Electronics > Altium Designer

Does multi-channel design require ports?


Does each sheet need at least one port?

Background - My PCB has multiple strings of LEDs.  Each string has its own connector, so they're not connected.  I made one schematic for each string/connector then one schematic with multiple sheet symbols.  Altium's multi-channel/hierarchical features only work as expected when each sheet has at least one port.  Without a port, it only acknowledges the first sheet.

Without a port, no tabs

With a port, tabs

There must be a way to use these features without tabs because I see others use "Repeat" sheets with no ports.  Any ideas?

I've run into this problem before -- it does seem like Altium will not properly compile a multichannel design in some cases unless there is connectivity between sheets.  IME, it just needs some connectivity, not necessarily between every sheet, hence why you may see other projects using repeated sheets without ports that work fine.  It may depend on your project settings as well.

I was able to find five other projects that used sheets "without ports", but they all used global power ports (e.g. GND)

I ended up just adding a dummy port with No ERC directive.  This appears to be an effective work-around for this bug.

I do not have this issue. I think the problem might be you have no nets?


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