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I've been building a bandpass filter for my amateur radio, is there a way I can check the roll off, with a frequency counter and oscilloscope, I want to use it for 5MHz band weve been allowed to use with permission, from Ofcom & MOD, and I want to make sure anything pass the upper frequency is stopped dead in it's tracks. And really not sure how to do this.

What you want to do is measure the ratio between the input and output voltage at each frequency(step). The scope can measure the input & output voltage, but you need something to generate the input signal with.  If you dont have a signal generator a dds synthesizer might be an option. AD9850 boards are quite cheap on ebay and good for 20MHz or so.

The filter works both ways, so you can use your receiver to check the attenuation. If your S-meter is reasonable correct you can even see how many dB's it is attenuating on the frequencies of interest.


--- Quote from: fbs on March 30, 2013, 03:37:17 pm ---What you want to do is measure the ratio between the input and output voltage at each frequency(step). The scope can measure the input & output voltage, but you need something to generate the input signal with.  If you dont have a signal generator a dds synthesizer might be an option. AD9850 boards are quite cheap on ebay and good for 20MHz or so.

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Hi Yes I do have a signal generator which goes up to 10mhz,so I'll use that.


--- Quote from: PA0PBZ on March 30, 2013, 03:41:53 pm ---The filter works both ways, so you can use your receiver to check the attenuation. If your S-meter is reasonable correct you can even see how many dB's it is attenuating on the frequencies of interest.

--- End quote ---
Yes it is correct , never thought of that staring right at me, thank you, isn't it funny you look for a technical way , when the most simply and effective way is right there. :phew: Thank you fellow radio amateur :-+


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