 2015, 03:03:53 pm
You understood correctly, and all your points are true in regards to the hardware. I just thought it was some weird software bug that offset the reading by +4mV since it was present on almost every setting, even with the output set at 0. But further testing today confirms other values, like +2,3,4,5,6mV at different settings, so everything is functioning correctly.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on April 23, 2015, 04:13:52 pm
You understood correctly, and all your points are true in regards to the hardware. I just thought it was some weird software bug that offset the reading by +4mV since it was present on almost every setting, even with the output set at 0. But further testing today confirms other values, like +2,3,4,5,6mV at different settings, so everything is functioning correctly.

For some data on the DP832 DAC and ADC, see this thread: (

The bottom line is that the DAC has a resolution of about 0.5mV. Its linearity across the range is not great and varies strangely (from -5mV to +10mV, see the graphs), even after calibration. There is a noticeable temperature coefficient. The ADC is entirely separate (thus the discrepancy on the display between the DAC setting and the ADC readout) and seems to be much more precise and accurate (more or less +/- 1mV across the range).

If you have access to a good bench DMM, you can recalibrate your DP832 yourself (see the first post of this thread). But you'll still see the readout vary by +/- 10mV across the range.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: broderp on April 23, 2015, 06:51:16 pm
Anyone else have the bigger display read higher than the smaller display? Mine reads 4mV higher than what is set for many voltages. Even set at 0v, the big displays shows .004. Some voltages like 11v show the same reading. My multimeter shows I'm getting what I set it to. It's quite annoying that the big displays is higher, makes it a bit useless. I'm on the latest version and have the higher resolution enabled.

Normal. (As others have posted)  I'm following this thread and links and just wonder how much more it would have cost ROGOL to incorporate some sort of feed back to compensate for the voltage drift and attempt to 'regulate' it to match the set display.  Maybe they do and this is the best it can do?  :-//

My unit (no hi-res option) when powering up to the DEFAULT mode shows CH1 & CH2 at 00.01V and CH3 is dead on at 00.00V.  It does appear to fluctuate somewhat, but I believe it's still within spec.  Under load it may not match the set point, but as long as its solid and doesn't change significant, I'm OK.

Either way, for my needs its fine. 
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Armxnian on April 23, 2015, 10:02:42 pm
Here is an example. CH2 set at 2.000V, and SDM3055 showing a dead on 2V, but the readout is 4mV more. So the readout is not always more accurate than the set voltage. The dmm accuracy (.015%) is negligible for this specific measurement and it was calibrated only a month ago. The readout is however within spec.
(      (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Guni on April 23, 2015, 10:16:31 pm
Everything is ok. Check the specification of DP832.
Power supply is not a high accuracy voltmeter  :)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: broderp on April 23, 2015, 11:39:28 pm
Everything is ok. Check the specification of DP832.
Power supply is not a high accuracy voltmeter  :)

My humble opinion would agree with this.  If the circuit I design or am working on is so sensitive that 4mV is a problem, then I'm doing something wrong.. ::)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Armxnian on April 24, 2015, 01:48:26 am
Yup everything is indeed in spec. As mentioned, I originally thought it was a software bug (and the read back was bang on) since everything read 4mV higher. Today for example, with the channel on and set to 0V, I read 2 to 3mV instead of 4mV. A feedback loop as another member mentioned could have helped, but you would need more accurate components anyway for such a circuit. It's just weird setting 2V, actually getting 2V out, but the PSU telling you its a little above 2V when its not, making you fine tune it, when in reality you are drifting away. Of course this is not the case on all voltage ranges, and what you set is not what you get, so the read out is just another reference.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: H.O on April 24, 2015, 05:46:29 am
Geez, I can't believe the things some of you guys worry about - just sayin'  8)
It's a power supply, and a pretty good one for what we're paying for it, not a precision voltage reference.

So the readout is not always more accurate than the set voltage
They don't claim it to be. Actually the set voltage has a tighter specification than the readback voltage. <---EDIT: No it doesn't.

It's just a matter of time before someone says they're sending the unit back because the warranty seal sticker wasn't put on at exactly straight.

Said with tounge- in-cheak....mostly  ;)

EDIT: Nope, I got the programming vs readout backwards. Readback is 0.05%+10mV, programming is 0.05%+20mV.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on April 24, 2015, 05:53:04 am
So the readout is not always more accurate than the set voltage
They don't claim it to be. Actually the set voltage has a tighter specification than the readback voltage.

It was my impression that the readout was specced more accurate (0.05%+10mV instead of 0.05%+20mV for programming). It is also my experience (after calibration).
Note that the programming side takes several minutes to be stable, so expect several mV differences between cold and warm.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Armxnian on April 24, 2015, 06:51:16 am
The data sheet says the set voltage accuracy is .05% ±10mV, and the read back is .05% ±5mV. So theoretically the read back is more accurate, but both are always in spec so it doesn't matter.

Also I'm not complaining, just sharing observations. The unit is awesome in performance and bang per buck.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: H.O on April 24, 2015, 07:58:50 am
Yep, I got that backwards.
Programming is 0.05%+20mV, readback is 0.05%+10mV (on Ch1 and Ch2). Sorry about that!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Armxnian on April 24, 2015, 08:38:14 am
Where does it say 10 and 20mV offset? I see 5 and 10mV under annual accuracy.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: H.O on April 24, 2015, 09:57:31 am
Page 5-1 in the manual (
Link goes to the Aug 2014 revision of the manual available from Batronix.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Armxnian on April 24, 2015, 07:38:37 pm
The specs on the rigol product page and data sheet give different values. I would trust those values over the manual.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: broderp on April 24, 2015, 08:43:39 pm
The specs on the rigol product page and data sheet give different values. I would trust those values over the manual. sure does doesn't it.. :popcorn:  I'm ok with that.... ;)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: netdudeuk on April 25, 2015, 06:09:53 am
I adore my DP832 but since I used the OCP option, even when it's set to off, switching on the channel sometimes causes the OCP message to appear with the power being turned off.  Anyone else seen this ?  I've not upgraded he firmware since I bought it in November.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kjdotts on April 25, 2015, 06:36:36 am
I adore my DP832 but since I used the OCP option, even when it's set to off, switching on the channel sometimes causes the OCP message to appear with the power being turned off.  Anyone else seen this ?  I've not upgraded he firmware since I bought it in November.

I have not personally experienced that issue or encountered it anywhere online. If it was my unit, I would update the firmware (currently v00., bootloader v01.09, released 2014-11-18) and maybe reset everything to the default presets. If the issue still occurs, try to nail down what sequence of events creates the issue. If it's a firmware bug and you can recreate the issue then you could report it here and to Rigol.

Good Luck!

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: netdudeuk on April 25, 2015, 07:00:05 am
Don't you have to re-calibrate after updating the firmware ?  If it needs some extra kit, that's not something that I could do.  Also, as mentioned above, it looks like Rigol don't say what the updates fix and so there's no guarantee that I'd be better off.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kjdotts on April 25, 2015, 07:31:14 am
Don't you have to re-calibrate after updating the firmware ?  If it needs some extra kit, that's not something that I could do.  Also, as mentioned above, it looks like Rigol don't say what the updates fix and so there's no guarantee that I'd be better off.
No recalibration required. I've performed several firmware updates on two different Rigol DP832 units and they have never affected calibration. It's true we don't know exactly what was added/changed/addressed in the most recent firmware update. However, the issue you describe sounds like a firmware issue so I would update the firmware as a troubleshooting step. Just carefully follow the instructions HERE (pdf) (;attach=128673). Naturally, there are risks anytime you update firmware so you have to make that decision.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: broderp on April 25, 2015, 03:01:30 pm
Don't you have to re-calibrate after updating the firmware ?  If it needs some extra kit, that's not something that I could do.  Also, as mentioned above, it looks like Rigol don't say what the updates fix and so there's no guarantee that I'd be better off.

I asked this as well as the response I got from RIGOL was:

"We have high confidence in our updates, but there are always risks. We leave it to users to weigh what the update helps them do vs the potential risks. I see no reason it should need calibrated after the fact.


Chris Armstrong
Director of Product Marketing & SW Applications
Rigol Technologies
10200 SW Allen Blvd. Suite C
Beaverton, OR 97005
office/fax: 877-4-RIGOL-1 x110
mobile: 440-781-4982

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Teneyes on April 25, 2015, 05:16:35 pm
Don't you have to re-calibrate after updating the firmware ?  If it needs some extra kit, that's not something that I could do.  Also, as mentioned above, it looks like Rigol don't say what the updates fix and so there's no guarantee that I'd be better off.
I asked this as well as the response I got from RIGOL was:
"We have high confidence in our updates, but there are always risks. We leave it to users to weigh what the update helps them do vs the potential risks. I see no reason it should need calibrated after the fact.
Regards,   Chris Armstrong

 Altough I do not have the DP832 ,
I have found that the Rigol FW updates change the Calibration on the DS2000.  And rightly so, as if there is a new feature added in the Software that makes a better/different  calculation then there will be a change.
In my experience with changing FW back and forth. I have seen the Calibration  change , but once I go back to the FW where the calibation was done , ALL still has the same Calibration.
I change FW to check for FW bugs. Is this a new bug or previously existing Bugs; (back 7 FW updates + x beta)

I assume Chris hopes a FW update happens easy and un-eventful :)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: thn788 on May 03, 2015, 07:47:16 pm
Seems there is new firmware for the DP800 available. Rigol's firmware update request form lists 00.01.14 firmware for the DP800. Anybody got this version already or any information what has been changed?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on May 04, 2015, 12:28:09 am
I've just got the new firmware 01.14 by automatic email. It includes the existing bootloader 1.09.

Interestingly it also includes an 18 page document mostly in chinese detailing all the firmware releases and their changes to date    :-+ :clap:

The changes from 01.13 are:

1. Change the USB Device library. (Mod)
2. Change the LXI and SCPI library. (Mod)
3. Add the Series-parallel help info in the main help. (Enchancement)

So, clear as mud then. I'm yet to install it...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: thn788 on May 04, 2015, 06:26:45 am
Sounds like the release notes documents Rigol handed out for previous firmware release on request via personal e-mail. Yes, these were available for previous firmware versions of the DP800 (and other Rigol products) already, if you personally asked one of the Rigol FAEs for them.

Automatic translation of these Chinese documents works surprisingly well, but unfortunately didn't reveal significantly more meaningful version information in the past than the already included English parts (I wonder why...  ;D ).

But still nice that Rigol seems to have decided to include these release notes directly with the firmware release, now.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Omikron on May 06, 2015, 03:53:57 am
I've just got the new firmware 01.14 by automatic email. It includes the existing bootloader 1.09.

Interestingly it also includes an 18 page document mostly in chinese detailing all the firmware releases and their changes to date    :-+ :clap:

The changes from 01.13 are:

1. Change the USB Device library. (Mod)
2. Change the LXI and SCPI library. (Mod)
3. Add the Series-parallel help info in the main help. (Enchancement)

So, clear as mud then. I'm yet to install it...

I just installed it.  Interestingly, my voltage readouts on each rail when on and set to 0.000 has changed from 0.00 across all three channels to .005, .000, and .001, respectively.  I'm not sure what they "fixed" but it seems strange that the readout would change.  At first first I thought it might have been a difference in how the analog board was working since I hadn't updated the analog board firmwares but the difference persisted even after updating both boards.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: _Wim_ on May 06, 2015, 05:05:34 am
I think they finally implemented the excellent suggestion made by Shahriar (the signal path) were he correctly suggested to have the readout voltage should always be enabled, even when the channels are turned off. This way, if you connect your power leads to some "unexpected" voltage, you already see this before you enable then channel of your DP832 and prevent a possibly destroy of the DP832...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Omikron on May 06, 2015, 02:41:51 pm
I think they finally implemented the excellent suggestion made by Shahriar (the signal path) were he correctly suggested to have the readout voltage should always be enabled, even when the channels are turned off. This way, if you connect your power leads to some "unexpected" voltage, you already see this before you enable then channel of your DP832 and prevent a possibly destroy of the DP832...

That's a negative, Ghost Rider.  I was talking about when the outputs were on.  Also, after your post I tested to see if the readout was working even when the output was off.  It does not appear to be.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Omikron on May 06, 2015, 04:27:23 pm
I ported over LaurentR's script to Python and thought I'd share it here.

I refactored it a bit, so there's an LxiInstr base class, a KeysightTrueVolDmm class for measurements, and a Dp832PowerSupply to talk to the PSU.  I wanted to move the DMM support into a separate file to make it easier to use it for other purposes, such as data logging, or to implement the same interface for other DMM's.  (I kept LaurentR's DM3068 switch to Agilent mode, but not sure if it works.  It would be better to add a native implementation for it.) is a generic wrapper pretty much, and all of the calibration guts are in Dp832PowerSupply.  They're DP832 specific anyway, and not easily reusable.

I tested this on OS X 10.10, NI-VISA, PyVISA, LAN devices, 34465A DMM.  Python2.7 is required.
But it should work fine with GPIB, USB also.  (<= famous last words!)

The code is somewhat short on comments...  Anyway, it's a first stab at creating a generic Python library for VISA instrument support.

I have been having some serious issues getting this script to work. :-/

First, I tried to do everything over LAN:

Code: [Select]
MAC:dp832 user$ python TCPIP0:: TCPIP0::
Error initializing: string index out of range

That failed miserably.  I could tell the script was trying to do *something* because both devices were responding to LAN commands and were in remote mode.

After spending way too long trying to troubleshoot that, I switched to USB:

Code: [Select]
MAC:dp832 user$ python -t USB0::0x1AB1::0x0E11::DP8C164758888::INSTR USB0::6833::3220::DM3O163358888::0::INSTR
* DM3068 >>> 'SYST:ERR?'
* DM3068 <<< '0,"No error"'
* DM3068 >>> 'SYST:ERR?'
* DM3068 <<< '0,"No error"'
* DP832 >>> 'SYST:ERR?'
* DP832 <<< '0,"No error"'
* DP832 >>> 'SYST:ERR?'
* DP832 <<< '0,"No error"'
  DMM   : Rigol Technologies DM3068 (FW @ USB0::6833::3220::DM3O163358888::0::INSTR
  DP832 : RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES DP832 (FW 00.01.14) @ USB0::0x1AB1::0x0E11::DP8C164758888::INSTR

Calibration data will NOT be updated -- this is only a check
* DP832 >>> 'SYST:ERR?'
* DP832 <<< '0,"No error"'
* DP832 >>> '*RST'
* DP832 >>> 'SYST:ERR?'
* DP832 <<< '0,"No error"'
* DM3068 >>> 'SYST:ERR?'
* DM3068 <<< '0,"No error"'
* DM3068 >>> '*RST'
* DM3068 >>> 'SYST:ERR?'
* DM3068 <<< '0,"No error"'
* DM3068 >>> 'CMDSet AGILENT'
* DM3068 >>> 'SYST:ERR?'
* DM3068 <<< '0,"No error"'

Remove all leads to perform self test
Press enter to continue

Running DP832 board self-test...
* DP832 <<< 'PASS,PASS'
DP832 self-test passed
* DP832 >>> 'SYSTem:SELF:TEST:TEMP?'
* DP832 <<< '[37.89]'
DP832 internal temp: 37.89C (100.202F)

Running DM3068 board self-test...
* DM3068 >>> '*TST?'
* DM3068 <<< ''
Shutting off PSU outputs
* DP832 >>> 'OUTPUT CH1,OFF'
* DP832 >>> 'OUTPUT CH2,OFF'
* DP832 >>> 'OUTPUT CH3,OFF'
ERROR: Self-test failed for DM3068
Calibration failed. Terminating.

Why the heck is the DM3068 self-test failing?  I can run the test manually from the front panel and it passes, but when the script runs it, a FAIL message flashes after the test completes and the script doesn't continue.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Omikron on May 06, 2015, 04:48:00 pm
It looks like the DM3068 does not like the *TST command.  I've tried running manually via Ultra Sigma and it also errors out.  Reviewing the DM3000 programming guide does not show that there are any official test commands that are supported for any command-set.  Is this true?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Omikron on May 06, 2015, 04:52:39 pm
It looks like the DM3068 does not like the *TST command.  I've tried running manually via Ultra Sigma and it also errors out.  Reviewing the DM3000 programming guide does not show that there are any official test commands that are supported for any command-set.  Is this true?

To answer my own question, I downloaded the newest version of the programming guide which for reasons beyond my understanding is not published as a PDF but as a fscking Windows Help File (.chm).

I guess *TST? is a common IEEE 488.2 command.  Still no clue why it's failing.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Omikron on May 06, 2015, 05:01:27 pm
Just called up to Rigol support and he said he's going to check with a co-worker and get back to me regarding the issue.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Omikron on May 06, 2015, 05:17:20 pm
Update: They tried the same command with a DM3068 running the same firmware version and it provided the expected +0 response.  We are now trying to figure out if this is a bad unit or if it's a firmware bug.

What is particularly troubling is the fact that the self-test passes when started from the Utility menu, but fails via *TST?.

Edit: I realize that this is now more related to the DM3068 than the DP832, so if a mod wishes to move the posts into the appropriate thread, it would be appreciated.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Omikron on May 06, 2015, 06:09:50 pm
Apologies for all of the posts, but this is becoming quite a frustrating situation.

I've now been able to get the test to pass and fail intermittently when issuing commands via SCPI.  Sometimes it passes, sometimes it fails.  I can only get failures via SCPI.

That said, the script *also* seems to have an issue in that it doesn't wait long enough for the response from the DM3068.  This is why the response to "*TST?" in the log just shows as ' '.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on May 08, 2015, 12:10:24 am
Update: They tried the same command with a DM3068 running the same firmware version and it provided the expected +0 response.  We are now trying to figure out if this is a bad unit or if it's a firmware bug.

What is particularly troubling is the fact that the self-test passes when started from the Utility menu, but fails via *TST?.
Omikron, I've been there, seen it, done it. The Rigol is returning the correct response of '0' to *TST?. The script expects a '+0' which I can only assume the Agilent returns. Or else it is a typo in the code. Anyway, it's an easy one to fix, but there are plenty more to come  :palm:

I kind of gave up on when I did find a proper firmware bug on the DM3058 in Agilent mode which renders the Agilent mode utterly useless  |O I reported this one to Rigol and left the ball in their court (though I did hack a workaround, it is not something to be proud of). However, the DM3068 does not have this bug as far as I am aware.

So, you can call your attack dogs off Rigol re: *TST? but I would appreciate it if you give them a kick up the arse for me. See here. (

I did have sort of working, at least on its dry runs, but am still waiting for Rigol to sort out the DM3058 bug. Actually I've been meaning to write my own calibrator in C#.NET instead and use the Rigol command set rather than try and emulate an Agilent.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Omikron on May 08, 2015, 03:03:49 pm
Update: They tried the same command with a DM3068 running the same firmware version and it provided the expected +0 response.  We are now trying to figure out if this is a bad unit or if it's a firmware bug.

What is particularly troubling is the fact that the self-test passes when started from the Utility menu, but fails via *TST?.
Omikron, I've been there, seen it, done it. The Rigol is returning the correct response of '0' to *TST?. The script expects a '+0' which I can only assume the Agilent returns. Or else it is a typo in the code. Anyway, it's an easy one to fix, but there are plenty more to come  :palm:

I kind of gave up on when I did find a proper firmware bug on the DM3058 in Agilent mode which renders the Agilent mode utterly useless  |O I reported this one to Rigol and left the ball in their court (though I did hack a workaround, it is not something to be proud of). However, the DM3068 does not have this bug as far as I am aware.

So, you can call your attack dogs off Rigol re: *TST? but I would appreciate it if you give them a kick up the arse for me. See here. (

I did have sort of working, at least on its dry runs, but am still waiting for Rigol to sort out the DM3058 bug. Actually I've been meaning to write my own calibrator in C#.NET instead and use the Rigol command set rather than try and emulate an Agilent.

So actually, in this case, the *TST? is actually *failing* when issued via SCPI, but only sometimes.  When it does fail, I always get "+1" response and checking the error codes shows the following two codes:

Code: [Select]
* Connected to: TCPIP::
<- (Return Count:53)
-330,"Self-test failed; 604 - OHM Common Drive Test"

<- (Return Count:53)
-330,"Self-test failed; 605 - DCV Common Drive Test"

<- (Return Count:13)
0,"No error"
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: vovets on May 25, 2015, 12:33:42 pm

Here is a list of Rigol DP832 firmware versions and summary of known firmware bugs and hardware issues...

If anyone discovers additional bugs, or has corrections to the summary above, please post in the thread and I'll try to keep this post updated.

I've discovered a CH3 OCP firmware related bug. OCP functions as expected on CH1/CH2 and OVP functions as expected on CH1/CH2/CH3.

Particulars for my Rigol DP832 unit:


NOTE: My unit is equipped with TopBoard_V02.20 / BottomBoard_V02.20.

Recreating firmware bug:

( in CC mode set to 100mA. My Fluke 87V confirms output is bang on at 100.1mA. Readback is 2mA low but well within tolerance.

( increase CH3 set current until it exceeds set/enabled OCP limit of 110mA. However, CH3 remains ON. I continue increasing set current to 1A. My Fluke 87V confirms output stops increasing after I pass 110mA on set current and remains at a max of 110.1mA. Readback is again 2mA low but confirms actual output is at the set OCP limit.

( turn CH3 OCP OFF. V/A/W readback remains unchanged and again, my Fluke 87V confirms an actual output of 110.1mA.

( increase CH3 set current by 1mA to 1.001A. My Fluke 87V immediately registers an output current increase to 1.0011A. V/A/W readback immediately updates to correctly reflect the new output level.

( turn CH3 OCP ON. CH3 immediately registers an OCP event, displays a popup warning window and turns CH3 OFF.

( turn CH3 ON. CH3 remains ON regardless of the set current level which exceeds OCP limit. My Fluke 87V confirms an output of 110.1mA. Readback is again 2mA low but confirms actual output is at the set OCP limit.

NOTE: The 110mA CH3 OCP limit I chose to demonstrate this bug at doesn't matter. I've recreated this bug with CH3 OCP limit set to 10mA, 510mA, 1.010A, 1.510A, 2.010A and 2.510A.


Hi! Just wanted to confirm this bug on my new DP832 received recently from with firmware 1.13. Firmware 1.14 seem to fix this at least for me.

Regards, Vlad.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kjdotts on May 26, 2015, 12:15:28 pm

Here is a list of Rigol DP832 firmware versions and summary of known firmware bugs and hardware issues...

If anyone discovers additional bugs, or has corrections to the summary above, please post in the thread and I'll try to keep this post updated.

I've discovered a CH3 OCP firmware related bug...


Hi! Just wanted to confirm this bug on my new DP832 received recently from with firmware 1.13. Firmware 1.14 seem to fix this at least for me.

Regards, Vlad.

It's good to receive confirmation of the bug and I'm hopeful firmware v1.14 does in fact resolve the bug on my unit.

Thank you for taking the time to post and welcome to the EEVblog forum!

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: shrek on May 29, 2015, 01:24:01 pm
Has anyone tried to hack the DP832's ANALOG board? Any luck with JTAG and full memory dump of the controller?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Omikron on May 29, 2015, 10:29:11 pm
Has anyone tried to hack the DP832's ANALOG board? Any luck with JTAG and full memory dump of the controller?

Hack it to what end?  What else would you imagine could be achieved?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on May 30, 2015, 01:37:36 am
Hack it to what end?  What else would you imagine could be achieved?
Well you can up the bandwidth of a 60MHz Oscilloscope to 200MHz easily with a software hack. That means a 195W PSU could be turned into a 650W with a firmware tweak or a keygen obviously. I mean these are modern digital PSU's with Arduinos inside. Not some old rubbish like Power Designs or Lambda. You have to change all the valves and transformers in them, innit?  :palm:
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Omikron on May 31, 2015, 08:55:11 pm
Hack it to what end?  What else would you imagine could be achieved?
Well you can up the bandwidth of a 60MHz Oscilloscope to 200MHz easily with a software hack. That means a 195W PSU could be turned into a 650W with a firmware tweak or a keygen obviously. I mean these are modern digital PSU's with Arduinos inside. Not some old rubbish like Power Designs or Lambda. You have to change all the valves and transformers in them, innit?  :palm:

This was precisely my point, but I was trying to tease out what shrek had in mind in the first place.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on May 31, 2015, 09:38:07 pm
Hi all!

I have been busy for sometime and finally got around to updating the first post.   :)  I have noted several things from the thread including 01.14 firmware release, report of coupled AC voltage between Earth and output terminals, report of CH3 OCP bug (thanks kjdotts) and fix in 01.14 (thanks vovets), and Python calibration script by bson (port of LaurentR's MATLAB script).  Thanks to everyone with the updates!

Below I have attached the latest available release notes that came with firmware 01.14, and I can confirm that all options are enabled after installing this release.

Folks, let's try to keep this thread on-topic: posts related to DP832 firmware, bugs and closely related.  Issues of DM3068 and SCPI should be posted in a new thread so as to not derail this one.  Thanks!

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: shrek on May 31, 2015, 10:34:56 pm
Hack it to what end?  What else would you imagine could be achieved?
Well you can up the bandwidth of a 60MHz Oscilloscope to 200MHz easily with a software hack. That means a 195W PSU could be turned into a 650W with a firmware tweak or a keygen obviously. I mean these are modern digital PSU's with Arduinos inside. Not some old rubbish like Power Designs or Lambda. You have to change all the valves and transformers in them, innit?  :palm:

This was precisely my point, but I was trying to tease out what shrek had in mind in the first place.

Hello guys, thanks for responding. Sorry about delay in my reply, but this was a long weekend. :)

When I asked the question, I was referring to reverse engineering of the analog subsystem of DP832. I have a problem with my unit, where CH2 and CH3 stopped working, showing 0V on the outputs. My diagnose is that the micro's DAC is dead, since I get nothing on the output. Digital part seems OK, responsive to firmware upgrade procedure. And yes, the warranty is gone... since some time ago.  The unit is way too heavy, so sending it off to the nearest repair center is as expensive as like half of the new unit! :palm:
My question was actually asking if somebody used the Analog Micro's JTAG, and was it successful, meaning, was the firmware readable or not, all sectors or just a piece... or not... everything worked fine afterwards?
I am getting the replacement for the microcontroller from Farnell soon, but it will be blank, so I'll need to flash it with something. Would be the simple copying back "the fallen one's" dump file work or not?
I believe the calibration tables are stored in the micro's flash, along with original, factory calibrated values. If somebody has a different opinion or experience, please come back to me.

And yes, Dave was right when criticised some of design solutions of DP832 in his video. And what I hate there on the board is erasing chip markings... why for God's sake? We are not going to clone their babies, just to fix them when they're "sick"!


Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on May 31, 2015, 11:01:03 pm
15-Feb-2015: Updated to v1.1 with some cleanup and tentative DM3068 support.

LaurentR: I looked quickly at your updated DP832 calibration script and noticed a little problem with it.  On line 135 you reference the variable 'psuIdn' when detecting attached DMM type:
Code: [Select]
isDM3068 = ~isempty(strfind(psuIdn, 'DM3068'));No doubt it should be 'dmmIdn' instead.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on June 01, 2015, 04:45:04 pm
15-Feb-2015: Updated to v1.1 with some cleanup and tentative DM3068 support.

LaurentR: I looked quickly at your updated DP832 calibration script and noticed a little problem with it.  On line 135 you reference the variable 'psuIdn' when detecting attached DMM type:
Code: [Select]
isDM3068 = ~isempty(strfind(psuIdn, 'DM3068'));No doubt it should be 'dmmIdn' instead.


Thanks. There are a few other issues as well that materialized in bson's Python port. My DM3068 guinea pig never materialized, so I'll wait for one to try to make a proper update.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on June 02, 2015, 04:23:55 am
Warning: USB Device broken in 01.14

UPDATE: I re-flashed the 01.14 firmware, and this time no problems!  Ignore below...

After updating to 01.14 I wanted to re-calibrate the unit using LaurentR's MATLAB script (old version :) ) and discovered that my Windows PC would not recognize the DP832 as a USB Device!  As a result Keysight "Connection Expert" (Part of Keysight IO Libraries 17.1) could not find the DP832, and I could not perform any calibration!

I was able to downgrade to 01.13 (thankfully USB Host function is not wrecked!) and USB Device capability came back -- DP832 appeared in Connection Expert and all good.

Interestingly the version notes (posted above) mention USB device library (and LXI + SCPI library) updates in 01.14 release.  In fact, 01.13 also included USB device, LXI and SCPI changes...

Side note: DP832 did not appear in Connection Expert with either firmwares 01.13 or 01.14, although DP832 does get IP address...  Does anyone's DP832(A) using LAN appear in Agilent/Keysight Connection Expert, or the equivalent National Instruments explorer?

Would other people be able to confirm the above findings?  If this is a confirmed problem I will add it to the bug list.  For the moment, it seems must use 01.13 and USB for calibration.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: OldNeurons on June 02, 2015, 08:45:18 am
Warning: USB Device broken in 01.14

After updating to 01.14 I wanted to re-calibrate the unit using LaurentR's MATLAB script (old version :) ) and discovered that my Windows PC would not recognize the DP832 as a USB Device!  As a result Keysight "Connection Expert" (Part of Keysight IO Libraries 17.1) could not find the DP832, and I could not perform any calibration!

I was able to downgrade to 01.13 (thankfully USB Host function is not wrecked!) and USB Device capability came back -- DP832 appeared in Connection Expert and all good.

Interestingly the version notes (posted above) mention USB device library (and LXI + SCPI library) updates in 01.14 release.  In fact, 01.13 also included USB device, LXI and SCPI changes...

Side note: DP832 did not appear in Connection Expert with either firmwares 01.13 or 01.14, although DP832 does get IP address...  Does anyone's DP832(A) using LAN appear in Agilent/Keysight Connection Expert, or the equivalent National Instruments explorer?

Would other people be able to confirm the above findings?  If this is a confirmed problem I will add it to the bug list.  For the moment, it seems must use 01.13 and USB for calibration.

My DP832, firmware 01.14 is still recognized trough USB and LAN under Keysight Connection Expert.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on June 03, 2015, 07:54:47 am
My DP832, firmware 01.14 is still recognized trough USB and LAN under Keysight Connection Expert.

Thanks, OldNeurons!.  Following your positive feedback I re-flashed the 01.14 firmware, and this time no problems for Keysight Connection Expert to detect the DP832 via USB!  A mystery whatever happened the first time...  I have updated my post above.

I tried LAN connection but Connection Expert still does not see it.  Rigol UltraSigma does find it, though, and DP832 responds to SCPI commands that way.

Does anyone control DP832 via LAN connection and have any news about doing so?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on June 04, 2015, 06:04:06 am
My DP832, firmware 01.14 is still recognized trough USB and LAN under Keysight Connection Expert.

Thanks, OldNeurons!.  Following your positive feedback I re-flashed the 01.14 firmware, and this time no problems for Keysight Connection Expert to detect the DP832 via USB!  A mystery whatever happened the first time...  I have updated my post above.

I tried LAN connection but Connection Expert still does not see it.  Rigol UltraSigma does find it, though, and DP832 responds to SCPI commands that way.

Does anyone control DP832 via LAN connection and have any news about doing so?


I have also lost the auto-find on the LAN with I/O Libraries, but adding the IP address manually works fine. Go figure.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on June 04, 2015, 03:52:13 pm
My DP832, firmware 01.14 is still recognized trough USB and LAN under Keysight Connection Expert.

Thanks, OldNeurons!.  Following your positive feedback I re-flashed the 01.14 firmware, and this time no problems for Keysight Connection Expert to detect the DP832 via USB!  A mystery whatever happened the first time...  I have updated my post above.

I tried LAN connection but Connection Expert still does not see it.  Rigol UltraSigma does find it, though, and DP832 responds to SCPI commands that way.

Does anyone control DP832 via LAN connection and have any news about doing so?


I have also lost the auto-find on the LAN with I/O Libraries, but adding the IP address manually works fine. Go figure.

Just to ruin my day, I also updated my DS1074Z and lost the SCPI connection through USB... Works fine with just NI-Visa, but doesn't work anymore with I/O Libraries installed. LXI works, but doesn't auto-scan either. I wonder if they just rewrote part of their SCPI stack and dinged several of the firmware.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: eelliott on June 11, 2015, 01:32:34 pm
My DP832, firmware 01.14 is still recognized trough USB and LAN under Keysight Connection Expert.

