Was interesting stuff once again.. Some comments with my personal viewpoint
For the Web based applications (as an example some EDA/3Dcad) the problems are twofold .. Firstly there is no 100% quarantee that the net will work smoothly and reliably on all the locations I'd like to do some designs. At least at this part of the world the old hard copper lines are diminisng rapidly. In city areas the Cable and fibre connections are usually ok, but as soon as you'll move somewhat further away the only net is wireless, and quite frankly there are plenty locations here (Finland) that can't even offer decent 3G service.
Second problem of web applibations are the service providers. Many of these fast rising cloud companies are smacked together with plety of VC money and thus they are on dire need to make the investment back. So there's not much hope of these products to reach the maturity and stability comparable to real EDA toolkits. At the 3D design side the problem may not be as bad, but on Schema/PCB making you need to have stable tools for years to come. Someone using net-based tools will take huge risk due Propriarety fileformats and no abililty to run the software locally in case the toolkit vendor kills the service someday.
For the 3D design.. I dont' know any really good solution. I have used Sketchup (+it has some amazing plugins) for my design/STL making, and managed to print them with 3D printer. The OpenSCAD is funky program if you happen to like programming languge like approach, but it's not the easiest for begnners. If I had the plenty $$$ I might to go for Solidworks + Mastercam since those seem to be more or less industry standards.