Ok, let's set the record straight. This will be my last post on the topic of your disappearing comments and Bob's merry deletions, but I really need to set the record actually straight.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
But you probably won't find many confutations in the comments section, because Duhamel, like fromjesse, delete the comments that tell them they are wrong and why. For example, in his last video "Voltage in a loop is weird", a post by Silicon Soup stating that by putting the probes inside the magnetic region a voltage was induced in the loop has disappeared.
Here's the reason:
Just to set the record straight, your statement is false.
Neither I nor Duhamel delete comments just because they disagree with us.
I don't know whether Bob deleted any specific comments,
You literally contradicted yourself from one sentence to the other.
Sentence two says "Duhamel does not delete comments because..."
Sentence three says "I do not know whether Bob deleted any specific comments..."
Did you talk to Bob expressely about this? Sentence three says you didn't. Also says you seem fine about talking of what you do not know.
If you had quoted me in context, it would not falsely appear that I contradicted myself.
I have not talked to Bob about it, but your statement was a blanket statement that THERE WOULD BE SEEN NO CONFUTATIONS in the comments on my channel or Bob's channel because you said (implicitly) we deleted all disagreeing comments.
Your statement was out right false, and observably false, because there are still dissenting comments on both his channel and mine.
Record straightened: I can recall at least three posts that disappeared from RSD A. videos. One is the comment from Silicon Soup, stating that by running the probes in the magnetic flux region he was intercepting flux and this inducing a voltage. It was deleted along with a timestamped comment by Copernico Felinis (or, by using your non-insulting name: felinus retardus). Another one is a comment of I believe Mick Vall (Or Mark Fruchtman, a name like that... M---- --a---) where he told Bob that he was wrong and he should not be teaching this wrong concepts because it would cause confusion in students (and he also explained why and where he was wrong). The whole thread disappeared, along with other comments discussing technicalities.
He may have removed some entire conversations, I don't know. But I do know that he didn't remove all disagreeing comments as you stated, and that is an observable fact.
So, keep your "false" to you.
If you had said that Bob had deleted SOME users, or SOME disagreeing comments, but left others, then I'd have had no problem with your claim.
If you had said that I had banned you but not others, then I'd have no problem.
And then there is that exchange with Mr. Anderson. It tells all you need to know.
I don't know what you're talking about.
but I don't recall deleting any specific comments, but what I did do is ban ONE particular person (felinus retardus) who was being insulting to my viewers as well as myself. I did not delete all of his comments,
But you did not publish some?
I don't remember not publishing any. Most of my videos have un-moderated comments, but sometimes youtube flags them and I have to go in and approve them.
If you left a comment after I banned you, then it may not have been published and it probably didn't even show up in my unpublished comments.
I guess that, regarding the insults, you meant comments like this one - in that case I can understand

Source: your channel - image here https://i.postimg.cc/N081Kppk/screenshot-fromjesse-insults.png
Oh, my bad. That was Samuel Snerden cold open post and he was talking about Lewin. Did you ban him as well, for insulting your viewers? But of course not. Lewin is certainly not a viewer of yours.
Lewin has never left any comment. If he wants to come comment under my videos then he can complain about Samuel Snerden's comments.
Also about insults, and then I'll drop it definitively: I have been through the exchange you are having with ThinkFat. In just two or three comments you manage to call bsfeechannell: "clueless", "totally idiotic", "either he's fulla BS or he's not being honest", "your hero the ignorant bsfeechannel", "he's either ignorant or disingeneous".
Again, if you quoted me in context, you'd see why. The chap literally responded thus:
bsfeechannel responded to "A resistor under the influence of the external varying magnetic field also behaves as non-ideal voltage source" by saying "But, but, but, but fromjesse said that the copper rings generate voltages, while the resistors drop it! How can I properly learn Ohms law, KVL, good probing and oscilloscope operation if you guys keep contradicting each other? Aw, unbelievable!"
Doesn't he know that resistors, capacitors, and inductors all have resistance, inductance, and capacitance? (excepting superconductors which have no resistance)
Apart from that thing about pots and kettles, I don't think your ban was motivated by insults. You seem pretty comfortable with insults in your channel. I believe it's something else. I wonder what that could be. 
Well, you're the ONLY one I've banned on that topic. I banned a few pharmacy spammers but that's something else.
You can look and there are LOTS AND LOTS of comments of all the regulars like Trevor and Melo and I don't remember who else. They argued hard and long -- but didn't resort to insulting me, and I never banned them. You're the only one I banned.
Maybe when you are cornered, you get insecure?
Nope, look at all the other guys who were much more meticulous and thorough - they would be the ones that cornered me and caused insecurity. But you can see that the discussions go on for a LONG time, and they are still there, and those users are not banned.
Let's try to figure out the issue.
Will you start insulting people in here, as well?
If not, I can try to explain what is wrong with what you believe.
1. That sentence of Belcher is about the RLC lumped circuit of section 10. Read pages 15 and 16. It's not about the unlumpable Lewin ring.

