Electronics > Altium Designer

Altium Designer 12 Announcement

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It's just the same old AD10 relabelled AD12  ::)
Nothing new to see here, move along now...


"16 product updates within the last 12 months, all of which refined and extended the already powerful capabilities of Altium Designer."

Heh, as I recall 3 of them did a bit and the other 13 fixed bugs.

"Users of older version will benefit from special upgrade pricing". Wonder what that will be, more than a double subscription which is what I believe it currently takes to get back on the subscription wagon?

Randall W. Lott:
They want you to feel like "12" is more worthy of the obnoxious price.


--- Quote from: Randall W. Lott on March 03, 2012, 08:06:05 am ---They want you to feel like "12" is more worthy of the obnoxious price.

--- End quote ---

The price isn't obnoxious it is reasonably cheap.

The price of subscription is questionable because what you know you get for it is pretty much worthless and what else you might get is unknown. The only thing the announcement implied they are working on is more of the worthless stuff.

Randall W. Lott:

--- Quote from: Rufus on March 03, 2012, 03:18:11 pm ---
--- Quote from: Randall W. Lott on March 03, 2012, 08:06:05 am ---They want you to feel like "12" is more worthy of the obnoxious price.

--- End quote ---

The price isn't obnoxious it is reasonably cheap.

The price of subscription is questionable because what you know you get for it is pretty much worthless and what else you might get is unknown. The only thing the announcement implied they are working on is more of the worthless stuff.

--- End quote ---

Yes; the subscription is what I was referring to.  A one time cost would be perfectly appropriate in my opinion.


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