Author Topic: Xgecu T56 or some other programmer  (Read 2634 times)

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Offline NeshcoTopic starter

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Xgecu T56 or some other programmer
« on: December 05, 2023, 08:34:49 pm »
I am in a search for some programmer for my lab that can cover most of the needs in general and that does not cost the kidney.
T56 have decent price but does not have (for the money) as near adapters as TL866 II+ have, and if someone know if those adapters can be used with the T56?
Or maybe, there is some other programmer in price range that cover that amount of devices and sockets with free fw updates?
There is no specific use for the programmer at the moment, but intention is to get most of it for the future projects of mine, known and unknown at this point.
Highly appreciate any advise.

Offline u666sa

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Re: Xgecu T56 or some other programmer
« Reply #1 on: December 05, 2023, 08:54:20 pm »
T56 does not know how to do EMMC. It does not know how to deal with keys.  :-//
You might have an adapter, and it might support the chip, but if certain condition do not meet, it can not copy. In TVs certain conditions usually do not meet.

You need entt2 or UFPI.

It is good to have T48 in addition of one of the above programmers. Keep in mind, T48 has 5-in-1 adapter -- which is great, but is missing two spacers, which you will have to get separately. T56 is better, it support more chips, but it is more expensive and you will have to get each adapter separately, it is considerably more money. I suggest you get T48 in addition on entt2 or UFPI... Out of the latter two, UFPI Platinum is king, if you can lay your hands on it.
« Last Edit: December 05, 2023, 08:57:58 pm by u666sa »
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Offline u666sa

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Re: Xgecu T56 or some other programmer
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2023, 06:40:17 am »

Guy restored tcl led40d2930. Nobody could do it because keys are inside CPU. He has T56, and tried it and it couldn't do it. Entt2 and it was done. Because Entt2 knows how to work with keys. So does UFPI. They were made by people who repair TVs.  :-//

Conclusion. You can not have a 1 do it all programmer. You gotta have one or several that do chips you come across most often. It is an investment that should last you about 5 to 10 years. After that time there is going to be new, great, programmer that does do what the other one does not do.  |O
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Offline coromonadalix

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Re: Xgecu T56 or some other programmer
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2023, 03:57:46 pm »
you can find very powerful programmers    who'll do tons of parts   Xeltek  Elnec     etc .... with isp  jtag   etc  ...

one who gain some good traction is the tnm7000  min 300$ usd on some websites      not the expensive one  on Ali

you'll need deep pockets

what is mentioned are special cases   not the ususal stuff,       you need to search many companies to find supported parts

rt809  has a good reputation too, but you have a small model and a bigger one who can do screens   etc...

yes there is no ultimate programmer,  i had tons of avr, pic, Xilinx  stm32 msp430  .... freescale, jtag spi  .....  and still missing something,

mostly on mcu''s side, old hitachi stuff, mitsubishi stuff   etc  .... obscure programmers who are very hard to get ... old stuff nobody can remember correctly
special parts ....   even some old serial or parallel ones,  who never had any upgrades to usb ports .....

the list goes on and on 

@u666sa        would be nice to provide link to thoses entt2 or UFPI  programmers, never heard of them ?
« Last Edit: December 06, 2023, 04:01:45 pm by coromonadalix »
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Offline u666sa

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Re: Xgecu T56 or some other programmer
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2023, 06:58:34 am »  &  UFPI  entt (Easy NAND Tiny Tools)

T56/T48? They don't know how to work with keys. No bueno when it comes to NAND from TVs. Which is a common problem. TV comes these days, more often than not, bad NAND since they put entire smart onto nand, after a certain time, depending on how much crap was installed and how it was with disk activity, it goes bad.
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Offline u666sa

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Re: Xgecu T56 or some other programmer
« Reply #5 on: December 07, 2023, 07:29:23 pm »
Latest bro

TSOP48 this time TC58NVG0S3ETA00

And this one is from another guy with same chip

This is from group

No bueno!

I bought T48 with stuff for 130 bucks and I'm crying. This is rubbish.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2023, 07:31:06 pm by u666sa »

Offline NeshcoTopic starter

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Re: Xgecu T56 or some other programmer
« Reply #6 on: December 22, 2023, 10:10:47 am »
Thanks guys. For some reason, I did not get feedback that there are replies on the post.
I understand I cannot cover all, I mean, I don`t even need all and in the same time I don`t have clear picture of what I am going to use it all for. So, I just needed directions where to start collecting. Got it that T48 is a good start because of the bunch of the adapters decently priced.
I checked the UFPI, did not even know that this exist. But could not find platinum version, maybe you meant Silver box? And how postal services work at this moment with Russian federation at the moment because of the SMO?

Offline colenz3296

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Re: Xgecu T56 or some other programmer
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2024, 05:14:07 pm »
Hi I've just been reading through the posts. I'm looking at replacing the emmc Chip on Sony KD-65X8500E board. It uses a Samsung based emmc chip and is supported by both the T56 and T48. My understanding is that you can flash them with a donor firmware. But  apps like Netflix won't work after that. Does anyone know how to modify the firmware to get it to work?

I'm trying to get a understanding of what is required and where that information is stored on the board to extract? Has anyone delt with a sony Google based tv before and can answer it or point me in the right direction?
« Last Edit: October 05, 2024, 05:18:46 pm by colenz3296 »

Offline radeko

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Re: Xgecu T56 or some other programmer
« Reply #8 on: December 10, 2024, 03:56:08 pm »
Probably keys for NETFLIX are on RPMB partition. You need to copy RPMB partition from OLD EMMC and write it to new EMMC chip.
I have no experience hot to copy RPMB from old to new one. But you need new EMMC chip with RPMB 0 counter. Because when you write to RPMB partion which have RPMB write counter more than 0 you need key., which is generated during first write. And you do not have that key. Solution is to have new emmc chip with 0 RPMB count writes and in first write you program new rpmb keys
You can write rpmb with different programers nad probably also  using linux and "MMC tools".
Easy JTAG and UFPI Programmers have nice feature to read write and FW from EMMC. During FW erase you reset rpmb wite counter to 0 and then you can write rpmb partition to old  emmc chip.
« Last Edit: December 10, 2024, 03:57:40 pm by radeko »

Offline ftg

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Re: Xgecu T56 or some other programmer
« Reply #9 on: December 10, 2024, 04:38:08 pm »
TV's usually have HDCP, Windwine and some DVB related keys the very least.
Those are annoying to deal with even as an authorized repair shop.

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