Products > 3D printing

What materials for 3D printer enclosure?

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I've been thinking about making an enclosure too and have the same questions and concerns. I first thought about making a really lightweight one out of big sheets of heavy cardboard covered in aluminium foil and maybe sandwich it with some flat sheets of polystyrene foam use in flat screen TV packaging or  flatpak furniture. The advantage is it will be really lightweight and I can just lift it off easily and the materials are free.  The downside is it is obviously flammable hence the token effort of aluminium foil covering on the inside. It would have been big with fairly large clearance,  hence lightness was a bonus.  I just wanted to stop draughts really and cut down on noise. I am also a bit nervous about leaving it unattended. A smoke detector whether or not it cuts power seems sensible and I do have a fire extinguisher nearby anyway.

Another idea I have toyed with is a skeleton of metal or wood and cover it with a sort of tent made from fire blankets. And still another is to get a discarded washing machine, dryer or similar and gut the contents and use the chassis as the basis of an enclosure. It would need some work making a door but some I've seen are a pretty good fit. Also pretty cheap.

I'd say just go for cost. These sheets were expensive last time I check. Started building mine and stopped at the panels.

Acrylic is harder and stronger. But more likely to crack. More scratch resistance.

Polycarbonate is more flexible. Can withstand more of on impact than acrylic.

You could also add a lower powered CPU fan. Add a sensor to maintain an ambient sensor, triggering the fan when it reaches a certain temperature.

For sensors I'd imagine you could just make them yourself or go the easy smart devices route. Grab a smart smoke detector and wall plugs.
Set conditions and automate it. Now that got me thinking, I should do this... Way too simple. How did I not think of this before?

Fire alarm ideas.,416260

No matter what you build your enclosure of , you most likley still need some form of ventilation to keep the temperature down on long prints ? so any fire could still get out.

Using a smoke alarm, temp sensor with  some device to cut off the mains power to the whole printer would seem to be the best approach , plus you can buy automatic temperature controlled Fire extinguishers.


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