A fair few professional models of printer which have a "sealed" chamber for ABS/ASA printing actually have massive gaps around door hinges and such, the fans aren't much more than PC fans running through domestic air conditioning style air filter cartridges. Any filtering wth a fan will be good enough, as will anything where you dump the printer's air out of a peipe poked through an open window, as might be just keeping several windows wide open when you are in the room during printing for a through-draft of air. But in all cases, ABS and ASA are both pretty vulnerable to severe print warping if a cold draft of air hits them. You might be best putting the printer in some reasonably sealed box, and just having a very small fan blowing out a tiny quantity of air through a filter, with small gaps in the box to let replacement air flow in. The idea would be to have a slight negative pressure in the printing chamber, so particulates would only be able to exit via the filtered fan, but overall have the absolute minimum air flow in and out. When the print ends then you'd open the windows wide to ventilate the room while opening up the semi-sealed chamber. Printing almost all PLA myself I swear by "if I can't smell anything funny I'm not worried about being in the room with it", ABS and ASA are definitely a bit worse, but if you can't smell anything funny and aren't getting headaches it probably isn't worrisome unless you were doing a lot of it regularly.