Products > 3D printing

Designing an element in 3D - battery cover including 2 materials - gasket

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Designing an element in 3D - battery cover
I need someone :) to transfer such an element to the world of 3D printing:

This is a battery cover, for the Isatponhe Pro (inmarsat) satellite phone
Unfortunately, this item is no longer available for purchase and this item is often damaged.

The phones are still fully functional. Unfortunately, the lack of parts is a big problem.
I will give you the dimensions item (and more picture)
The question is whether it is possible to combine 2 materials in 3D printing? There should be rubber on the edge of the container - a seal. (is there such a material at all?)

If anyone can help, please write to me privately or here :) and we will come to an agreement.

I do not design nor do I have a 3D printer.


--- Quote from: max-bit on December 01, 2024, 04:46:53 pm ---I need someone :) to transfer such an element to the world of 3D printing:

--- End quote ---

This part is designed to be mounted in another one and you don't have any technical drawing... we will go nowhere without the casing in order to mesure it and test the prototypes.

I have a case/cover (I wrote that I can provide dimensions and more photos)

The battery holder is clipped on the case and it requires a very precise adjustement between the tho parts, the manufacturer adjustement is unknown if you don't have its drawings.
A reverse engineering requires to have the parts at hand in order to find the right adjustements with some experiments, it is the only way to go unless you have the acess to a CMM measurement machine AND an good plasturgist.

What you wrote is all correct.
Unfortunately, in the current case there is no way out.
Part, I have it one.
Two, the element must be made based on what  have...  ::)


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