Electronics > Altium Designer
Quickest Way to Find Components in a Database.
has anyone here found the fastest way to search for components inside your database?
So we have switched to use database library where each component has it's own MPN & company PN except for resistors which uses 1 to many type of part numbering.
now we are having a big uproar on how hard & time consuming it is to find a simple resistor since they have to Filter out all the parameters & parametric data of the part they are looking for.
Altium component search is so dumb that even a space in front or back wont generate any results.
let's say you need to find a 74hc123 , but you don't know if it is sn74.. , dm74... m74... simply use *
the search understands wildcards. the * is implicit at the end of the search, but it is not at the beginning
will find any part that has 1k and 0805 in the description.
RES, SMD, 1K, 1%, 1/10W, 0805
thanks for the reply but it doesn't seem to be working on my side, do I have to set something else?
i copy paste this > *1k*805 but no go, even with different variations of the *
I have separate libraries for different size resistors and capacitors. Sounds like a lot, but It's just 12 libraries for the 99% of the parts used.
Then it's just one type of parts in the library. Vishay CRCW resistors. This might change as Vishay in their infinite wisdom is deleting the markings but that's not the point. Library shows "Value" first, and is sorted on that. Takes like 2 seconds to find the part. Altium sorting understands "K" and "M" suffixes.
The search function is pretty limited, but using column grouping/sorting helps a lot. Couldn't find the current doc page for it, but here's a video: https://youtu.be/7id84tbtCPQ. The same functions are available in the Components side panel as well. You could, for example, group all of the resistors by package size and resistance, then quickly drill down to the specific combination. Since you have different tables for different kinds of parts, you'd need to set up the column grouping for each.
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