Electronics > Altium Designer

Altium schematic printing with NO background colour

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--- Quote from: T3sl4co1l on January 13, 2023, 06:20:43 pm ---Cringe, T3sl4co1l posts from 5 years ago, who would even write like that... ::)

As for sheet color -- Document/Options you can edit colors (or since AD18, Properties panel/dialog with nothing selected). :-+


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I could have sworn it was already set to white there! I'll have to look again when I'm back in the lab on Tuesday.

--- Quote from: ajb on January 13, 2023, 11:14:51 pm ---Color can be controlled by a schematic template (.SchDot file) as well, so background color can be set as part of an overall template, along with title block/border/etc.  I'm not sure when SchDot filetypes were added, but they're created the same way as SchDocs, just saved as a template and then stored in a specific folder.  You can change or reload a template without having to change anything else on the sheet.

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I really need to look into those.

--- Quote from: ajawamnet on January 14, 2023, 05:08:53 pm ---Simple - use the Page Setup dialog. This can be done in the standalone or in the outputjob as well as when generating a Smart PDF.  See vid  [snip]

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Nope, that's not the same thing. I'm not looking for monochrome or grayscale output.

--- Quote from: PlainName on January 15, 2023, 12:02:53 am ---The page setup solution just switches to mono output, which is no doubt the desired result for some purpose. However, keeping the object colours and just making the background white is often preferable.

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--- Quote from: tooki on January 15, 2023, 03:53:29 pm ---
--- Quote from: T3sl4co1l on January 13, 2023, 06:20:43 pm ---Cringe, T3sl4co1l posts from 5 years ago, who would even write like that... ::)

As for sheet color -- Document/Options you can edit colors (or since AD18, Properties panel/dialog with nothing selected). :-+


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I could have sworn it was already set to white there! I'll have to look again when I'm back in the lab on Tuesday.

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You may need to set it for existing pages seperately (properties). I had quite a fight with Altium to change the text font to something that is readable when printed small; I needed to modify many objects seperately even after setting the default font.


--- Quote from: nctnico on January 15, 2023, 04:58:30 pm ---
--- Quote from: tooki on January 15, 2023, 03:53:29 pm ---
--- Quote from: T3sl4co1l on January 13, 2023, 06:20:43 pm ---Cringe, T3sl4co1l posts from 5 years ago, who would even write like that... ::)

As for sheet color -- Document/Options you can edit colors (or since AD18, Properties panel/dialog with nothing selected). :-+


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I could have sworn it was already set to white there! I'll have to look again when I'm back in the lab on Tuesday.

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You may need to set it for existing pages seperately (properties). I had quite a fight with Altium to change the text font to something that is readable when printed small; I needed to modify many objects seperately even after setting the default font.

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I hear you. It's maddening how many places there are where the font must be changed. (Not to mention when footprints manually override the defaults...)


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