Electronics > Altium Designer

Altium Blank Gerbers / CAM File won't save / DRC links don't work [Solved]


This is more of a rant because I've already solved this, but hopefully it helps someone else...

When I exported Gerbers they would look empty, just black without any layers displaying. I also couldn't save the Camtastic files (.CAM1, CAM2 etc). No errors...   just clicking save would do nothing...

Also after running the DRC clicking the links wouldn't work. It's meant to zoom to the problem location on the PCB where the DRC violation is... except nothing would happen after clicking the link...   |O

I then found that Windows couldn't compress files in the directory the project was in, was complaining about special characters.

Turns out there was an invisible unicode character in one of the folder names, probably because the name was copied from elsewhere.

Renaming the folder fixed all the issues.  ::)


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