That's where I was quoting from. Wouldn't you say that he clearly describes that there are two different attributes, both of which use the unit volt, but one of which is always zero across an inductor and one which is what a volt meter reads, which is how KVL holds as argued by Mehdi?
He says "Thus with Feynman et al.’s definition, the sum of all the voltage differences around the circuit is zero (that is, KVL holds) "
2. The note of McDonald (it's not a paper, it's a note for his students) has been through many revisions, so you should also specify the date it was last updated. The most recent I have on my laptop says November 14, 2018. And he uses a definition of "voltage drop" that 'others' (namely the IEC) call 'scalar potential difference'. Therefore he is talking about the component of the voltage that is solely determined by the conservative electric field generated by the distribution of charge displaced by Eind. It's just that, and he says so on page 10, after formula (35). The scalar PD alone is insufficient to describe the physical system. In fact, you cannot even apply Ohm's law to that 'voltage drop' as he calls it. And he acknowledges that voltmeters do not measure that 'voltage drop' of his, but the path integral of the total electric field Etot (as Belcher says, as well).
Therefore, when stores will sell AC voltmeters that can read that scalar potential difference, that definition of his will come very handy. Till then, a lot of people prefer to use actual voltage, the one that can be measured by voltmeters and that is path-dependent. It is also much easier to treat.
Yes, I have the same November 14th 2018.
And yes, Dr. McDonald cleary states:
"Lewin’s circuit is within the range of applicability of Kirchhoff’s loop equations, which can be used to predict measurements by the “voltmeters” in the experiment."
What gives? You say Lewin's circuit is not within the range of applicability of Kirchhoff's loop equations. McDonald says it is.
He literally says it. In writing.
3. By reading your thread with ThinkFat for the video "The Lewin loop inside an iron core - KVL still holds" it appears to me you have problems with basic electromagnetism.
Naturally, but then again, to me, it looks like you don't understand basic electromagnetism. That's why I'm here trying to learn.
You say con can "correctly lump" the circuit, but Lewin's ring is not lumpable.
Huh? I never said Lewin's ring was not lumpable.
McDonald said it is within the range of applicability of Kirchhoff's loop equations.
Are you saying it's not lumpable, but it's still within the range of applicability of Kirchhoff's loop equations?
You also seem to think that if your "volt meter leads do not cut through any changing magnetic fields [...], according to Faraday's law [...] there will be no voltage induced along my volt meter leads".
Do you really think that in order to induce a voltage, the conductors need to pass through the variable magnetic field region?
I think that a wire running axially along the magnetic "lines of force" will have no voltage induced in it, and no force exerted on it. That's why voice-coil actuators have the winding running at right angles to both the axis of movement and the axis of magnetic "lines of force."
Is that the reason you want to drill a hole into the toroidal core?
LOL Didn't you see the laughing face emoticons after that statement?
The point of the hole would be to allow measuring a half-turn. Look at it like this, here's a cross section at the toroid with the hole shown as a pipe:
(d|b) Parenthesis=primary winding, db=core material, and |=wire through the core.
The current in the "(" half of the winding will be flowing UP, and the current in the ")" half of the winding will be flowing DOWN, which means that the voltage induced along the length of "|" will be zero, thus allowing us to measure the voltage of a half of a turn hahahahahaha.
And by the way, since the core hogs the vast majority of the magnetic flux due to it's high permeability, the magnetic flux in the drilled hole would be pretty small, unless operating beyond the saturation point of the now narrowed cross section of the core.
You also seem anxious about looking inside a transformer.
It was a half-turn-on-a-toroid joke, man.
It's because people were trying to get me to do the EI-Core experiment on a toroid knowing that I couldn't do a fractional turn.
But that is the crux of the problem: Lewin's ring has placed two resistor inside the coil of a single turn transformer, creating a circuit that cannot be model with a lumped component.
Why can't it be modeled as several lumped components? Didn't Dr. McDonald say it could be?
Faraday's law is clear that:
Voltage generated = -N * ((delta(B*A)) / delta-t)
where N=Turns
B=Magnetic Flux
Sooo, if we have a circular transformer winding composed of two copper windings of nearly of half a turn, and two resistors which take up almost no turn, why can't it be modeled as two half turns and two resistors?
If you want to get really into the details, sure the resistor might be 0.5% of a turn, so would be modeled as 0.5% of a turn plus its resistance.
And yes, the copper traces have some resistance, so you would model them as a winding plus a couple milliohms.
And of course both the resistor and the copper trace have some parasitic capacitance as well, so if you want to be really accurate you can model that as well.
But for the sake of discussion, the stray attributes are very small compared to the primary attributes or induced voltage and ohmic voltage drop.
N need not bee an integer.
Continuously variable variacs have been around forever - I've got one, real pretty, all silver plated, you turn the knob, and the wiper slides or rolls along the winding providing a movable tap at any of an infinite number of positions, limited only by the smoothness of the winding wire and the wiper roller.