Thanks, OldNeurons!.  Following your positive feedback I re-flashed the 01.14 firmware, and this time no problems for Keysight Connection Expert to detect the DP832 via USB!  A mystery whatever happened the first time...  I have updated my post above.

I tried LAN connection but Connection Expert still does not see it.  Rigol UltraSigma does find it, though, and DP832 responds to SCPI commands that way.

Does anyone control DP832 via LAN connection and have any news about doing so?


I have also lost the auto-find on the LAN with I/O Libraries, but adding the IP address manually works fine. Go figure.

After updating my DP832 from 01.09 to 01.14, Connection Expert found my LAN-connected DP832 with no problem.  (I/O Libraries 17.1.19313.5)  I can't recall if I manually defined the DP832's IP address to Connection Expert a long time ago (I recall doing this for at least one instrument but don't remember if it was the DP832.)  One thing I did notice was that Connection Expert initially displayed a red X next to the DP832's Visa Address (but both Start Instrument Web Interface and a Start Command Expert IDN? command worked).  After rebooting the PC the red X changed to a green check mark.

So Connection Expert seems to be working fine for me over the LAN with 01.14.  However, my custom NI-VISA C# program failed to connect whereas it had worked fine yesterday with firmware 01.09.  NI IO Trace revealed an error which said that the resource was not found.  The search initiated by clicking on "Network Devices" in NI-MAX did not find the DP832.  But right-clicking on "Network Devices" in NI-MAX and clicking "Create New Visa TCP/IP Resource..." initiated a search which found the DP832. I completed the creation process to add the DP832 to NI-MAX's list.  Then my custom program worked fine.  It is a mystery to me as to what has changed and why one of NI-MAX's searches found the DP832 but the other NI-MAX search did not.  Another mystery is why it is now necessary to define the DP832 to NI-MAX; the C# NI-VISA resourceSearch string is very specific: "TCPIP0::".
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Howardlong on June 11, 2015, 08:51:34 pm
Would someone kindly point me to where I can download 1.14 firmware from please? I have an OCP problem on my unit I'd like to remedy.

Many thanks!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: OldNeurons on June 11, 2015, 09:48:36 pm
Would someone kindly point me to where I can download 1.14 firmware from please? I have an OCP problem on my unit I'd like to remedy.

Many thanks!
PM sent with link to firmware 1.14.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Howardlong on June 13, 2015, 12:51:22 am
Would someone kindly point me to where I can download 1.14 firmware from please? I have an OCP problem on my unit I'd like to remedy.

Many thanks!
PM sent with link to firmware 1.14.

Thank you!

I am delighted to report that the OCP problems I encountered (documented here ( are now a thing of the past! I was concerned that when I replaced a MOSFET in the unit a few weeks ago I'd broken something, but thankfully it appears not.

One thing to note was that the bootloader part of the firmware update seemed to just hang, so I went straight to the main update and analog board updates, it appears to have worked.

Thanks again.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: cidak on June 27, 2015, 08:23:40 pm
To all owners of DP8xxx.  :-+

I would like to ask those who have a DPxxx Rigol it may do a test to compare if it's a problem of my power unit, or if there is a firmware bug general.

The test is the following:  :-DMM
by any value set at the output (for example 1 Volt) increase the voltage of 1 mV at a time, measure the output with a DMM  :-DMM external if indeed the intention output rises to 1 mV at each step, or as in my case increases 0.6 mV and the next step in a 1.4 mV (total actual doing of the two steps 2 mV).  :bullshit:

So every 2 steps it the 2mV correct but to every single-step one is from 0.6 mV and the other from 1.4 mV. This is repeated alternately 0.6 /1.4 ~ 0.6 /1.4 etc.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: bson on June 27, 2015, 09:33:21 pm
Cidak, if you want 1V and want to adjust it in 1mV steps, then I'd use CH3.  CH1&2 may not have sufficient DAC resolution to make 1mV adjustments and what you see is consistent with rounding error.  I always use CH3 for these sort of low-voltage experiments.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Belgarion on June 27, 2015, 09:47:45 pm
To all owners of DP8xxx.  :-+

I would like to ask those who have a DPxxx Rigol it may do a test to compare if it's a problem of my power unit, or if there is a firmware bug general.

The test is the following:  :-DMM
by any value set at the output (for example 1 Volt) increase the voltage of 1 mV at a time, measure the output with a DMM  :-DMM external if indeed the intention output rises to 1 mV at each step, or as in my case increases 0.6 mV and the next step in a 1.4 mV (total actual doing of the two steps 2 mV).  :bullshit:

So every 2 steps it the 2mV correct but to every single-step one is from 0.6 mV and the other from 1.4 mV. This is repeated alternately 0.6 /1.4 ~ 0.6 /1.4 etc.


These are my results:
DP832 set value (channel 1)Measured on DMM

DP832 set value (channel 3)Measured on DMM
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on June 28, 2015, 04:28:17 am
To all owners of DP8xxx.  :-+

I would like to ask those who have a DPxxx Rigol it may do a test to compare if it's a problem of my power unit, or if there is a firmware bug general.

The test is the following:  :-DMM
by any value set at the output (for example 1 Volt) increase the voltage of 1 mV at a time, measure the output with a DMM  :-DMM external if indeed the intention output rises to 1 mV at each step, or as in my case increases 0.6 mV and the next step in a 1.4 mV (total actual doing of the two steps 2 mV).  :bullshit:

So every 2 steps it the 2mV correct but to every single-step one is from 0.6 mV and the other from 1.4 mV. This is repeated alternately 0.6 /1.4 ~ 0.6 /1.4 etc.


Look at this post (and the attached histogram) for the statistical result of a full sweep showing in no uncertain term the DAC step size. Also see the rest of the thread for linearity data: (

I haven't run the same analysis on Ch3, so I can't confirm if Ch3 has indeed better granularity.
Of course, note that this is all way within specs of the DP832.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on June 28, 2015, 06:43:33 pm
Just found time to run a full 1mV sweep of Ch3.

And the answer is... yes, Ch3 has better granularity. Eyeballing the data, it seems to have about 0.22mV granularity, which is a bit more than twice as small as Ch1. See histogram attached. I should have added axis titles, but the histogram is of the measured voltage difference between two consecutive steps (separated by 1mV, the programming granularity). The peaks show that the distance is usually around 1.045mV, and if not, most likely around 0.83mV (and extremely infrequently around 1.25mV), thus the derivation of the DAC granularity.

Note that actual absolute accuracy and linearity are much worse than this, so I don't think that this has practical applications. On my home-calibrated DP832, Ch3 stays within about +/- 1.5mV of programmed value throughout the whole sweep, which is quite good.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: bson on June 28, 2015, 10:44:01 pm
Nice to see some actual data!

I agree on absolute accuracy - it's good but not down to 1mV.  It probably varies from unit to unit; on mine (also DIY calibrated) CH3 is ridiculously precise and always accurate to 1mV.  Today though I needed 14.5V and dialed in CH1, and ended up reading 14.498. (Which is pretty damn good in itself.)  Put a DMM (34465A) on it, which also read 14.498.  So ticked it up 2mV to 14.502V and got 14.500V out.  Nice!  :-DMM

I was using one of these below to compare an Agilent 34401A (scored for $350!) to the 34465A.  According to the seller, my 10V reference is 0.37ppm low.  The 34465A reads it 6.7ppm high; the 34401A 24ppm high.  All good enough for government work!  Didn't try null measuring -- really should get myself a cheap microammeter, and maybe better leads than my $6 Pomonas, so it's not as super accurate as it could be, but I just wanted a quick ballpark check of the 34401A, relative to the 34465A...  Here's the reference - highly recommend it. (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on June 28, 2015, 11:05:22 pm
Nice to see some actual data!

I agree on absolute accuracy - it's good but not down to 1mV.  It probably varies from unit to unit; on mine (also DIY calibrated) CH3 is ridiculously precise and always accurate to 1mV.  Today though I needed 14.5V and dialed in CH1, and ended up reading 14.498. (Which is pretty damn good in itself.)  Put a DMM (34465A) on it, which also read 14.498.  So ticked it up 2mV to 14.502V and got 14.500V out.  Nice!  :-DMM

I was using one of these below to compare an Agilent 34401A (scored for $350!) to the 34465A.  According to the seller, my 10V reference is 0.37ppm low.  The 34465A reads it 6.7ppm high; the 34401A 24ppm high.  All good enough for government work!  Didn't try null measuring -- really should get myself a cheap microammeter, and maybe better leads than my $6 Pomonas, so it's not as super accurate as it could be, but I just wanted a quick ballpark check of the 34401A, relative to the 34465A...  Here's the reference - highly recommend it. (

Ch3 is substantially better than Ch1. Just like Ch1, it's mostly very good (and within 1mV), but has some interesting peaks and valleys that extend to 1.5-2mV. See plot below.
That's a full 1mV sweep measured by a 34465A.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: cidak on June 29, 2015, 01:51:52 pm
To all owners of DP8xxx.  :-+

I would like to ask those who have a DPxxx Rigol it may do a test to compare if it's a problem of my power unit, or if there is a firmware bug general.

The test is the following:  :-DMM
by any value set at the output (for example 1 Volt) increase the voltage of 1 mV at a time, measure the output with a DMM  :-DMM external if indeed the intention output rises to 1 mV at each step, or as in my case increases 0.6 mV and the next step in a 1.4 mV (total actual doing of the two steps 2 mV).  :bullshit:

So every 2 steps it the 2mV correct but to every single-step one is from 0.6 mV and the other from 1.4 mV. This is repeated alternately 0.6 /1.4 ~ 0.6 /1.4 etc.


These are my results:
DP832 set value (channel 1)Measured on DMM

DP832 set value (channel 3)Measured on DMM
Thank you for your quick and accurate response.
Ok, your Log on measured voltages in steps of 1 mV, seems to be perfect.
So I hom a problem it seems, because as explained initially each time increment of 1 mV ago the first increase 1.3mV and 0.7mV per second increase.
I calibrated DAC and ADC repeatedly my DP but the error is always the same.
I noticed, however, that when the output is turned off (or if you set the output voltage to 0V.) Offset output terminals is 0.550mV ~. Someone can do this check, please?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: cidak on June 29, 2015, 02:00:35 pm

Thanks to the attached chart.

This measure seems to bring error very rarely.
In my case, the error is fixed over the entire range in output from 0 to 42 volts (my model is a DP811A).
Via software or hardware, How can you adjust this? You think?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on June 29, 2015, 02:23:13 pm
Thank you for your quick and accurate response.
Ok, your Log on measured voltages in steps of 1 mV, seems to be perfect.
So I hom a problem it seems, because as explained initially each time increment of 1 mV ago the first increase 1.3mV and 0.7mV per second increase.
I calibrated DAC and ADC repeatedly my DP but the error is always the same.
I noticed, however, that when the output is turned off (or if you set the output voltage to 0V.) Offset output terminals is 0.550mV ~. Someone can do this check, please?

I don't see a problem with any of what you mention. Keep in mind that the accuracy specs for the DP811A are: 0.05% + 10mV. I don't see anything you've explained violating this spec. It's all way within spec, unless I missed something.

First, you have a DP811A. Over the 40V range with the 16b DAC, you can expect ~45V/64k = 0.69 mV resolution, which is what you see, so, as you program your 1 mV steps, it will be totally normal for the supply to jump by 0.69 mV or 2x0.69 mV as needed to get as close to the programmed value as possible. This closely matches the behavior you are describing.

The DP832 may offer slightly better resolution from its smaller range (~0.55mV on 30V and ~0.22 on 5V), but it's the same principle.

As far as the offset at 0, a quick look at my data shows that the very accurate Ch3 has a -0.29mV offset at 0. It's pretty common for the supplies to be slightly off at 0V (more so than later), but it's still completely within specs. I don't see a problem either.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on June 29, 2015, 11:18:49 pm
Here's the reference - highly recommend it. (

Oh wow,  the Calibratory D-105 is back! ( It looks like our Awesome friend has upped his prices too.

Have you opened it to check if the build quality has improved at all?

That flakey piece of foil is all part of the magic apparently. Oh, don't open it as apparently that ruins the calibration. I think it's something to do with Schrodinger's cat and quantum entanglement. Don't worry, apparently GOD gave the inventor the inspiration to develop this standard, so you can be guaranteed that 2ppm accuracy. No need to open it or question how it works. Faith is all you need.

Was it the wall of text in the ebay advert or the presentation of testimonials that impressed you so much?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: bson on June 30, 2015, 12:40:26 am
Was it the wall of text in the ebay advert or the presentation of testimonials that impressed you so much?
I'm not really interested in a bunch of children's pissing matches.  There's no need to be rude.  It's a rinky-dink $100 toy device (I think that's what I paid for it) and it has drifted absolutely none at all the last four months relative to my instruments.  Of course, it may all have drifted together, and no matter how unlikely or implausible, the only way to achieve mathematical certainty is by testing against an proper standard.  However, under the assumption that all my instruments of a variety of ages aren't all drifting in unison, it's perfectly fine what it does and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.  If this affronts you hoity-toity ivory-tower sense of superiority, so be it.  I couldn't give a damn.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: cidak on July 01, 2015, 10:53:36 am
Here's the reference - highly recommend it. (

Oh wow,  the Calibratory D-105 is back! ( It looks like our Awesome friend has upped his prices too.

Have you opened it to check if the build quality has improved at all?

That flakey piece of foil is all part of the magic apparently. Oh, don't open it as apparently that ruins the calibration. I think it's something to do with Schrodinger's cat and quantum entanglement. Don't worry, apparently GOD gave the inventor the inspiration to develop this standard, so you can be guaranteed that 2ppm accuracy. No need to open it or question how it works. Faith is all you need.

Was it the wall of text in the ebay advert or the presentation of testimonials that impressed you so much?

The is OT discussion in area "DP832 Firmware list and bugs"
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: pascal_sweden on July 25, 2015, 02:46:43 pm
For your list of bugs and design flaws in the DP832: Youtuber Jason Li investigated that Rigol's DP832 seems not to be isolated to earth. There's an AC coupling between earth and ground (exceed 32 Vac). Here's the video: (
Is this problem fixed in the mean time?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on July 25, 2015, 04:38:03 pm

As Dave said:

I don't see the issue, you'll get this with almost any supply, capacitive coupling between output and mains earth is quite normal.
If for some reason this is an issue with your system, mains output reference your supply, that is what the earth terminal is on the front panel for.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: pascal_sweden on July 25, 2015, 04:49:57 pm
The guy on the video did mains output reference his supply, as you can see with the yellow cabling in the video.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on July 25, 2015, 07:20:09 pm
When he's doing all his tests and reads high voltages, isn't the yellow cable disconnected from the earth terminal?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: pascal_sweden on July 25, 2015, 08:06:52 pm
Yes, you are right! I can also see a "crack" in the chassis of the power supply on the left down side.
Looks like he had some issue with the chassis.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Andy Watson on July 25, 2015, 09:09:28 pm
For your list of bugs and design flaws in the DP832: Youtuber Jason Li investigated that Rigol's DP832 seems not to be isolated to earth. There's an AC coupling between earth and ground (exceed 32 Vac). Here's the video: (
Is this problem fixed in the mean time?
Is it a problem? Unless there is a significant current flowing I would say that it is not a problem, it is typical "pick up" that you will find in any environment where mains AC fields are present. Quality power supplies employ a transformer with an electrostatic screen to reduce mains coupling, but it is still possible for capacitive coupling to occur on the internal wiring.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: cubitus on July 26, 2015, 06:20:38 pm

which could put the links to download the latest firmware, please
The links from the first page are dead.

Thank You
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: BloodyCactus on July 27, 2015, 01:28:15 pm

which could put the links to download the latest firmware, please
The links from the first page are dead.

Thank You

you could just email rigol and get the firmware directly from them. its not so hard you know. fill the webform in, get firmware response back.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: cubitus on July 27, 2015, 02:29:32 pm

That's what I did one week ago and I still have no answer ....
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: commie on July 27, 2015, 02:33:55 pm

That's what I did one week ago and I still have no answer ....

Me too, I am losing confidence in Rigol

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: timofonic on July 27, 2015, 04:15:58 pm

That's what I did one week ago and I still have no answer ....

Me too, I am losing confidence in Rigol


Are there a better alternative to Chinese crap for money constrained EE/hobbyist/students? Soviet electronics? ;)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TomThomas on July 27, 2015, 07:15:39 pm

That's what I did one week ago and I still have no answer ....

Me too, I am losing confidence in Rigol

Hi Guys,

as you are from Europe... try a direct mail to

this worked for me

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: smgvbest on July 28, 2015, 01:06:46 am

That's what I did one week ago and I still have no answer ....

Me too, I am losing confidence in Rigol


Because it happened to me
Can I assume you've check your spam/junk folders for an email with the link?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: cubitus on July 28, 2015, 07:26:00 am
I sent email ...
I would have preferred a link is faster :) :=\
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: OldNeurons on July 28, 2015, 09:14:11 am
I sent email ...
I would have preferred a link is faster :) :=\

Here is a link to the latest firmware:!546&authkey=!AMNb1hJqvwUjoJ8&ithint=file%2czip
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: cubitus on July 28, 2015, 09:49:51 am
C'est tout bon,  :clap:

Un grand merci  :-+

It's all good, :clap:

A big thank you :-+
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on July 28, 2015, 07:12:37 pm
I just updated my DP832 to 1.14 (file above) from 1.11. My bootloader was already 1.09 so I assume I didn't need to update that. All went well including updating the two analogue boards. However after all was finished and I had restarted, the DP832 had a spontaneous reboot about 10 minutes later (I wasn't pressing any buttons at the time, CH1 was ON but nothing connected to it). It hasn't happened since then (been using it for 30 minutes since then). Has anyone else experienced this? Or noticed any reduced stability since upgrading? I've never had this happen with 1.11


P.s. All "liberated" options are still present after the update.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: milow on July 28, 2015, 08:28:22 pm
I just received a DP832 on which the firmware 1.11 runs. What bothers me is the fan control. While the PSU is booting up, the fans run on slow speed. But after booting up the fan speed increases and they never slow down again, even when the output is off. As a result they are quite noisy.

Shouldn't they slow down again?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on July 28, 2015, 08:46:10 pm
That's wierd, it should do the exact opposite. Mine starts on full blast (expected as the software hasn't started fully yet) and then slows back down when it has fully booted and being regulated.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: milow on July 28, 2015, 09:25:44 pm
That's wierd, it should do the exact opposite. Mine starts on full blast (expected as the software hasn't started fully yet) and then slows back down when it has fully booted and being regulated.


Maybe the weird behaviour I have described above is a result of the wrong temperature readings in the firmware 1.09 and 1.11. Since you seem to be an expert regarding the DP832, I guess you run the latest firmware. Maybe I should update.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on July 28, 2015, 09:28:09 pm
I'm definitely NOT an expert on the DP832 :D I just own one. Up to today I had being using 1.11 and didn't have that problem. I only updated to 1.14 tonight.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: milow on July 28, 2015, 10:20:23 pm
Thanks a lot for this piece of information. I've seen your name on some posts related to the DP832, hence I assumed you are quite familiar with it. I compared my supply to others ones the net. Here your see a "normal" unit: (

There a three phases of tfan speed:
1. slow speed when booting up
2. rather high fan speed when the screen with the voltage settings shows up
3. slow speed after a few seconds

Unfortunately, my unit never reaches phase 3 but stays in phase 2. Thus, the fan speed remains high.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on July 29, 2015, 07:30:36 am
In the Test/Cal menu it gives a Temperature and Fan status, have you checked what yours says?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: milow on July 29, 2015, 12:26:50 pm
Of course I've checked that. It says that the fans are working and the temperature is about 12 (without unit). The temperature bug is already described for the firmware 1.09/1.11. But since you've said that the fan control is on 1.11 without a problem, I think the wrong temperature is not the reason.

Does your unit have the 3 phases of fan speed (low while booting, fast for a few seconds, low again)?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on July 29, 2015, 01:18:07 pm
Does your unit have the 3 phases of fan speed (low while booting, fast for a few seconds, low again)?

I think so, but I'll have to check again when I am back home.


Edit: Yes, three phases - Medium (until the dots under Rigol have completed), Fast for a few seconds after the 3 channels screen is shown and then the fan ramps down.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Silveruser on August 05, 2015, 01:40:46 am
I just updated my DP832 to 1.14 (file above) from 1.11. My bootloader was already 1.09 so I assume I didn't need to update that. All went well including updating the two analogue boards. However after all was finished and I had restarted, the DP832 had a spontaneous reboot about 10 minutes later (I wasn't pressing any buttons at the time, CH1 was ON but nothing connected to it). It hasn't happened since then (been using it for 30 minutes since then). Has anyone else experienced this? Or noticed any reduced stability since upgrading? I've never had this happen with 1.11


P.s. All "liberated" options are still present after the update.

Just had mine reboot - likely less than a minute after switching on. Channel 1 was on with a 7V 45ma load.  Kinda warm and humid today - system temp was  33.23C.  All latest soft/firmware

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on August 05, 2015, 08:39:22 am
Was that just after you had updated the firmware? Mine hasn't done that again since then.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Silveruser on August 05, 2015, 06:38:07 pm
Nope. I've only had it for a month. I updated the the firmware a couple days after I received it. It's still waiting for me to clean out a better place, so for now just sitting next to my computer and gets turned on while I'm here. Maybe a hour or two a day. Last night was the first time I noticed any thing out of order, let's hope it's nothing serious.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: pkircher on August 10, 2015, 02:30:18 am
heya .. i should get my new dp328 on tuestay with 1.14 preinstalled (rigol-uk)

can someone confirm that the keygen is still operational ?

thanks a ton
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Dazed+Confused on August 10, 2015, 07:58:10 am
Recieved mine last week with v1.13 on it, upgraded to latest v1.14 just now. All unlocked options still working after the upgrade.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: dafields on August 11, 2015, 06:27:04 pm
I can confirm that the riglol site license generator worked on my new dp328 which came preloaded with v1.14 firmware.  :-+
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: RustyCaliper on September 06, 2015, 05:28:54 pm
Hey there,

wanted to upgrade my 832 to v1.14 -- but apparently I'm too dumb to find the download link on Rigols website?! Could someone please enlighten me where it can be found?

Thanks! Rusty
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: _Wim_ on September 06, 2015, 05:37:31 pm
You have to "ask" rigol for the firmware.  To do this, you need to fill in this form: (

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Dazed+Confused on September 06, 2015, 05:56:29 pm
Link was posted in post #385 of this thread and still seems to be working. I used that one with no problems.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: RustyCaliper on September 06, 2015, 07:12:03 pm
You have to "ask" rigol for the firmware.  To do this, you need to fill in this form: (

Wow, THAT is pretty damn retarded. Why would they do that? At least I'm not dumb enough to find the link then :-D

Link was posted in post #385 of this thread and still seems to be working. I used that one with no problems.

Thanks, worked as a charm, upgraded. Unfortunately I was hoping for functioanlity that would have been SO easy to add (trigger output on switch CV -> CC), but they didn't :-(

Anyways, thanks you guys, take care, Rusty
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: GNU_Ninja on September 08, 2015, 12:27:37 pm
I'm in the market for a programmable PSU and the Rigol DP832 was on my shortlist; But having seen all the problems listed in this thread, I may have to revise my list  :-\
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on September 08, 2015, 12:34:27 pm
I've been using my DP832 for almost a year now without encountering any problem that made me regret the purchase. It's stable, accurate and user-friendly. Other than a single un-announced reset that it decided to do shortly after updating the firmware, I've never had an issue with it.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: _Wim_ on September 08, 2015, 05:48:46 pm
Same here. Very satisfied. I think this long thread comes from the fact that many DIY-users have this suply, hence they can report back on every little issue they find. But this is not your typical low cost Chinese power supply, its way better then that!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Howardlong on September 08, 2015, 06:47:26 pm
In general it's OK, but I had a problem that it appeared no-one else had to with over current protection (not constant current) not working consistently. To my delight it was fixed in a recent firmware fix.

As the owner of a few other bits of Rigol kit, what seems to happen is that they modify their production runs with minor hardware tweaks on boards, but then don't fully regression test their firmware across all hardware permutations. I've seen this now on the DS1000Z series of scopes and more recently the DSA815-TG spec an, there may be others. On the plus side, given time, they do seem to fix things.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: 5ky on September 08, 2015, 08:35:15 pm
I'm in the market for a programmable PSU and the Rigol DP832 was on my shortlist; But having seen all the problems listed in this thread, I may have to revise my list  :-\

I wouldn't be too worried.  I"ve had mine for a few years now and have not had a single problem with it.  I was running stock firmware until yesterday.  (mine came with v1.05)  I only updated the firmware so that I could get the "classic" UI that the 832 (non A) models come with.  It's been rock solid and reliable.  I have an Agilent PSU that's twice the power (and price) that I stopped using once I got my Rigol one.  It doesn't have a keypad and the rotary encoder's acceleration is horrendous on the Agilent, as well as the fan being super loud, so now I'm happily using my Rigol as my day-to-day PSU and I couldn't be happier.

Also, since it's related to this thread, I figured I'd offer a link to the video I made last night where I show you how to update the firmware.  It's not as simple as it is on devices from other brands so I thought people who might have been apprehensive about updating firmware might get use out of this video.  It definitely helps to see someone else do it first.

UPDATE: gah, is there not a way to post a link without it loading the embedded video? 

Link (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: neslekkim on November 03, 2015, 08:14:26 pm
Do anyone know if there is information about when the psu's are produced?, the 832A that I'm supposed ot receive have an serialnumber starting with DP8B17**, the idea was that it was supposed to be an using produced this year..
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: megik on November 16, 2015, 12:22:56 pm
I need your help
someone has a working script for calibration DP832 in bundles in DM3050 (DM3068) ?
that here I could not get to work
 apparently it through not completed and have tested
 and I did not have enough knowledge to finish it
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on November 16, 2015, 05:47:49 pm
I need your help
someone has a working script for calibration DP832 in bundles in DM3050 (DM3068) ?
that here I could not get to work
 apparently it through not completed and have tested
 and I did not have enough knowledge to finish it

Which did you try running, my Matlab script (which has had reported issues on the Rigol DMMs) or bson's Python port (which should work on the Rigol)?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on November 16, 2015, 07:31:48 pm
Actually neither of them worked on the Rigol. I ran across an issue with the DM3058 when in Agilent command mode that Rigol still haven't resolved. This bug is not an issue with the DM3068 AFAIK. There were some more bugs in the code which I fixed but never published.

I think I will revisit and make it work using Rigol command mode instead of Agilent, and also do a Keithley script as well. Watch this space.

(This was with bsons Python version.)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: megik on November 17, 2015, 11:16:14 am
Actually neither of them worked on the Rigol. I ran across an issue with the DM3058 when in Agilent command mode that Rigol still haven't resolved. This bug is not an issue with the DM3068 AFAIK. There were some more bugs in the code which I fixed but never published.

I think I will revisit and make it work using Rigol command mode instead of Agilent, and also do a Keithley script as well. Watch this space.

(This was with bsons Python version.)

Thank you!
 I would like to see it finally working scenario for Rigol
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Stupid Beard on December 06, 2015, 12:16:43 pm
In case anyone is watching this still, I hacked up a python-ivi based calibration script and a keithley 2000 driver for python-ivi. See here: (

I had a quick look at the python-ivi code; it supports the DM3068 but it uses agilent command mode so the issue with the DM3058 would probably still be an issue.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Neuromodulator on January 04, 2016, 04:10:14 am
Is there any way to get such "classic" GUI on the 832 (non A)? I find the numbers on the 832A "classic" far easier to read than the 7 segment imitation of the 832.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Omikron on February 04, 2016, 04:49:10 am
Is there any way to get such "classic" GUI on the 832 (non A)? I find the numbers on the 832A "classic" far easier to read than the 7 segment imitation of the 832.

I have to agree.  Does anyone know of a way to do this without trying to get a whole firmware dump from another 832A?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: apelly on February 04, 2016, 05:11:45 am
I have to agree.  Does anyone know of a way to do this without trying to get a whole firmware dump from another 832A?
I think we're pretty sure the firmware is identical in these. Has anyone had a look for simple config jumpers? Mine isn't accessible at the moment or I'd look myself.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Maverick71 on February 04, 2016, 12:50:39 pm

I'm unable to enable the HighRes Accuracy on the Rigol DP832.

I get the Keys from here: (
I enteres my Serial and the Option and generate the Key.
I dont use the privatekey for anything.

I tried this update several times.
First it says "Invalid Serial Number" now it says "Installation Fails"

I also tried to Enable the desired Funtctions from USB Stick.
Made preformatted TXT with serial in the first line, key on the second Line
and enter the Cursor to the third line (nothing there) and saved this file to USB Stick.
I changed the file Extension ti .LIC

I tried this updates with Firmware .08
Now Im on 1.14 from here: (!AMNb1hJqvwUjoJ8&id=4648F6D014FCE0A6!545&cid=4648F6D014FCE0A6

Any Ideas for this high accuracy unlock?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Maverick71 on February 04, 2016, 02:31:19 pm

OK, I understand I tried with the wrong Key Gen.
Now I'm on Firmware 1.14 not on 08 anymore.

Is there a working KeyGen for DP832 Model with Firmware 1.14?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on February 04, 2016, 02:49:30 pm
If you got the "Installation Fails" message then you've probably put the wrong key in more than 3 times. As far as I can remember, the DP832 will block all license keys now for the next 24 hours, so you'll have to leave it running for a day before you can try the correct key.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Maverick71 on February 04, 2016, 03:05:31 pm
Thank You, I guess I tried this Codes for more than 20 times...
I'll  report tomorrow.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kazam on February 26, 2016, 10:49:28 pm

I'm observing some strange behavior on my DP832, FW:1.14. This is the output given from the cal program:

Starting Voltage: connect the DMM VOLTAGE inputs to PSU channel 1
Press Enter
Running DAC-V for channel 1
DACV Ch:1 - Step:0 - Nom:0.200000V - DMM:0.018149V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:1 - Nom:0.500000V - DMM:0.318225V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:2 - Nom:1.200000V - DMM:1.016125V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:3 - Nom:2.000000V - DMM:1.811329V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:4 - Nom:3.200000V - DMM:3.001484V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:5 - Nom:4.100000V - DMM:3.891267V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:6 - Nom:5.200000V - DMM:4.980547V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:7 - Nom:6.900000V - DMM:6.671674V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:8 - Nom:7.500000V - DMM:7.270375V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:9 - Nom:8.700000V - DMM:8.460897V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:10 - Nom:10.100000V - DMM:9.856518V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:11 - Nom:11.800000V - DMM:11.544770V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:12 - Nom:12.600000V - DMM:12.339850V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:13 - Nom:13.500000V - DMM:13.231560V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:14 - Nom:15.000000V - DMM:14.717630V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:15 - Nom:15.800000V - DMM:15.510480V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:16 - Nom:16.500000V - DMM:16.206660V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:17 - Nom:17.300000V - DMM:17.002720V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:18 - Nom:18.500000V - DMM:18.194970V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:19 - Nom:19.100000V - DMM:18.794810V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:20 - Nom:19.900000V - DMM:19.586580V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:21 - Nom:20.200000V - DMM:19.884750V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:22 - Nom:20.800000V - DMM:20.479630V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:23 - Nom:21.800000V - DMM:21.468360V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:24 - Nom:22.400000V - DMM:22.062930V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:25 - Nom:22.700000V - DMM:22.363750V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:26 - Nom:23.900000V - DMM:23.561490V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:27 - Nom:24.300000V - DMM:23.956440V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:28 - Nom:25.700000V - DMM:25.352280V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:29 - Nom:26.900000V - DMM:26.542070V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:30 - Nom:27.900000V - DMM:27.532260V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:31 - Nom:28.500000V - DMM:28.126970V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:32 - Nom:28.900000V - DMM:28.525230V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:33 - Nom:29.800000V - DMM:29.426520V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:34 - Nom:30.200000V - DMM:29.827590V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:35 - Nom:32.000000V - DMM:31.614140V
Running ADC-V for channel 1
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:0 - Nom:0.000000V - DMM:0.000032V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:1 - Nom:0.050000V - DMM:0.049575V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:2 - Nom:0.100000V - DMM:0.099314V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:3 - Nom:0.500000V - DMM:0.499981V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:4 - Nom:1.000000V - DMM:0.999880V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:5 - Nom:5.000000V - DMM:4.999513V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:6 - Nom:10.000000V - DMM:9.999473V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:7 - Nom:12.800000V - DMM:12.799610V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:8 - Nom:20.000000V - DMM:20.000810V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:9 - Nom:30.000000V - DMM:30.000650V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:10 - Nom:32.000000V - DMM:32.002000V

The DAC values seem a little whacky and sure enough, after I calibrate the voltages are spot on but the readouts are way off. It will measure 2.002V when set to 2.000V but the DP832 will read back and display 2.961V.

