Ah yeah, they have that diagram already, nice.
Huh. They show zener from internal gate to VS, which means it can never saturate. I think they mean an anti-series diode there, so they're only showing the maximum voltages, not the minimums. At least with respect to that node.
Hm, matter of fact, they don't show nearly enough combinations of voltage ratings to describe that diagram. So I guess they mean that figure to describe that.
Oh, and Fig.11.
Oh they show the D-G diode on Fig.17, but not 31, weird.
Anyway what you added to the drawing, if R_DI is big enough to respect DO and DI current limits, and R_SENSE for IS limits, then a zener/TVS in that location (VS to GND) will limit device reversal safely. Mind it needs a series diode so it doesn't short out the supply when positive..