you can find very powerful programmers who'll do tons of parts Xeltek Elnec etc .... with isp jtag etc ...
one who gain some good traction is the tnm7000 min 300$ usd on some websites not the expensive one on Ali
you'll need deep pockets
what is mentioned are special cases not the ususal stuff, you need to search many companies to find supported parts
rt809 has a good reputation too, but you have a small model and a bigger one who can do screens etc...
yes there is no ultimate programmer, i had tons of avr, pic, Xilinx stm32 msp430 .... freescale, jtag spi ..... and still missing something,
mostly on mcu''s side, old hitachi stuff, mitsubishi stuff etc .... obscure programmers who are very hard to get ... old stuff nobody can remember correctly
special parts .... even some old serial or parallel ones, who never had any upgrades to usb ports .....
the list goes on and on
@u666sa would be nice to provide link to thoses entt2 or UFPI programmers, never heard of them ?