I haven't written the cal data so restarting brings me back to decent values.


Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on February 26, 2016, 11:00:18 pm
Kazam, you don't say what cal program you are using or what your equipment is?

I had similar results when using my (modified) version of bsons python script. I put the issue down to the script not waiting long enough for the PSU to settle after changing its settings, but I didn't investigate as I gave up after encountering the DM3058E bugs (which Rigol have still not fixed).

I just chose not to commit the calibration when I had obviously faulty results.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kazam on February 26, 2016, 11:12:10 pm
To clarify:

Using Matlab script posted earlier in thread. modified to use my Keithley DMM7510.
I checked the strings and values manually when debugging the script and it all checks out.
I have tried different wait times between setting the output of the DP832 and reading the voltage back. It makes very little difference and now I'm using 5 seconds. Still getting really weird data.

Yes, I'm not committing any cal data at the end so no harm done. Just annoying! :)


Kazam, you don't say what cal program you are using or what your equipment is?

I had similar results when using my (modified) version of bsons python script. I put the issue down to the script not waiting long enough for the PSU to settle after changing its settings, but I didn't investigate as I gave up after encountering the DM3058E bugs (which Rigol have still not fixed).

I just chose not to commit the calibration when I had obviously faulty results.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on February 26, 2016, 11:27:23 pm
every time I have run the script, it has been like this or worse for the DAC.

I have no definitive insight, but my theory is that the DAC is just outputting uncalibrated values (vs. values calibrated with the current calibration), which makes sense.

Having run the script many times during development, I have anecdotal evidence that this is what happened. I have more than once written totally erroneous calibration data and the supply was then totally unusable, but, even after that, the calibration script turned up similar results. So I assume it is indeed just ignoring current calibration values altogether while running the script. And in my experience, the DAC is off by similar (noticeable) amounts during calibration, with the ADC being very close.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kazam on February 26, 2016, 11:55:51 pm
OK, so is it safe to write this data then?

I was expecting to see the current calibration in effect before comitting and saving coefficients!

And thanks for the script, BTW.  :-+ I will upload ans share my Keithley version once I make sure it works.


every time I have run the script, it has been like this or worse for the DAC.

I have no definitive insight, but my theory is that the DAC is just outputting uncalibrated values (vs. values calibrated with the current calibration), which makes sense.

Having run the script many times during development, I have anecdotal evidence that this is what happened. I have more than once written totally erroneous calibration data and the supply was then totally unusable, but, even after that, the calibration script turned up similar results. So I assume it is indeed just ignoring current calibration values altogether while running the script. And in my experience, the DAC is off by similar (noticeable) amounts during calibration, with the ADC being very close.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: bson on February 27, 2016, 03:06:59 am
every time I have run the script, it has been like this or worse for the DAC.

I have no definitive insight, but my theory is that the DAC is just outputting uncalibrated values (vs. values calibrated with the current calibration), which makes sense.

Having run the script many times during development, I have anecdotal evidence that this is what happened. I have more than once written totally erroneous calibration data and the supply was then totally unusable, but, even after that, the calibration script turned up similar results. So I assume it is indeed just ignoring current calibration values altogether while running the script. And in my experience, the DAC is off by similar (noticeable) amounts during calibration, with the ADC being very close.

Indeed, during calibration it disables the calibration corrections, or it wouldn't be able to calibrate.  After calibration and installing new calibration data it's important to power cycle the PSU or it will continue operating without calibration data. If I were to guess I'd say it loads calibration tables during power-up.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on February 27, 2016, 03:42:45 am
I just ran the calibration program on my setup. Looks different, but not better :-)

Code: [Select]
Running DAC-V for channel 1
DACV Ch:1 - Step:0 - Nom:0.200000V - DMM:-0.110548V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:1 - Nom:0.500000V - DMM:0.189599V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:2 - Nom:1.200000V - DMM:0.883774V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:3 - Nom:2.000000V - DMM:1.677662V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:4 - Nom:3.200000V - DMM:2.875726V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:5 - Nom:4.100000V - DMM:3.772613V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:6 - Nom:5.200000V - DMM:4.859532V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:7 - Nom:6.900000V - DMM:6.556295V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:8 - Nom:7.500000V - DMM:7.156451V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:9 - Nom:8.700000V - DMM:8.348862V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:10 - Nom:10.100000V - DMM:9.744890V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:11 - Nom:11.800000V - DMM:11.444056V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:12 - Nom:12.600000V - DMM:12.240194V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:13 - Nom:13.500000V - DMM:13.133796V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:14 - Nom:15.000000V - DMM:14.624108V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:15 - Nom:15.800000V - DMM:15.419533V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:16 - Nom:16.500000V - DMM:16.115537V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:17 - Nom:17.300000V - DMM:16.911583V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:18 - Nom:18.500000V - DMM:18.105339V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:19 - Nom:19.100000V - DMM:18.707224V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:20 - Nom:19.900000V - DMM:19.505043V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:21 - Nom:20.200000V - DMM:19.800305V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:22 - Nom:20.800000V - DMM:20.398841V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:23 - Nom:21.800000V - DMM:21.389631V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:24 - Nom:22.400000V - DMM:21.989582V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:25 - Nom:22.700000V - DMM:22.289575V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:26 - Nom:23.900000V - DMM:23.482165V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:27 - Nom:24.300000V - DMM:23.879192V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:28 - Nom:25.700000V - DMM:25.280637V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:29 - Nom:26.900000V - DMM:26.476796V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:30 - Nom:27.900000V - DMM:27.470796V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:31 - Nom:28.500000V - DMM:28.067346V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:32 - Nom:28.900000V - DMM:28.462864V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:33 - Nom:29.800000V - DMM:29.346933V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:34 - Nom:30.200000V - DMM:29.744620V
DACV Ch:1 - Step:35 - Nom:32.000000V - DMM:31.525673V
Running ADC-V for channel 1
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:0 - Nom:0.000000V - DMM:-0.000376V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:1 - Nom:0.050000V - DMM:0.049855V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:2 - Nom:0.100000V - DMM:0.100064V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:3 - Nom:0.500000V - DMM:0.500868V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:4 - Nom:1.000000V - DMM:0.999522V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:5 - Nom:5.000000V - DMM:4.998767V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:6 - Nom:10.000000V - DMM:9.999298V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:7 - Nom:12.800000V - DMM:12.799996V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:8 - Nom:20.000000V - DMM:19.999685V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:9 - Nom:30.000000V - DMM:30.002926V
ADCV Ch:1 - Step:10 - Nom:32.000000V - DMM:31.999284V
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: bson on February 27, 2016, 04:50:51 am
I just ran the calibration program on my setup. Looks different, but not better :-)

Code: [Select]
Running DAC-V for channel 1
DACV Ch:1 - Step:0 - Nom:0.200000V - DMM:-0.110548V
A negative voltage... How is that even possible?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on February 27, 2016, 07:22:22 am
I just ran the calibration program on my setup. Looks different, but not better :-)

Code: [Select]
Running DAC-V for channel 1
DACV Ch:1 - Step:0 - Nom:0.200000V - DMM:-0.110548V
A negative voltage... How is that even possible?

It's always been like that on my DP832. I assume that, just as they go to +32V internally so that they can guarantee that they can do +30V after calibration, they have to go to somewhat negative values to guarantee a good 0.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kazam on February 28, 2016, 02:25:30 pm

I just went ahead with the script and then power cycled. All readings are within 1mV.

Attaching the updated Matlab script as well with notes.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kazam on February 28, 2016, 02:41:44 pm
Looking good!

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on February 28, 2016, 03:18:51 pm
Looks great (making me have Keithley envy)!

Note that for the "readings within 1mV", if you do a full sweep, you'll discover the DAC is a bit all over the place in some spots. See this thread for more background: (
So across the sweep, it's actually much closer to the quoted 10mV accuracy.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kazam on February 28, 2016, 07:04:19 pm
Haha, yes. Great DMM. Highly recommend.

I did a sweep across voltages and attaching the plots. Could be useful for someone I suppose.

I did open it up and soldered a rod across the common terminals of CH2 and CH3 as well. Since I'm working with the unit I might as well do everything properly.


Looks great (making me have Keithley envy)!

Note that for the "readings within 1mV", if you do a full sweep, you'll discover the DAC is a bit all over the place in some spots. See this thread for more background: (
So across the sweep, it's actually much closer to the quoted 10mV accuracy.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kazam on February 28, 2016, 07:56:28 pm
10mV sweep included for completeness. There's some positive bias. Overall well within spec.

I'll stop spamming the thread with plots now...  :blah:  :)

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: bson on February 28, 2016, 09:48:39 pm
10mV sweep included for completeness. There's some positive bias. Overall well within spec.

I'll stop spamming the thread with plots now...  :blah:  :)
Thanks for sharing - very informative!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kazam on February 28, 2016, 10:34:14 pm
No problem!

One other finding worth mentioning is that the internal voltage measurement takes a long time to become available. On the order of 1 second. That's why I didn't bother waiting for that in the 10mV sweeps. Takes ages.

A firmware enhancement would be to sample the voltage when you request it remotely and not simply read out the currently displayed value which I think is what they're doing now. That would speed up things considerably.

Thanks for sharing - very informative!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Skimask on April 28, 2016, 06:41:06 am
If you got the "Installation Fails" message then you've probably put the wrong key in more than 3 times. As far as I can remember, the DP832 will block all license keys now for the next 24 hours, so you'll have to leave it running for a day before you can try the correct key.

Leave it running as in leave power on for a good 24hrs or so?

I got 3 out of 5 keys put in before I got the "Installation Fails" message.  Thought I was doing something wrong.  That's what I get for being in a hurry.  Maybe not so much.

P.S. Using the riglol generator on a DP832 w/ 1.08, but using the 1.09 key gen on the site.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on April 28, 2016, 07:45:02 am
Yes, if you put a wrong key in 3 times then you need to leave it running for 24 hours. It doesn't have an RTC, so the timer is only ticking when it's powered up.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Skimask on April 28, 2016, 01:28:50 pm
Yes, if you put a wrong key in 3 times then you need to leave it running for 24 hours. It doesn't have an RTC, so the timer is only ticking when it's powered up.

DOH...and I was just thinking changing the date/time might work.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Skimask on April 30, 2016, 06:46:51 am
Success...after leaving it on and idling for a little over 30 hours.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: staze on April 30, 2016, 06:50:52 am
So, I have a DP832 that I purchased in November from tequipment, and twice now, the unit has randomly reset on me. It's running the latest firmware, and is newer than the revision with the old crappy undersized LM317 heatsink... anyone had this happen on their unit? One of the times it did it, I thought it was due to an accidental short of the outputs, but the second time, I wasn't in my lab, and came back to the unit having it's output off... and the leads couldn't have been shorted.

Thoughts? Am I crazy, or have others seen this type of thing with their fully updated units?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on April 30, 2016, 07:40:02 am
I've certainly seen it reset itself, and can't pin down what causes it as it is quite rare and in my case appears to have only happened when the PSU has been mains powered on and hasn't even warmed up... So far when I've left it running and come back to it a day later there have been no signs of the reset (ie. outputs switched off)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: pa3bca on April 30, 2016, 08:12:17 am
I've had this once - coincidentally, last week. The unit was on for about a minute, channel 1 output enabled (5 Volt, 0.1A current limit, actual current abt 10 mA). I saw the display suddenly go off, and then the unit rebooted.
I sure hope this was a once in a (my)lifetime glitch...

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: staze on April 30, 2016, 03:23:21 pm
Hmm. "Good" to hear.

Let's see what we have in common then? I have all the licenses installed. The unit is plugged into the network (using DHCP for IP). I had all three outputs on, with the positive of 1 being tied to the negative of 2 (so I had output 1 supplying -12V, output 2 supplying +12V, and output 3 supplying +5V).

I have the unit on a shelf with other stuff on top and around it, but have a "decent" gap on each side to allow for airflow.

In my two cases, the outputs had been on for at least 5 minutes in the first instance, and no idea on the second instance since it happened while I was away. I've also had the unit run very successfully for hours and hours without this happening. :/

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on April 30, 2016, 06:55:29 pm
In my case its only happened within the first 10 minutes of powering on, even with no load or just a single low amp output. Also it happened before I riglolled up all the options and since. I've upgraded firmwares a few times and fingers crossed it doesn't happen with the latest. I'm usually connected by USB...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on May 02, 2016, 08:10:58 am
I've had this happen once as well. In my case: Latest Firmware with all options enabled. Nothing connected at all - ie: The power cable was the only cable coming from the unit. No channels were turned on. The PSU had been running for about 3 Minutes at the time from a completely cold start. That was about a 6 Months ago and has never happened since.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: alank2 on May 06, 2016, 08:56:12 pm
I ordered a DP832, but it isn't here yet.  I noticed that the video above showing an DP832A with a classic display has a regular font instead of the 7 segment style font.  Is that something you can switch to on the DP832?  The 7 seg are ok, but I like the real font a bit better.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on May 06, 2016, 09:15:58 pm
@alank2, no - it's the 7 segment font only.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: alank2 on May 06, 2016, 09:18:43 pm
Thanks for letting me know.  Just out of curiosity - is the firmware between the 832 and 832A the same or different?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: staze on May 31, 2016, 09:20:00 pm
I've had this happen once as well. In my case: Latest Firmware with all options enabled. Nothing connected at all - ie: The power cable was the only cable coming from the unit. No channels were turned on. The PSU had been running for about 3 Minutes at the time from a completely cold start. That was about a 6 Months ago and has never happened since.


My reset issue just occurred again. I was working on something else and heard the fans ramp to full speed like it does on power up, and noticed the outputs were off. They were on previously, but with no load...

Very odd. Thinking I might contact Rigol about this.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: jc101 on June 02, 2016, 01:39:43 pm
I have a weird issue with a DP832A and it's ethernet port and would be interesting if anyone else has issues?

When in DHCP mode, regardless of the lease duration set on the server, the DP832A requests a new IP every 5 minutes.  So it seems to be ignoring the lease duration, although this could be linked to...

Every so often the supply will drop off the network, either a reboot or a reset of the IP parameters via the front panel will fix this.  Also the display will display the LAN connected message at power up OK, than also randomly display this again from time to time.  Even with a static IP address assigned this will happen too.

I have swapped the ethernet leads, different port on the switch etc. and the problem persists.  The unit is running 1.14 but I think it did it with 1.13 too.

It's a real pain as I control the PSU via ethernet for some semi-automated testing of items and it's *really* annoying when it happens as it means I have to restart the tests.  The DP832A will complain it is under remote control, but not respond to commands or even a ping when it drops off.  You need to 'release' it using the Back key when this happens before you can talk to it again.  Even when not talking to the unit via IP and just using the front panel the unit will stop responding on the LAN side too.

Anyone else seen anything strange with the ethernet port or is this a developing issue with my DP832A?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: NF6X on June 02, 2016, 03:52:22 pm
I haven't had my DP832 powered on and under observation enough to be at all sure, but seeing a random LXI splash message out of the corner of my eye sounds a bit familiar.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: jc101 on June 02, 2016, 03:55:45 pm
I haven't had my DP832 powered on and under observation enough to be at all sure, but seeing a random LXI splash message out of the corner of my eye sounds a bit familiar.
I suppose that is good news in that it looks like a software thing then.

I have been pondering changing it for a.n.other 2 or 3 channel PSU to get 0-60v and a high current, might have a look around and see what will fit the bill.  Defeats the point of scripting tests if you have to keep stopping to reset the PSU to get the comms back.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on June 02, 2016, 04:12:13 pm
I haven't had my DP832 powered on and under observation enough to be at all sure, but seeing a random LXI splash message out of the corner of my eye sounds a bit familiar.
I suppose that is good news in that it looks like a software thing then.

I have been pondering changing it for a.n.other 2 or 3 channel PSU to get 0-60v and a high current, might have a look around and see what will fit the bill.  Defeats the point of scripting tests if you have to keep stopping to reset the PSU to get the comms back.

I have never seen any issue with my DP832 resetting or getting on/off the network.

Several of us have scripted this PSU, e.g. to analyze the acuracy of the DAC and ADC and have had no issue. In one of my tests, I did a full 1mV sweep of the whole 30V range, which is almost 24hrs of runtime, with no issue.

Obviously, some people have issues with their DP832, but I wouldn't panic and automatically assume this is wide spread and broken on all units. I am not sure what alternative PSU there is that will give you more perceived stability and specs in this price range.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: jc101 on June 02, 2016, 04:21:47 pm
I haven't had my DP832 powered on and under observation enough to be at all sure, but seeing a random LXI splash message out of the corner of my eye sounds a bit familiar.
I suppose that is good news in that it looks like a software thing then.

I have been pondering changing it for a.n.other 2 or 3 channel PSU to get 0-60v and a high current, might have a look around and see what will fit the bill.  Defeats the point of scripting tests if you have to keep stopping to reset the PSU to get the comms back.

I have never seen any issue with my DP832 resetting or getting on/off the network.

Several of us have scripted this PSU, e.g. to analyze the acuracy of the DAC and ADC and have had no issue. In one of my tests, I did a full 1mV sweep of the whole 30V range, which is almost 24hrs of runtime, with no issue.

Obviously, some people have issues with their DP832, but I wouldn't panic and automatically assume this is wide spread and broken on all units. I am not sure what alternative PSU there is that will give you more perceived stability and specs in this price range.

I haven't always had issues, but it may well be a symptom of something else going on internally, some days are better than others.  There is no panic, but a wider voltage range and higher current would also be handy for the things I get up to these days.  I've had it 2.5 years now and works perfectly with the exception of the ethernet issue, which is just getting really annoying.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on June 02, 2016, 07:01:12 pm
Have you excluded all other possibilities? ie: swapped computers / routers etc to make sure it's not some other part of the setup that's causing the issue?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: jc101 on June 02, 2016, 07:06:19 pm
Have you excluded all other possibilities? ie: swapped computers / routers etc to make sure it's not some other part of the setup that's causing the issue?


Yes, swapped leads and even switches around, the issue always remains with the DP832A.  It will drop out using DHCP or with a static IP assigned too.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on June 02, 2016, 08:55:11 pm
Have you tried it with USB instead of Ethernet? I'm ashamed to say I haven't even tried the Ethernet option myself, but haven't had issues with USB.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: jc101 on June 02, 2016, 09:07:23 pm
Have you tried it with USB instead of Ethernet? I'm ashamed to say I haven't even tried the Ethernet option myself, but haven't had issues with USB.
I have to admit I haven't, I tend to do everything via ethernet as it's just easier in my setup.
I will probably have to move over to USB, assuming that is OK, to keep things running until I get round to sorting things out.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: staze on June 02, 2016, 09:54:01 pm
Rigol got back to me and asked some follow ups, including shipping information. Made sure I was running the latest firmware, etc.

It's very odd. I wish I knew what was causing it. It sure sounds like the LM317 issue, but mine is well after they fixed that. It also sounds a bit like some software watchdog bug...

Anyway, I'll post back when I hear more. If it was easier to reproduce, I'd be troubleshooting a lot more, but just because it runs hours without an issue doesn't mean it's fixed. =/ And since it's under warranty, I don't want to crack the seal to monitor the LM317 or CPU reset pin...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: kandrey89 on June 03, 2016, 05:40:32 am
Not a lot of DP832A threads on EEVblog.

I was wondering if these issues have been fixed in the latest PCB/design/firmware revisions?
1. Easy to overload pass mossfet
2. Do people still prefer the DP832 instead of DP832A? Does DP832 have all the updates PCB/design wise?
3. Where's the DP832A hack thread to unlock more resolution? I saw the "Sniffing Rigol's Internal I2C Bus" thread, but that's like >160 pages, not realistic to go through that.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on June 03, 2016, 07:56:57 am
Not a lot of DP832A threads on EEVblog.

I was wondering if these issues have been fixed in the latest PCB/design/firmware revisions?
1. Easy to overload pass mossfet
2. Do people still prefer the DP832 instead of DP832A? Does DP832 have all the updates PCB/design wise?
3. Where's the DP832A hack thread to unlock more resolution? I saw the "Sniffing Rigol's Internal I2C Bus" thread, but that's like >160 pages, not realistic to go through that.

1 - The 832 and 832A use exactly the same PCB, so all PCB/Design updates should be on both. The MOSFET issue has been resolved on the latest models as far as I know.
2 - The preference between 832 and 832A is mainly just visual. A hacked 832 offers everything that the A offers without the Eye-cancer inducing colours.
3 - The hack doesn't require any I2C sniffing or opening the device. Just use the riglol software to create the keys you need.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: CustomEngineerer on June 03, 2016, 09:50:09 pm
3. Where's the DP832A hack thread to unlock more resolution? I saw the "Sniffing Rigol's Internal I2C Bus" thread, but that's like >160 pages, not realistic to go through that.

There are no options on the DP832A to be hacked. The DP832A is just a DP832 with all options already enabled.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: staze on June 03, 2016, 09:52:29 pm
Rigol issued me an RMA to send my unit in. Thankfully, rather than shipping this beast, I'm going to be in the area of their office (Portland Oregon suburb) in the next month or two and they said I could just drop it off. =)

I'll post back when they've fixed it... and if I get any pictures of the Rigol NA offices. =)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: SupraWez on June 04, 2016, 08:00:43 am
Thanks for letting me know.  Just out of curiosity - is the firmware between the 832 and 832A the same or different?

According to this link it would appear the FW is the same for all DP units :- (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Scottjd on June 13, 2016, 03:18:16 am
Hi Laurent, it looks like you are the creator of the cal script and I appreciate your work and sharing this.
I'm just got a new DP832 that is showing different reading and tolerates, it's said it was calibrated 6 months ago. So I plan to try your script since I have a 3 month old calibrated hp 34401A.
One of the factors for buying this was that I could see the current being used on my DUT without adding burden voltage inline.

So one fothe downfall of most bench meters is the high burden voltage when measuring current draw. I still need to learn more on SCPICOMMNADS and install the computer needed libraries So for calibrating the current side (I) I was wondering if you think it's possible that I could modify the script to read voltage for the current reading. What I'm looking at doing is getting the Agilent current shunt that shows 1mV per 1mA for more accurate measurements with the 34401A. So my thought was to modify the script to pull e mV measurements and apply the difference to the current calibration factors on the DP832.
What are the chances of this working after I do the needed research and learn more on this method of communication to my Equiptment? Are the needed command available for such a change to the script, or would I be waisting my time trying to get this to work?

After reading reviews I expected that even my new unit might be out of calibration to what I'm looking to use it for. So I'm happy to say your script was a big part of my decision in buying the DP832. I like the fact that I can have my 34401A calibrated and then use that to calibrate the DP832 without having to spend on getting a second device calibrated. I'm also banking in the age of the 34401A and that it's done drifting, I'll find out if that's true when I send it out in 8 months for my next yearly calibration and compare the data from the original calibration. If it has stopped drifting then a yearly cal may not be needed for someone like me who is just a hobbiest. If the 34401A starts disagreeing with my Fluke 289 then I will have to figure out what meter went off, but for now as long as they both agree within the tolerance expected then I can trust the meter to use for calibrating other Equiptment like the DP832 and save money not having to pay for calibrations.


Looks great (making me have Keithley envy)!

Note that for the "readings within 1mV", if you do a full sweep, you'll discover the DAC is a bit all over the place in some spots. See this thread for more background: (
So across the sweep, it's actually much closer to the quoted 10mV accuracy.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on June 13, 2016, 04:36:00 am
Hi Laurent, it looks like you are the creator of the cal script and I appreciate your work and sharing this.
I'm just got a new DP832 that is showing different reading and tolerates, it's said it was calibrated 6 months ago. So I plan to try your script since I have a 3 month old calibrated hp 34401A.
One of the factors for buying this was that I could see the current being used on my DUT without adding burden voltage inline.

So one fothe downfall of most bench meters is the high burden voltage when measuring current draw. I still need to learn more on SCPICOMMNADS and install the computer needed libraries So for calibrating the current side (I) I was wondering if you think it's possible that I could modify the script to read voltage for the current reading. What I'm looking at doing is getting the Agilent current shunt that shows 1mV per 1mA for more accurate measurements with the 34401A. So my thought was to modify the script to pull e mV measurements and apply the difference to the current calibration factors on the DP832.
What are the chances of this working after I do the needed research and learn more on this method of communication to my Equiptment? Are the needed command available for such a change to the script, or would I be waisting my time trying to get this to work?

After reading reviews I expected that even my new unit might be out of calibration to what I'm looking to use it for. So I'm happy to say your script was a big part of my decision in buying the DP832. I like the fact that I can have my 34401A calibrated and then use that to calibrate the DP832 without having to spend on getting a second device calibrated. I'm also banking in the age of the 34401A and that it's done drifting, I'll find out if that's true when I send it out in 8 months for my next yearly calibration and compare the data from the original calibration. If it has stopped drifting then a yearly cal may not be needed for someone like me who is just a hobbiest. If the 34401A starts disagreeing with my Fluke 289 then I will have to figure out what meter went off, but for now as long as they both agree within the tolerance expected then I can trust the meter to use for calibrating other Equiptment like the DP832 and save money not having to pay for calibrations.


Looks great (making me have Keithley envy)!

Note that for the "readings within 1mV", if you do a full sweep, you'll discover the DAC is a bit all over the place in some spots. See this thread for more background: (
So across the sweep, it's actually much closer to the quoted 10mV accuracy.

Scottjd, what you are trying to do is not complicated, and everything you'll need is already in the script, so you'll just need a bit of Matlab editing to get it to work.
* First, you should install Matlab, the Keysight IO Libraries and make sure you can run the script and go through the first IDN calls. I used to have a 34401A and the script ran on it in draft form. Note that I was using the serial port and had all kinds of issues with that setup.
* Second, the current script probably doesn't work out of the box on the 34401A anymore, but it should be easy to make it do so. You just have to recognize the 34401A IDN and skip the is34461A section, which uses 34461A-only commands (temperature, uptime... which are not critical to the test).
* Finally, for the 3.2A reading, you have to modify a bit of code. When you detect that the current step is >3A, do the voltage init and reading as done during the voltage stepping and do the math.

Note that at 3.2A, you are unlikely to blow the fuse and the 34401A should be able to measure it properly. I believe one of the users in this thread has done it.

I don't really have time to experiment at home, but I can try to help if you bump into any issue.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Scottjd on June 13, 2016, 04:59:39 am
Thanks for the responce,

As for blowing a fuse with the > 3.2A current  measurement with the 34401A it won't be an issue if I'm using the more acurate current shut, hence the 34401A will be measuring mV, voltage and not amperage.
But yes, I've done short times of 3.2A current measurements with the 34401A, but this is were its the most inaccurate and can apply 2V of burden voltage, it's why I'm looking at using the shut in the voltage side instead for calibration and it more acurate over the 3.2A range.

I won't be using the serial cominication, I have a keysight GBIP to USB adapter so I shouldn't see these cominication errors.

Thanks for the heads up in these potential issues.

Hi Laurent, it looks like you are the creator of the cal script and I appreciate your work and sharing this.
I'm just got a new DP832 that is showing different reading and tolerates, it's said it was calibrated 6 months ago. So I plan to try your script since I have a 3 month old calibrated hp 34401A.
One of the factors for buying this was that I could see the current being used on my DUT without adding burden voltage inline.

So one fothe downfall of most bench meters is the high burden voltage when measuring current draw. I still need to learn more on SCPICOMMNADS and install the computer needed libraries So for calibrating the current side (I) I was wondering if you think it's possible that I could modify the script to read voltage for the current reading. What I'm looking at doing is getting the Agilent current shunt that shows 1mV per 1mA for more accurate measurements with the 34401A. So my thought was to modify the script to pull e mV measurements and apply the difference to the current calibration factors on the DP832.
What are the chances of this working after I do the needed research and learn more on this method of communication to my Equiptment? Are the needed command available for such a change to the script, or would I be waisting my time trying to get this to work?

After reading reviews I expected that even my new unit might be out of calibration to what I'm looking to use it for. So I'm happy to say your script was a big part of my decision in buying the DP832. I like the fact that I can have my 34401A calibrated and then use that to calibrate the DP832 without having to spend on getting a second device calibrated. I'm also banking in the age of the 34401A and that it's done drifting, I'll find out if that's true when I send it out in 8 months for my next yearly calibration and compare the data from the original calibration. If it has stopped drifting then a yearly cal may not be needed for someone like me who is just a hobbiest. If the 34401A starts disagreeing with my Fluke 289 then I will have to figure out what meter went off, but for now as long as they both agree within the tolerance expected then I can trust the meter to use for calibrating other Equiptment like the DP832 and save money not having to pay for calibrations.


Looks great (making me have Keithley envy)!

Note that for the "readings within 1mV", if you do a full sweep, you'll discover the DAC is a bit all over the place in some spots. See this thread for more background: (
So across the sweep, it's actually much closer to the quoted 10mV accuracy.

Scottjd, what you are trying to do is not complicated, and everything you'll need is already in the script, so you'll just need a bit of Matlab editing to get it to work.
* First, you should install Matlab, the Keysight IO Libraries and make sure you can run the script and go through the first IDN calls. I used to have a 34401A and the script ran on it in draft form. Note that I was using the serial port and had all kinds of issues with that setup.
* Second, the current script probably doesn't work out of the box on the 34401A anymore, but it should be easy to make it do so. You just have to recognize the 34401A IDN and skip the is34461A section, which uses 34461A-only commands (temperature, uptime... which are not critical to the test).
* Finally, for the 3.2A reading, you have to modify a bit of code. When you detect that the current step is >3A, do the voltage init and reading as done during the voltage stepping and do the math.

Note that at 3.2A, you are unlikely to blow the fuse and the 34401A should be able to measure it properly. I believe one of the users in this thread has done it.

I don't really have time to experiment at home, but I can try to help if you bump into any issue.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LaurentR on June 13, 2016, 05:11:18 am
Thanks for the responce,

As for blowing a fuse with the > 3.2A current  measurement with the 34401A it won't be an issue if I'm using the more acurate current shut, hence the 34401A will be measuring mV, voltage and not amperage.
But yes, I've done short times of 3.2A current measurements with the 34401A, but this is were its the most inaccurate and can apply 2V of burden voltage, it's why I'm looking at using the shut in the voltage side instead for calibration and it more acurate over the 3.2A range.

I won't be using the serial cominication, I have a keysight GBIP to USB adapter so I shouldn't see these cominication errors.

Thanks for the heads up in these potential issues.

Note that I don't understand your point on the burden voltage. While calibrating current, it is in CC mode and the burden voltage should not matter.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Scottjd on June 13, 2016, 01:15:36 pm
Sorry, I'll explain that a bit more. My old Tripple linear power supply (although it seemed better isolated and had easy features like one button series and parallel and did up to 5A per channel, or 10A -60V depending how you had it configured) worked ok, but the display showing the current draw and voltage was off. So I found my self contanty wiring other meters in line to get an accurate load draw in the device, but in doing so cussed a voltage drop. It's the main reason I wanted a precision power supply so I dint have to spend the star time figuring out how much voltage was drop happened depending on the amount of current being used by the DUT. With the DP832 I hope I won't need the 4 other DMMs wired up when providing 2 channels of different voltages to a single device. It became tired some and took a lot of space up on the bench. Not to mention I only own one DMM that had the 50,000 count and acuracy that I considered acceptable when testing, that's the fluke 289. Other meters like the bryman 235 are great, but lack the resolution sometimes for the finer precision items I'm working on.

