Products > 3D printing

Ender 3 pro calibration

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Jan Audio:
Hi, i want all axis the correct size.
If i print a calibration-cube, where do i change the settings in my ender 3 pro ?

You change it in Cura or the slicing software that you use. Before printing, you should make sure that the bed leveling is OK, and tension all the belts, and that you use the correct temperature to your filament, as in my experience that has more to do with the dimensional accuracy, than anything else.

Jan Audio:
Where do i adjust the axis then ?
Not done by scaling right ?

Why is there no calibration in the ender 3 pro ?


--- Quote from: Jan Audio on November 11, 2021, 04:14:21 pm ---Hi, i want all axis the correct size.
If i print a calibration-cube, where do i change the settings in my ender 3 pro ?

--- End quote ---

The question is not such a simple thing to answer. There could be more than a single setting that can cause the calibration cube to be too large or too small. Which axis is off? By what amount is the calibration cube off? Tenths of a millimeter or several millimeters (or more ...) ?

As @xrunner mentions you need to say what is out and by how much.

If this is your first attempt at 3D printing have you built the unit yourself and followed some of the helpful videos on how to set it up.

Also as mentioned, the Chep video on Bed levelling is good and has the gcode for the test prints.

Until those key points are correct its pointless calibrating further.


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