We've been recording the Skype conversation, and to be honest, it's good enough, but given that it's a podcast on sound design, and we're supposed to be audio guys, I think we can do better.

The thing is, the three of us can do the "local recording and sync later" thing just fine, but what happens when we have a special guest on for one episode? How much coaching and troubleshooting will I end up having to do if they don't know how to record their local mic and use Skype at the same time? The beauty of simply recording the Skype audio is that I can be responsible for 100% of the recording, and nobody else needs to care about anything but their Skype connection working. The advantage we have here, though, is that most of the people we would have on as guests would also be audio guys and girls, so this might be a non-issue.
I'm going to propose we switch to local recording and post-syncing, then. We'll give it a test tomorrow.
EDIT: You know, the more I think about it, the more I think sticking to the Skype recording, mediocre as it is, is the best idea for us, because our podcast is not just two people carrying on. We have three regulars, and we would like to have special guests on in the future. Now, some of these people are superstars in the field, and they're all nice guys, but they're also really busy, and the only way we might get them on is for it to be as easy for them to participate as possible. Asking them to record their local mic then upload a huge file somewhere is asking too much, I think.
So, you can call it silly if you want, Dave, but I really think the way we're doing it now is the best way for us.