So when I was planning out the calibration I kind of figured I would run into the same burden voltage, but now that I'm thinking about it again to calibrate the current factor it wouldn't matter if the voltage was affected on that line through the meter I'm using for calibration since I won't have a DUT hooked up. So it might of been the habit of thinking alway having to put another meter in line since I had to think like that when testing a device.

So since I know the 34401A can take short time with 3.2A (I just did this today using the min/max on testing something by mistake, something i was testing  had a short and caused the spike at 3.2145A) then it sounds like I can just follow the normal procedure and use the 34401A on DCI for the calibration figure adjustments, and forget about changing the code to use the shunt for the voltage reading on the shunt.

FYI, I know I should have had OCP on, but I'm still learning this PSU so the 3.2A reading won't happen in the future unless I need a component to heat up so I can see what's failing with the Flir.


 author=LaurentR link=topic=24919.msg960804#msg960804 date=1465794678]
Thanks for the responce,

As for blowing a fuse with the > 3.2A current  measurement with the 34401A it won't be an issue if I'm using the more acurate current shut, hence the 34401A will be measuring mV, voltage and not amperage.
But yes, I've done short times of 3.2A current measurements with the 34401A, but this is were its the most inaccurate and can apply 2V of burden voltage, it's why I'm looking at using the shut in the voltage side instead for calibration and it more acurate over the 3.2A range.

I won't be using the serial cominication, I have a keysight GBIP to USB adapter so I shouldn't see these cominication errors.

Thanks for the heads up in these potential issues.

Note that I don't understand your point on the burden voltage. While calibrating current, it is in CC mode and the burden voltage should not matter.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Scottjd on July 14, 2016, 12:20:25 am
So I noticed today that you still can not install option remotely on firmware 00.01.14 once you enable the LAN option.
I thought I could save myself some time and enable the LAN, then use SSH to install the other option.
So since this firmware was last updated on April of 2015, I guess its safe to say they are not going to fix this bug.

Are any of the other remote syntax command lines messed up that I should know about now before I start writing or scripting commands. Or it is only the :SYST:OPT:INST that does not work?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: firstcolle on December 05, 2016, 01:36:40 pm

i've recent bought a rigol dp832. i experiece that overvolt protection switch off the channel a second after the threshold is raised.. it's correct???
i tought that this kind of protection is controlled before setting the voltage output.. but what i've seen is that the voltage output go higher than the overvolt set for 1 second and than the channel si switched off..

no problem if the voltage is increased by 10/100mw.. but if is rised by 1 volt or 10 volt this can cause some chips burned....
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TurboTom on December 05, 2016, 04:26:57 pm
Actually I was quite disappointed about this behavior as well. I thought to myself, "Why do they permit an output voltage to be enabled that's clearly above the limit threshold". Well, in a second thought this means, if the output would stay disabled in this mode, you could never charge a battery if you want the O/V function to cut the output when the battery reached charge end voltage. I guess it's difficult to make everyone happy... Anyway, altogether I consider the DP832 a pretty decent piece of kit even though it may still have its peculiarities  ;)


Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ornea on December 15, 2016, 09:00:19 am
I have a weird issue with a DP832A and it's ethernet port and would be interesting if anyone else has issues?

When in DHCP mode, regardless of the lease duration set on the server, the DP832A requests a new IP every 5 minutes.  So it seems to be ignoring the lease duration, although this could be linked to...

Every so often the supply will drop off the network, either a reboot or a reset of the IP parameters via the front panel will fix this.  Also the display will display the LAN connected message at power up OK, than also randomly display this again from time to time.  Even with a static IP address assigned this will happen too.

I have swapped the ethernet leads, different port on the switch etc. and the problem persists.  The unit is running 1.14 but I think it did it with 1.13 too.

It's a real pain as I control the PSU via ethernet for some semi-automated testing of items and it's *really* annoying when it happens as it means I have to restart the tests.  The DP832A will complain it is under remote control, but not respond to commands or even a ping when it drops off.  You need to 'release' it using the Back key when this happens before you can talk to it again.  Even when not talking to the unit via IP and just using the front panel the unit will stop responding on the LAN side too.

Anyone else seen anything strange with the ethernet port or is this a developing issue with my DP832A?
I have been experiencing same.  Mine is a DP831, 00.01.14 Tried different cables different switch, Static IP, DHCP. (Not really sure what AutoIP is but turn it off when I use ManualIP) etc, but sometimes after time has passed it stops responding but not always.

Very annoying
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: jc101 on December 15, 2016, 04:51:56 pm
I have a weird issue with a DP832A and it's ethernet port and would be interesting if anyone else has issues?

When in DHCP mode, regardless of the lease duration set on the server, the DP832A requests a new IP every 5 minutes.  So it seems to be ignoring the lease duration, although this could be linked to...

Every so often the supply will drop off the network, either a reboot or a reset of the IP parameters via the front panel will fix this.  Also the display will display the LAN connected message at power up OK, than also randomly display this again from time to time.  Even with a static IP address assigned this will happen too.

I have swapped the ethernet leads, different port on the switch etc. and the problem persists.  The unit is running 1.14 but I think it did it with 1.13 too.

It's a real pain as I control the PSU via ethernet for some semi-automated testing of items and it's *really* annoying when it happens as it means I have to restart the tests.  The DP832A will complain it is under remote control, but not respond to commands or even a ping when it drops off.  You need to 'release' it using the Back key when this happens before you can talk to it again.  Even when not talking to the unit via IP and just using the front panel the unit will stop responding on the LAN side too.

Anyone else seen anything strange with the ethernet port or is this a developing issue with my DP832A?
I have been experiencing same.  Mine is a DP831, 00.01.14 Tried different cables different switch, Static IP, DHCP. (Not really sure what AutoIP is but turn it off when I use ManualIP) etc, but sometimes after time has passed it stops responding but not always.

Very annoying

Glad it not just me!
I have tried all sorts to keep the IP side going, nothing seems to work for long.  I have been looking at getting a different PSU, partly because of the IP issue and partly as I could do with a wider voltage range from time to time.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: vertual on December 16, 2016, 06:23:02 pm
Same problem, when device controlled by matlab trough ethernet DP832A time to time self reboot. Fixed IP.
I have one 3 years ago, with firmware it happens maybe one time per months.
Second tool new one with latest firmware, self reboot almost 1 time per 1-2 day.
My software just in the cycle one time per second fetch current and voltage from CH1 and CH2.

Even it one time happens on my eyes, CH1 and CH2 self OFF, over 0.5 seconds disappear image on the display, over 2-3 seconds tool again ready to work. But connection with computer terminated, program stopped, output is OFF. 1-2 days of work lost.
after self reboot possible immediately restart program and enable output, but need close port and open again.

Maybe somebody know how fix it, or how to see error log from device?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ornea on December 17, 2016, 02:47:48 am
I have a weird issue with a DP832A and it's ethernet port and would be interesting if anyone else has issues?

When in DHCP mode, regardless of the lease duration set on the server, the DP832A requests a new IP every 5 minutes.  So it seems to be ignoring the lease duration, although this could be linked to...

Every so often the supply will drop off the network, either a reboot or a reset of the IP parameters via the front panel will fix this.  Also the display will display the LAN connected message at power up OK, than also randomly display this again from time to time.  Even with a static IP address assigned this will happen too.

I have swapped the ethernet leads, different port on the switch etc. and the problem persists.  The unit is running 1.14 but I think it did it with 1.13 too.

It's a real pain as I control the PSU via ethernet for some semi-automated testing of items and it's *really* annoying when it happens as it means I have to restart the tests.  The DP832A will complain it is under remote control, but not respond to commands or even a ping when it drops off.  You need to 'release' it using the Back key when this happens before you can talk to it again.  Even when not talking to the unit via IP and just using the front panel the unit will stop responding on the LAN side too.

Anyone else seen anything strange with the ethernet port or is this a developing issue with my DP832A?
I have been experiencing same.  Mine is a DP831, 00.01.14 Tried different cables different switch, Static IP, DHCP. (Not really sure what AutoIP is but turn it off when I use ManualIP) etc, but sometimes after time has passed it stops responding but not always.

Very annoying

Glad it not just me!
I have tried all sorts to keep the IP side going, nothing seems to work for long.  I have been looking at getting a different PSU, partly because of the IP issue and partly as I could do with a wider voltage range from time to time.
Its a terrible work around but if you need to be able to get it back on the network remotely I found shut/no shut on the switchport gets it back online.

Initial tests indicates that it stays online between 6 - 17 hours.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: firstcolle on January 11, 2017, 09:18:47 am

i've noticed another thing.. but for sure i'm doing something wrong..

i have ch1 setted at 5V for a 5V logic board and ch2 at 3.3V for 3.3V logic. the 2 circuits has GND in common and a level shifter for the signal data.

what i see is that the current is measuared totally on ch1 and i have 0A on ch2...

i read about similar problem betwen ch2 and 3 but not for ch1 and ch2. it's normal this kind of readed values?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: bson on January 11, 2017, 10:37:00 am
It's probably your level shifter ending up powering the 3.3V from the 5V.  Try unplugging the 3.3V supply wire from the PSU and see what happens.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: firstcolle on January 11, 2017, 06:22:42 pm
if i unplug the 3.3v all works the same way... if i take off the level shifter the PSU works as i expected..

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on January 12, 2017, 08:18:20 am
Then you've somehow set your level shifters up the wrong way, they shouldn't be able to power the entire 3.3V circuitry, just shift the levels of the data signals.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: firstcolle on January 16, 2017, 03:40:27 pm
yes.. it's one cheap level shifter from ebay with an LDO on board. take it out and now all works as i expected..

many thanks
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: eelliott on January 24, 2017, 02:16:14 am
Same problem, when device controlled by matlab trough ethernet DP832A time to time self reboot. Fixed IP.
I have one 3 years ago, with firmware it happens maybe one time per months.
Second tool new one with latest firmware, self reboot almost 1 time per 1-2 day.
My software just in the cycle one time per second fetch current and voltage from CH1 and CH2.

Even it one time happens on my eyes, CH1 and CH2 self OFF, over 0.5 seconds disappear image on the display, over 2-3 seconds tool again ready to work. But connection with computer terminated, program stopped, output is OFF. 1-2 days of work lost.
after self reboot possible immediately restart program and enable output, but need close port and open again.

Maybe somebody know how fix it, or how to see error log from device?

I've never experienced the issue with the Ethernet connection dropping but I haven't performed long-running tests.  My DP832 was purchased July 2014 and is presently 00.01.14.

However, regarding you question about retrieving the error log, you could try the :SYST:ERR? command.  To retrieve all errors you keep issuing the command until the DP8xx returns 0,"No error".

However, I'm not optimistic that you'll see a meaningful error message.  I connected to my DP832  concurrently over both Ethernet and USB.  I unplugged the Ethernet connection then used the USB connection to issue the :SYST:ERR? query and received 0,"No error" as the response.  In the case of hardware or firmware malfunction (as opposed to unplugging the Ethernet cable) or if there is some mystery event that no one has recognized yet you might get lucky and get a meaningful message.  (Connecting concurrently over both Ethernet and USB was simply a matter of using NI Max to open two concurrent Open VISA Test Panel sessions, one for Ethernet and one for USB.  Keysight's Connection Expert won't work easily for this purpose; it insisted on communicating via Ethernet even though it detected the USB connection. )

Another thought: is there any correlation between the Ethernet dropping and the DP8xx switching between CV and CC mode?  For example, was the display consistently showing CV throughout the test but when the Ethernet drops the display now shows CC?  (The CV vs CC status can also be determined and logged programmatically (:OUTP:CVCC? command), but if its changing state is the cause of the Ethernet problem then the query probably should be done over USB.)  My general thought here is there might be some event which is causing the problem;  CV vs CC is just one candidate.

Another thought is to use Wireshark to detect whether there are spurious commands or requests being sent to the DP8xx.  I'm not optimistic about this being a fruitful effort.

Edit 20170124: There are two ways to determine CV vs CC status of a channel.  My original post mentioned the Questionable Status Register (actually it's the Questionable Status Summary Register) but the easier way is the :OUTP:CVCC? command.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ornea on January 24, 2017, 03:08:21 am
Wireshark maybe revealing (not too hopeful but worth a shot).  I will experiment with this later and get back if i find anything interesting.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ornea on January 24, 2017, 03:11:49 am
Also wondering if part of the IP related circuitry is exceeding temperature limits as it would not be the first time temperature has been an issue for some of Rigols designs.

And may explain why it is intermittent for me as my gear is in the garage (sadly) which is at the mercy of ambient temperatures.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: eelliott on January 24, 2017, 04:17:42 pm
Also wondering if part of the IP related circuitry is exceeding temperature limits as it would not be the first time temperature has been an issue for some of Rigols designs.

And may explain why it is intermittent for me as my gear is in the garage (sadly) which is at the mercy of ambient temperatures.

In re-reading your original post, I see that your DP832A’s are rebooting.  Whereas the jc101 and ornea are experiencing a loss of the Ethernet connection but no rebooting.

Because your DP832A is rebooting, please ignore my previous suggestions about using the USB connection to retrieve data (error messages; register values; CV vs CC status) after the failure.  It’s unlikely that the DP8xx will contain any useful data after a reboot.

For those experiencing loss of the Ethernet connection, NI suggests ( Windows Device Manager > Network adapters > network adapter > Power Management tab > uncheck “Allow the computer to turn off this device to save power”.  It’s possible that this might account for the variability jc101 and ornea reported in the elapsed time before loss of the Ethernet connection, i.e., the Windows timers are probably affected by other activity the user is performing on the PC.  But this would not account for jc101’s new-IP-every-5-minutes experience.  (Another well-known technique for flakey behavior is to use the Device Manager to uninstall the device then Scan for Hardware Changes or reboot to let Windows re-install the driver.)
Re a potential over-temperature condition, if your DP832A loses the Ethernet connection but does not reboot, your code could query (using USB) the over-temperature bit in Questionable Status Register (QSR) but the temperature problem, if it exists, might or might not cause that bit to be set.  I wonder if this coding effort is worth the time; if you simply enable over-temperature protection (Utility > System > OTP), the DP8xx should turn off all outputs if an over-temperature condition is encountered (but only those over-temperature conditions which the DP8xx is designed and programmed to detect).  So, if you encounter both outputs being off and the Ethernet connection dropped, an OTP condition is a likely cause.  You could also use NI Max to query the QSR via USB; I’m not sure how long the over-temperature bit remains set and what events reset the bit.

Summary of thread so far…


... DP832A 01.14 (and with 01.13).
... Acquired early 2014 (2.5 years old at time of initial post in June 2016).
... New IP every 5 minutes but some days Ethernet communication is more reliable.
... Problem occurs even with static IP.
... Swapped Ethernet cables, switch ports.

... DP832
... Might have noticed LXI splash message pop randomly.

... DP831 01.14
... DP831 stays online 6 - 17 hours.
... Like jc101, sometimes the problem occurs and sometimes it does not.
... Problem occurs with DHCP and static IP.

... DP832A #1 01.09: 3 years old (late 2013).  Self reboots once per several months.
... DP832A #2 01.14?: new (late 2016).  Self reboot once per 1-2 days.
... NOTE that vertual is experiencing REBOOTS rather than just losing the Ethernet connection.  No one else has complained of reboots (at least in the couple of thread pages where this Ethernet issue has been discussed).
... In one instance, the DP832A automatically turned off both CH1 and CH2, the display went blank for 0.5 second, and the DP832A took 2-3 seconds before it was usable again, and the Ethernet connection was dropped.  (Comment by eelliott: over-temperature protection (OTP), if enabled, could turn off both CH1 and CH2 -- but the remainder of the behavior seems flakey.)
... Static IP.
... His matlab program queries current and voltage for CH1 and CH2 once per second.  (Comment by eelliott: when my program performs a similar action (repeatedly querying different channels), I hear a lot of relay clicking.  Could this frequent relay activity create a problem over an extended period?)
... The DP832A's are located in a garage (meaning that temperature and humidity might be more variable than most lab settings. Insects? This is a bug thread. :)). 

... DP832
... Is accessing via script over Ethernet but has never had Ethernet connection drop.  Including one test with 24-hour elapsed time.

... DP832 01.14 (purchased July 2014) and DP811A 01.14 (purchased June 2015).
... Uses a custom C# application and NI VISA library.  Never encountered the Ethernet dropping but has never run hours-long tests.
... Static IP.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: sdouble on January 24, 2017, 08:49:07 pm
I own 4 units . Among those 4 units , 3 suffer from "frequent " reboot,
P.S my PSU run 7 days, 24 hours in a vlean and cool environment when in operation.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mc3x on January 25, 2017, 07:05:20 pm

how to uninstall license keys?

This does not work - Press Utility, goto to sys info, press M1, M3, M2 quickly. then press clear.
Ultrasigma does not work either with the  :SYSTem:OPTion:UNINSTall

HELP  :wtf: |O

Ultrasigma eror:

* Error!!!
VISA:  (Hex 0xBFFF0015) Timeout expired before operation completed.
-> :SYSTem:OPTion:UNINSTall
<- (Return Count:0)

I checked in the LCD of DP832 and license keys are still there
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: CustomEngineerer on January 26, 2017, 12:54:35 am
Looking in the programming guide for the DP800 series, :SYSTem:OPTion:UNINStall is not a valid command for the power supplies. As far as I'm aware there is no way to uninstall the options on them. Its not like their oscilloscopes where you can install and uninstall as much as you like.

I am assuming you need to send it in for repair and want to remove evidence of obtaining free services? Good luck.

Edit: If you do happen to figure out a way to do it please post it here for others in similar situations.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Silveruser on January 26, 2017, 02:19:21 am
The same page that generates the option codes seems to have an choice to generate a trial key as well. It may be possible to install the trial key and then just let the time run out. I've never tried it - might be risky as I doubt many people have.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mc3x on January 26, 2017, 03:03:58 am
The same page that generates the option codes seems to have an choice to generate a trial key as well. It may be possible to install the trial key and then just let the time run out. I've never tried it - might be risky as I doubt many people have.

Anyone care to try? with an option code you do not need?
I'm sure somebody has faulty unit not worth to fix, and can easily try this.

My readback is (13-25mV) that is more than 0.05% + 5mV, and I installed official instead of trial key on brand new unit :palm:
The output is bang on, but I need to use this to do logging and stepping etc. I hoped for at least 4mV that I don't mind. but not what I see.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: thm_w on January 26, 2017, 10:11:59 pm
Calibrate it yourself or make up your own external calibration table. Return it yourself if you have to, I really doubt they would care about this.
I certainly wouldn't when I deal with RMA's.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mc3x on January 27, 2017, 04:47:42 am
in the "DP800 Performance Verification Manual" page 2-21 they say:

"Send the :MEAS:VOLT? CH1 command via the remote interface; read and
record the returned voltage value U2 of the query command."

I wonder if reply would be 0.00 or 0.000? meaning that with hi-res option reply would have more digits that without?
Anybody tested this?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: IAmBack on February 02, 2017, 05:43:48 pm
First few with new DP832 minutes and BUG!!! (or failure).
In mine brand new psu OCP in channels 2 and 3 works only ONCE - ie. in the case of shortcut it turns off channel, as expected. But when the next shortcut appears, OCP acts as a current limit (reduces current without switching channel off). Even the best known method of computer specialists (turn it off and on) doesn't help - I need to change OCP limit setting to re-activate for another SINGLE action, but it not always works.
Channel 1 works fine.
Can anyone replicate that, or I have to send this psu back?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: H.O on February 02, 2017, 06:56:40 pm
Just tried it here on my 2013 vintage DP832 with firmware version 1.11 and it seems to work fine on all three channels.

Which firmware version are you running?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TurboTom on February 02, 2017, 07:22:03 pm

On mine, OCP is working as expected (repeatedly) on all channels. F/W, Analog Board Top/Bottom both 02.02.04, Boot 01.09, Keyboard 01.01, all options "liberated"  ;), factory calibration from 2015/11/21.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: IAmBack on February 02, 2017, 08:20:16 pm
Digital version
Analog version
Boot version 1.09
Keyboard version 01.01
Calibration 2015 3 6

Test conditions:
Ch1: set 30V 0.5A, limit 33V 3.3A,  OVP/OCP off, channel OFF
Ch2: set 30V 0.5A, limit 33V 0.3A,  OVP-OCP on, channel ON
Ch3: set 0V   3A,    limit 5.5V 3A,   OVP-OCP on, channel OFF

Test performed on channel 2. Does not work.

No options activated.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TurboTom on February 02, 2017, 09:33:19 pm
Okay, I replicated your settings on my DP832 and the OCP worked everytime. It automatically is rearmed when the output is activated.

I recommend to update the firmware of your power supply to the current version (01.14), maybe your finding is a bug that Rigol eliminated with the update.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: IAmBack on February 02, 2017, 09:43:14 pm
That's what I will try to do.

Seems to be O'k now, so Thank You.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: IAmBack on February 03, 2017, 11:41:12 pm
I've just measured speed of OCP reaction. Not scientific test, but I wanted to see how it works.

I've set output voltage to 2V,output current to 500mA and OCP to 300mA. Output was loaded with 1k resistor. Then the 1,5Ohm resistor was added in paralel as a "shortcut". This allows to see when OCP turns off the output.

For given settings I have measured about 200ms (!) for channel 1 and 2, and about 300ms (!!) for channel three.

Changing the current limit to 2A for channel 1 slowed-down reaction to 400ms (!!!).

With higher output voltage (15V) reaction time shortened to 200ms. I did not checked other channels/settings.

Do You like those results? I expected to see the reaction times 4-5x shorter.

With the values given above I'd say its a bug. Maybe someone can check it with other fw?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: nctnico on February 04, 2017, 12:01:46 am
How much capacitance is at the output and what do the waveforms look like? Most power supplies (say 99.9%) have a large capacitor at the output and it's charge is dumped into the load before the short circuit protection kicks in.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: IAmBack on February 04, 2017, 12:22:53 am
Rather not the result of capacitance.
See the plot.
Current was set to 2A, so the output voltage drops to 3V.
This time, for 15V OCP reaction time  is 400ms!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TurboTom on February 15, 2017, 09:44:04 pm
Has anybody got a Python calibration script for the DP832 (F/W 01.14) in combination with a DM3068 (F/W 01.10) that really works? I experimented with what I found here in this thread (I really appreciate what the contributors provided here even though it won't work for me) and I found out that my DM3068 won't reply to the "uptime:" inquiry so I simply commented the corresponding lines out . Moreover, my DM3068 requires more time for the self test than the timeout setting in, so I increased the setting to 25 seconds which did the trick.

Now the voltage calibration tests (Ch1 of the DP832 so far only) appear to be running okay, yet when I'm supposed to change the wiring for current measurement and confirm this, the calibration procedure terminates with the following message:

Code: [Select]
* DM3068 <<< '[30.0002061]'
* DP832 >>> 'CALibration:MEAS CH1,V,9,30.0002V,0'
* DP832 >>> 'SYST:ERR?'
* DP832 <<< '0,"No error"'
ADC-V  9 :  Point:   +30V - DMM:  +30.000206V - Err:0.000687%
* DP832 >>> 'CALibration:Set CH1,V,10,32V,0'
* DP832 >>> 'SYST:ERR?'
* DP832 <<< '0,"No error"'
* DM3068 >>> 'READ?'
* DM3068 <<< '[32.0024431]'
* DP832 >>> 'CALibration:MEAS CH1,V,10,32.0024V,0'
* DP832 >>> 'SYST:ERR?'
* DP832 <<< '0,"No error"'
ADC-V 10 :  Point:   +32V - DMM:  +32.002443V - Err:0.00763469%
* DP832 >>> 'OUTPUT CH1,OFF'
* DP832 >>> 'SYST:ERR?'
* DP832 <<< '0,"No error"'

Connect the DM3068 10A CURRENT inputs to DP832 channel 1
Press enter to continue
* DM3068 >>> 'CONF:CURR:DC 10A'
* DM3068 >>> 'SYST:ERR?'
* DM3068 <<< '0,"No error"'
* DM3068 >>> 'VOLT:DC:NPLC 100'
* DM3068 >>> 'SYST:ERR?'
* DM3068 <<< '0,"No error"'
* DP832 >>> 'OUTPUT CH1,ON'
* DP832 >>> 'SYST:ERR?'
* DP832 <<< '0,"No error"'
Shutting off PSU outputs
* DP832 >>> 'OUTPUT CH1,OFF'
* DP832 >>> 'OUTPUT CH2,OFF'
* DP832 >>> 'OUTPUT CH3,OFF'
ERROR: global name 'calib_single' is not defined
Calibration failed. Terminating.


Since I'm really not into (Python...) programming, has anybody got the calibration running with a similar configuration or could point me to the right direction so I can get it to run through all modes / channels without errors?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: 2N3055 on February 15, 2017, 09:54:55 pm
I took one from the forums by[ Stupid Beard on the EEVBlog forums ], which in turn was based on a [bson on the EEVBlog forums] and changed it to run on my DP831.
It runs perfect..

Which one are you using? .. I can take a look at it if you like..
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TurboTom on February 16, 2017, 09:59:54 pm
Thanks 2N3055 -

I used "bson's" script with minor modifications (timeout and later DMM reset disabled). Upon your hint, I switched to "Stupid Beard's" script which showed similar difficulties, yet, as it seemed only regarding the DMM. After that I compared the relevant python files with the ones you patched for your DP831 and found the modifications I made to more or less match yours (some function-wise irrelevant parameters were different). I found out that as soon as I disable the DMM reset, the script works (actually the calibration runs and improves my DP832's accuracy, it's almost spot-on now).

And after all that hassle, the coin dropped...  ::) : I connected the instruments to the PC via USB and not via ethernet (was short of patch cables...)! This probably caused all the difficulties and strange behavior. Anyway, this may be valuable information to others, the calibration with the DM3068 via USB works with "Stupid Beard's" script as long as the DMM reset is disabled in the file "". It would probably work with the reset enabled as well if the SCPI timeout was changed to several seconds, but I had no idea how to do that.

Whatsoever, I was able to calibrate my power supply and I guess I learned a lot on my way there... Thanks to all those who have made this possible!

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: jopl on February 17, 2017, 06:24:37 am
Dear TurboTom,
would you be so kind and could you share your final python code?
Thanks, jopl.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TurboTom on February 17, 2017, 08:05:36 am
@jopl -

I basically used the calibration script provided by "Stupid Beard" with a few tiny modification applied to match the DM3068 capabilities. In order to get the script to work with the instruments connected via USB, I had to remove the reset instruction for the DM3068. See attached file for the script as I used it. It still terminates with an error message but the calibration of the DP832 works.

Considerable effort is required to provide the proper Python environment to run the script. I used a PC with Intel Core i7 CPU and Windows 7 64bit O/S.

On this system, I installed the "python-3.6.0-amd64.exe" package (have the path environment modified to include Python) and the following extensions (Google is your friend to find and download them):

numpy-1.12.0-cp36-none-win_amd64.whl (install with "pip install numpy-1.12.0-cp36-none-win_amd64.whl") (extract and install with "python install") (extract and install with "python install")
PyVISA-1.8.tar.gz (extract and install with "python install")

Moreover, to have the required drivers running, I installed Rigol Ultra Sigma which in turn requires the NI IVI environment, all available for download from Rigol.

So altogether, it's not really straight-forward to get things going, and a different operating system may require some of the files to be replaced by the corresponding ones. If you succeed, it may be interesting for others as well if you post your findings and experiences.

Good luck,
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Stupid Beard on February 18, 2017, 06:37:10 pm
I'm glad the script was useful for someone  :)

It could be made a lot simpler to get the python environment setup. I just lost all enthusiasm for updating it once I calibrated my DP832. I suspect that's the problem with all the calibration scripts; you hack it up to get the job done and then you don't care until you have to do it again, at which point you hope everything still just works.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: firstcolle on March 03, 2017, 09:37:29 am
someone use the rigol ultra power app for use the power supply?

i tryed it via USB but i have some problems.. i can see the voltage and current levels but i can't modify the values. i can only switch the channels on or off.
also the graph on the right side is useless if i work with low voltage and low current because i cant modify the y axis maximum level that is always 33V..

is there another software for using DP832 on PC?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: _Wim_ on March 03, 2017, 04:17:00 pm
someone use the rigol ultra power app for use the power supply?

i tryed it via USB but i have some problems.. i can see the voltage and current levels but i can't modify the values. i can only switch the channels on or off.
also the graph on the right side is useless if i work with low voltage and low current because i cant modify the y axis maximum level that is always 33V..

is there another software for using DP832 on PC?
I think you have to change your regional settings (see (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: firstcolle on March 06, 2017, 07:35:04 am
changed comma with dot for the decimal divisor.. now i can change the supply  parameters but i can't change the maximum Voltage for the Y axis on the graph.. any solution?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: _Wim_ on March 06, 2017, 07:46:52 pm
No, solulation for that, and it is very annoying. The software is full of these "features". You also cannot stop the recording to zoom in or things like that. Best way is to start "recording" (writes a CSV-file if I remember correctly), and then analyze the data in excel. But that is of course very cumbersome. I have been thinking of writing my own tool, but I do not need the functionality enough to warrant the invested time. Still hoping another software becomes available that utilites all of the logging features of the DP832...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: firstcolle on March 07, 2017, 08:11:56 am
i found a possible solution but is not elegant..

in the installer folder there is the DP832.ini file (C:\Program Files (x86)\RIGOL\Ultra Sigma\Instrument Tools\RIGOL_DP_Tools_S1402 Ultra Power\Data)
for each channel change the SET V Max and SET A Max value to the desired value. this change the settable limit value but also the max value on the graph. In particular the max value on the graph is the max value between the 3 channels values
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: _Wim_ on March 07, 2017, 06:52:07 pm
Thanks for this. Will keep that in mind if I would ever be in need.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mountainman on March 27, 2017, 12:01:24 am
I've found a bug in the DP832A (00.01.14) VXI-11 stack . The DP832A will only accept the device name 'inst0' on the create_link call. Any other value will result in a device not accessible reply to create_link.

Regards Mountainman
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Teuobk on March 30, 2017, 11:25:27 pm
Noticed a bug with my DP832 today (FW 01.14) while calibrating it. It's possible this has been covered elsewhere, but some searching didn't turn up anything, so I thought I'd share both the problem and the solution.

My output voltage on channel 2 had been about 8 mV low for a while, so I decided to calibrate it today using a modified version of bson's script and my DM3068. Everything was fine until I was checking various voltages after the calibration. That's when I noticed that the DP832 had lost its zero on channel 2, by which I mean it was putting out -86 mV instead of 0 V when it was off. All readings at 100 mV and higher were fine, but once the output setpoint was below about 50 mV, the actual output dropped below 0 V. That's a problem because DP832 channels that are "off" are really just set to "0 V" -- or in my case, -86 mV.

Channels 1 and 3 were -0.5 mV and 0.6 mV, respectively, when they were "off".

I confirmed the problem by wiring my 34401A in parallel with my DM3068. The two meters agreed about all of the readings.

I calibrated again, calibrated a third time, power cycled the DP832, manually calibrated from the front panel, and so on. Nothing helped. The 0 V point remained stubbornly below zero, roughly -60 mV to -100 mV depending on the calibration run.

At that point, I looked through the offsets between the DAC calibration point voltages and the actual voltages. On my DP832, all of the DAC cal points below 5.2 V were off by about 430 mV; said differently, the actual voltages were about 430 mV lower than the nominal cal voltages. The only exception was the 0.2 V cal point, which was only 286 mV low. That made me think: what if I just ignore the actual reading during the 0.2 V cal point measurement and instead tell the DP832 that the measured value was 430 mV low, i.e., -230 mV? So, I patched the cal script to do that, and completed another calibration cycle.

That worked! My channel 2 voltages were accurate to with a mV or two almost everywhere, even with output voltages down in the low tens of mV. Zero was only slightly off: about 4 mV. Close enough!

To recap: I fixed my non-zero output problem on my DP832 by giving the instrument a fake value for the 0.2 V DAC cal point.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: vertual on April 09, 2017, 02:18:22 am
Very long time error not appear. Just catch it. when tool lost connection with computer and off outputs.
probability of this error depend from fetch frequency. 0.1sec - almost stable along 24 hours. 2 sec error not appear 2 mounts.
data3 (-113,"Undefined head...) er keyword cannot be found
data2 (-113,"Undefined head...) er keyword cannot be found

I not know it about computer trying connect to DP832A after fail or it is fail reason

About each 5 minutes request address from DHCP, it problem of 1.14 firmware. 1.09 much more stable.
for fix this problem, i according mac address on the tools assign IP at the router, on the tool set same address but manually.

