Hello everyone,
I decided to re-learn electronics from the basics. For that, I'm currently reviewing the 6.002 MIT course while reading Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits. I'm also following Learning the Art of Electronics while reading The Art of Electronics. My end goals are 1. play with RF, I find the subject "magical" and 2. better understand the digital world as a Software Engineer.
I didn't buy any kits for Learning the Art of Electronics, I purchased a DS1054z, a DP832, and a SDG 1025 a few years ago when I thought I would have the time to learn (I got 3 kids in the meantime, I think I'm good to go now).
I managed to move forward in the last 2 weeks without much of a struggle even though I don't have access to a 6.3 AC transformer. I combined the 2 outputs of my function generator to produce a 60 hz signal with 10 khz noise on top of it with success (I know the amplitudes changed).
Now I still find the exercise of making a box for such a transformer fun... So I bought this:
https://docs.rs-online.com/714b/A700000008857720.pdf and everything on the bench in the attachments. I made a very crude schematic of how I want to plug the transformer with the fuse box and the switch. I
assumed the phase is the best line to place both the switch and the fuse box.
The transformer will be mounted on a 0.75 mm thick piece of steel, grounded, to secure it to the box.
Is the plan sound ?If I understand things correctly, I will have access to 6.3 Vrms A.C. between COM and the other two plugs and 12.6 Vrms between the two plugs (read and green).
Is that correct?Sorry for the dumb questions, this is still new to me.
P.S.: This is my first post on this forum, I don't know if I must introduce myself somewhere.
P.S. 2: I fucked up when ordering the banana plugs... that's why I have a green and a gray instead of 2 reds and a black