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Black Friday 3D printer suggestion

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I have had a low budget and cheap 3d printer for a couple of years (Anet A6)it was an awful experience the quality of prints and also constant jamming of the nuzzle had drive me crazy, Now I want to upgrade to something better, since the tech has changed a lot, so as we are in the Black Friday deals, I want your suggestions and feedback on choosing a new one, Probably under 500$, what do you suggest?

Bambu Lab have some good Black Friday offers. I am tempted by the P1S, currently available for $549 instead of $699 (USD). A tad above your stated budget (or more if you were talking CAD), but a big step up in performance. Those prices exclude their 4-color AMS, which is however available at a discount too.

Yes its a very difficult choice and many think paying more will give them  more.

We got a modest Ender2 v2 a few years ago and its worked out fine for our needs, ie general hobby/diy interersts.

Noticed that Creality have a sale on at the moment as you can see here they start from just CA$ 199 which is less than what we paid for ours in a similar sale.

Well it cannot be any good ?   Well have a look at these 2 ytube from the well followed CHEP.   
Think we know which we would recommend, though interestingly  the higher priced  V3+ and V3 3D printers with their more modern controls etc do not get a very good review.


--- Quote from: Lindley on November 23, 2024, 12:22:26 pm ---Think we know which we would recommend

--- End quote ---

Well, I for one would not know which printer I'd recommend -- without knowing anything about the OP's needs and preferences. Does printing speed matter to him? Does he want to use filaments like ASA or PLU? Does he value "printing right out of the box", or is he happy to do some fiddling and tweaking (at least with slicers and profiles, maybe with the hardware)?

All of these will determine whether the added cost of something like the P1S brings enough added value, or whether a generic bed-slinger will do the job. A video showing that they both can print a simple PLA cube (and downplaying the fact that one of them did it twice as fast) is not sufficient to say "one is as good as the other". 

thanks for sharing, my main concerns are print quality and dimension tolerances, then It would comes the speed, Printing in multi color is not meaningful for me, But if it has it, I would get it,
What do you think of Sovol SV08 3D Printer or elegoo Neptune 4 Plus? are they better alternatives?


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