In short words - in my opinion it only worked when both Dave and Chris interviewed guests.
Now there is only Chris with his startup/maker/hacker/conference/meetup/arduino/iot/artist/hackaday buddies.
Long gone are days of real industry/academia guests
Maybe it's my impression, but maybe Dave is also tired of speaking over and over with Chris's people from maker/hacker community, so he only occasionally pops up for no-guest episodes?
Anyways - I'm sad - my favorite podcast is going downhill...
It's not officially dead.
I'm taking to Shahriar from the Signal Path today (by myself)
Yes I am not a regular any more for the interviews for a few reasons:
- I'm just busy, and the show is smack in the middle of the day when I need to get other work done. And given the show does not help pay my bills in any way, or otherwise contribute to that effort, it's hard to justify. So we dropped back to a fortnightly appearance that works better for me.
- Yes, Chris tends to have a lot of his networking buddies on which I almost have never heard of and wouldn't really be keen to interview (no offence). Well, it's not that I wouldn't find them or their topics interesting, but it feels more like just having them on for the sake of keeping the interview part of the show going. Chris (I'm assuming) will usually have some sort of agenda talking to them (because he's met them at some meetup and he loves networking etc) and I feel like I'd just be a third wheel. And given my next point, you'll see why I'm not that keep on those interviews.
Chris also often interviews them at meetups and shows and its just logistically hard and unproductive to have two people live, with a third person remote, it's just pointless, so it's sensible that it be Chris only.
- I've come to think that 3 person interviews just don't work as well as a good 2 person one. And as someone mentioned, Chris has his style and types of questions and I have mine. That balance
can work , but I think more often than not it's a bit of a hindrance. I find the 4 way shows pretty frustrating. And you really have to try and do this to understand how difficult it is to have three people on opposite sides of the planet not being able to see each other trying to hold a decent conversation. This is why we might often talk over each other, because there are no visual clues and there is very slight audio delays that don't help.
"Officially" it's me and Chris every 2nd week, alternating with a guest show inbetween. But given that Chris is always travelling and at shows and meetups etc, the schedule gets all mixed up.
I took a 3 week family holiday in Jan, and I have a family whilst Chris doesn't, so my time demands are higher.
And whilst the AmpHour was my idea and I founded it, Chris has been running the show for almost the entire time. The was always keener to edit it, find and schedule guests etc, he just loves doing that. And given the AmpHour is a his main publicity outlet, whereas I have the EEVblog, it seems natural that he'd be more keen to keep it all running than I would be. Chris has a much more vested interest in keep it running regularly than I do.