Electronics > Altium Designer

Quickest Way to Find Components in a Database.

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Its the same for me : "*" does nothing, its not used as a wildcard in the search, you can only find consecutive sets of characters. Pretty dumb for such an expensive cad package. This is the sort of idiotic stuff they could stick an intern on and have it fixed in a day, but no they'd rather waste time on exotic features most people will never use.


--- Quote from: twospoons on August 16, 2024, 03:15:07 am ---Its the same for me : "*" does nothing, its not used as a wildcard in the search, you can only find consecutive sets of characters. Pretty dumb for such an expensive cad package. This is the sort of idiotic stuff they could stick an intern on and have it fixed in a day, but no they'd rather waste time on exotic features most people will never use.

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even these free browsers have intelligent search why couldn't this paid & now expensive AD not have this simple feature specially now that some companies are moving to Databased type libraries where you could have literally thousands of 1K resistor variations  :-//

...also do you have the hyperlink inside the db lib linked to the component spec sheet? how was that done?


--- Quote from: mengfei on September 05, 2024, 02:26:43 am ---...also do you have the hyperlink inside the db lib linked to the component spec sheet? how was that done?

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I rigged our library to point to Octopart, because I could do it by just making a URL with a simple string concatenation to search Octopart for the manufacturer part number. It's not the same as a direct datasheet link, but it's got its own virtues, and it was dead simple to do.

Bloody ell! i just want to search for a component & not wanting to be a programmer  |O


AD24 has advanced search Altium365 workspace libraries but will cost you an arm & a leg & still not sure if it will do well with out dblib  :-//


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