I'm looking at getting into 3D printing again after 10 years not having one (since I moved from NZ to Russia in 2015, to USA in 2019, and back to NZ in 2020)
Bambu has been looking like the thing to get, and Jaycar stocks them and there's a branch in my local town (~35 minutes drive).
So the kerfuffle this week is concerning. See Geerling's video from a few days ago:
I was part of a small group that jointly bought and built a Makerbot Thing-O-Matic in I think 2011.
I built my own printer from a kitset designed and sold here in NZ by Vik Olliver. one of the original reprap people in the UK. I that that was late 2012. I see the designs I uploaded to thingiverse were in August 2013, but I'd been sitting on them for a while.
I print on glass with a thin coat of cheap hair spray. The prints easily come off if you let the bed cool to room temperature. I believe most printers have gone away from glass.
The DiamondMind printer came with a plywood bed and you were supposed to use 3M blue tape, but I never thought that was satisfactory. I visited a nearby window glass guy who operated out of his garage and he gave me an offcut for free (cut it to the size I wanted). I used that with, yes, the cheapest hairspray. Things stuck really well. If they had a large base area then they could be very hard to get off by hand, but popping the whole bed in the freezer for 10 minutes always did the job.
I used 3M Picture Hanging Strips (available in every supermarket) to attach the bed to the printer. They're kind of like a cross between velcro and very fine pitch lego and actually give AMAZING reproducibility of the positioning in the vertical axis (with horizontal strips). Precise enough that taking the bed off and putting it back didn't need any recalibration to make the first layer of the next print work correctly.