Products > 3D printing

Printing in ASA filament, fumes and fume extractors.

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I bought this because my personal health is worth the money.

Bofa Printpro 3

When you print ASA or ABS or even PC without it, you can definitely smell fumes. I run it on lowest setting and it's basically silent, yet when its running you can't smell anything.

Here's an adapter for it to attach to a Bambu printer.

yeah, i have a twin port fume extractor that is intended for use with a laser cutter.
I just use it for soldering, i can easy unplug the 2nd port for 3D printing applications.

Just need to enclose the printer in something, current printer is just open frame.

Ideally you'd double enclose it - inner enclosure for still air round the print bed and outer to extract fumes.  One of the lightest weight rigid options to build enclosures is Correx sheets.

For outdoors PETG would be better and not toxic like ASA/ABS.


--- Quote from: Ian.M on August 24, 2023, 01:03:19 pm ---Ideally you'd double enclose it - inner enclosure for still air round the print bed and outer to extract fumes.  One of the lightest weight rigid options to build enclosures is Correx sheets.

--- End quote ---

Ahhh, That was the missing piece to the puzzle! I don't know why I didn't think of that.
I was always a bit concerned that the turbulent air flow from the extractor would interfere with the printing.
But of course, you seal the printer and the extractor is only for what escapes that seal into the next level.  Extractor just creates negative pressure in the middle chamber making it actually impossible for fumes to escape. 


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