Products > 3D printing

Upgrading Anet A8 Firmware

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Hopefully I can get some help because I'm very confused.

My Anet A8 had the original firmware, so I took the first step and used Arduinio IDE to install a bootloader (Anet 1.0 Optiboot). From what I can tell, it went smoothly.

After I used Visual Studio Code, installed the extensions: platformIO and auto build marlin

I then downloaded (if I understand correctly) the latest version of Marlin ( From what I understand, I need to also download configuration files, and I found that to be the latest version After downloading, I copied the Anet A8 directory that contains three files (_Statusscreen, Configuration, and, Configuration_adv) into the Marlin folder (overwriting any old versions of these files).

Upon building, I see the 'Architecture' is ATmega1284p (which I think is correct), but 'pins' is sanguino/pins_ANET_10h, and environments is sanguino1284p and sanguino1284p_optimized.

First questions: I don't know what 'pins' and environments is nor do I know what sanguino is or the difference between the regular and optimized. Can this be explained because I can't seem to find answers online

Upon trying to build the regular and non-optimized, I get an error: your configuration.h and configuration-adv.h file is for an old version of Marlin. Downgrade Marlin or upgrade your configuration.h and configuration-adv.h file (these are separate errors, but I'm including them in one line.

What step am I missing since I followed the video closely and I didn't see any such errors.

After lots of digging, I came across a website ( that allows you to configure Marlin and download a zip to build. I'm not exactly sure I should trust this website, however, it seems to dig into asking about thermistors and stuff. I'm would imagine the Marlin firmware has all the standard settings already set, so using this website provides the opportunity to mess up something.

I thought this would be easier, but some of the questions above have rolled into this. Such as, what does 'environment' mean and I don't have a clear understanding how to determine which one to use in the drop down. Also, it asks for the 'motherboard'. Mine is an Anet A8, but I don't see it in the list.

I'm really confused and could use some help.

Thanks in advance.

I keep getting this error no matter what I do:

your configuration.h file is for an old version of marlin

I have the latest version of Marlin and the Configurations ( and respectively).

This is annoying because I've spent nearly two-weeks trying to solve this along with research. No matter what I do, I can't get these new versions to build.


--- Quote from: bostonman on August 23, 2021, 03:07:59 am ---I keep getting this error no matter what I do:

your configuration.h file is for an old version of marlin

I have the latest version of Marlin and the Configurations ( and respectively).

This is annoying because I've spent nearly two-weeks trying to solve this along with research. No matter what I do, I can't get these new versions to build.

--- End quote ---

I build the latest versions as they come out, never had that issue except when I tried to use older configuration files with a newer version of Marlin. I tried to use old configuration files because I did not want to go through and make all the changes I needed to the new files. But I have "cheated" by inserting the new check numbers into the old files (not advised).

I'm not using the computer where I have the builds right now, but tomorrow I can look at some things. As I said, I do know that each of the two configuration files have a sanity check number that, if not correct, will cause that message to be generated - "your configuration.h file is for an old version of marlin".

If it helps, this is what I understand. Obviously correct me if I type anything wrong.

Marlin (recent versions - but let's stick to for this discussion since it's the latest) has two files in the Marlin directory named: Configuration, and, Configuration_adv

Typically these need to be edited for my Anet A8 because this default is set to other printers. This is why the Configurations file on Github needs to be downloaded, and in the Anet A8 directory, three files exist: _Statusscreen, Configuration, and, Configuration_adv

These three files need to be copied (and the other two over written) in the Marlin folder.

The reason is this sets the Marlin firmware to be set up for the Anet A8 without the inexperienced user (such as I) to tweak the configuration files.

Although I have questions about some other stuff, for now I'd like to at least get my printer back up and running with new firmware.

Just and FYI, I just downloaded the Marlin version which matches the most recent Configurations version and it built without an issue.

I followed all the same steps as I have and the only thing that has changed is matching the Marlin version number to the Configurations version number - obviously this means I'm behind a few versions of Marlin - but it built correctly.

I did, however, get a warning which I think isn't an issue: warning: multi line comment // (spaces and pipes) 0.1uf

I'm going to look into that error just so I understand what is going on (assuming I understand that section of code).

Possibly I missed something in the many tutorials I've read/watched and I need to change something in the latest Marlin to match the "older" Configurations" version.

I may have found the issue.......

I'm on the Configurations page:

On the right side is "latest release" and that's what I've been selecting because I thought that will assure me I'm getting the latest, but it's listed as 'examples' which I'm guessing is different files.

This version is the, however, the page ( shows and doesn't include the word 'examples'.

I think my inexperience with Github just cost me many hours of frustration.

Am I correct?


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