Thanks for replying
My printer is not a dual extruder. I saw a some youtube videos about water soluble support, that was more interesting (PVA is expensive

). May be it's a SLA. what I'm wondered is in Ender 3 , a man printed a part in it with complex support. After printing he can able to peel the support material very easily. But My printer why dont do this

. typically there is no mistake on printer. what input as I given to print, that must be a output. or anyother firmware problem in it

. I'm using PLA material, I got parameters from google (
Still I don't know where I make mistake. I do the same in ABS, I got same result. This is the problem only happened to me means mistake on me. there is no software for Anycubic.
First I talk to them and let you know.
My parameters: (terms used in CURA)Quality = 0.2mm
Infill = 25%
Temperature = 190Deg (Filament), 50Deg (Bed)
Support = Touching Build plate only
Speed = 100mm/s
Build plate adhesion = skirt (all used)
My English is very poor. Sorry for that, I will improve myself.

Thanks again