I'll see if I could come up with PCB that won't reveal my secret project

That said, I bought Edsyn SAC8250-3 and tried it on 350C. There was bubbling, but not as dramatic and it did shoot one small ball. What was even weirder it was emitting thick white smoke that covered adjacent pins, components and PCB itself.
However, I soldered two PCBs with it and it didn't pull any pin out of its plastic guard.
Joints looked smooth until they cooled then had white rough residue all over them.
The solder also flowed nicely into the pad.
edit: at 320C it was better, but still joints were looking very much white.
Second was Weller WSW SAC M1. This was was bubbling like crazy, but not much smoke. There were craters in the joints. Joints were never coming smooth. I didn't notice any balls (yet).
edit: okay, under microscope I saw dozens of tiny solder balls, so that's even worse.
I am using JBC DDE soldering station.
maybe indeed problem is too much flux for this application. Now how do I find solder wire with low flux. Stores typically don't allow sorting by flux content. It has to be no clean.