Ok, so I've found that, as suggested, reducing the sizes of both the emitter resistor and collector resistor whilst maintaining their ratio increases the gain I get in practice.
With the base biasing pair set to 3.9K and 1K, if one uses R_e=820 ohms and R_c=5.6K then whilst the gain in theory is -8.2, the reality is more like -2.7. But with R_e=270 and R_c of 1K2 the practical gain is -4 gainst a theoretical of 4.4. Increasing the current in the collector and emitter resistors is making the real gain come closer to the theory, but I'm still confused as to why. Isn't the gain just -R_c/R_e, is there some phenomena where if the current in R_c and R_e is low enough then full predicted gains can't be achieved?
In either case I'm getting V_emitter at about 0.4V in the quiescent state, when the largest magnitude input wave is present it still stays just above ground on its low swings. Trying to bring the base any higher, as a way to bring the emitter up too, results in clipping of the lowest points of the output waveform when the input is near maximum.
P.S. regarding the phases the output lags the input by about 200 degrees, or leads by 160 depending how it is considered. Close to the 180 expected.
If the emitter resistor is 0.4V, then in the first case the current is 0.49 mA so (assuming your load impedance is much much larger than 5.6k) the intrinsic emitter resistance is 26mV/0.49mA = 53 Ohms. Since the ideal gain for very large beta is -(Rc||Rload)/(Re + re), if Rload is infinite then I get an ideal gain of about 6.4. I will let you work out the ideal gain for the second case.
But the larger effects are
1. The gain-bandwidth product is dependent on the bias current through the transistor. I would expect the bandwidth at 5 mA to be much larger than the bandwidth at 0.5 mA. Some BJT datasheets show plots of this.
EDIT: should have noted that analysis of the standard hybrid-pi model shows the unity-gain-bandwidth (in Hz) is approximately $$f_T \approx \frac{1}{2 \pi \, r_e \, C_{internal}}$$, where \$C_{internal}\$ is an internal capacitance of the transistor. Since \$r_e\$ is proportional to \$1/I_{bias}\$, increasing the bias increases the bandwidth.
2. As others have noted, with 5.6k output impedance, when you probe it the capacitance of your scope probe will create a lowpass filter so the signal amplitude your scope shows may be lower than the output signal amplitude when it is not being probed.
I did a couple of simulations of a circuit similar to yours, one with Rc=5.6k and Re=820, and the other with Rc=560 and Re=82. I hung an emitter follower off of the output to buffer it. The simulation plots show that the bandwidth of the 560 / 82 case is much greater than the bandwidth of the 5.6k/820 case. Also, they show that the frequency response of the output of hte emitter follower is the same as for the common-emitter, as expected in simulation.
I then built these circuits and measured their frequency responses, both at the common-emitter output and the emitter-follower output. I have attached the plots, where the filenames tell you the resistances used, and the _EF in the filename indicates the measurements after the emitter-follower. You again see that the bandwidth of the 560/82 version is much higher than for the 5.6k/820 version. In both cases, the measured bandwidth after the emitter-follower was larger than before, most likely due to the effects of the probing.
I was using very sloppy probing on a solderless breadboard, by the way. I had wires plugged in at the measurement points then clipped the probes to the other ends of the wires. So the effects of probing could probably be reduced.