About prevent off network adapter i will try, but why tool disable outputs if it ethernet problem?

for example if simply cut off ethernet cable and over few minutes put again, measurement session will continue without errors.
computer will wait response from tool. even if instead correct data come error message handle it and resend data request again.
when this problem appear destroyed visa object.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: victorb on April 26, 2017, 10:03:39 am
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say that I received a DP832 today and the FW is version 1.14 and the trigger option works fine using the code generator input using the GUI in the utility menu. Can someone please confirm this and perhaps remove this from the list of problems in the original post?

4. Trigger option disabled in firmware 01.08 and 01.09
For DP832, the Trigger option is lost when upgrading to 01.08 or 01.09.  This appears to be a firmware bug as the trial for evaluating Trigger is not active on new units.  All options can be enabled in firmwares prior to 01.08.
[] [] [] []
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: extide on May 01, 2017, 01:18:48 am
Yes, that is normal. I recently purchased a DP832 that was shipped with v 1.14 and was able to unlock all options using the post v1.09 codes. I also seem to have newer rev analog boards than I have seen so far on here,, it seems the first set of 3 digits is one of the boards and the second set of 3 is the second board so each board in this case is 03.02.04 -- and the first digit in each set of three refers to the hardware version - and the second two the software version. I haven't seen the first digit ever change on other peoples PSU's when they update firmware but the second two do. it seems like 0x.02.04 is the latest f/w for the analog boards. I bet this is simply referring to the f/w in a little micro controller on the boards that houses the DAC's and ADC's for each board. Guess I will have to pop it open at some point and see what they changed.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: firstcolle on May 25, 2017, 12:23:27 pm
haw can i see this menu?? i can only see the first 3 values (model, sn and digital version..)

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: LA7SJA on May 25, 2017, 01:34:47 pm
Press the following keys in quick succession 1, 3 and 2 from the System-Info menu.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: firstcolle on May 25, 2017, 05:52:21 pm
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: dsperlich on August 16, 2017, 03:14:56 pm
I received my DP832 today and noticed something strange. When i have the outputs disabled, but connected to my unfused 10A range of my multimeter, there is a significant current flow, different from channel to channel.
Channel 1: 98mA
Channel 2: fluctuating between -10 and -36mA (see scope shot for waveform on multimeter input, the other two channels are stable)
Channel 3: -17mA

When i select 1mA current limit on all channels and i enable them one by one, only channel 1 drops to 0mA (or i guess 1mA, is in the uncertainty of my multimeter :-) For the other channels i have to set a least 10mV (i don't have the high res option enabled yet) and 1mA to get the expected reading of 0 to 2 mA.

The voltages of the disabled channels are of not so much concern (especially given the cheap nature of my multimeter):
Channel 1: 4mV (off)  3mV (on @ 0V)
Channel 2: -5mV (off)  -5mV (on @ 0V)
Channel 3: -1mV (off) -1mV (on @ 0V)

Did anyone observe the same effect, i couldn't find anything mentioned so far but i might have missed it.
My DP832 came with firmware version: and analog boards:
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TurboTom on August 16, 2017, 08:49:04 pm
Yes I found similar ugliness on mine - Rigol doesn't use relays to disable the outputs and I guess to compensate for the leakage of the pass transistor (and accompanying circuitry), they implemented a pull-down resistor to some internal negative rail. The current, especially when measured with a very low burden voltage ammeter, can be considerable but may vary from output to output (or device to device) considerably --  your finding of 98mA is quite high though. I consider this problem a minor annoyance since the voltage is quite low, so damage to some connected circuitry is not to be expected.

If you want to use the supply in current control mode to feed magnetic coils for some exotic measurements, though, you should be cautious about this problem or make sure there is sufficient ohmic resistance so the (very low) voltage won't cause any significant current to flow.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: IAmBack on August 16, 2017, 10:13:48 pm
I received my DP832 today and noticed something strange. When i have the outputs disabled, but connected to my unfused 10A range of my multimeter, there is a significant current flow, different from channel to channel.
Channel 1: 98mA
Channel 2: fluctuating between -10 and -36mA (see scope shot for waveform on multimeter input, the other two channels are stable)
Channel 3: -17mA

When i select 1mA current limit on all channels and i enable them one by one, only channel 1 drops to 0mA (or i guess 1mA, is in the uncertainty of my multimeter :-) For the other channels i have to set a least 10mV (i don't have the high res option enabled yet) and 1mA to get the expected reading of 0 to 2 mA.

The voltages of the disabled channels are of not so much concern (especially given the cheap nature of my multimeter):
Channel 1: 4mV (off)  3mV (on @ 0V)
Channel 2: -5mV (off)  -5mV (on @ 0V)
Channel 3: -1mV (off) -1mV (on @ 0V)

Did anyone observe the same effect, i couldn't find anything mentioned so far but i might have missed it.
My DP832 came with firmware version: and analog boards:
Lover currents, but I also see them...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Tim5000 on September 11, 2017, 05:43:26 pm
1. LM317 voltage regulator overheating and causing shutdown
Rigol have "resolved" this issue with a v02.10 board revision as shown in these photos ( by Dave.  Apparently this revised board is shipping in all new units manufactured from roughly Oct/Nov 2013.  For units manufactured before that date, Rigol plans to replace units with older boards for free (
>> DIY: A number of users have posted custom fixes, typically replacing the LM317 for an alternate regulator.  Refer to this post by ted572 ( for a professional looking and inexpensive solution ($1.44), which would probably save time as well.

Hi, Is there a way to tell if my device is afflicted by this without taking it apart and breaking the Warranty seal? i.e. a specfic serial number etc?
I guess it's probably too old to worry about the warranty now anyway but I'd still prefer not to if there's an easy way to tell. :)


EDIT: I managed to shine a torch through the vents on the right hand side and could just see the top board version.
It looks like I've got the 2.10 board so it must have got caught early on :)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Silveruser on September 28, 2017, 01:37:11 am

Back on page 18 or so there were mentions of random reboots, I've seen them before and while sitting reading the forum another just happened. Low load on one channel, screen saver on, channel shuts off and system reboots leaving channel off.

Has anyone ever found a solution for this or it just so rare? I've had it running for days without problems then tonight about an hour on it reboots.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Rbastler on September 28, 2017, 07:21:58 am

Back on page 18 or so there were mentions of random reboots, I've seen them before and while sitting reading the forum another just happened. Low load on one channel, screen saver on, channel shuts off and system reboots leaving channel off.

Has anyone ever found a solution for this or it just so rare? I've had it running for days without problems then tonight about an hour on it reboots.


I never had random reboots. Im powering a AD584 to age it, the whole day and no problems so far or in the past.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ornea on September 28, 2017, 11:50:25 am
From the lack of responses it looking like the reboots and (network drop outs) are rare.

I have been wanting to take it apart to look for signs of over heating etc.

Being intermittent is gonna make it tricky.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on September 28, 2017, 12:12:15 pm
My DP832 had one random reboot in 2+ years of extensive use. The unit had been powered for less than 5 minutes and had all channels disabled at the time, so I doubt it's a heat issue.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Jeroen3 on September 28, 2017, 08:22:33 pm
I got mine today! Played around with it, and it works nice. User interface requires some learning, but isn't incomprehensible.
But I notices it doesn't beep on OCP/OVP trip, can you make it beep when OCP/OVP trips? If not, this will be my feature request.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: firstcolle on March 04, 2018, 09:40:42 am

i'm experiencing random reboot (once per week??) even after 1 minute from powering on the PSU, so I tend to exclude the overheating problem mentioned here on the forum.. anyone with the same issues? possible fix?

firmware is the latest 00.01.14

thanks in advance
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: frozenfrogz on May 09, 2018, 01:17:33 pm
Dear all,

I bought a DP832 for our physical computing lab some time ago and barely used it.
Today I had it powering an LED with 30 V / 0,025 A and after about two minutes the channel simply stopped putting out voltage. Now both 30 V channels are dead, putting out 0 V, 5 V channel still working.

Firmware 1.14 is installed.

Is this an issue someone else ran into? Did the PSU just die out of boredome?

Edit: After keeping the PSU idle for some ten minutes, channel two no seems to be back from the dead. It was not putting out anything before, even after rebooting etc.
Channel 1 is still dead though.

I am a little dumbstruck by what is going on here :/

Thank you and kind regards,

Edit #2:
Channel 1 shows "UR" as with Daves unit when it was fried. Think I'll have to send it back to the seller under warranty. Remarkable device. NOT :palm:
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: rgarito on August 22, 2018, 08:12:59 pm
I have a DP832-A which I was attempting to control via LXI/Network.  When doing so, the power supply would randomly become unreachable on the network (would not even respond to pings).  Recovery meant either power cycling or re-initializing the network interface via the Utility menu. 

I spoke to Rigol and they said a beta firmware (1.16) resolves it.  I have tested and confirm that the beta does resolve it (at least so far).

The beta isn't available for download from their site but they replied with a copy of it within about 30 minutes of me sending their tech support an email.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ornea on August 22, 2018, 11:44:13 pm
That has been my exact problem and driving me nuts since day dot.  Is it possible to share the file or perhaps the rigol contact.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: nicolasg on November 13, 2018, 09:53:48 pm
I never understood why they keep such a tight leash on firmwares. Its been at least a year since 1.16 has been mentioned, and its still not "public".
Anyways, i had the same lan problem and i just emailed rigol and in less than a day they replied.

Should maybe edit the main post to includee the known lan issue and the fix is 1.16
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Macbeth on November 13, 2018, 11:07:09 pm
Just 2 days ago I had the simplest of setups possible, some 6x AD587LQ to test - no external components just Vin and Vout. 15V supply from CH1 of DP832, current limit a generous 50mA. Output switched off and back on between each AD587LQ change. No heat as the PSU had been on for at most 3 minutes.

All but one of the IC's measured a perfect 9.9995 - 10.0005 but the DP832 decided to reboot on the second good device of the six. During the reboot it held the output on, it was only when it finally came back up to full Rigol operating system that it actually decided to switch the output off - and I had to manually switch it back on.

No rhyme or reason, but completely shit for a bench supply that should be trusted to be left alone to do it's job, data logging and all.  |O
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on November 14, 2018, 12:06:24 am
I never understood why they keep such a tight leash on firmwares. Its been at least a year since 1.16 has been mentioned, and its still not "public".
Anyways, i had the same lan problem and i just emailed rigol and in less than a day they replied.

Should maybe edit the main post to includee the known lan issue and the fix is 1.16

Thanks for your note!  I am the OP and have not tracked this thread for sometime.  I will update the first post to include information about the non-public v1.16 firmware, and that it resolves some LAN-related issues (the IP lease timeout/renew?).

Would you be willing to post the firmware here?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: nicolasg on November 15, 2018, 12:21:49 am
Sigh, they sent me the link to the 1.14 fw. Now the dance begins to get the proper one.

Ill report back once I do get the proper one, or hopefully someone else on this thread can post the 1.16 they have.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on November 18, 2018, 02:33:34 am
I have updated the first post with information about:
1) Rare random reboots reported by a few users
2) Rare network drop outs, resolved by firmware 00.16 (not officially released, but can obtained from Rigol technical support, or here (

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on November 18, 2018, 02:36:51 am
That has been my exact problem and driving me nuts since day dot.  Is it possible to share the file or perhaps the rigol contact.

@ornea: I have posted a link to the firmware in the original post (  Please try it and report back if it solves your problem.

Sigh, they sent me the link to the 1.14 fw. Now the dance begins to get the proper one.

Ill report back once I do get the proper one, or hopefully someone else on this thread can post the 1.16 they have.

@nicolasg: I have posted a link to the firmware in the original post (  Please try it and report back if it solves your problem.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ornea on November 18, 2018, 05:00:11 am
Thanks. I got the file from rigol and installed ok. I ran my logger script fine for about an hour or so. No glitches. So far so good.
I will report back if it craps out.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ornea on December 28, 2018, 05:03:49 am
I have upgraded a DP831 and a more recently DP832A that both had network issues.  It would randomly drop off the network, unable to ping etc.
I use python via telnet using scpi commands to automate various tasks.

It is still early days but I have not detected any issues and thought others maybe interested in the firmware rather than going thru Rigol.    (Rigol in both instances were prompt  responding)

If so where should I upload the firmware and instructions?

Note: the instructions are a little clunky and defaults back to chinese and defaults some other setting you may have set but not too hard to revert.

pre DP832a upgrade

post upgrade
Analog Same no change
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on December 28, 2018, 05:15:32 am
If so where should I upload the firmware and instructions?

I already posted a link to the firmware (direct from Rigol) in the first post; it's still active.  Is it different to what you have?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ornea on December 28, 2018, 05:27:47 am
If so where should I upload the firmware and instructions?

I already posted a link to the firmware (direct from Rigol) in the first post; it's still active.  Is it different to what you have?


Hi Sparky,

I was unaware (or forgot) of the links you posted and suspect it is the same version.

Note: I tried all the links in the following section but all three appeared broken.

"Firmware Updates and Install Instructions"
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on December 28, 2018, 05:53:25 am
I was unaware (or forgot) of the links you posted and suspect it is the same version.

Note: I tried all the links in the following section but all three appeared broken.

"Firmware Updates and Install Instructions"

Okay, ornea. 

For the install instructions, thanks for pointing out the links are broken.  Indeed it can happen as the files are hosted elsewhere.  I attached PDF files and they are still valid.  I'll edit the original post to remove the broken links.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: thn788 on January 09, 2019, 07:44:06 am
At work we have about a dozen DP832A by now (all with FW 1.14) and we have seen random reboots on pretty much every single one during the last one or two years.

But even with the one I'm using on daily basis myself I haven't been able to figure out any pattern, when this happens. Sometimes it reboots after running day and night for days, sometimes it reboots within 1 or 2 minutes after turning it on. Sometimes the reboots happen under heavy constant load, sometimes during power-cycle tests of DUTs, sometimes with channels enabled but idle (no DUTs connected), sometimes while all channels are powered-off. Sometimes I'm lucky and the PSU works for months without a single reboot, sometimes I get three or four reboots on one single day. Never noticed any correlations with room temperature, either.

Very strange...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on January 10, 2019, 02:29:21 am
At work we have about a dozen DP832A by now (all with FW 1.14) and we have seen random reboots on pretty much every single one during the last one or two years.

But even with the one I'm using on daily basis myself I haven't been able to figure out any pattern, when this happens. Sometimes it reboots after running day and night for days, sometimes it reboots within 1 or 2 minutes after turning it on. Sometimes the reboots happen under heavy constant load, sometimes during power-cycle tests of DUTs, sometimes with channels enabled but idle (no DUTs connected), sometimes while all channels are powered-off. Sometimes I'm lucky and the PSU works for months without a single reboot, sometimes I get three or four reboots on one single day. Never noticed any correlations with room temperature, either.

Very strange...

Sounds like you would be a great candidate for trying v01.16 firmware (see link in first post -- in the list of firmware)!  Hopefully it will solve your reboot problem!  Let us know!

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: thn788 on January 10, 2019, 08:14:29 am
Sounds like you would be a great candidate for trying v01.16 firmware (see link in first post -- in the list of firmware)!  Hopefully it will solve your reboot problem!  Let us know!

Is it possible to just reinstall v1.14 after upgrading to this semi-official v1.16 beta firmware?

We're using the PSUs in a production environment, therefore I can't install a not really officially released firmware on all units. If downgrades back to v1.14 are possible, I might give it a try on the unit I'm using on a daily basis, though. As I'm unable to reproduce the reboots in any known way and they seem to occur pretty randomly and sometimes not at all for weeks, it might take quite some time to get some results.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on January 10, 2019, 08:07:18 pm
Sounds like you would be a great candidate for trying v01.16 firmware (see link in first post -- in the list of firmware)!  Hopefully it will solve your reboot problem!  Let us know!

Is it possible to just reinstall v1.14 after upgrading to this semi-official v1.16 beta firmware?

We're using the PSUs in a production environment, therefore I can't install a not really officially released firmware on all units. If downgrades back to v1.14 are possible, I might give it a try on the unit I'm using on a daily basis, though. As I'm unable to reproduce the reboots in any known way and they seem to occur pretty randomly and sometimes not at all for weeks, it might take quite some time to get some results.

I'm not sure about downgrade from 1.16 to 1.14.  As you have some concerns for your production environment, perhaps you can ask Rigol about downgrade option and also to confirm with them that v1.16 is designed to address the reboot issue.  Other people here already confirmed that but you can always check.  Maybe Rigol will eventually release v1.16 if they realize the reboot issue is more widespread.  So, doesn't hurt to check things with them before giving it a shot.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: thn788 on January 11, 2019, 07:17:58 am
Unfortunately I don't have any contacts at Rigol. Just regular bug-reports via their website and it seems several guys here on the forum tried this already without getting more information?!

I guess I just give the v1.16-beta a shot on my PSU. It is one of our oldest units (about 5 years, now) and if v1.16-beta has some really bad issues and can't be downgraded back to v1.14 I guess it just broke down... ;-)

Due to the random nature of the resets I guess I won't really be able to tell, whether v1.16 fixes the resets or not, unless I still get resets even with the newer firmware. If I don't see resets, it might also be just a lucky run, like I also seem to have with v1.14 some times (sometimes not a single reset in several weeks of daily use).
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: thn788 on January 11, 2019, 07:51:46 am
Ok, some information on the v1.16-beta upgrade:
Version information before update
Code: [Select]
Digital Version :
Analog Version  :
Boot Version    : 01.09
Keyboard Version: 01.01

Version information after update
Code: [Select]
Digital Version :
Analog Version  :
Boot Version    : 01.09
Keyboard Version: 01.01

If I still notice any more sudden resets with v1.16-beta, I'll let you know immediately.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TurboTom on January 11, 2019, 09:32:29 am
My DP811 still resets itself once in a while, even after I updated it to F/W 1.16 beta. AFAIK F/W 1.16 was meant to solve the problem of the frequent network dropoffs.

Since the analog hardware of the DP811 is considerable different from the DP832 (which I've also got but didn't notice a single reset event on that one...), I guess the problem is related only to the front panel board. It's quite interesting to see the problem really appears to be more wide-spread than anticipated. And apparently Rigol hasn't got a solution for it yet.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on January 11, 2019, 06:24:56 pm
Ok, some information on the v1.16-beta upgrade:
If I still notice any more sudden resets with v1.16-beta, I'll let you know immediately.

Thanks for summary!  Unfortunately, though, as TurboTom correctly reminds us the 01.16 firmware was for resolving Ethernet network dropout issues...not random reboots...  Apologies I didn't remember what the firmware addressed.  If you have issues, at least you can downgrade back to 01.14.

My DP811 still resets itself once in a while, even after I updated it to F/W 1.16 beta. AFAIK F/W 1.16 was meant to solve the problem of the frequent network dropoffs.

Since the analog hardware of the DP811 is considerable different from the DP832 (which I've also got but didn't notice a single reset event on that one...), I guess the problem is related only to the front panel board. It's quite interesting to see the problem really appears to be more wide-spread than anticipated. And apparently Rigol hasn't got a solution for it yet.

Thanks for the reminder, TurboTom.  I'd forgotten that 01.16 was for the Ethernet issue.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on July 16, 2019, 10:49:45 am
DP832/A Firmware 16 version was a Beta release, although the current version is a official released version.

Edit: Added applicable improvements.
    Support for USB-GPIB
    Fixed *OPT? command
    Fixed cursor settings
    Fixed LAN Library (network stability)
    Other. . . .
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: thn788 on July 16, 2019, 12:55:25 pm
Funny: the official 16 release seems to have downgraded my analog boards, again:

Version information with v1.14.00.03 official release:
Code: [Select]
Digital Version :
Analog Version  :
Boot Version    : 01.09
Keyboard Version: 01.01

Version information with v1.16.00.00 beta:
Code: [Select]
Digital Version :
Analog Version  :
Boot Version    : 01.09
Keyboard Version: 01.01

Version information with v1.16.00.02 official release:
Code: [Select]
Digital Version :
Analog Version  :
Boot Version    : 01.09
Keyboard Version: 01.01

Does anybody know what was changed in the analog version 01.02.05 version contained in the 16 beta release?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: justincel on October 22, 2019, 07:33:21 pm
good friend  please and high resolution for dp832??
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on October 22, 2019, 08:49:20 pm
good friend  please and high resolution for dp832??
Hello:  I'm not sure what it is your looking for, although this will probably give it to you and much more.
See -> ( 
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: frozenfrogz on October 30, 2019, 01:47:36 pm
Did not want to necro the "bad design investigation" thread and ask here prior to opening a new thread in case I missed an old topic that already has the answers.

Channel 1 on my DP832 died. It just dropped to 0V and now stays that way. There was no magic smoke etc. and visual inspection does not give me any pointers so far.
1: Are there any schematics available that I missed?
2: Is this an issue that has been addressed and solved? (I found a mention of defective channel 1 in one of the postings, but there was a whole unit replacement without further investigation)

I had the unit working close to the max. voltage of 32V @50mA with a COB LED connected at the time when the channel simply died.

I would gladly take any pointers from you to save me some time poking around on the board!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: _Wim_ on October 30, 2019, 07:02:06 pm
Did not want to necro the "bad design investigation" thread and ask here prior to opening a new thread in case I missed an old topic that already has the answers.

Channel 1 on my DP832 died. It just dropped to 0V and now stays that way. There was no magic smoke etc. and visual inspection does not give me any pointers so far.
1: Are there any schematics available that I missed?
2: Is this an issue that has been addressed and solved? (I found a mention of defective channel 1 in one of the postings, but there was a whole unit replacement without further investigation)

I had the unit working close to the max. voltage of 32V @50mA with a COB LED connected at the time when the channel simply died.

I would gladly take any pointers from you to save me some time poking around on the board!

No shematic that I know of, but it should be fairly easy to trace the signal back to the ouptput transisitors and check if these are ok. Does the unit give any errors itself? Does it show that the ouput is on?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: frozenfrogz on October 30, 2019, 07:13:34 pm
No error message of any kind. I can still configure the channel parameters as usual, only thing missing is output voltage.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: _Wim_ on October 30, 2019, 07:27:42 pm
This gives you a little idea about the topology used, but it is not much.

For this kind of problem:
- check output transistors
- check power supply voltages
- check all opamps (opamp ok= zero voltage between inverting and non-inverting output). If not the case, start looking more in detai.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: frozenfrogz on October 30, 2019, 07:34:49 pm
Thanks! Will be a couple of days until I can get to this ("long weekend" duties ahead :)), but will keep you posted on my findings.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TurboTom on October 30, 2019, 10:04:43 pm
There are also several fuses soldered on the power boards close to the terminals where the transformer is connected. Did your LED survive the incident (i.e. no momentary overvoltage/current was present at the PSU's output terminals)? In this case, I'ld assume it's not the pass transistor that failed. Maybe a logic/control circuitry supply problem on the related power board?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: frozenfrogz on November 06, 2019, 03:45:47 pm
Short update of the story so far:

All the fuses on both boards check out fine, so do the current sense resistors and diodes on the outputs.
Output 1 can be switched, the relais works and the on/off LED signals an active channel. Display reads 0.000 for all values, which is correct. Everything seems fine apart from the missing voltage on CH1.
Will have to dig a little deeper...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: mcinque on November 07, 2019, 11:50:10 am
Keep us informed...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: smgvbest on December 18, 2019, 04:55:46 am
Does anyone have,   i download from rigol and its got 1.14 in the file though the title does say its 1.16
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on December 18, 2019, 05:27:13 am

Try this one:
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: smgvbest on December 18, 2019, 06:06:17 am
Thank you
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ted572 on December 18, 2019, 12:49:41 pm

The link provided above for the firmware looked suspicious to me when I opened it up.
If you are interested, I can email the firmware to you.

Edit: The site recommended by JDub to try for getting your firmware " " is definitely in my opinion a site to stay far, far away from.   
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: tv84 on December 18, 2019, 06:25:24 pm
The v1.16 GEL must have CRC32 = AE86CF4E.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: smgvbest on December 18, 2019, 09:29:09 pm
@ted572   Yes I did the DP832A conversion
@ tv84,   Thank you , yes the CRC32 matches

updated and now on 1.16.02
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: core on December 20, 2019, 03:36:12 am
Hi, I've just received a new DP832 unit.

Version information :
Digital Version :
Analog Version  :
Boot Version    : 01.09
Keyboard Version: 01.01

All the options were activated just fine using riglol.

Thanks for the useful info on this blog !
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on December 20, 2019, 11:50:05 am
Hi, I've just received a new DP832 unit.

Version information :
Digital Version :
Analog Version  :
Boot Version    : 01.09
Keyboard Version: 01.01

All the options were activated just fine using riglol.

Thanks for the useful info on this blog !
You can turn the DP832 into a DP832A using a 'magic' USB stick and a single SCPI command; there's a thread here that has all the instructions.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: core on December 25, 2019, 02:04:52 pm
I'd like the round font (DP832A) instead the seven digit one, but can someone confirm if DP832A have the option for monochrome gray display ?
I prefer it instead of "3 colour" version.

Regarding DP832 with all options activated vs DP832A, are there any differences (outside the round font) ?

Thanks !
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on December 25, 2019, 03:50:22 pm
I'd like the round font (DP832A) instead the seven digit one, but can someone confirm if DP832A have the option for monochrome gray display ?
I prefer it instead of "3 colour" version.

Regarding DP832 with all options activated vs DP832A, are there any differences (outside the round font) ?

Thanks !
All the displays that the DP832 can do are available in the DP832A menus, you can have a 'monochrome' display in any single color you want (I think).
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: core on December 25, 2019, 07:55:26 pm
In the end I've converted to DP832A because I've just did the same thing for DL3021 and there was no monochrome option. By the way, the same thing for DP832A.

There is no unitary color scheme between DP and DL interfaces. So instead of two monochrome clean interfaces now I have these strange color interfaces.

But I take it as a compromise for the activated options  ;D
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on December 25, 2019, 09:36:40 pm
I quickly got used to and came to prefer the DP832A's pie chart display.  I also bought colored LEDs to replace those on the front display so I could have colors that matched the display but I haven't got round to fitting them yet.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: core on December 26, 2019, 02:27:20 pm
Good idea, I will replace ch2 and ch3 on/off LEDs in order to match the display  :-+
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sparky on December 27, 2019, 01:17:40 am
I updated the first post with official version for firmware release 1.16 (and removed the download for the beta).

I don't have a DP832 power supply at the moment so I'm unable to test resolution of any further issues.  Please reach out and let me know if there'a anything further needs editing in first post.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 04, 2020, 08:22:09 pm
Hello gents,

It looks like the manual calibration process is broken again in the new update. The bug is readily apparent when performing the ADC-V routine upto the 5V calibration step on channel 1. But even just calibrating the DAC-V borks the output... Tested on both channel 1 and 2. Wow Rigol, just wow.

Also, if you are updating an older unit like I did, the new 01.09 boot loader is not included with the new update provided via (

You will have to create an account on and download version "" there, which is actually version 1.14 but thankfully contains the new boot loader. QC at Rigol is at an all-time low...

As for good news, I got the DP832A connected via telnet at port 5555 and my Tektronix DMM4050 also works via telnet at port 3490. And since I don't have Matlab, LabView or understand Python (I want to learn it, but its syntax is really weird), I plan on writing a new script in Java using telnet rather than RS232, USB or LXI. If there is any interest in the new script let me know and I'll upload it to the forum.

Well time to start coding. Hopefully I can get this SOB PSU working again.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: thm_w on March 04, 2020, 10:15:04 pm
As for good news, I got the DP832A connected via telnet at port 5555 and my Tektronix DMM4050 also works via telnet at port 3490. And since I don't have Matlab, LabView or understand Python (I want to learn it, but its syntax is really weird), I plan on writing a new script in Java using telnet rather than RS232, USB or LXI. If there is any interest in the new script let me know and I'll upload it to the forum.

Well time to start coding. Hopefully I can get this SOB PSU working again.

DMM4050 should have a 34401 SCPI emulation mode or be straight compatible, so one of the existing python scripts will work. I highly recommend using it.
Also mentioned in one of the threads here is that with SCPI calibration, you can get more points than with manual cal, so its a better option in the end.
But yeah, sucks to be stuck with it non-functional for the moment.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 05, 2020, 03:01:23 am
DMM4050 should have a 34401 SCPI emulation mode or be straight compatible, so one of the existing python scripts will work. I highly recommend using it.

The DMM4050 does have a 34401 emulation mode, but I believe the Python code uses either the serial or GPIB bus for the DMM, as the 34401 doesn't have ethernet. So I'd still have to poke around to get the Python code to work with my setup, as I don't have a USB-A port on my new laptop (only thunderbolt 3 and USB type C) to connect a serial or GPIB adapter. And ironically enough, my desktop PC's own power supply just gave up the ghost as I was writing the new script. (It seems the power supply gods have found me wanting.) The old Seasonic PSU has to be eight years old or so by now. I'm hoping it has the 10 year warranty so I can RMA instead of spending $$$ on a new one. At any rate, I think it'll be fun to play around with the telnet access, which honestly seems easier than messing with USB to RS232 or GPIB adapters and figuring out LXI.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 05, 2020, 05:14:00 am
I just heard back from Rigol and they are going to add the 1.09 bootloader to the zip file containing the new firmware. So hopefully no one else has scrounge around when updating an older unit. They are also looking into the manual calibration issue. And finally, I also asked for the factory SCPI procedure. It'd be nice to compare the cal routines to see if there are any differences. So keep your fingers crossed.

UPDATE: Well, looks like they can't publicly release the SCPI cal routine. Oh well. On the bright side of things, they were willing to calibrate my unit for free if I ship it to them. I'm still going to give the SCPI procedure on the forum a try first; and if that doesn't pan out, I guess I'll take up their offer and mail it to Rigol. I have to admit, Rigol does have good customer service here in the US.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 05, 2020, 06:07:44 am
If it is of help to anyone, here is the 1.09 bootloader update file.
Be careful to read the included instructions since they say that improper installation can possibly do irreversible bad things.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: cpposteve on March 05, 2020, 08:52:00 pm
hi all. what is the password for the manual calibration? cheers
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 05, 2020, 11:18:11 pm
I think the calibration password is:    2012
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: thm_w on March 05, 2020, 11:47:16 pm
hi all. what is the password for the manual calibration? cheers

Be careful with the manual cal, its possible to screw it up to the point that the psu is unusable. I would leave it as is until you can run one of the SCPI cal routines ( (which will require a decent DMM).
If you are cal'ing with the 121GW, there is no reason to do that IMO.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 09, 2020, 12:39:37 pm
Its alive again!

I've been stuck at home with what might very well be corona virus (or a very bad case of the flu), and finally decided to write the Telnet script in Java. Java sockets made writing the Telnet client a breeze and with TooOldForThis's reverse engineered SCPI commands I was able to recalibrate channel 1 and 2 better than before the manual calibration fiasco. Honestly, I don't see why people avoid using Telnet, its super convenient and avoids messing with drivers, bulky software and hardware adapters. The only hiccup I noticed was that I had to add some latency between sending commands to the Tek DMM4050, otherwise it would start missing commands. Some 50-60 milliseconds seemed to do the trick.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: MegaVolt on March 09, 2020, 12:46:19 pm
Well, looks like they can't publicly release the SCPI cal routine.

Files found on the Internet:
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: cpposteve on March 09, 2020, 12:48:24 pm
That’s awesome news. I use telnet on some access control panels that we fit for high security applications. And it’s nice to use. But wouldn’t really know where to start when it comes to re calibrating the output voltages.

My actually output voltage is only 5ma off but the read back voltage is around 10-20ma over. Which is annoying. It iratates me when I select for instance 4v and it displays 4.012v on the screen. WHY? It’s really annoying. Surely it should just show what I’ve programmed in. And it doesn’t. I have no idea why. If I wanted 4.011v I would select it. And seeing as it has a resolution of 1mv for accuracy why does it display so far over?

