Products > 3D printing
3-D Print my 'BRACE GATE' toy gag illusion wheel !
You might be thinking, (looking at the photo), "Looks good, but maybe needs a 3rd column, for stability there, "poking through the SPOKEs...uh... ..WHAT ???
So, the design involves disconnect & re-connect of spokes, 'on the fly' as it were. Keeping out of way of any columns. One method, simpler, uses mechanical force, to rotate a 'spoke gate' (connectable brace). A column simply pushes each little rotating wheel, until column can clear it, and brush by, past.
The little rotating wheel has several, around its circle, so the act of rotating (out of contact) will move in the next section, for magnetic bonding, see the receptive or capture area, mounted as the start of a spoke, on the inner wheel hub.
A more advanced / complex design uses micro controlled solenoids, in sync with main wheel rotation.
Most designs tend to prefer 5 of these special dis-connectable spokes, for dynamic balance.
...MORE COMING, thanks
This figure 2, shows a layout of an 8 inch diameter wheel where there are 5 'stations' around. Each station has the smaller wheel, calling it a 'BRACE GATE' as it is for disconnecting a spoke, usually to very soon re-connect (magnets and slight spring loaded capture).
You can see, the green color push-aside tab is just done with that collision, with the standing column.
Confused yet?, Sorry: the smaller wheel 'A.' is left in a position for later push-aside.
Up next, for collision with upright column, is wheel 'B.'
Looking towards the center, you can see the 'stubs' that each has small magnet for holding a spoke. Of course any drive motor has that little bit inefficient, pulling away from the little magnets absorbs some (work).
But mainly here, a much more compact, but difficult to view, is involving having those 5 gate wheels, on the inside, without protrusions.
Each gate has four vanes, there.
once you are done post a video please
Folks, sorry for partial un-professional, this idea been 20 years, so... enjoy. RJ
Going to the figure 3, That's old design but shows the five stations, that are going to be 7, around that 9 inch wheel. The number of stations is not so important, not like a gear.
Next time, each gate-wheel is to have five tabs, not four (you can see the 90 degree spaced tabs maybe too far apart). For best re-engagement, this figure 3 suggests a five-part, that's 72 degrees per vane tab.
Now with some focus, on that green column (model), you can imagine, the little gate-wheel tab getting 'shoved aside', as the main wheel rotates, bringing that specific gate-wheel to travel behind the column.
Plus, it rotates, looking like to re-engage the same spoke stub, that it was pushed out from engaging.
Main issue for 3-D printer design, is that 'pinch point' for holding the end of each spoke. I'm maybe not so skilled at those specifics, but I envisioned a small magnet, for holding.
Sadly, any magnets might start some tasty rumours,...
"The thing does not run perpetual...uh, sorry but a little grafene lubricant is helpful, for the wheels"
No, apologies, only kidding there.
This next picture shows parts; the 3-D printed hub has standard ball bearing, 3/16 shaft, (similar to roller skate set). Note this model mock-up showing a 'capture pinch spring, on one if the spoke stubs. May or may not use both magnet and springy hold.
Note that the green column can be a running water pipe, an interesting supplement, where that water can fall back down by way of water wheel buckets, appearing to turn the wheel (and everything...ha ...).
The smaller wheels, can use simpler 'pointy' spikes for mounted stable.
Motor not shown. Some parts could be simple plywood, but the spoke capture hub could benefit from 3-D PRINT process.
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