I can get my quiescent V_e emitter voltage up to 1.2V this way without compromising gain when I pick appropriate values, at these levels am I in a situation where V_be variations and other variables properties of the transistor will no longer have much effect? Which equation specifically governs V_be's effect on the gain and the quiescent DC levels of the various transistor pins? Am I along the right lines thinking of:
V_b_qui is set by the biasing resistor ratio,
V_e_qui is always V_be less than V_b_qui by V_be,
R_c is controlling the current I_c,
and R_e*I_c (as I_c is virtually I_e) is controlling how high V_c_qui is
V_be changes will then alter V_e_qui, which would serve to shift V_c_qui around, but not affect gain unless V_c_qui 's shifting brought it to a value where clipping became possible?
Every 0.1V increase in V_be raises V_c_qui by 0.1V? 0.1V of drop to V_be lowers V_c_qui by 0.1V?
EDIT: might have just found what I needed
setting R_e>(2.5mV)*expected_temp_range/(proportion_error_tolerable*current) is supposed to ensure temperature variation won't interfere with a common emitter amplifier by more than the specified proportion.