Rant over 😂

I would eventually (it’s brand new, just received mine) recalibrate it so it matches exactly what my meter reads like I could do on my old farnel psu. But that was older and you could use trim pots to get it to exactly where you wanted it. And it just stayed there.

I think I may struggle with re-calibrating this one.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on March 09, 2020, 01:23:02 pm
If it only showed you what you programmed in, then when it went into constant current mode you wouldn't see the voltage dropping. That would be worse.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ornea on March 09, 2020, 01:27:00 pm
I thought ADC resolution was the cause. 
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 09, 2020, 02:43:50 pm
Its alive again!

I've been stuck at home with what might very well be corona virus (or a very bad case of the flu), and finally decided to write the Telnet script in Java. Java sockets made writing the Telnet client a breeze and with TooOldForThis's reverse engineered SCPI commands I was able to recalibrate channel 1 and 2 better than before the manual calibration fiasco. Honestly, I don't see why people avoid using Telnet, its super convenient and avoids messing with drivers, bulky software and hardware adapters. The only hiccup I noticed was that I had to add some latency between sending commands to the Tek DMM4050, otherwise it would start missing commands. Some 50-60 milliseconds seemed to do the trick.
Any chance you could come up with an outline of what we need to set up to run your code on a PC?  I have a calibrated Keysight 34461A that would be the obvious meter to use to cal my DP832.

Hope you feel better soon.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 09, 2020, 04:57:30 pm
@cpposteve after calibration, the read back should be around +-2 counts (when rounding the output to three decimal places). My unit was in a similar state as yours, its last cal date was in 2014, had ancient firmware, and was off by +-20 counts. And now it finally agrees with my benchtop DMM. Though I now question the effort needed to make that happen.

@Gandalf_Sr all you would need to run it is the Java JRE or JDK, a simple Java IDE like BlueJ (to edit, compile and run) or use Notepad++ to edit and Windows PowerShell to compile and then run it. I could turn it into a jar, but you really need the source code to make tweaks as are inevitably needed. Of course being Telnet based, you would need a wired network with a DHCP server, or assign static addresses, and know what device has what address.

To see what its all about I attached a .txt output of the voltage calibration routines for all three channels. It's still a rough draft and may need a few adjustments to work with another DMM, but that wouldn't be hard to do.

Now if only Rigol could improve their quality control regarding firmware bugs and include all the files you actually need when updating...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: cpposteve on March 09, 2020, 05:03:22 pm
Awesome thanks. Although mine is new and manufacturer date of nov 2019.
Is there any reason why people prefer to calibrate it vie scpi rather than through the unit it self? Reading the 16 page document about doing it through the gui it seems pretty strait forward. I really want to get my read back voltage spot on?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 09, 2020, 05:12:30 pm
Is there any reason why people prefer to calibrate it vie scpi rather than through the unit it self? Reading the 16 page document about doing it through the gui it seems pretty strait forward.

There are two main reasons that I encountered. First it's laborious to do it manually. The DAC-V has 36 entries alone. Second, there are software bugs that might actually screw up the calibration process itself. This is what happened to me. I was perfectly fine slaving away at entering the measured values, but the cal set points weren't outputing the correct voltages for some reason. But I suspect that if you use the SCPI clear all command and then go back and do a manual calibration that it would probably work alright. But, then it is still an effort in patience entering all the values manually.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: cpposteve on March 09, 2020, 10:37:36 pm
ok, so i have calibrated the 832a via the on-board calibrator, all in all it took me 1.5 hours to just calibrate voltage out and read back voltages on all three channels, ignoring the current as these are well within spec and prob only 1ma out across the board. now all three channels read correctly and im very pleased with how its turned out.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 10, 2020, 05:56:21 am
Nice job! Its always pleasant when the output and read back agree with each other.

Well, since I'm too sick to do much else I've been polishing the TelnetCal script. It's looking pretty solid at the moment. I just need to tidy up the current calibration process for both manual entry and automatic entry and I'll upload the source files for anyone who wants to give it a whirl.

I've attached the new and improved output file of the script if anyone wants to see how it would work when running.

The main improvements are skipping calibration for any channel, selectively calibrating volts or current and manual and automatic data entry for current calibration.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: cpposteve on March 10, 2020, 08:03:49 am
Awesome work there. Maybe you could do a little tutorial on how to get telnet talking to the dp832. Would prob benefit guys like me. Hope your feeling better soon, can’t be very nice which having that virus.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: ornea on March 10, 2020, 09:38:28 am
Hi Steve,

I have some rough and ready python scripts i have created using telnet to control DP832 for automated testing (puting cheap $1 DC-DC converters thru their paces).

Also some scripts that control the DS-1054Z rigol scope in a similar way to log the output noise from the DC-DC converters as they are loaded up.

Happy to attach if you think they will help.  Warning - my coding kung fu is quite bad, but it may provide some value.  Let me know.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 10, 2020, 09:58:59 am
Awesome work there. Maybe you could do a little tutorial on how to get telnet talking to the dp832. Would prob benefit guys like me. Hope your feeling better soon, can’t be very nice which having that virus.

Seconded. This is what I need too.  I can run up Windows 10 Powershell and Telnet to my instruments from there (first you have to enable Telnet in your copy of Win 10, it's disabled by default) and issue 1-off commands but the bit I'm missing is how to do this in a script form. And maybe this is nothing to do with Python?  Maybe we need to install some sort of Python App and run Py Telnet scripts from there?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 10, 2020, 11:25:42 am
So I would like to be able to do automated calibration of my DP832A and it's being suggested that PyCharm is a good choice for a Windows 10 user like me?

The Github page on Rigol DP832 Calibration Script ( says I need a 6.5 Digit Multimeter supported by python-ivi so I tried to Google if my Keysight 34461A was supported but all that I could find was that Python IVI only supports ( the following...

Digital Multimeters (dmm):
Agilent 34401A
Agilent 34410A

Maybe the Keysight 34461A is compatible because one of its key feature bullets says "Migrate with confidence from legacy model 34401A" but what does that mean in respect of Python IVI?

Any help or advice is appreciated.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 10, 2020, 01:49:59 pm
Well here it is folks. I think you'll be pleased at how simple it is to use if you give it a try. A full calibration for volts + current on all three channel takes about 30 minutes to complete. That's with a 4 second settling time and pausing to move the banana plugs between channels on the PSU and DMM as needed. And can be speed up if you lower the settling time to 2 or 3 seconds. Though I didn't set that as a parameter that can be configured yet.

I should point out that I haven't tested the manual current calibration. It should work, but if its too clunky let me know and I'll try improving it. Otherwise its pretty streamlined. You have multiple chances to escape before it actually sends any commands to clear the cal constants and lets you pick calibrating one or both parameters per channel.

Let me know what you think, or if there are any bugs. I think I squashed them all for the automated data entry routines, but you never know.

UPDATE: Removed old script. See Reply #704 for new version.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 10, 2020, 02:21:11 pm
Seconded. This is what I need too.  I can run up Windows 10 Powershell and Telnet to my instruments from there (first you have to enable Telnet in your copy of Win 10, it's disabled by default) and issue 1-off commands but the bit I'm missing is how to do this in a script form. And maybe this is nothing to do with Python?  Maybe we need to install some sort of Python App and run Py Telnet scripts from there?

Your 34461A should work if you use the script I uploaded. Java handles the two Telnet connections and the code follows the calibration routine outlined by TooOldForThis. You would only need to find out the port value used by the 34461A and edit that line in the .java file (its not a parameter in the script yet). Then check that the DMM commands will work with your DMM. Fluke/Tektronix say they used the 34401 SCPI commands for the DMM4050, but double check. If not, just modify the string commands in the DMM methods (very simple to do). Then compile the modified .java to .class by running "javac *.java" in PowerShell. Next log into your home router and look at the DHCP table to find the addresses of the PSU and DMM (make sure to enable DHCP on each instrument first), or assign them static addresses that match the rest of the network. Then just run "java TelnetCal" in PowerShell.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 11, 2020, 01:25:02 am
I made a few minor improvements to the readability of the prompts and added some .bat files for quickly compiling and running from the command prompt instead of PowerShell. Everything should be pretty easy to use and I've incuded all the documentation needed for someone to get it up and going. Have fun.

UPDATE: Removed old script. See Reply #704 for new version.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 12, 2020, 10:46:28 am
Is there a way to backup/save the calibration on the DP832?  I want to try the automated calibration process but I'm worried that I will screw up and make it worse or even unusable.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: cpposteve on March 12, 2020, 10:54:41 am
If it does then just do it through the the front buttons
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 12, 2020, 03:46:57 pm
If it does then just do it through the the front buttons
Thanks but that was what I was hoping to avoid.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 12, 2020, 04:10:36 pm
Is there a way to backup/save the calibration on the DP832?  I want to try the automated calibration process but I'm worried that I will screw up and make it worse or even unusable.

I don't know of a way to save the calibration but be aware that just starting an automated calibration process for a channel clears out all of the previous settings for that channel.  It does not clear them to any sort of factory calibration -- the parameters are zeroed out so the settings will be really off until the calibration for that channel is completed successfully.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 12, 2020, 09:08:51 pm
As far as TooOldForThis's reverse engineered commands go, there is no SCPI command to read the current cal constants and store them on a PC. It might exist, but Rigol won't release the command set, so we can only work with what we have.

If you use my script, run it till it connects and identifies the instruments. If that step works you are literally half way to calibrating the PSU. The next step is if the DMM string commands are the same as the the DMM4050 as they are for your Keysight unit. There are only 5 methods that really matter, readDMM(), dmmLoclVoltMeas(), dmmRemVoltMeas(), dmmLoclCurrMeas() and dmmRemCurrMeas(). These read and configure the DMM for local and remote operation. These are very simple strings sent via telnet. To test these beforehand, you can simply use putty or windows telnet and send the commands to your DMM. If it responds correctly, then you are good to go and no changes are needed. If your DMM responds differently, then simply change the corresponding string command. Its really that simple. Of course you will need to recompile the modified (by running the compile.bat file) and then copy the new .class files over to the Compiled folder and then double click on run.bat to start the script with the modified string commands.

If the Keysight has a 10A current range and uses a digital filter, then I suspect there will be absolutely no issues. But to be safe just send each command via telnet and if you see the DMM report an error, either change that command or comment it out with "//" (but only for non critical things like the digital filter and turning the display on and off).

At any rate, I wouldn't worry about loosing the old cal data. My unit was screwed up beyond belief after the manual calibration bug and It recovered perfectly fine using the SCPI procedure. In fact, it is now in better agreement both read-back and output than previously.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: tv84 on March 12, 2020, 09:53:58 pm
As far as TooOldForThis's reverse engineered commands go, there is no SCPI command to read the current cal constants and store them on a PC. It might exist, but Rigol won't release the command set, so we can only work with what we have.

These are the commands that Rigol's equipments publicize: (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 12, 2020, 10:44:15 pm
@tv84 Excellent work!

From the .txt file for the DP800 we currently know

013E - SET              SET         :CALibration:SET
013F - MEAS            MEAS      :CALibration:MEAS
0140 - STORe          STOR       :CALibration:STORe
0141 - CLEar           CLE         :CALibration:CLEar
0142 - STARt           STAR       :CALibration:STARt
0143 - END             END         :CALibration:END
0144 - SENSE          SENSE     :CALibration:SENSE

When calibrating via SCPI we only use STARt, CLEar, SET, MEAS and END. So I'm curious what SENSE and STORe do. It's possible STORe might allow reading back the stored cal point "measured value" (which is the actual cal constant). But who knows.

Regardless, even if the cal messes up, you can just correct the error and start over. For example: I accidentally forgot to move the banana plug over to the current input while testing my script and recovered just fine by running the script again. So worrying about saving the old cal is pretty mute.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 13, 2020, 09:48:15 pm
Hello garrettm ,
I was used your script to calibrate my PSU (832) but with a Siglent DMM (3065X) conviced that SCPI are universally ...
The script is stopped to first message "ch1 DAC-V calibration", the DMM and the PSU are initialized but that is all. No calibration at all .
The problem is that now the PSU cannot be manually calibrated because the source does not increase values at next step (measured value ->input value). Somehow data for calibration is missing .
Any ideas are welcomed.
The PSU can be used but is decalibrated with over 700 mv and 50-100 mA on all channels .
From your script I don't understand how "readDMM" function is done to see what is wrong with my DMM .
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 14, 2020, 03:57:53 am
I was used your script to calibrate my PSU (832) but with a Siglent DMM (3065X)

Don't worry, my PSU was basically in a similar state and you can recover just fine using the script. But first we need to edit a few lines of code in

If you could upload a copy of the output that would help me understand where something went wrong.

But to start, I assume you already edited with the correct port number used to connect to your DMM via Telnet. And also that when you ran the script, you entered the correct IP address for the DMM and PSU.

The problem likely occurred either when trying to read a measurement from the DMM or while configuring it.

First, download the programming manual for your DMM so we can get their SCPI commands. These are simple strings that go something like this conf:volts:dc 100, sets DMM to volts dc 100V range.

Next, assuming you are using Windows, download Putty (a free Telnet client). Then use it to connect to your DMM and send it each of the commands used in readDMM(), dmmLoclVoltMeas(), dmmRemVoltMeas(), dmmLoclCurrMeas() and dmmRemCurrMeas().

For now, let's focus on configuring for DC volts and reading back a measurement.

  public static void dmmRemVoltMeas() throws InterruptedException {
    // configure DMM for voltage measurements
    dmm.send("volt:dc:nplc 100");
    dmm.send("volt:dc:filt:dig on");
    dmm.send("trig:sour imm");
    dmm.send("trig:del 0");
    dmm.send("trig:coun 1");
    dmm.send("samp:coun 1");
    dmm.send("disp off");

  public static String readDMM() throws InterruptedException {
    do { // wait for measurement to complete
    } while (!"1"));
    return"\\+",""); // remove "+" from values

Looking at the above methods, we would send:

// configure for remote control / volts dc

volt:dc:nplc 100
volt:dc:filt:dig on
trig:sour imm
trig:del 0
trig:coun 1
samp:coun 1


// trigger measurement


// is measurement complete? should return 0 if still measuring and 1 when measurement is complete


// place measurement in output buffer (Putty reads the output buffer automatically)


// Putty should return
0 or 1
and a voltage measurement if measurement is complete
If the DMM reports an error on the display or Putty does not read back a measurement, you will need to change the value of the corresponding string in the above methods to get the script to work using your Siglent DMM.

For the moment, "comment out" the commands

dmm.send("disp off");


dmm.send("volt:dc:filt:dig on");

by typing // in front of them. I don't know if your DMM has a digital filter or not and turning the display off is not necessary. The rest of the commands are required to read and configure the DMM for the remote measurement and may need to be tweaked to work with your DMM.

Let me know how your DMM responds to the above commands. Until I know more I can't help you any futher.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 14, 2020, 04:57:27 am
@skander36 looking though the Siglent SDM3065X Remote Manual it seems there are some significant differences between it and the Tektronix/Fluke DMM4050.

First, I do not see a digital filter. So we need to comment that out. This is only to help filter measurement noise and is not needed.

Second, they do not use a trigger delay. So we need to comment that out as well.

Third, there doesn't seem to be a way to set the number of power line cycles or NPLC. So we need to comment this out as well. For most HP/Agilent/Keysight and Fluke/Tektronix meters you can set the integration time (0.02, 0.2, 1, 10 and 100). A longer time reduces the influence of external noise on the measurement and increases the number of significant figures reported by the DMM.

Finally, auto ranging is slightly different. Instead of

conf:current:dc 10
current:dc:rang:auto on

used on the DMM4050 to use the 1A to 10A ranges

you would use

conf:current:dc 10
current:dc auto

to hopefully tell it to use the 1A to 10A ranges, but

conf:current:dc auto

may work as well. But you will need to test this since I do not have one of these to play around with.

Overall, its really a quick and easy fix. You just need edit the 5 methods for configuring and reading the DMM for your Siglent meter and you're good to go. And hopefully you learned some programming and SCPI stuff along the way. To be honest, I've learned way more "breaking" things and figuring out where I went wrong than I ever have when they just worked.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 14, 2020, 07:40:13 am
Hi @garrettm !
Thank you for you time to help me.
When running the script the DMM read the first value (about -140 mV) and stay here .
I also try to eliminate one by one commands to DMM .
For sending SCPI commands I can use also Ultra Sigma SCPI tool .
    dmm.send("syst:rem"); - not work
    dmm.send("conf:volt:dc"); - work
    dmm.send("volt:dc:nplc 100"); - work doing the other commands are supposed to do .(do remote , immediate trig, set NPLC 100)
    //dmm.send("volt:dc:filt:dig on"); - do nothing aparently but may be internally
    //dmm.send("trig:sour imm");
    //dmm.send("trig:del 0");
    //dmm.send("trig:coun 1");
    //dmm.send("samp:coun 1");
    //dmm.send("disp off");
So , even is not in manual "volt:dc:nplc 100" put the DMM in the desired state.
The script can be stopped with control+c so is not blocked.
Command from read DMM also work one by one ...
I don't see the reason why is not working .
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 14, 2020, 10:03:40 am
If it stalls after the first measurement, then you aren't triggering a new measurement cycle. Assuming *OFC? returns 0 and 1 correctly, then you need to uncomment the commands for triggering:

// replace contents of dmmRemVoltMeas() with

    dmm.send("conf:volt:dc auto");
    dmm.send("samp:coun 1");
    dmm.send("trig:coun 1");
    dmm.send("trig:del 0");
    dmm.send("trig:sour imm");

If this doesn't work then you will need to rewrite readDMM().

I noticed that Siglent do not use a colon ":" in front of :FETCh? and :INIT like the DMM4050 wants.

So change ":fetch?" to "fetch?" and ":init" to "init" in  readDMM().

If that doesn't work, then the Siglent DMM measurement can be done in two ways.

Using :init, *opc? and :fetch?

Or read?


page 7,8 for INIT and FETCh?

page 11 for READ?

page 92 for TRIGger Subsystem of note is Source IMMediate and BUS

The problem with using READ? is that we don't know when the measurement is completed. Maybe *OFC? can be used here?

At any rate, you need to be able to remotely configure the DMM using Putty (via Telnet) with individual commands and repeatedly receive measurements when triggered and queried.

(For example, you would type the sequence :init *ofc? :fetch?  or read? every time you want a new measurement.)

Then simply copy this working routine into the script. I can only help you so far, and you need to do your due diligence and read the Siglent documentation and play around with sending the commands. The script is very simple and only automates what you would do yourself. So if you can send one off commands and make that work perfectly, then the script will do the same.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 14, 2020, 10:18:58 am
Fetch work with : and without in the same way .
I also try to reduce NPLC to 10 or 1 but DMM doesn't  show measurement anymore . Only 100 show a value on DMM display .
Sometime in putty "fetch?" command return hundreds of values ...
I don't know how this work :return"\\+","") , - first value is negative on PSU (now -235091 mV) .I replaced plus sign with minus but no success .
Doesn't seem to be a quick and easy fix .
I use Visual code and PyCharm to edit code . I also try to use others python script from this thread but cannot make them work (older python version). I succed to connect to other SCPI stuff with python but open source with each other version of something is making me confused.
I don't know Java so you are my only hope ...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 14, 2020, 10:32:19 am
All results inreaDMM are ok as show in pic attached .
I dont know line 355 what do further .

No success with this :

    dmm.send("conf:volt:dc auto");
    dmm.send("samp:coun 1");
    dmm.send("trig:coun 1");
    dmm.send("trig:del 0");
    dmm.send("trig:sour imm");
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 14, 2020, 11:04:45 am
I will have time to look at this over the next week, how do I find out what port number my 34461A is running on?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 14, 2020, 11:24:14 am
I don't know how this work :return"\\+","")"\\+","") simply reads the DMM's output buffer and removes + signs from the string. I did this since my DMM4050 places a + sign in front of all positive measurements. Rigol specifically states that + signs are not needed, and to be safe I remove them. For example +0.999999900E+00 becomes 0.999999900E00.

first value is negative on PSU (now -235091 mV)

A negative value for the first measurement isn't a problem. Look at the included "Example Output of Cal Routine.txt". On line 66 we have

step 0, cal point: 0.2v, meas val: -5.57821200E-02

which is a negative value. This output file is of the calibration of my DP832A. I added it so people can compare it with values that they see and can understand how the script will work before they use it.

All results inreaDMM are ok as show in pic attached .

Almost there. You need to send those same commands MULTIPLE times and upload the Putty output so we can rule out readDMM() as the issue.

What I would like to see uploaded is a picture of the Putty output for

// first set DMM to measure dc current, we want to see if the DMM will change from dc current to dc voltage measurement

conf:volt:dc auto
samp:coun 1
trig:coun 1
trig:del 0
trig:sour imm

if that works as expected, then we need to:

1) manually Telnet into the DP832 and clear the cal constants using

:calibration:start 11111,ch1
:calibration:clear ch1,all.

2) Close Putty to terminate the Telnet connection and then run the script with option 3 voltage calibration for ch1 and option 0 for both ch2 and ch3.

The :calibration:clear ch1,all command will fix any bugs that are present and allow the voltage calibration to work correctly. Then upload the output of the script. If you can manually send commands, then the script can do the same. But if they don't work, then it can't either.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 14, 2020, 11:48:32 am

What I would like to see uploaded is a picture of the Putty output for

// first set DMM to measure dc current, we want to see if the DMM will change from dc current to dc voltage measurement

conf:volt:dc auto
samp:coun 1
trig:coun 1
trig:del 0
trig:sour imm

All that commands work ok from putty . I already check this to see that readdmm method work .
Will try to manually erase cal data.
Wtih these method (manually enter data in scpi console), calibration can be done (i was doing one time) but I need to make it automatically , it takes eons ..
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 14, 2020, 11:50:06 am
I will have time to look at this over the next week, how do I find out what port number my 34461A is running on?
Try 5025 .
But don't commit data if the script doesn't finished ok.
Just restart from switch .
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 14, 2020, 12:05:35 pm
I noticed that you used


more than once... That resets the instrument back to the "default state." Don't use that. It's not needed. Only *cls is needed, it clears any errors present that the instrument might hang on. And to be honest, even *cls isn't needed, but its good practice to clear errors to avoid possible issues.

From what I've seen of the Putty output you should be good to go. :fetch? return only a SINGLE value each time. That's GOOD! If you placed the DMM into current measurement and then used the remote commands to change it back to voltage, which is what I assume you did, then THAT IS GOOD! You now need to figure out the same thing for the rest of the methods: i.e. local voltage and remote and local current measurement setups. In your case, just replace all local methods in the script with the remote ones.

Finally, you just need to put all that BACK into the the file and recompile it and then run the NEWLY complied script. Again, there is no reason the script won't work if you can do it manually.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 14, 2020, 12:05:58 pm

if that works as expected, then we need to:

1) manually Telnet into the DP832 and clear the cal constants using

:calibration:start 11111,ch1
:calibration:clear ch1,all.

2) Close Putty to terminate the Telnet connection and then run the script with option 3 voltage calibration for ch1 and option 0 for both ch2 and ch3.

The :calibration:clear ch1,all command will fix any bugs that are present and allow the voltage calibration to work correctly. Then upload the output of the script. If you can manually send commands, then the script can do the same. But if they don't work, then it can't either.

Done but same problem . Stall at the same point.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 14, 2020, 12:14:36 pm
I noticed that you used


more than once... That resets the instrument back to the "default state." Don't use that. It's not needed. Only *cls is needed, it clears any errors present that the instrument might hang on. And to be honest, even *cls isn't needed, but its good practice to clear errors to avoid possible issues.

From what I've seen of the Putty output you should be good to go. :fetch? return only a SINGLE value each time. That's GOOD! If you placed the DMM into current measurement and then used the remote commands to change it back to voltage, which is what I assume you did, then THAT IS GOOD! You now need to figure out the same thing for the rest of the methods: i.e. local voltage and remote and local current measurement setups. In your case, just replace all local methods in the script with the remote ones.

Finally, you just need to put all that BACK into the the file and recompile it and then run the NEWLY complied script. Again, there is no reason the script won't work if you can do it manually.

For the moment I'll be glad to see if the voltage works and for what reason and after that current callibration will come .
But I dont understand how is voltage reading and interpreted to see why I'm not getting output in script running ...
And I don't understand why are remote and local methods and when and why they are changed (called) ...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 14, 2020, 12:32:48 pm
Done but same problem . Stall at the same point.

Interesting... I can't say what the issue is unless I was able to see your setup.

But I dont understand how is reading of the voltage interpreted to see why I'm not getting output in script running ...

The actual method doing the reading is below. It uses readLine(), which returns a String. All Telnet and SCPI stuff is done by Strings.

  public String read() throws InterruptedException {
    String s = null;
    try {
      s = in.readLine();
    } catch (IOException e) {
      System.out.println("An IO exception occurred");
    return s;

If you are talking about removing the + signs, I think I went over that already. Otherwise there isn't much going on here. If the script was able to print a measurement, then reading the output buffer of the DMM is working. Though something is causing the next read to fail. Either *OPC? is always returning 0, causing an infinite loop or a null string is being received, but that should throw an error.

And I don't understand why are remote and local methods and when and why they are changed ...

The remote methods are for configuring the DMM for automated measurements. The local methods are for in between automated measurements so you can see the DMM screen update normally. The change over between voltage and current is based on a guess for what the next measurement will be. This is so the DMM will be set to measure current as you move the banana plugs from the voltage terminals to the current terminals without needing to do anything.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 14, 2020, 12:58:40 pm
Thank you for your anwers !
I understand about + signs is ok.
I ask about local/remote because  syst:loc and syst:remote commands doesn't seem to work . Instead any commands to DMM put it in remote state , but I cannot put it back to local until reset . Maybe this is the problem so I need to understand if is important to put it back to local .
My setup is simple: DMM direct to PSU . Both are connected to same switch . Laptop Wifi with script running/compilled locally. If you need more details let me know.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 14, 2020, 04:55:15 pm
If the script was able to print a measurement, then reading the output buffer of the DMM is working. Though something is causing the next read to fail. Either *OPC? is always returning 0, causing an infinite loop or a null string is being received, but that should throw an error.
The script is not showing any measurement ! The DMM is showing first value measured after that it will display same value (I have check with another dmm in paralel and it is not getting another values on inputs)
The output of the script show just that :


---------------- Rigol DP800 Series SCPI Calibration ----------------

This script uses Telnet access at port 5555 to connect to the DP832/A
and port 5024 for the SDM3065X

Assuming DHCP is used, a router will assign an IP address to each
device connected to the network
For example: (router / DHCP server), (PC), (PSU) and (DMM)

Enter the IP address or hostname of the DP832/A is online
Opening Telnet connection at port 5555...
Connection established
Querying the instrument...
RIGOL TECHNOLOGIES,DP832A,DP8C211200804,00.01.16

Enter the IP address or hostname of the SDM3065X is online
Opening Telnet connection at port 5024...
Connection established
Querying the instrument...
Welcome to the SCPI instrument 'Siglent SDM3065X'

Please check that the identified instruments are correct before
continuing further

When ready, enter y to begin calibration or n to exit

------------------------ START OF CALIBRATON ------------------------

---------------------- SELECT CALIBRATION TYPE ----------------------

Note 1: If you're having trouble with voltage or current calibrations
performing a full voltage + current calibration will fix this

Note 2: Automated current calibration requires DMM with >= 3A range

Enter value of desired calibration type for ch1

0: skip ch1 calibration
1: voltage + manual current calibration
2: voltage + automated current calibration
3: voltage calibration (automated entry)
4: current calibration (manual entry)
5: current calibration (automated entry)

DAC-V and ADC-V calibration constants for ch1 cleared

-------------------- VOLTAGE CALIBRATION ROUTINE --------------------

Please connect DMM voltage input to ch1 output of PSU

Enter 1 to begin automated voltage calibration

ch1 DAC-V calibration
Terminate batch job (Y/N)?

So it doesn't output a measured value .

It seem that set:rem and set:local  are not used anymore in SCPI . Also Agilent 34410A  has this problem .
It is so important to switch to remote to local ?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 14, 2020, 09:24:44 pm
The script is not showing any measurement ! [...] So it doesn't output a measured value .

Well, there you go. readDMM() isn't working... Again an infinite loop will occur if *OPC? does not return "1" after the meter has completed the requested measurement. But triggering needs to be set correctly first for that to be reliable. If the script cannot print out a measurement it means its not getting one. The only way that is possible is if readDMM() is not returning a String value.

Remember *OPC? is only used to know WHEN the DMM has completed a measurement. At 100 NPLC, measurements are very slow, nearly 1 second in duration. We cannot simply ask the instrument for something it doesn't have yet, so we wait, by querying *OPC?, until the DMM says "I'm done" which is the String value "1".

If :INIT *OPC? and :FTECh? won't play nice with the Siglent use READ?. You will have to experiment with finding out when the measurement is completed when using READ? so you know when to read the output buffer. Also triggering can be done via the bus rather than internally at the DMM. You could try using trig:sour bus instead of trig:sour imm but this requires that you send a trigger over the bus. Read the Siglent Remote Manual. It literally has everything you need to get the script working.

 The automated measurement routines are very simple:

1) configure DMM for appropriate measurement (DC voltage or current)

2) Loop (steps 0-35 for DAC-V cal):
        set cal point on DP832
        wait for DP832 output to stabilize
        trigger DMM measurement and read output buffer
        send measurement to DP832
        print out step/cal point/meas value

At the moment, we think configuring the DMM for voltage is okay and we thought that readDMM() was okay, but to really test these assumptions go to line 89 in and comment out


Then place all the commands for dmmRemVoltMeas() and readDMM() line by line just below where you commented out the calChan() methods.

for example:
    // configure DMM for remote measurement

    dmm.send("conf:volt:dc auto");
    dmm.send("samp:coun 1");
    dmm.send("trig:coun 1");
    dmm.send("trig:del 0");
    dmm.send("trig:sour imm");
    // print 5 consecutive measurements
    for(int i=0; i<5; i++) {
      do { // wait for measurement to complete
      } while (!"1"));

Keep iterating these commands until you can get it to configure and read correctly. Then go back and edit the appropriate DMM methods. This is probably what we should have done first. But oh well.

It is so important to switch to remote to local ?

No. Local mode is only so the DMM will update automatically when the script pauses and waits for banana plugs to be shifted around on the DMM or PSU. Setting the DMM into remote mode is just part of what the Tektronix Programming Manual say to do for fast remote measurements.

It seem that set:rem and set:local  are not used anymore in SCPI . Also Agilent 34410A  has this problem .

Then comment out any commands requesting for local or remote operation and change all the local measurement methods to remote methods. I've already asked you to do this. Again, this isn't hard. If your DMM operates differently than the DMM4050, then adapt the script to how your DMM works.


I noticed that you copied the contents of into a MSFT Word doc... Use Notepad++ to read and edit the .java files directly. Don't use Word. That's just asking for trouble.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 14, 2020, 11:49:45 pm


I noticed that you copied the contents of into a MSFT Word doc... Use Notepad++ to read and edit the .java files directly. Don't use Word. That's just asking for trouble.
;) it is from forum settings . When you have to upload a document you cannot put jar files , so I have to choose something quick . I should have to explain what to do with it or put it into a zip format .  If you open it you will see that is plain text, it was just renamed for a quick upload. I have used Visual Studio Code for editing along with Notepad++ .
Anyway I have managed to calibrate the PSU using LaurentR's Matlab script from here: (
Need some fork but finally it do the job.
Your script has potential because it is not depending on aditional software (MathLab, Python, etc.).
Thank you for your help !
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 15, 2020, 12:58:07 pm
For those who need to calibrate their Rigol DP832/832A with a Siglent 3065X Multimeter using USB connection.
It is possible to use  script attached,  adapted from LaurentR's Matlab script described here: (
It is adapted to MatLab R2019b that can be downloaded from ( . Make sure that package you will download contain "Instrument Control Toolbox" module (it must be included in Basic as I remember well.

Observations :
1.Script has at line 88 a parameter : simOnly = true . This prevent saving calibration data to PSU to allow testing/debugging . To save data to PSU and do a real calibration you must set simOnly = False .
2.At line 89 and 91 you must replace the VISA address with your VISA devices address .
3.At the end of calibration procedure, in console you will see an error about Catch MExc. Just ignore it, is not part of calibration flow. When this arise, calibration is already done. Maybe one that know how to threat this, can remove the error . I don't know how ...

