I would recommend uni in Australia, i did not complete a degree and rather worked through the ranks learning on the job ( with a tafe diploma) and don't get me wrong it was fantastic. I learn't heaps and i felt it made me a better engineer however when i applied for new roles they always held it against me.( not having a degree)
I have since obtained my degree as a mature age student and although i don't think i am much better than prior, its removed the "snob - no degree attitude" some HR people have.
This is the road I'm going too. I've also done a trade (instrumentation and control), currently doing my Adv. Diploma, and the goal is the degree.
I will agree, a lot of HR and headhunter people seem to barely acknowledge the existence anything less than a Bachelor's degree (And trumpet the fact they have such a qualification...). If you ever encounter someone with this attitude, remind them of this; The smart employer hires the person capable of doing the work.
Enjoy your Uni, but try to get yourself some practical time on holidays with a local employer. If you can whack on your CV that you've worked (even voluntarily) in engineering more than the other graduates of your year, or even an associated field, that'll put you streets ahead of the pack.
Best of luck, and maybe I'll see you out there!