Just out of curiosity, when they send you random stuff with a decent value, do you have to pay some fees to receive the item (doesn't matter what the fee is exactly, simply the amount)?
If so, the freebies might not be free after all. I'm not considering the work you do to make a video, since you probably accept items that you have interest in and might purchase otherwise, not items that are completely useless to you.
Regarding the promotional videos, I don't think they spoil anyone's channel as long as they are done well. In case of technical reviews, it's great to still keep the review as objective as possible in addition to making it clear the item was sent by whomever sent it in order to do a promotion. So, not simply a video that keeps mentioning how great the item is but one that considers the advantages and disadvantages and the price point (you might have gotten the item for free, but is is it good value to purchase).