Electronics > Altium Designer
Drill marks
Does anyone know how to put a centre spot in all the drill spots on a PCB printed from Camtastic onto a laminate?
I have the marks, and the drill drawings, but i just want a little dot in the middle of all the pads that i need to drill so i can centre more easy - no matter what i do, change color, change layer order, i cant get them to come out on the print.....
You probably have to specify pad holes to be in the gerber before it gets to camtastic.
The pad holes are there in the PCB router, all i do is generate the gerber from that - for example if i place a DIP part, i see the holes in the PCB designer, and the drill marks in the gerber, but it prints just as a black pad
Id be alright if i had a CNC drill machine!
PCB manufacturers don't like holes in the pads or vias in gerbers, so they are not usually included for a good reason. Therefore one must put them there deliberately.
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