Credits go to LaurentR for his work !
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 15, 2020, 03:09:35 pm
I attempted a Cal of my DP832(A) today with my Keysight 34461A, it failed and I Ctrl + C'd out.  The output is attached in .txt file.

I tested that I could run telnet commands to the 34461A on port 5024 and I was getting response to *IDN? but the readings don't seem to be working.  When my Cal run started, the screen of the 34461A went blank and it beeped, it that normal?  Any idea what's wrong?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 15, 2020, 03:27:09 pm
I'm going through the dmm.send commands around line 350 and trying them out in Telnet, they clearly don't all work. So far, syst:rem and
volt:dc:filt:dig on
generate errors on the 34461A

As expected, the Cal for Ch1 is hosed.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 15, 2020, 04:11:21 pm
So I went through all the scpi commands and modified a few (code attached, zipped) but the results are the same :(

When the code runs, the powershell display is as follows...

Please connect DMM voltage input to ch1 output of PSU

Enter 1 to begin automated voltage calibration

ch1 DAC-V calibration
step 0, cal point: 0.2v, meas val: 34461A> 1
step 1, cal point: 0.5v, meas val: 34461A> *opc?
step 2, cal point: 1.2v, meas val: 34461A> *opc?
step 3, cal point: 2v, meas val: 34461A> *opc?
step 4, cal point: 3.2v, meas val: 34461A> *opc?
step 5, cal point: 4.1v, meas val: 34461A> :fetch?

Then I Ctrl + C'd out

The DP832 seems to be setting the voltages but comes up with an 'Incorrect Command' Error

I am only editing the file, compiling both .java files, and then copying them to the compiled directory.

My instruments are wired but my PC is running wireless.

Any ideas what's wrong?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 15, 2020, 04:39:46 pm
 :wtf: Now I'm trying to do a manual Cal and first trying to go through V DAC calibration and all the fucking values on my meter are -0.231XXX volts!  I tried it several times.


I can get out to the normal screen and enter values like 2V or 20V and something rouglhy similar appears but it's way off.

So now I'm stuck with it being way off and no way to calibrate it at all.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 15, 2020, 04:59:15 pm
Yeap !
This I was getting my self , because script erase all cal data at beginning . - psu.send(":calibration:clear "+ch+",all"); // clear all cal constants
The source still can be calibrated manually - its awfull ... you need to insert by hand SCPI comands and values .

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 15, 2020, 05:13:02 pm
This is the procedure than can be used for manual calibration in case of emergency (attached) .
Try to find the right commands that work for your multimeter or give it a try to LaurentR Mathlab script . At least this will not bork the remaining cal data becuse it has a simulation mode.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 15, 2020, 05:30:04 pm
The attached Python script is known to work.   It's the same one that has been floating around EEVBlog but has been slightly modified for use with a Keysight 34461A DMM.
Requires Python 3.x with the python-ivi library ( 
Change the IP addresses at the beginning of to match your DP832 and 34461A.

Also choose which DP832 channel(s) to calibrate for a given run by un-commenting the appropriate line just after the IP address lines:

calibrate_channels = range(1, 4)    # All Channels
#calibrate_channels = range(1, 2)    # Channel 1 only
#calibrate_channels = range(2, 3)    # Channel 2 only
#calibrate_channels = range(3, 4)    # Channel 3 only

I recommend doing one channel at a time.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 15, 2020, 05:36:48 pm
Thanks skander,

I was hoping to calibrate my DP832 in 30 minutes, now I'm off down a rabbit hole of learning Java and PowerShell scripting; not how I was planning to spend my Sunday. Plus I have a messed-up DP832

It's clear that the Java has something weird going on with how it handles the responses from my 34461A as I can issue all the commands from a PowerShell Telnet window but the responses I see when running Java have commands that I thought were sent out as the apparent response - the one command that I've commented out (because it didn't work) is the dmm.send("syst:rem"); although the dmm.send("syst:locl"); actually does work - really stupidly confusing. 

Now I'm looking at writing a PowerShell script that would issue the commands but I'll have to write it all for the DP832 too :(

I don't own or have any knowledge of Mathlab, can I run a free version?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 15, 2020, 05:40:16 pm
The attached Python script is known to work.   It's the same one that has been floating around EEVBlog but has been slightly modified for use with a Keysight 34461A DMM.
Requires Python 3.x with the python-ivi library ( 
Change the IP addresses at the beginning of to match your DP832 and 34461A.

Also choose which DP832 channel(s) to calibrate for a given run by un-commenting the appropriate line just after the IP address lines:

calibrate_channels = range(1, 4)    # All Channels
#calibrate_channels = range(1, 2)    # Channel 1 only
#calibrate_channels = range(2, 3)    # Channel 2 only
#calibrate_channels = range(3, 4)    # Channel 3 only

I recommend doing one channel at a time.
Thanks, so I'm running Windows 10 64 bit - does Python run in some sort of IDE? Can you please give me a few steps to follow?  I'm code-literate but unfamiliar with Python
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 15, 2020, 06:04:36 pm
When you install Python on Windows 10, it has a very minimal IDE called Idle.  It is just combined text editor and Python command line interpreter (like old fashioned interactive Basic).
A more complete and popular Python IDE is PyCharm ( (  You would only need the free, community edition for this.  The advantage of PyCharm is that you can more directly install add in libraries (like python-ivi) by just selecting them from a list in the IDE instead of having to go through GitHub via the Windows 10 cmd console.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 15, 2020, 06:06:16 pm

So I downloaded Python 3.8.2 From Microsoft and now I have a window that looks like the one below.  It's not clear from the Github IVI driver link in your post what I'm supposed to download from that site or where I'm supposed to put it, likewise for the zip file at the end of your post, where is it supposed to go?  I can't even find a Python folder under Program Files or Program Files (x86) so I'm groping around in the dark here.

Any suggestions would be welcome.

Thanks in advance :D
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 15, 2020, 06:07:14 pm
When you install Python on Windows 10, it has a very minimal IDE called Idle.  It is just combined text editor and Python command line interpreter (like old fashioned interactive Basic).
A more complete and popular Python IDE is PyCharm ( (  You would only need the free, community edition for this.  The advantage of PyCharm is that you can more directly install add in libraries (like python-ivi) by just selecting them from a list in the IDE instead of having to go through GitHub via the Windows 10 cmd console.
LOL, we cross posted. I'll uninstall the MS one and take the one you suggested.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 15, 2020, 06:14:25 pm
So I installed PyCharm but when I look in the list under plugins, there's no 'Python-ivi' or 'ivi' search results?

Also, what do I do with the directory set of files attached to your post above? Where do I put them?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 15, 2020, 06:35:15 pm
You're right, it's not obvious!

With opened in PyCharm, click on menu item: File > Settings...
Select Project:  on the left hand side of the Settings window and then select Project Interpreter.
In the drop down list at the top either select your version of Python or add it using the "gear" button on the right.
Now you will see a list of all of the library packages that are already installed in that particular version of Python.  Click the '+' button on the top right to see a list of all other available packages.  Select to install python-ivi and python-vxi11.  You may need to add others if they are needed as dependents of installed packages.  You will find out when you try to run the program and it crashes saying it cannot find something.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 15, 2020, 06:51:50 pm
Also, what do I do with the directory set of files attached to your post above? Where do I put them?

The directory can be anywhere in your computer's file system.  The files are just documents that are treated as Python source code (*.py).
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 15, 2020, 06:55:41 pm
Thanks skander,

I was hoping to calibrate my DP832 in 30 minutes, now I'm off down a rabbit hole of learning Java and PowerShell scripting; not how I was planning to spend my Sunday. Plus I have a messed-up DP832

It's clear that the Java has something weird going on with how it handles the responses from my 34461A as I can issue all the commands from a PowerShell Telnet window but the responses I see when running Java have commands that I thought were sent out as the apparent response - the one command that I've commented out (because it didn't work) is the dmm.send("syst:rem"); although the dmm.send("syst:locl"); actually does work - really stupidly confusing. 

Now I'm looking at writing a PowerShell script that would issue the commands but I'll have to write it all for the DP832 too :(

I don't own or have any knowledge of Mathlab, can I run a free version?

Yes it can be downloaded as trial version  ,as I was doing .
I was also try script from JDubU in python but I cannot make python-ivi to work . This is the dark side of open-source everyone has own version of the same thing but they work different .
I have Py-Charm and Visual Studio Code installed and I have used Python scripts to connect succesfully to Rigol oscilloscope . Until now I managed to install all kind of packages in Py-Charm but at those scripts with Python-Visa I give up .
Good luck !
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 15, 2020, 07:02:49 pm
You're right, it's not obvious!

With opened in PyCharm, click on menu item: File > Settings...
Select Project:  on the left hand side of the Settings window and then select Project Interpreter.
In the drop down list at the top either select your version of Python or add it using the "gear" button on the right.
Now you will see a list of all of the library packages that are already installed in that particular version of Python.  Click the '+' button on the top right to see a list of all other available packages.  Select to install python-ivi and python-vxi11.  You may need to add others if they are needed as dependents of installed packages.  You will find out when you try to run the program and it crashes saying it cannot find something.
I put your files in a folder and opened but, following your instructions above, the PyCharm menu systems can't find any interpreters.  Was I supposed to download one separately to PyCharm or did PyCharm put it somewhere that it needs to be told?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 15, 2020, 07:25:40 pm
You'll need to install Python 3 separately: (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 15, 2020, 08:47:14 pm
I just tried to test the Python program from a fresh install and discovered a problem with the official python-ivi package on GitHub.  The repository that can be downloaded is actually an older one that does not include the newer 34461A and 34465A instruments additions (despite what the notes on the page say). 
I have reconstructed those files and attached them below as a zip file.

Unzip these files and copy/replace them into the following (default) Python 3 folder:

C:\Users\<USER NAME>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python<VERSION>\Lib\site-packages\ivi\agilent

Where <USER NAME> and <VERSION> are specific to your Windows user name and Python version number
In PyCharm, you will need to clear its file cache in order to see the new files.  Do this by clicking on menu item File > Invalidate Caches / Restart.

It now works for me on this fresh install.

Edit:  The user installed packages that you will need are: 

python-ivi (modified with the attached files)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 15, 2020, 09:31:06 pm
pip3 install python-vxi11
This was missing from my setup ...
The script work with Siglent 3065X but cannot switch from Volt DC to Amp DC , but if you manually switch the callibration is done !
I need only to find why is not switching .

Thank you JDubU !

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 15, 2020, 09:35:54 pm
pip3 install python-vxi11
This was missing from my setup ...
The script work with Siglent 3065X but cannot switch from Volt DC to Amp DC , but if you manually switch the callibration is done !
I need only to find why is not switching .

Thank you JDubU !
Thanks JDubU :D

I got PyCharm installed and added the MS Windows Python 3.8 which I can now see and select as the interpreter in the Setting as per your earlier post but there are no plugins listed and I get the error message below.  I got a warning that I had a permissions issue so I ran PyCharm in admin mode but it still didn't work.

I've had better days than today.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 15, 2020, 10:08:58 pm
I think that this thing  slowing you working logic probes project .
In PyCharm you must have all needed packages  installed (attached) if that helps you ...

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 15, 2020, 10:10:52 pm

I got PyCharm installed and added the MS Windows Python 3.8 which I can now see and select as the interpreter in the Setting as per your earlier post but there are no plugins listed and I get the error message below.  I got a warning that I had a permissions issue so I ran PyCharm in admin mode but it still didn't work.

I've had better days than today.

The default installation location for Python 3.8 in Windows is :

C:\Users\<USER NAME>\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38

I don't know why it was installed in the (protected) Program Files folder.  Also, I have not seen it referred to Python "SDK".

The direct link for the official Python 3.8 download is: (

Might want to try uninstalling your existing version and then install this one instead in its default location.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 15, 2020, 10:19:25 pm
Followup on the python-ivi version issue:

It looks like the version that has the additional Keysight/Agilent instruments (including the 3446x DMMs) is a later branch off the official version. 

There are two different GitHub pages for them:    (official version)          (later version with 34461A and other newer Keysight instruments)

The PyCharm package loader seems to only see the first, official one.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 15, 2020, 10:36:41 pm

Thanks for sticking with me :D  I uninstalled the MS Windows version of Python 3.8 and downloaded the one from ( and then I could follow your instructions to add the 3 packages so that's where I'm at now.


Now I need to follow you instructions on modifying the installed package.

So now I see the Pythin code and the interpreter and packages are all there, I modify the IP addresses, select what channels I want to calibrate, and then...

How do I execute this?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 15, 2020, 10:48:07 pm

So now I see the Pythin code and the interpreter and packages are all there, I modify the IP addresses, select what channels I want to calibrate, and then...

How do I execute this?

In PyCharm, select menu item:  Run > Run 'calibrate'
If all is setup and working properly, you will see a Run window at the bottom with interactive messages from the calibration program to make connections, OK each step and show readouts of each calibration data point.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 15, 2020, 10:48:56 pm
The ivi\agilent folder wasn't where you said it was, it was here...


and I replaced/added the files there with the 3 in your zip file

Hope it's going to work, I'm not going to be able to try this until tomorrow now.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 15, 2020, 11:09:21 pm
That location is suspicious since it is in a temp folder.  It should be in a subfolder of the Python 3.8 installation folder (...\Python38\Lib\site-packages\ivi\agilent) since it augments the behavior of Python for all programs.
It may be that there is a copy of it in the wrong place because you had to reinstall Python. 
In PyCharm, I suggest that you remove and then re-add those packages (python-ivi, python-vxi11 and numpy) and then go back to the new Python installation folder and do the file modification of python-ivi there.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 15, 2020, 11:43:59 pm
That location is suspicious since it is in a temp folder.  It should be in a subfolder of the Python 3.8 installation folder (...\Python38\Lib\site-packages\ivi\agilent) since it augments the behavior of Python for all programs.
It may be that there is a copy of it in the wrong place because you had to reinstall Python. 
In PyCharm, I suggest that you remove and then re-add those packages (python-ivi, python-vxi11 and numpy) and then go back to the new Python installation folder and do the file modification of python-ivi there.
I think it's Windoze security keeping me from changing certain things, I've had this before where the Temp/xx/yy folders mimic the Programs/xx/yy folder and, when the code wants the file, it finds it in the temp folder.  If I'm wrong, I'll try what you suggest.

Have a great evening :D
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 16, 2020, 01:21:51 pm
OK, I'm happy to report that I've managed to do a full calibration on my DP832(A) with my Keysight 34461A using the PyCharm/Python 3.8 setup. 
Here's a few notes if you're trying to follow in my footsteps.


2. Then, install PyCharm (which is just an IDE front end) and it will (eventually) find the interpreter that's installed by step 1*.

3. Add the 3 packages*:
 python-ivi (modified with the files attached to this post (
The modified files had to go into this directory for me on Windows 10...
One file ( will replace the one that's already there, the other 2 will be new to the folder

4. When you run the code, all goes well until the first time you are asked to connect to the 10A terminals of the 34461A for the first current test; the issue is that the meter defaults to the 3A terminals (there's a soft button bottom left of the 34461A's screen that toggles between the 3A and 10A terminals).  So my first run was hosed because it was reading the 3A terminals while the current was connected to the 10A terminals (the datasheet for the 34461A says that the max current into the 3A terminal is 3A!).  I fixed it by rerunning and, when it asked to connect to the 10A terminals, I pressed the following buttons on the 34461A... (shift) (shift) (DCI) - soft button for 10A - there are 2 shifts because the first time you press it, it doesn't work but gets the meter out of remote mode - don't worry as the code takes over once you start it again.  The ideal fix for this would be for there to be an extra command in the .py code to put the 34461A into 10A terminal selection.  I was prepared to do this for subsequent channel Amps tests but it seemed like the meter remembered that I wanted to use the 10A terminals.

5. Each time I reran the code, it looked like the errors were still there (huge) but this is likely because each old calibration is wiped before it starts each new run.

The Java code provided by Garrettm DOES NOT WORK WITH THE 34461A! DO NOT USE IT (unless it gets fixed) AS IT WILL HOSE YOU DP832(A)'s CAL.  I appreciate that he was trying to help.

MANY THANKS TO JDubU for his assistance with getting the Python code running  :-+

* See the details in the previous 2 pages from JDubU
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: H.O on March 16, 2020, 02:34:34 pm
For the 34461A the SCPI command for switching to 10A current measurment seems to be
Code: [Select]
CONF:CURR:DC 10And the manual states that selecting the 10A range (as above) automatically switches the input to the 10A terminal. Otherwise, the command to do that seems to be
Code: [Select]
Ref: Page 247 and 346 in the manual:
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 16, 2020, 03:04:23 pm
Thanks for the info.  I think I'm going to leave it alone for a while, I've been testing volts and current on all 3 channels and they are all super-accurate now :)

I had my 34461A calibrated a few months back and my DMMcheckplus calibration output of 5.0000 volts displays at 5.00001 Volts on the 34461A.  My DP832A set to 5.000V now displays 4.999 on the DP832A and 4.99996 on the 34461A :D
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 16, 2020, 08:14:19 pm
Can you tell me where SCPI parameters for current measure are set in script ? (DC:CURRENT:...) . Or where script switch DMM from voltage to current ...
Thank you !
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 16, 2020, 08:39:41 pm
Can you tell me where SCPI parameters for current measure are set in script ? (DC:CURRENT:...) . Or where script switch DMM from voltage to current ...
Thank you !

In the file

The calibration parameters for current are at the top of the file:

cal_daci12 = [0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.8, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 1.9, 2.15, 2.35, 2.5, 2.75,
                  3, 3.2];
cal_adci12 = [0, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 2, 3, 3.2];

These are used at the bottom of the file in the Calibrate() method. 
Do a search for the comment: "# Current".
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 16, 2020, 08:44:44 pm
Here's a picture of my calibrated DP832(A) sending 5.000V to my 34461A :D
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 16, 2020, 09:46:27 pm
Good to hear everyone got their units calibrated using the Python script. I'd like to apologize for the hassle everyone has experienced. The DMM4050 must use a different method to read the output buffer than these other DMMs. I might take my code down since very few people know Java. The only code that really needs to be adjusted are the DMM methods. As everyone has seen, Telnet cal involves much less mucking about but the SCPI commands are completely different between DMMs. If I do keep the script on the forum, I'll probably add a test class for people to get readback working first before running the script.

Again sorry for the trouble everyone has had with the script. It works great with my setup and really shouldn't be hard to figure out, but then again I wrote it. So yeah, my bad.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: apelly on March 16, 2020, 09:58:52 pm
I'd like to apologize for the hassle everyone has experienced.
You  have the  patience of a saint. I can't believe you bothered to burn up so much of your life helping these people.

I might take my code down since very few people know Java.
Please don't. I might want it in the future.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 16, 2020, 10:04:07 pm

If you are asking how to add code to switch an Agilent/Keysight DMM to the 10A input, the following code snippet should work:

# Set Agilent/Keysight DMM to use 10A input terminals
            self._dmm._write("CONF:CURR:DC 10")

Insert it here:
# Current
            self._wait_for_enter("Connect the DMM 10A CURRENT inputs to the PSU channel %d" % (channel))

# Set Agilent/Keysight DMM to use 10A input terminals
            self._dmm._write("CONF:CURR:DC 10")

            self._psu.outputs[channel - 1].enabled = 1
            self._calib_single("DAC-I", self.cal_daci, channel, "A", 1)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 16, 2020, 10:06:44 pm
Don't feel bad, we know you were sincere in your effort to help.  I can test your modified code if you like as long as it's adapted to:
a. NOT clear the DP832A cal and
b. NOT write the new Cal to the DP832

It should be pretty straightforward to come up with some test code that sets up the DP832 to output a certain voltage and then read the value from the 34461A

Thanks for your help.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 16, 2020, 10:09:03 pm
Can you tell me where SCPI parameters for current measure are set in script ? (DC:CURRENT:...) . Or where script switch DMM from voltage to current ...
Thank you !

In the file

The calibration parameters for current are at the top of the file:

cal_daci12 = [0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.8, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 1.9, 2.15, 2.35, 2.5, 2.75,
                  3, 3.2];
cal_adci12 = [0, 0.01, 0.1, 1, 2, 3, 3.2];

These are used at the bottom of the file in the Calibrate() method. 
Do a search for the comment: "# Current".
I'm not questioning about cal table but where script tell the DMM to switch from DC Voltage to DC Current and send SCPI instructions. I cannot find this in your script .
If I search for "#current " I find  : self._setup_dmm('dc_current') which does not seem to be a SCPI command .
At run  it will read 0 values when calibrate IDAC and IADC .
It is not switching at all on my DMM. If I switch manually on DMM keyboard when script ask to connect to Amps it will read correct values and finish calibration as I said before.
Matlab script do this automatically. Like :

fprintf('Starting Current: connect the DMM 10A CURRENT inputs to PSU channel %d\n', ch);
            input('Press Enter');

            fprintf(myDmm, 'CONF:CURR:DC 10A'); %Sets input to 10A port
            fprintf(myDmm, 'CURR:DC:NPLC %d', myNplc);

Yeap it seem that you answer me while I'm posting ...

Also someone know how calibration values was obtained and from where ? Because on channel 2 lower voltages are negative until 40 mV . Only manual calibration of the DAC V on channel 2 manage to calibrate at a 1.5 mV for 1mV value . Above 100mV precission is equal on 3 decimals .

Thank you .
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 16, 2020, 10:19:31 pm
Good to hear everyone got their units calibrated using the Python script. I'd like to apologize for the hassle everyone has experienced. The DMM4050 must use a different method to read the output buffer than these other DMMs. I might take my code down since very few people know Java. The only code that really needs to be adjusted are the DMM methods. As everyone has seen, Telnet cal involves much less mucking about but the SCPI commands are completely different between DMMs. If I do keep the script on the forum, I'll probably add a test class for people to get readback working first before running the script.

Again sorry for the trouble everyone has had with the script. It works great with my setup and really shouldn't be hard to figure out, but then again I wrote it. So yeah, my bad.
GarrettM , as long as your code do the job with your DMM you are ok.
I was testing on my own with a different DMM so I asume fail.
As I said before your code is unique in that it does not require any setup . Just compile.bat and run.bat The others scripts need Python setup which is a mess with PY-Charm , or MatLab installed .
So if you can put a on/off switch to del/write values in PSU for testing/debug you are ok !
P.S. My unit was first calibrated with MatLab LaurentR script , then  wanted to gave Siglent owners an alternative method I gave Python a second chance.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 16, 2020, 10:21:53 pm

Also someone know how calibration values was obtained and from where ? Because on channel 2 lower voltages are negative until 40 mV . Only manual calibration of the DAC V on channel 2 manage to calibrate at a 1.5 mV for 1mV value . Above 100mV precission is equal on 3 decimals .

Thank you .

I didn't write the Python calibration script. 
Here is a link to its GitHub page which also describes some of its history: (

The calibration values came from EEVBlog member TooOldForThis: (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 16, 2020, 10:30:46 pm
I know about them but I want to know how they was obtained.
Can you check on your PSU if on CH2 range 0-40mV is ok ?

Thank you very much !
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 16, 2020, 10:50:45 pm
No idea how TooOldForThis came up with those calibration points.

Just checked my DP832 and channel 2 is currently reading approximately 1.5mV low at 0V setting. 

Set at 0V, measures -1.5mV
Set at 1mV, measures 0.9982mV
Set at 40mV, measures 38.2mV
Set at 0.5V, measures 0.4991V
Set at 1V, measures 0.9982V
Set at 10V, measures 9.9995V
Set at 20V, measures 20.0004V
Set at 30V, measures 29.9998V

I have not done a calibration on it for at least a year.  Maybe it's time.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 16, 2020, 11:00:24 pm
Just checked channel one.

Set at 0V, measures -0.3mV
Set at 1mV, measures 0.73mV
Set at 40mV, measures 39.7mV
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 16, 2020, 11:00:54 pm
Mine , at 0V on channel 2 show (on DMM) -68mV and only to 39mV set show 0 on DMM - this for automated calibration (Matlab or Pyton same result)
But if I do a manual DAC calibration on CH2 I can obtain 1 to1.5 mV for Zero set. So PSU can do.
So from were the negative offset using calibration constants ... ?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 16, 2020, 11:21:04 pm
Mine , at 0V on channel 2 show (on DMM) -68mV and only to 39mV set show 0 on DMM - this for automated calibration (Matlab or Pyton same result)
But if I do a manual DAC calibration on CH2 I can obtain 1 to1.5 mV for Zero set. So PSU can do.
So from were the negative offset using calibration constants ... ?

Don't know, but it could be that there is just too much negative offset in the channel's voltage control loop for the limited number of calibration coefficients to compensate at millivolt resolution.  I'm surprised that they don't have a DAC calibration point at zero volts.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 17, 2020, 12:35:31 am
Don't feel bad, we know you were sincere in your effort to help.  I can test your modified code if you like as long as it's adapted to:
a. NOT clear the DP832A cal and
b. NOT write the new Cal to the DP832

It should be pretty straightforward to come up with some test code that sets up the DP832 to output a certain voltage and then read the value from the 34461A

Thanks for your help.

Thanks. I've already written the new test class ( It starts with getting readback from the DMM in dc voltage and current first, then steps through reading back the PSU cal points. Only ch1 is tested since the others are identical. Nothing is cleared and nothing is saved. However, a power reset is needed after the test to resume normal operation of the PSU.

All that needs to be done is to modify the SCPI strings so that a particular DMM can achieve proper configuration and readback. After that, calibration should be a breeze. Just need to copy the modified commands from TelnetTest into TelnetCal.

Again, since I've written these scripts I think they are simple, but obviously thats not true for everyone. Especially if you don't know Java. But if you do know C or C++ its very similar, just with OOP concepts where they make sense, like the Telnet clients. Of course there are the Java bultin objects and methods, like for Strings and Scanner. But those you can look up in Oracle's online documentation.

Finally, I've updated the documentation to reflect the recent changes and provided .txt of the output of both TelnetCal and TelnetTest so people can see what its supposed to do when working correctly.

If there are any issues let me know and I'll try and sort them out ASAP. I think using Telnet is honestly the easiest option when calibrating, but if I'm the only one who can get this working, then I'll probably just take it down. No need to "help" people break things that are already working.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 17, 2020, 12:58:11 am
I know about them but I want to know how they was obtained.
Can you check on your PSU if on CH2 range 0-40mV is ok ?

Thank you very much !

I just checked my DP832A and entering 1mv gives 0.7mv on my DMM, 0.000V on the display and entering 10mv gives me 9.4mV on my DMM and 8mV on the display. So TooOldForThis's cal points seem right.

The cal point values are visible in the manual calibration mode, though you would need to look at an instrument that HASN'T been calibrated using one of the scripts to see what the factory cal points are. I am of the understanding that you can actually add cal points and make them arbitrary too. I just haven't played around with that yet.

The reason I say this is that when my calibration was broken through the firmware update and cleared after a failed auto calibration, all the cal points were blank and showed up to 52 steps! So it would seem that custom cal points and increased number of cal points might be possible. But maybe not. It really depends on how Rigol implemented the linearization algorithm.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 17, 2020, 08:01:41 am

The reason I say this is that when my calibration was broken through the firmware update and cleared after a failed auto calibration, all the cal points were blank and showed up to 52 steps! So it would seem that custom cal points and increased number of cal points might be possible. But maybe not. It really depends on how Rigol implemented the linearization algorithm.

Yes , that I have seen on my PSU also . There were 52 points of calibration . And the first time when I try maual calibration was 44 .

About calibration point I see that is the only one set that is used for both DAC channels (CH1 and 2) .
So , as long as calibration is done well on CH1 but not on CH2, and manual calibration on CH2 adjust them, I see a hardware problem rather than a calibration values. I need to mention that over 100mV , CH2 is very precise .The problem is only to 0-40mV and slowly increase precision to 100mV.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 17, 2020, 08:35:43 am
Yes , that I have seen on my PSU also . There were 52 points of calibration . And the first time when I try maual calibration was 44 .

Does your DP832 still show the 44 cal points when manualy calibrating channel 2? If it does, upload a .txt file of them and I'll give them a try on my unit. When I entered into the manual calibration for the first time I only had 36 cal points for DAC-V on channel 1. I think Rigol may have extended the number of cal points on newer units. My power supply dates back to 2014 or maybe even a little earlier. It was made around the time they added the giant silver heatsink on the top analog board to address the over heating problem.

It would be interesting for late model DP832/A owners who haven't calibrated their units with the script to enter into the manual calibration menu and look at the number of cal points avaliable for DAC-V. So long as you exit using the back arrow (to avoid saving anything) and power cycle the unit afterwards, no changes to the calibration will be made. If there are more cal points we can easily improve the automated calibration process and achieve better programming linearity for the output.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 17, 2020, 08:45:17 am
Unfortunatelly no.
From the moment when I start automated calibration test there was only 36 points showed on PSU when I do calibration by hand.
Maybe I can erase everything again to see if  the 44 counts or even 52 appear ?

Your new script work for readDMM . It just read the values without any modification on my Siglent .
Even it does not switch to local  , the DMM display values from PSU .
So is functional for me .
Thank you !

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 17, 2020, 08:55:22 am
All that needs to be done is to modify the SCPI strings so that a particular DMM can achieve proper configuration and readback. After that, calibration should be a breeze. Just need to copy the modified commands from TelnetTest into TelnetCal.
If you look at the output I listed as the test was run, you'll see that the 34461A readings appeared to be the commands that were being sent, like this...

ch1 DAC-V calibration
step 0, cal point: 0.2v, meas val: 34461A> 1
step 1, cal point: 0.5v, meas val: 34461A> *opc?
step 2, cal point: 1.2v, meas val: 34461A> 1
step 3, cal point: 2v, meas val: 34461A> *opc?
step 4, cal point: 3.2v, meas val: 34461A> *opc?
step 5, cal point: 4.1v, meas val: 34461A> *opc?
step 6, cal point: 5.2v, meas val: 34461A> :fetch?

Do you have any understanding on why that may be?  I can issue the sequence of dmm commands in your code from telnet and see the expected responses so I believe there's an issue with the read/write buffers in Java or at least something fundamentally wrong with the sequence of data exchange.

Any ideas?.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: aristarchus on March 17, 2020, 09:55:48 am
The extended number of calibration points is also mentioned in this thread
-> (
with another calibration script, a bash one.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 17, 2020, 10:11:39 am
If you look at the output I listed as the test was run, you'll see that the 34461A readings appeared to be the commands that were being sent, like this...

ch1 DAC-V calibration
step 0, cal point: 0.2v, meas val: 34461A> 1
step 1, cal point: 0.5v, meas val: 34461A> *opc?
step 2, cal point: 1.2v, meas val: 34461A> 1
step 3, cal point: 2v, meas val: 34461A> *opc?
step 4, cal point: 3.2v, meas val: 34461A> *opc?
step 5, cal point: 4.1v, meas val: 34461A> *opc?
step 6, cal point: 5.2v, meas val: 34461A> :fetch?

It looks like the 34461A is echoing back the commands from readDMM(). I'm not sure Java is the problem here. We are clearly able to connect to the 34461 via Telnet (half the battle). So the Java Socket is okay. We can also send a command and actually read back a reply, even if its not what we expected. So PrintWriter and BufferedReader look to be okay. But maybe <CR>, <NL> or <EOL> aren't sent the way Keysight wants. I'll have to look into this. It could be that the 34461A is case sensitive. I was pretty lazy about capitalizing the SCPI strings since my gear didn't seem to care one way or the other while testing. Hell, even the Tektronix Programming Manual uses lowercase.

If you could, try the new file I've attached to this message, which uses "proper" SCPI case, with the "3rd release" .zip file in my earlier message I would appreciate it. If that works, then it was just an issue of character casing. I doubt that is the issue, but it doesn't hurt to check. I also removed the colon ":" from INIT and FETC? in readDMM(), as the Keysight manual doesn't show them. (The Tek manual uses colons in front of those two commands.) I also added *CLS before trying to read, to clear any errors that might cause reading the output buffer to hang. Hopefully one of those changes will help.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 17, 2020, 10:24:00 am
The extended number of calibration points is also mentioned in this thread
-> (
with another calibration script, a bash one.

