I know i'm necroing a thread, but i encountered a very similar issue with my CRtouch and hopefully what i found will help someone else with this issue.
Ender 3 pro user here.... i bought and installed the CRtouch (basically a more expensive BLtouch), I routed the cable through the braided mesh loom sleeve with all the other wires. I didn't have an issue with it for the better part of 2 months... then one day, when I homed the printhead, the z axis moved up, the head moved to the middle of the build plate ready to move down and measure the height...... tip would deploy then immediately click back in, as if it had touched the plate. no bueno. i then re-homed it again, the z axis would move up AGAIN, and deploy the tip... then again immediately click back in again. after a dozen attempts and troubleshooting and looking for configuration issues or settings that had gone awry i ran out of Z height and had to dig deeper.
if I tested the deployment it would do the same as the video, it would clack in and out in and out over and over then flash in error. Moving the cable around, i'd thought there may have been a break... i pulled out the wire and did a continuity test with it and found no resistance in any wires. I thought maybe the sensor was dirty, but found nothing inside... I thought maybe i had a bad/dead sensor. as a last ditch I plugged in the cable and left the wire flapping in the breeze while i did another test. This time the CRtouch performed flawlessly. I began pulling and bending the wire, i could not replicate the issue.
I fed the cable back through the mesh loom and within the next few prints, went to home.... it was doing it again. again, after pulling the cable out and testing it, found no issues and it performed flawlessly again.
long story short, after about 5 days of farting around, turns out there is some noise or something being inducted into the cable when routing through the mesh loom... either the hotend power or fan wires or SOMETHING, but being in the loom in close proximity to the wires running to the hotend, was causing the sensor to trip out.
I ended up ziptying the cable onto the bowden tube instead of running through the loom and haven't had this issue since.
I noticed in OP's youtube short, his cable runs through the loom as well...