EEVblog > The AmpHour Radio Show

Pics from Maker Faire Detroit


Listening to the second show I heard you guys talking about the Maker Faire in Detroit this past weekend and how Chris couldn't go. I live in the SE Michigan area and was able to make it on Sunday and thought I'd post some pics I took. BTW, the tickets were $28 which also includes entry to the Henry Ford Museum (which is normally $32 by itself). Someone let me know if the pics don't show up.

Yes, those are all made out of legos.

Ladar from a robot telemetry system done by a team at UofM

This is a robot sentry nerf dart gun

Electric powered car

Sentry shooting the electric powered car

Power Wheels races

A t-shirt I made

I've been to the Henry Ford Museum many times, but the locomotives there make me crap my pants every time. (Thats me in the picture, I'm about 5' 11")

Ridiculously big train

Looks awesome, thanks for the pics.
Looking at all that cool makes it so hard to figure out how to get something like that organised here in Sydney.


Nice, thanks for sharing.  Very mechatronic.


--- Quote from: EEVblog on August 06, 2010, 01:17:29 am ---Looks awesome, thanks for the pics.
Looking at all that cool makes it so hard to figure out how to get something like that organised here in Sydney.

--- End quote ---
A suggestion - chances are there are already model-engineering type shows. A maker annex to one of these may be a low-risk way of testing the water. Maybe talk to These guys
Hooking up with the local Dorkbot group would also be worth investigating - Dorkbot Sydney looks fairly active from their website, and is exactly the target market if my local London one is anything to go by.


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