Sorry. But, there are so many errors that I don't even know where to start.
You have a serious phobia with mirrors and you are not consistent with them.
MarkF, I knew my approach/design would cause a chuckle and I laughed at your reply because it had so much truth. The entire time I worked on this (let's ignore the times I started over) I kept saying: I must be doing something wrong, it shouldn't be this confusing, etc...
My suggestion is the start over with a new model and place the center of the coordinate system in the center of the model.
I believe the steps/approach was similar. I began with the base drawing only half at the X/Y lines in quadrant one and padded it. Drawing and padding rectangles I've mastered at this point - if only this was all required to be a whiz at 3D modeling.
The struggle and complete hack job was the curved part for the mounting hole. Trying to get the constraints to comply was an uphill battle. Each time I added a constraint, it would cause something else to go haywire. If I attempted to widen a curve, it would cause another line to stretch.
My initial goal was to have it look similar to this but I gave up and just made it "any old thing": "finishing" the base, I clicked on the face and added a sketch, then drew the the walls and padded. Now the top half was complete and thought adding standoffs after was the best approach. Usually in the past, if I mirror a section that includes a hole, I get a mirrored image, but the hole is the sketch. When I attempt adding a groove to make the hole, I get an error that (I'm loosely quoting) the sketch isn't mapped to the face; so I do get frustrated with mirror because I never know what to expect.
When I mirrored the top half, everything seemed good (although my fear of mirroring is that the mirror sometimes doesn't end up on the correct axis or orientated correctly and I end up yelling at my computer as to why it's out in left field).
Finally I made the standoff and mirrored them. I did the top left first, mirrored, crossed my fingers on where the mirror would land (ironically it landed in the correct spot - bottom left), tried mirroring the top left again to make the top right, but it placed the standoff out in left field, so I manually positioned it, and believe mirrored that one to make the bottom right.
In my opinion, I completed all the steps perfectly to make the worst, most confusing, tree structure in FreeCAD history and end up with a model I can't export to STL.

Update: To add even more annoyance at my end, without thinking, I made the walls of the box exactly 2" x 3" to match the dimensions of the PCB I just made (and ordered). I should have made the box slightly larger, but knew trying to change dimensions in my drawing wouldn't work. All I was hoping for was that my printer is slightly out of cal and would print it 2.00001" x 3.00001".

In other words, I was going to print and pray.