Electronics > Altium Designer

Stable Altium Version

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BTW - some of the things in AD21/22 are great, the selection filters and the snap settings are  one.   The Simbeor layer stack thing is kinda OK - I does work, but it got silly crap like not updating impedance driven rules if you mod the layer stack.  Just throws errors. 

Another thing is that it really does seem to open schematic pages fast, but make sure that the Properties Panel is NOT showing when open all the sheets.   

I guess Draftsman's OK, dunno; I tried it and it was a turd to me anyway.

The flex thing in the new Layer Stack is kinda cool. The way you generate subsequent layers by dragging previous layers is neat. 

I don't use any of the DBlibs shit (tried that back in Protel 98 - sucked then too) nor any of the on-line clown crap (we ain't allowed) so I have no idea about that 'cept what I read from other users.  Simple file-based libs for us.

And ahh, the Properties Panel.   It's like the old Inspector but with funky eyeballs and shit that take up much more room but look "man bun java jockey, pitiful Python-pirate" cool.  Not for me.

It does have some advantages

In the PCB the ability to edit tuning is nice.  And it now does trombones and sawtooth.    I typically use Specctra  and now I do some in Konekt Electra for autorouting (it does great with hi speed shit like that), but some of the manual tuning I have to do is a bit nicer.

BTW - the Konekt dev is just badass.  You send him some funky board that won't rout and he fixes it then and there.  Just a great guy.  Worth every penny of it (tho I don't dig the server license thing).

I don't dig the fact that you when you go to a routing layer you can still see the plane reliefs/knockouts.  In AD17 if you set it to do planes as outlines, when you went back to a routing layer from working on a plane, all the funky relief crosses went away, allowing for a less cluttered look.

And ahh, the Properties Panel.   It's like the old Inspector but with funky eyeballs and shit that take up much more room but look "man bun java jockey, pitiful Python-pirate" cool.  Not for me.

It does have some advantages

In the PCB the ability to edit tuning is nice.  And it now does trombones and sawtooth.    I typically use Specctra  and now I do some in Konekt Electra for autorouting (it does great with hi speed shit like that), but some of the manual tuning I have to do is a bit nicer.

BTW - the Konekt dev is just badass.  You send him some funky board that won't rout and he fixes it then and there.  Just a great guy.  Worth every penny of it (tho I don't dig the server license thing).

I don't dig the fact that you when you go to a routing layer you can still see the plane reliefs/knockouts.  In AD17 if you set it to do planes as outlines, when you went back to a routing layer from working on a plane, all the funky relief cross

And oh... the totally F'd layer drawing order with respect to mechanical layers - the holes always are on top regardless of layer stack order (with mech layers on top).  This sucks since for decades we've used 2D geometry from things like acad to line up thru hole components.

I've been talking with one of ther FAE's about it - I hope they restore that soon. You can kinda get around it by setting the Pads to 50% transparency, but when you are moving a part/thruhole pad, it goes opaque.  Totally useless.  The only work around is to use Draft pads (then it looks like Allegro or something)

I'm sure there's stuff I'm forgetting.


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