Electronics > Beginners

Fluke 179 meter

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Hi I'm thinking of getting a fluke 179 as a all-round electronics meter is it a good meter to start me off with
I don't mind spending the cash on a good one to start with if it will last a year or two tips and advice most
Welcome thanks lots  :)

Every time , that I took the decision of buying an meter ,  I took it because I wanted something that was missing from my toolbox .

Examples :
An small portable
An True RMS
An all around portable ( capacitors - transistors tester - thermometer  )   
An heavy duty analog  (  measures lots of Amperes - RF does not kills it - the needle can not be fooled )
An bench type DMM  (  always ready for action - stable behavior - safe to use )
Or many bench type DMM  ( multiple measurements - live comparisons -  instant decisions of what behaves properly from the tested circuitry )

Thats my tips.   

Industrial Electrician here.

I use a Fluke 179 at work everyday.  Its a great meter (I trust my life to it) but it isn't the best choice for electronics.  The reason being that it only goes down to mA.

If you can't afford the 87v I'd look at Dave's $100 shootout and pick one that you like.

Hope this helps.  If you have any more question about the 179 feel free to ask.

Thanks lots I will give the 87v a look over as I don't mind spending the money on it if it will do the job right

Just put my order in for a fluke 87v kit ;D


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