Products > 3D printing

How BIGTREETECH Eddy works?


I'm searching to buy a new 3d printer, and came across this BIGTREETECH Eddy that's used for auto bed leveling, it has a GitHub repo explaining the installation. But I wonder if it's open source or do we have alternative open source projects, how does it even works? they claimed 0.5um high precision leveling, How does this thing works?

Its an inductive proximity sensor with internally digitized analog output.   It senses the metal underlaying the build plate surface, so if you aren't running a PEI coated spring steel build plate its probably not going to work, though it *may* be suitable for *thin* PEI, glass or Garolite, over an aluminum heat spreader plate, with some loss of accuracy.  Its only usable with Klipper or similar controllers as analog bed levelling sensors aren't supported in Marlin based firmware.

thanks Ian, do we have any chip for measuring that?

Check these babies! LDC1612、LDC1614 >:D >:D >:D


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