Electronics > Beginners

Fluke 87V vs earlier models and GSM


I am placing this in the "beginner" section because of my ignorance, but this relates to the discussion about the 87V and the GSM problem.

I know there is a significant difference between the 87-III and 87-V. (lets' leave the 87-IV out of this, as it is really a 187 and a different type of meter)  Lacking any knowledge to explain any better, the 87-V "boots up" so to speak with the "F87" screen, while the earlier models just turn on.

The older, square "70 series" (I call these "70 type") and the tapered 70 series (I call these "70 tapered type")  are the older architecture (is that the correct term?)

The newer 170, 87-V and others are the newer architecture.

I wonder if the older 87s are less affected by the GMS signal?  I wonder if the 170 series is affected just as the 87-V. 

the problem seems to be that out of some sort of stroke of ill luck which went un thwart by flukes testing and meant that, that particulat layout of PCB and components placement has made it vulnerable. I think it's a case of where they put one chip that made a difference if i remember what Dave said, but then it's up to Fluke to sort it out

I can only say in public, that the technology that is in use at the 8(X)-V & Ex series 2008 , its not found in newer models .
Even the 28II , that is an 2009 design , does not gets effected. (different CPU revision )

The more complex models , uses totally different hardware.    

I believe (but can't verify) that earlier Fluke 80 meters used a different processor (custom ASIC?), and that Fluke may have done a design "reboot" to switch to the MSP430 processor, along with their other meters.
The problem only effects the 87-V because there is a unique quirk in that model that makes it susceptible.



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