The average EE is probably closely integrated with embedded systems. Knowing at least one platform and how it works from top to bottom, even if it's Arduino (because once you know it, the Arduino layer doesn't matter, it's just an ATMEGA or STM32 or whatever with code on it), can do real work. Many projects have wireless involved, WiFi, Bluetooth, etc., IoT generally.
If you're not working with or supporting an MCU or other computer system, then it's probably power electronics -- power always and ever will need to be transformed, switched, controlled, alternated. Or even if so -- many such controllers benefit from an MCU, even just a simple one to make the logic programmable, as opposed to rev-ing the circuit to rewire some gates. Or even just save the cost of more than a couple gate ICs.
There are the odd jobs dealing with analog applications, whether it's as simple as an amplifier, a proprietary sensor, or as complicated as RF something or other; but these are pretty minor cases for a beginner.
Analog I wouldn't say is more difficult than software, I would say software is geometrically exponentially combinatorially more complex, but it is a different box of tools and thought processes. In particular the reciprocity of node voltages and current flows makes for more considerations (think if a software function's output depended on what function's receiving it), plus managing the nonlinearity and potential chaotic dynamics of real devices (most commonly, transistors' exponential transfer function, and their nonlinear capacitance, as well as some inductor and capacitor types with significant nonlinearity).
RF in particular, if you want to get into it, may be worth continuing education to refresh or pick up the theory to work with it, and to get some practice on current tools -- field and circuit simulators, and network solvers, are quite important on the design side, as are VNAs and test jigs in the lab.