Thank you! I didn't know about that thread. That basically confirms my hunch that you can do custom cal points. I believe there are 0-52 (53 in total) cal points each for DAC-V, ADC-V, DAC-I and ADC-I. So you can do a very thorough calibration routine if desired. A big improvement would be to start at 0 for all of the cal points. Why Rigol doesn't do this is beyond me.

I'm going to give this a try later today. If everything goes well, I'll upload the new version of the script with 53 points per parameter. Apparently, the hex dump shows 80 cal points. But I'll stick to "just" 53, since the firmware is more likely to work with that from what I've seen.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 17, 2020, 10:26:31 am
If I run this code, will it delete the good Cal I already have?  I'm happy to test sending data and getting responses from the 34461A but I don't want to go back to where I was a few days back because my Python environment is unstable and I have to recreate the code every time I open up PyCharm (an issue which I'm working on separately).
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 17, 2020, 11:09:58 am
Rather than clog up this firmware list thread any more, I created a new thread on DP832 Calibration using Python & PyCharm Running on Windows (

Can JDubU and any others who can help, please jump over there and figure out how to create a perfect Python environment to perform DP832 calibration?

Thanks :D
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 17, 2020, 11:25:07 am
If I run this code, will it delete the good Cal I already have?  I'm happy to test sending data and getting responses from the 34461A but I don't want to go back to where I was a few days back because my Python environment is unstable and I have to recreate the code every time I open up PyCharm (an issue which I'm working on separately).

No cal data is erased or saved and you can skip reading back the ch1 cal points if you want. That's just there to be a better simulation for testing. If you do run the cal point read back, a power reset of the PSU is needed to resume normal operation after running the script. Again, nothing is changed running TelnetTest.class. It only attempts to configure and read measurements from the DMM and then, optionally, read the PSU cal points.

It sounds like you've settled on the Python script, so you don't really need to run the test unless you want to. Though I am curious if we can get the 34461A to work with it, but again, its up to you.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on March 17, 2020, 12:46:13 pm
If I run this code, will it delete the good Cal I already have?  I'm happy to test sending data and getting responses from the 34461A but I don't want to go back to where I was a few days back because my Python environment is unstable and I have to recreate the code every time I open up PyCharm (an issue which I'm working on separately).

No cal data is erased or saved and you can skip reading back the ch1 cal points if you want. That's just there to be a better simulation for testing. If you do run the cal point read back, a power reset of the PSU is needed to resume normal operation after running the script. Again, nothing is changed running TelnetTest.class. It only attempts to configure and read measurements from the DMM and then, optionally, read the PSU cal points.

It sounds like you've settled on the Python script, so you don't really need to run the test unless you want to. Though I am curious if we can get the 34461A to work with it, but again, its up to you.
The prime directive is to have running test gear.  I used Python and it works and I'm trying to make it so that everyone can use it without the hassle I had which is why I created a new thread.  I'm happy to try to test out your Java code as long as I don't mess up my gear.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 17, 2020, 04:03:02 pm
The extended number of calibration points is also mentioned in this thread
-> (
with another calibration script, a bash one.

Good catch!

I did some experimentation with added control points using the Python calibration program and got good results with the attached  For channels 1 and 2, it has 46 voltage calibration points and 31 current calibration points.  I did not change the calibration points for channel 3.  You can freely change the number and values of the calibration points in the top of the file.  No other changes need to be made in the program (gotta love Python!).

I have not yet tried a lot of variations on the number or values of the calibration points but did find that it gets a bit unstable with too many points near zero.  The ones in the bash script did not work as well and caused my zero volts to go negative after that calibration.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on March 17, 2020, 05:40:35 pm
Here's a picture of my calibrated DP832(A) sending 5.000V to my 34461A :D

If I had the results you're showing here I'd be worried. It's saying that the output is quite a bit higher than it should be unless those cables you're using have absolutely no voltage drop? Which is unlikely.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 17, 2020, 08:02:51 pm
Here's a picture of my calibrated DP832(A) sending 5.000V to my 34461A :D

If I had the results you're showing here I'd be worried. It's saying that the output is quite a bit higher than it should be unless those cables you're using have absolutely no voltage drop? Which is unlikely.


The DMM has a 10 Meg ohm input resistance.  Even if the leads had a total of 1 ohm resistance, the voltage drop would be half a microvolt.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 17, 2020, 08:27:49 pm
On some points is X.000 (like 5.000/7.000/10.000) and other is X.999 (like 4.999/7.999/21.999) . It is not a high precision multimeter with a very stable reference though ...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 17, 2020, 10:02:02 pm
It will be more easy to verify the status of calibration if the displayed read value is displayed in real values , not scientific .

step 0, cal point: 0.2v, meas val: -1.54019811E-01
step 1, cal point: 0.5v, meas val: 1.46975726E-01
step 2, cal point: 1.2v, meas val: 8.42319390E-01
step 3, cal point: 2v, meas val: 1.63485328E00
step 4, cal point: 3.2v, meas val: 2.83015883E00

Thank you !
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 17, 2020, 10:15:08 pm
It will be more easy to verify the status of calibration if the displayed read value is displayed in real values , not scientific .

Thats easily doable. I just need to convert the string to a double then print that using printf to format in volts. I'll probably truncate or round at the 4th decimal place since the PSU can only adjust / readback 3 decimal places. The current format is literally what the DMM sends back.

Before I do that though, I want to try testing out new cal points. I've been focusing on using standard low voltage VCC values for the cardinal points. This way, the voltages that are most likely to be used will have tighter accuracy. For instance 1, 1.2, 1.8, 2.4, 2.7, 3, 3.3, 3.6, 4, 4.2, etc. Then switch over to 0.5 volt increments after that and then 1 volt increments.

Let me know what you think. I plan on doing <= 53 cal points per parameter. Hopefully we can fine tune the linearity doing this. I also need to write another script to measure and plot the output and figure out the programming vs output error to see if we can measure an improvement.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 17, 2020, 10:24:42 pm
The DMM has a 10 Meg ohm input resistance.  Even if the leads had a total of 1 ohm resistance, the voltage drop would be half a microvolt.

Any 6.5 digit DMM at or below 10 or 20 volts (depending on % overranging) will have >= 10 gigohm input impedance at DC. So negligible loading error.

If I had the results you're showing here I'd be worried. It's saying that the output is quite a bit higher than it should be unless those cables you're using have absolutely no voltage drop? Which is unlikely.

The DP832A can only program upto the third decimal place, and after very recent calibration is maybe within +-2 counts at best. So
Gandalf_Sr DMM reading is actually excellent. The programming error is only around 0.3 counts. I can't see how that is bad in any way.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 17, 2020, 10:26:44 pm
I also planned by myself to edit list with calibration points from thread with bash script. Tommorrow I will make time for this.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 17, 2020, 11:54:08 pm
I also planned by myself to edit list with calibration points from thread with bash script. Tommorrow I will make time for this.

I decided to do the print format edit first. Now everything is lined up and prints out values in volts and amps. So no mucking about with annyoing scientific notation. I also reduced the settling time to 2 seconds for volts and 3 seconds for current. This is in anticipation of the larger cal point arrays, which will make the calibration take longer.

Let me know if you have any problems with new changes and thanks for using the script!

UPDATE: There was a minor typo in TelnetTest that I fixed. It would cause the DMM to report an error because of an unfinished measuremnt. Accidentally called readDMM() instead of inside the for loop. Whoops.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on March 18, 2020, 08:35:45 am
Here's a picture of my calibrated DP832(A) sending 5.000V to my 34461A :D

If I had the results you're showing here I'd be worried. It's saying that the output is quite a bit higher than it should be unless those cables you're using have absolutely no voltage drop? Which is unlikely.


The DMM has a 10 Meg ohm input resistance.  Even if the leads had a total of 1 ohm resistance, the voltage drop would be half a microvolt.

Doh, for some reason my brain hid the 3 zeros between 5 and 13 on the meter. I read 5.013V. Need more coffee.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 18, 2020, 12:14:52 pm

I decided to do the print format edit first. Now everything is lined up and prints out values in volts and amps. So no mucking about with annyoing scientific notation. I also reduced the settling time to 2 seconds for volts and 3 seconds for current. This is in anticipation of the larger cal point arrays, which will make the calibration take longer.

Let me know if you have any problems with new changes and thanks for using the script!

UPDATE: There was a minor typo in TelnetTest that I fixed. It would cause the DMM to report an error because of an unfinished measuremnt. Accidentally called readDMM() instead of inside the for loop. Whoops.

Now it look very good, thank you :

ch1 DAC-V calibration
step  0, cal point:  0.0v, meas val: -0.2345v
step  1, cal point: 0.01v, meas val: -0.2349v
step  2, cal point: 0.03v, meas val: -0.2352v
step  3, cal point:  0.1v, meas val: -0.2554v
step  4, cal point:  0.2v, meas val: -0.1541v
step  5, cal point:  0.7v, meas val:  0.3462v
step  6, cal point:  1.0v, meas val:  0.6448v
step  7, cal point:  1.2v, meas val:  0.8427v
step  8, cal point:  1.7v, meas val:  1.3375v

About extended calibration points . I've done it (using your script) but I don't see any difference. My problems on CH (0-40mV) is still present and can be solved only by manual calibration and other channels are still about the same than before .
1mV output > 1.91mv
2mV output > 2.94mV
3mV output > 3.99mV
I have done better results before . Looks like DP832A cannot benefit from more granular calibration points . Or maybe values must follow a specific algorithm ?
I have attached script used and output .
Maybe you or other can repeat the test . Maybe I was doing something wrong .
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 18, 2020, 08:55:56 pm
@skander36 I've improved the readback accuracy and got ch3 spot on, 1mA and 1mV resolution essentially at all programming values. Ch 1 and 2, however, are a different story as you've seen. I'm still playing around with different cal points for ch 1 and 2 to see if I can get closer to 0mV when programmed to 0 and minimize the "off" state leakage current. Right now leakage is 10mA when off and some 200uA when on and at 0mV. A rather ironic result.

On a side note, I wish Rigol would have put relays in these units to do auto tracking (parallel, series connection internally) and disconnect the output transistor completely. My old GW Instek often times feels superior because of these simple additions. Though I much prefer the screen of the DP832 and its ethernet connectivity.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 18, 2020, 10:05:29 pm
Yeah you cannot have it all  .
What I was want to say is that I cannot improve DP832 over it's limits, so extended range of points seem that doesn't bring more precision .
Your script is working well now and is very usefull for calibrate DP832 into factory specifications .
The others scripts also do the same thing but with more hassle to setup, unless someone make a binary executable for them .
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on March 19, 2020, 02:49:18 am
I've been testing various values and quantities of cal points and it seems like specific values at specific places in the range have more effect than just the quantity of points.  I wish I knew what interpolation algorithm Rigol is using for this and what the DAC hardware resolution is.  I did manage to get all of the channels on my DP832 to be accurate to the millivolt for almost the entire voltage range, but there are  some rare small spots where the output voltage goes off by as much as 3mV.   For example, if I set the voltage to something like 1.423V and then scroll the first digit to the left of the decimal from 1 to 32, the last three digits might be xx.423 for every single volt change except at 19 volts where it will be 19.420.  This occurs even when the cal points were only integer volts between 10V an 32V.  It's weird!

I also discovered that the DAC voltage cal points for my DP832 need to be different between channel one and channel two in order to get millivolt accuracy close to zero on both.  They just do not calibrate the same way with the same cal points.  The list of cal points that, so far, have produced the best results for my DP832 is attached.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 19, 2020, 04:25:30 am
@JDubU thanks! I managed to improve the readback accuracy with using more points and similarly got channel 3 spot on with extra cal points. I also noticed that custom cal points are needed for each channel, as, like you say, they each respond differently during calibration.

I'll give your point list a try tomorrow when I have some free time.

As for the DAC, I would hope Rigol used a 16-bit DAC for ch 1 and 2: 0 to 32 volts at 1mV resolution is 32,001 discrete values--which is about 15-bits. Better to have more bits than not enough. Though they may have cheaped out and used a 14-bit DAC.

As you say, it would be great to get the algorithm they used. It wouldn't be too hard to use Matlab to help optimize the cal point list to better linearize the output. Now that I think about that... I might just set the PSU into cal mode and step through at 10mV increments (using the same "cal step" with just different set values) to see what the raw output looks like. Might go with 1 second settling time, as this will take about 2 hours to collect at 100nplc.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Trident900fi on March 22, 2020, 05:45:46 pm

Someone try to calibrate a DP832A using a Keithley DMM6500 ?

I always get error this error "Error -113 Undefine SCPI header"
The error is reported by the DMM...

Any suggestion ?

Many thanks
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 22, 2020, 06:13:49 pm
If you connect with Putty and send commands like : *opc? or CONF:VOLT:DC AUTO what you get ?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Trident900fi on March 22, 2020, 06:49:33 pm
Just test with *IDN? and I get "KEITHLEY INSTRUMENT,MODEL DMM6500,04445903,1.7.0e" and the DMM freeze.

With *OPC? I get "1"

With CONF:VOLT:DC AUTO I get "Error -113 Undefined SCPI header" on the DMM and nothing in Putty.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 22, 2020, 07:08:24 pm
*opc? = 1 is ok .
But not ok to freeze .
What port are you using ?
LE - Using a SCPI console on USB you get same result ?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Trident900fi on March 22, 2020, 07:38:15 pm
I use the port use by the DMM. It's the 5025. Actually I run with ethernet port.
I don't know how to manually send SCPI commands in USB ! Sorry, I begin to this area...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: skander36 on March 22, 2020, 07:55:54 pm
You must consult Keysight Keythley product support page for your DMM . Here you will find software and documentation about SCPI. Also you may use software like Ultra Sigma from Rigol or  Command Expert from Keysight to send SCPI commands through USB or Telnet .
If DMM freeze either on USB then you must adapt commands to Keythely SCPI sintax.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Trident900fi on March 22, 2020, 08:02:14 pm
Thanks for the hints ! I check and I let you know :-)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Trident900fi on March 22, 2020, 09:03:45 pm
Just installed Keysight Connection Expert and command like *IDN?, *RST or *OPC? work fine.
Command like CONF:VOLT:DC AUTO make a error on the DMM

After a *RST command, DMM show only -.------ instead of numbers and stay like this.
With INIT it freeze !
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: bson on March 22, 2020, 10:06:35 pm
As soon as you issue an SCPI command the instrument will switch into remote mode and the local panel is disabled.  There's usually a way to regain local control.

*RST disables continuous auto triggering in some instruments, so unless you start a measurement (MEASure), set a trigger, or auto trigger-and-wait (READ) the instrument won't take measurements or display a readout (readout being a calibration data corrected measurement).  My Keithley 2001 works the same; if I recall it also permits choosing what settings to load on reset, with the default being a complete reset with everything disabled (which is more practical for remote operation).
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Trident900fi on March 22, 2020, 10:40:35 pm
As soon as you issue an SCPI command the instrument will switch into remote mode and the local panel is disabled.  There's usually a way to regain local control.

*RST disables continuous auto triggering in some instruments, so unless you start a measurement (MEASure), set a trigger, or auto trigger-and-wait (READ) the instrument won't take measurements or display a readout (readout being a calibration data corrected measurement).  My Keithley 2001 works the same; if I recall it also permits choosing what settings to load on reset, with the default being a complete reset with everything disabled (which is more practical for remote operation).

Many thanks for the informations ! I will try again  :)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: garrettm on March 23, 2020, 03:10:56 am
[...] so unless you start a measurement (MEASure), set a trigger, or auto trigger-and-wait (READ) the instrument won't take measurements or display a readout (readout being a calibration data corrected measurement).  My Keithley 2001 works the same; if I recall it also permits choosing what settings to load on reset, with the default being a complete reset with everything disabled (which is more practical for remote operation).

You can also use INIT to begin a measurement, *OPC? to query if the measurement is done and FETC? to move the measurement to the output buffer. Of course, the DMM must be triggered, as you pointed out, either internally, externally or over the bus. I generally let the DMM figure out the triggering (TRIG:SOUR IMM) but you can manually trigger by sending *TRG (if using TRIG:SOUR BUS).

@Trident900fi are you using the Python script or are you writing your own? If you're using the Python script you might want to also get help over at ( You can also use my Telnet script if you'd like. If you do, test your setup first using test_run.bat.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Trident900fi on March 29, 2020, 12:18:13 pm
[...] so unless you start a measurement (MEASure), set a trigger, or auto trigger-and-wait (READ) the instrument won't take measurements or display a readout (readout being a calibration data corrected measurement).  My Keithley 2001 works the same; if I recall it also permits choosing what settings to load on reset, with the default being a complete reset with everything disabled (which is more practical for remote operation).

You can also use INIT to begin a measurement, *OPC? to query if the measurement is done and FETC? to move the measurement to the output buffer. Of course, the DMM must be triggered, as you pointed out, either internally, externally or over the bus. I generally let the DMM figure out the triggering (TRIG:SOUR IMM) but you can manually trigger by sending *TRG (if using TRIG:SOUR BUS).

@Trident900fi are you using the Python script or are you writing your own? If you're using the Python script you might want to also get help over at ( You can also use my Telnet script if you'd like. If you do, test your setup first using test_run.bat.

I'm using your Telnet script :-)
My DMM is back to KEITHLEY now. He got a problem with power transformer making hum...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Neuromodulator on April 24, 2020, 08:33:35 am

I programmed yet another DP832 calibrator in Python ( I've found that the when using low V/I values, the calibration isn't that great. I haven't tested that many different value lists, but I got something that gave me acceptable results. I've also used very slow current calibration, so that the measurements are performed at steady-state temperature. Of course the output gets completely screwed up if more or less heat is generated. Still here are some plots I got:

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: alank2 on June 24, 2020, 08:14:34 pm
Are you guys running the 01.16 firmware now?  I'm on 01.14 - should I upgrade it?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: tv84 on June 24, 2020, 09:18:02 pm
Are you guys running the 01.16 firmware now?  I'm on 01.14 - should I upgrade it?

Why not?  :-//
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: alank2 on June 24, 2020, 09:30:39 pm
Basically I'm asking, have others had a good experience with 01.16 or are there any issues with it. :)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: tv84 on June 24, 2020, 09:36:24 pm
Basically I'm asking, have others had a good experience with 01.16 or are there any issues with it. :)

Has less issues than 01.14.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: alank2 on June 25, 2020, 12:35:15 am
The firmware upgrade instructions are quite dodgy at best.

I even found this which isn't much better. (

#1  - Start the unit with the USB stick plugged in or not?  or turn it on, press help, THEN plug it in?

#2 - After main update, what does "move USB flash" mean?  Remove it?  Does the help help m4 m2 m1 update without need of the USB stick?

#3 - What is the warning in the official Rigol instructions about bricking it if you install twice all about?  I don't want that.

Is it so hard to have simple clear concise instructions!
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: alank2 on June 25, 2020, 01:29:07 am
I got it.

It was picky about the USB stick though.

#1 - find a USB stick it likes, plug them in until it recognizes one.
#2 - unplug it and copy GEL file to it.
#3 - turn dp832 off, turn it on, when seeing the rigol graphic press and hold HELP.
#4 - it will prompt to plug in stick, plug it in.
#5 - it will do the update.  At the end it says to power cycle, but if you wait, it will reboot itself.
#6 - I had to set mine back to English language.
#6 - now you can press help help and do the power boards.  first m4, m2, m1 and then m4, m2, m2.
#7 - reboot the whole thing.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on June 25, 2020, 12:08:19 pm
If a DP832 has been told it's a DP832A using the magic USB stick, will applying an official GEL file update result in the PSU staying as a DP832A?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: alank2 on June 25, 2020, 12:10:49 pm
I keep seeing this mentioned, do you mean that features are unlocked on the DP832, or do you mean something that makes it think it is a DP832A instead?  I'm not familiar with that.

edit : Is it that with a specific usb stick "magic stick" you can use the set model command?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: tv84 on June 25, 2020, 12:57:57 pm
If a DP832 has been told it's a DP832A using the magic USB stick, will applying an official GEL file update result in the PSU staying as a DP832A?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Gandalf_Sr on June 25, 2020, 02:24:36 pm
I keep seeing this mentioned, do you mean that features are unlocked on the DP832, or do you mean something that makes it think it is a DP832A instead?  I'm not familiar with that.

edit : Is it that with a specific usb stick "magic stick" you can use the set model command?
Read the thread starting at page 10.  You can make a 'magic' USB stick and then issue a SCPI command (while the 'magic' USB stick is plugged in) that tells a DP832 that it's a DP832A; after that, all the features of a DP832A are unlocked and the SysInfo reports that it's a DP832A.  It's highly likely that this is how the Rigol factory decides what PSU is what version.  You can't change to a model that is not the same hardware e.g you can't change from DP831 to DP832A.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: alank2 on June 25, 2020, 02:35:07 pm
What differences are there if you have a DP832 that is already unlocked?

Just the font and displays?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: MegaVolt on July 16, 2020, 08:33:27 am
Are you guys running the 01.16 firmware now?  I'm on 01.14 - should I upgrade it?
You should know that there are two firmware 01.16. Early received from support and late officially released. Judging by the forum earlier it was better. But I haven't tested it myself.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: MegaVolt on July 16, 2020, 08:34:43 am
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: alank2 on July 16, 2020, 12:07:19 pm
What was the difference(s)?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: MegaVolt on July 16, 2020, 01:08:54 pm
What was the difference(s)?
You can read the discussion that began in the post at the link: (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Mecanix on July 17, 2020, 02:14:35 am
Managed to get my hands on a DP832 and calibrated two channels so far and getting -low mV on those. Tried 3 times and getting same results. Not touching/calibrating the remaining one (CH3) as I need this one to work in case the CH1 & CH2 are ruined. Using a DM3058E as ref/source and the SCPI procedures & table found earlier in this thread.

CH1 0V/OFF == -46.3mV after calibration
CH2 0V/OFF == -151.1mV after calibration  :wtf:
CH3 0V/OFF ==  0mv (untouched factory calibration)

Used to be all 0mV before calibration. Are those two channels' ADCs fried and do I need to get myself another DP832? Easy repair maybe??

Any advice (help!) welcome
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TurboTom on July 17, 2020, 02:40:05 am

You may want to have a look here (, the peculiar behaviour of the DP832 when calibrating the low end of the voltage range, is dealt with there to some degree. It should be possible to get the offset sorted with this information, yet, as it seems, only by means of an automated calibration.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Mecanix on July 17, 2020, 03:03:47 am
That's great, thanks. I'll sure have a look and see if I can at least understand what went really wrong at the first place; unlikely I'll have a go at further modification until I've understood first. The unit appears to be destined to go back to factory for repair/re-calibration, from the look of things (-151.1mV... yikes lol).

Quick question, if you know;  when I get back into Utility > ManualCal > CallItems: only a handful of them registered (7?) although I was referred to a 35 points table. What went wrong? Tried Board's ADC calibration from the gui and that also fails. What exactly blew up? anyone knows?

EDIT: quick shout out to the folks who've contributed in the thread TurboTom shared (and who've contributed too), that fixed the wicked offset on the CH2. All what's needed now is to attack CH1 with a tighter custom points/set and all good to go, I think, dunno lol

Certainly better than -151.1mV where stuff would have seriously blown-up if left on the PSU, even when the channel are switched to OFF. Scary stuff. Do NOT attempt this 'diy cal' if you can't program/script logic yourself, and/or don't have one (or two) days to waste (I'm almost 7hrs in this and only half done lol). Recommend sending off your unit to the factory and be done with it.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Ordinaryman1971 on October 25, 2020, 03:16:17 am
I've just got around to try to "upgrade" firmware on my Rigol DP832 to newest version and it looks like my firmware is bugged out. I can't do it. It starts and then it just rolls between 19.2 and 19.1, whatever that means.
When I reset the power supply it powers up and works fine.
I have:
It was calibrated on 04/18/2013
Digital Version 00.01.03
None of the options are present. But everything works. I've connected it to LAN and it's communicating, responds to inquiries I should say, because when I've tried to send the command to switch it to A model it doesn't accept it.
That's actually how I came around to try to do the the firmware upgrade, thinking that it may solve the problem.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: bson on October 25, 2020, 07:45:12 pm
Try a freshly formatted USB stick with only the update on it.  Maybe a different one.

Otherwise it sounds like a hardware problem.  Either the internal supply for the logic, or the flash itself.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Ordinaryman1971 on October 25, 2020, 08:53:28 pm
I've tried two different ones, and two different updates.... let me make a third attempt.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: thn788 on October 26, 2020, 10:42:08 am

"Digital Version 00.01.03" is a very old firmware and some time after v01.03 Rigol also updated the Bootloader-Firmware - I think even twice (once in v1.09 and once more in v1.10) - which must be done separately (same instructions, just a different file that must be installed first). Did you try this?

The current 01.16 firmware archive file, that I have here, doesn't seem to come with the updated bootloader anymore. Previous versions of the firmware archive file downloaded from Rigol always included the updated bootloader image, as well.

Maybe you have to get an older firmware archive file, first, and use this to update to a newer bootloader version for the v01.16 update to work?

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on October 26, 2020, 06:48:47 pm
Here is firmware version 1.14 that includes the 1.09 bootloader.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Ordinaryman1971 on November 04, 2020, 05:07:30 am
Thank you very much. That was a problem. Old firmware and bootloader. It was tricky though. After updating to ver. 00.01.14 I've started getting overtemperature errors, couldn't enable either channel.
I've also got an error on analog board, failure to pass selftest.... But I've loaded ver. 00.01.16 and all went back to normal.
The "upgrade" went through without problems afterwards.
So, the 00.01.16 is the newest firmware published?
But I think I have another problem on hand... look at the bottom unit and the current leakage.
And the power switch so dirty.. I swear I've got it like this.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on November 04, 2020, 05:28:54 am
Latest firmware version is:
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: JDubU on November 04, 2020, 05:47:26 am
But I think I have another problem on hand... look at the bottom unit and the current leakage.

Could be a false readout due to calibration being off.
Take a look at this thread: (
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: uremmel on January 22, 2021, 10:57:12 am
I want to calibrate my DP832 through the manual process with a Brymen BM789. I know it's not perfect for this, but for me it's enough.  ;)
Is there anything I have to consider before doing this?
Do I have to send a clear calibration scpi command before trying?
Firmware version 1.16 is installed.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TurboTom on May 17, 2023, 11:25:54 am
There seems to be a new firmware for the DP800 series of PSUs available on Rigol's Chinese web site. Apparently, it's a version, released in october 2021. I tried to install it on my DP832 but my PSU refused to work afterwards (initialization appears to work but instrument gets stuck after entry into "operation mode"). Attempting to flash the analog boards didn't show any reaction. Since the file name is "DP800(ARM)", maybe it's meant for a later H/W version of the PSU? Does anybody know what's going on here? Unfortunately, a changelog isn't included in the archive...
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: msemhs on August 04, 2023, 03:20:11 am
I just bought an 832A, and the firmware version from the factory is  I couldn't find any release notes as to what this version includes/fixes.  Does anyone have any idea?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: PioB on November 01, 2023, 09:21:41 am
I just bought an 832A, and the firmware version from the factory is  I couldn't find any release notes as to what this version includes/fixes.  Does anyone have any idea?

I just tried downloading the firmware from the official website (link in post 1). I still got 1.16. What happens if you go to the website and download, will they send you 1.16 or >=1.19? That would indicate some new hardware?
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: jopl on December 27, 2023, 07:58:10 pm
new DP832 is also delivered with version 1.19. There is issue with Display settings ... menu items "Contrast", "RGBLum" and "Theme" are missing ...
All other features seem to be OK.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: maxspb69 on January 31, 2024, 09:43:59 am
I updated my device from 1.16.0 to 1.19.0 (for what??? |O). The update was successful. But after that, all calibration was completely reset.
It was not possible to manually calibrate the device because all the calibrate points values (voltages and currents) were reset. There were just zeros everywhere.

Fortunately, the device was brought back to life and calibrated using SCPI-commands. First, I recorded all the calibration points for all channels according to VDAC, IDAC, VADC, IADC, then  manually calibrated all the channels.

Do not update old devices to 1.19.0. Provide yourself with an activity for a couple of hours (restoring calibration), there will be no further benefit from this  :D
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: TurboTom on January 31, 2024, 10:46:17 am
The automatic translation of the chinese changelog looks like this:

Code: [Select]
v00. 2022-07-20

     - The software increases compatibility with new and old screens;

     - The simulation board software is changed to version 02.04

     - Fixed the problem that GPIB cannot communicate
     - Modified the problem of command *OPT? returning wrong result

     - Modified the storage location of calibration points to solve the problem of missing calibration points. If you directly upgrade this version from the previous version, you need to recalibrate.
     - Added interval monitoring function in the monitor
     - Solved the problem that when the OCP is turned on when the current is small, the current is within the normal range, but the 'over-current protection' prompt will appear
     - Added DP812 model support
     - Modify the OUTP:TRAC? command timeout problem reported by the front end


     - Modify the BUG where OVP and OCP lower limits are displayed incorrectly
     - Added support for DP831, DP811, DP811
     - Added OVP Trip function for new version of DP811A hardware
     - Added series and parallel help information to the main help


     - When modifying the dial display, the pointer is always displayed on the 0 scale BUG
     - Replace the USB Device library: Solve the problem of unstable USB Device communication (picking the line, picking the computer)


     - Added Russian menu
     - Added support for DP812A
     - Modified the display mode of the readback value on the main interface when the DP821A Timer is turned on.


     - Added Traditional Chinese menu
     - The maximum number of recording points for the extended recorder is 614400

So, apparently, Rigol had to change the screens during the production period (probably due to availability issues) and adapted the software for compatibility. There's no indication towards calibration problems, this is mentioned for F/V, but that's long past. So your findings are somewhat peculiar. But thanks for mentioning and good you've been able to sort your PSU calibration again...  :)
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: maxspb69 on January 31, 2024, 01:28:51 pm
Having translated the update instructions from Chinese, I realized that most likely I myself was to blame for what happened.
After installing the new firmware, I did not press HELP-HELP-M4-M2-M1  and HELP-HELP-M4-M2-M2 for the analog boards update and immediately rebooted the device with the power button.
Perhaps this was the reason for the calibration reset :-//
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Jelbert on February 22, 2024, 03:38:23 am
My Rigol dp832 now runs digital version analog version 02.02.04 and boot version 1.09.
Here on the forum I see several people with more modern versions but when I look at rigol Europe they only have my current version.
Where can I get a more advanced version? Would it be an idea to make a repository of these firmwares somewhere?

With the current version I have problems communicating over LAN, after a while it locks up and LAN gives no more response, until reboot. While communicating with Labview over USB some response does not work and the example does not work. The Labview example works partly over lan.
So I hope these problems are solved in a newer version.

edit: Ohh stupid me, I looked at the eu store for the update. at there is 1.19 update. Still it would be nice to have a repository of the different firmwares. 
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: McBryce on February 24, 2024, 06:09:36 pm
I live by the motto "If it's not broken, don't fix it". If your DP832 is doing everything you want as you want, then why upgrade the firmware? It might fix a bug for a situation that you never need, but might also change or break something you do need.

Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Pirapoense on May 25, 2024, 05:44:46 pm
new DP832 is also delivered with version 1.19. There is issue with Display settings ... menu items "Contrast", "RGBLum" and "Theme" are missing ...
All other features seem to be OK.

Hi I am having the same issue with my DP832 after upgrade the firmware to 01.19 version. Now I am without contrast, RGBLim and theme!. Any suggestion will be very appreciated. Regards.
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sheldon on August 08, 2024, 06:58:59 am
new DP832 is also delivered with version 1.19. There is issue with Display settings ... menu items "Contrast", "RGBLum" and "Theme" are missing ...
All other features seem to be OK.
Got the instrument today, same problem.  >:(
Title: Re: Rigol DP832 - Firmware list and bugs
Post by: Sheldon on September 01, 2024, 09:59:54 am
Today i've played a little with my new DP832.

Code: [Select]
Digital version:
Analog version:
Boot version:     01.11
Keyboard version: 01.03

Note: I've "updated" my instrument to DP832A because I hate the green only display and no option to set it to white. For me, colorful display is better than only green.

Missing Contrast, RGBLum and Theme options, see attachments.