Electronics > Beginners
DMM Hz wrong? Or equipment under test problem
schmitt trigger:
Very likely a heavily distorted waveform.
The only way to know for sure is to follow Zero999’s suggestion.
If you don’t own a scope, borrow one.
All small generators general very unpure wavevform with a lot of 3, 5 and other higher harmonics.
Out of curiousity I create a 60Hz sine wave with 80% third harmonic distortion using AWG and measured the frequency with the Fluke 87V. I couldn't get the meter to read the harmonic. It still read 60Hz.
The harmonic content of the dirty generator output may include "spikes" at twice the fundamental frequency, which would trick most counters into measuring that second harmonic frequency.
schmitt trigger:
To the TS:
Unless the waveform is actually viewed with a scope, anything that is mentioned here will be speculation.
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