Electronics > Beginners

A!tium Designer

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Recently I had the chance to try out A!tium Designer and I must admit I found it quite nice to work with. However I realized that during the simulation process neither currents nor voltages can be measured by means of a probe (voltages can only be seen in waveforms, while I don't have a clue how to measure currents). Am I missing something obvious here?

Wow, you are the first person I know who actually use the simulation part of it. Everyone I know just use it for the PCB design.

hmm I must admit that it's true that almost no one I know uses Altium as simulation soft even though it is a part of the CAD course on University. Any way as I remember it is similar to PSpice, maybe I'll check that if I have time.


--- Quote from: Hypernova on March 15, 2011, 02:06:57 pm ---Wow, you are the first person I know who actually use the simulation part of it. Everyone I know just use it for the PCB design.

--- End quote ---

What can I say other than ditto :->


I dunno, the post-layout simulation features are nice, though I am still only planning to use them :)
Thinking it may come handy to tweak termination resistors on high speed memory buses for example


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